Souls of Lost Aridia Group A (Inactive)

Game Master Shanosuke

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HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Ya, I was just musing to myself that all this would have taken 3 minutes around a table. :P

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Or 30' players take time to plan :)

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Anyway! Raine trots in with the skulls. (Hopefully) Intimidates the doggie doodle out of the lesser minions and provokes the leader to come on down. The rest of us then ambush the living life clean out of him and scedaddle before we are turned into tomato paste by the minions.
That's the plan, yes? No?

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

That could sum it up, but Yaline's got asked a question, awaiting the response. :)

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I will get to answering Mia's in game post when I have another minute but I wanted to pose a question first. What do you all think of the Site

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Heroku | No such app

There is no app configured at that hostname.
Perhaps the app owner has renamed it, or you mistyped the URL.

is what shows up with any browser for me.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Same here, but I've heard of people using the site. I have no personal experience with it.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

It's a virtual tabletop website where you can get together with people over great distance and have an actual game session like if you were hanging at someone's house.

I've been in a few games on it and I love the experience. Once I end all my games here, that is where I will be running and playing from now on.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Are you talking about I use Roll20 to handle my own games. I quite like the map interface.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Yes he'll probably mean that.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

I used to play on something similar (don't remember the name) it's good when you have people in the same area, less so when you are too far apart, playing in the middle of the night isn't good when you have roomates :)

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Hmm, different timezones can be a tad tricky then.
Europe and USA, depending parts of both even would put an unbalanced pace.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

You can use Roll20 without needing to be online at the same time. The map stays there between logins, you can move your tokens when you have the chance, come back hours later, etc... Basically, rather like how message board play works in terms of 'time zones', but with the benefit of visuals, and control over your "mini".

Both Martian Level 20 invader


Attention: I have decided to not start anymore PBP campaigns, nor will I be recruiting for existing games anymore.

I will continue to run the existing games as long as the existing players continue. If a game is reduced to two players, I will end it.

The reason for this is, I have grown tired of PBPs as a whole. Nothing against players in my games at all. Just structure and difficulty of running these is more than I thought it would be. The games don't go far, people quit too often and the pace is slow and often times, hard to keep up with. I will be moving my business to the website to run actual sessions with weekly or bi weekly structures where everyone plays together.

Again, I will continue to run the games I have as long as people want it. But I will not be replacing players who decide to leave. Thank you all and have a good day.

If you have interest in playing on the virtual table top provided by Roll20, send me a PM.

Thank you all

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Just a heads up. We are losing a player. Raine has to leave for personal reasons.

This puts our game into an interesting predicament. As I had stated in the post above, I won't be recruiting a replacement. So we will continue with the three of you.

That said, we have lost one of our main combatants. This raises the challenge quite a bit as it appears combat isn't this party's strong suit anymore. You will have to rely on new tactics and play this in a very unconventional way.

I just need to know, are you all prepared for that?

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Hmm. That will take some thought, indeed. I'm willing to try, but I'm one of those people who will stick around no matter what. :P

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

I'd like to give it a go.
It was a fun start, it'd be too bad to strand so early due to circumstances.

Though i wonder how far we'll get :)
Shanosuke.....could you give us a freebee and have some mummy or zombie be in the tower? :)
It'd make up for losing a combatant.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

I will be staying through the rest of this combat, though-- didn't want to leave you guys mid-fight.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Like the others, I'd like to try :)

Thanks Raine.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

SHanosuke, what tool do you use for the maps?

Both Martian Level 20 invader

I really hate to do this to you guys, but I really need to end this game. I have taken on a lot of personal projects and am REALLY losing interest in PBP games.

This is no fault of your own, running this game and a couple of others was my attempt to try and reignite the fire but the flame is simply gone.

I hope you all find games to play in that actually take you somewhere and I do apologize for wasting your time. I wish you all well.

I will put this game to inactive now.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Too bad, but things happen.
It was fun while it lasted, i might recycle her into pfs.
Gl guys, maybe we will meet elsewhere.

Gl with the other projects Shano.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Too bad, it was fun and interesting.

Good luck to you all.

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