You are all Alliance spies from the Mortex Sector HQ. Your commanding officer, Major Lawra Mers, volunteered you for this mission. You've infiltrated an Imperial Intelligence Technical Services Branch outpost located in deep swamps on the Lotide System. Alliance intel determined that information on an Imperial replishment fleet was being routed here, and that's what they sent you to get. While here, they would also like intel on what the Imperials are researching in this place.
You each possess forged identitags, describing you as a group of scientists newly transferred to this base. You each also have regulation laboratory coats and pocket computers. No one is carrying weapons of any kind; they were left back at HQ. Jer Koroban was given possession of QT-7.
You entered the planet openly, on a substandard tramp freighter. Once on Lotide, you were able to arrange transport from the spaceport to this outpost. The outpost is a massive, dismal structure in the midst of an equally dismal swamp hundreds of kilometers from the city. After presenting your credentials and undergoing a thorough security scan, you were escorted upstairs to Benkins office, with strict instructions not to touch anything. Then, the equally dismal security officer left you alone.
Your Cover:
You are scientists transferred from Dakot Seven, a small academically oriented system on the opposite side of Modex Sector. Each of you have been thoroughly briefed on Dakot Seven and their tech post.
How You Get Back to HQ:
At the end of each work day, all of the scientists return to the nearest city via repulsorlift transport. You've got the name and com frequency of a Rebel sympathizer who will get you back to the spaceport and off-planet. You've also got a back-up contact, just in case.