Eiron Walhhun |

Just dotting as the alias, i still need to do quite a lot, but have powers, stats and a few things worked out. But...
Skills wrong, Magic items wrong, Add to background, Shaman Power not added, 1 feat to choose, Feral might power needs entering, Senses & Initiative needed, Rituals needed
Which i will do when i get home,hopefully.

Eiron Walhhun |

"I am ready." a resounding voice echoes around the halls. "Will my name be in the Book of Heroes, or merely a blot."
I have put everything i can think of and the break down of abilities. Unsurprisingly i spent up so he is quite poor, though i did take a few mundane kit {my 1st Ed. sensibilities shining through :) }. The Shaman multi-class ability states that you get 'Call Spirit Companion' with is of course a power but i am unsure if you also get the 'flavour' if so i would choose a Healing Spirit.
For armour i took 'Earthhide' masterwork armour +3 as a level 10. Is this correct, it being just +3 Hide Armour; with a Earthhide property.

Fabes DM |

Also, you can't choose Supernal as a language to begin with. If you wanted to have a fey connection, Elven is a good choice, or Primordial for elemental beings.
Axe Expertise now also allows you to reroll 1 damage dice that comes up as a 1, but you must use the second result.
Hide Armor Expertise has now been errated to grant a flat +2 bonus to AC, rather than Con bonus.
The Spirit Talker feat now reads as follows: Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You gain training in Nature.
You gain the shaman’s call spirit companion power, but you use it as a standard action.
Choose a Companion Spirit option. You gain the at-will shaman power associated with that option, such as spirit’s shield or spirit’s fang, as an encounter power.
You gain speak with spirits as a daily power.
In addition, you can wield shaman implements.

DSXMachina |

I swapped out the language to Giant, a nice standard mountain language. Elemental would have been interesting but i see the spirits he speaks to as being ancestorial or from nature.
I was thinking of Weapon Expertise (axe) to give me the plus to hit, rather than Axe Weapon Expertise. But if Weapon Expertise only applies to swords/halberds then i might change to Deadly Rage. Especially since the last time i got a 'Lucky' advantage re-roll in a game i rolled snake-eyes :)
Axe Expertise now also allows you to reroll 1 damage dice that comes up as a 1, but you must use the second result.
Hide Armor Expertise has now been errated to grant a flat +2 bonus to AC, rather than Con bonus.
The Spirit Talker feat now reads as follows: Prerequisite: Wis 13
Benefit: You gain training in Nature.
You gain the shaman’s call spirit companion power, but you use it as a standard action.
Choose a Companion Spirit option. You gain the at-will shaman power associated with that option, such as spirit’s shield or spirit’s fang, as an encounter power.
You gain speak with spirits as a daily power.
In addition, you can wield shaman implements.
For spirit companion, i went with 'Spirits Prey' the eagle shaman power analogous to Spirits Fang for the Stalker spirit. To give a Odin/ Nordic feel.

Fabes DM |

Axe Expertise supersedes the general Expertise feat. You don't have to reroll. You always have the choice not to reroll.
Axe Expertise
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls you make with an axe. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
Also, when rolling damage for a weapon attack you make with an axe, you can reroll one damage die that results in a 1, but you must use the second result.

Fabes DM |

DSXMachina |

Hello, i am starting up a Dresden File game. If anyones interested and doesn't have too much on their plates, most of the players are new to the system. Hopefully thus is not too presumptuous as i have not even gamed with you yet.
[So Ragadolf if you want to reprise your PC from the other game, (if you have time, no pressure) & Valegrim(Axe from that game) is in.]

Ragadolf |

Very cool, thanks for the invite DSXM.
If the 'wiz' spot is taken, I'd love to retry Danny from my last DF game. I think I was getting the hang of him finally there towards the end. (And the system too!) ;P Just let me know when/what thread! :)
Myself, I'm getting ready to get a ton and a half of rain dumped on me by this hurricane wannabe in the gulf. So If I vanish this weekend, besides the usual reasons, (Labor Day grillin, eatin' and drinkin'!) You now know why. :)

DSXMachina |

Great, i really liked Danny too. & would be glad to have you aboard. This is the thread. Don't worry it will be a while until we actually start playing, especially since most of the players are new to the system. And with you i think the game is full :)

Grafire Serpenthelm |

With a barbarian maybe I should take a burst heal utility versus a shift... Or do you think you would be fine Eiron?? Right now I have the equvalent of 3 healing grants per encounter I was going to go with a shift power to speed up flanking. But there is one power the is a burst 5 heal surge. Hmmm what to do???

Hadarai the Third |

I didn't know there was a discussion page, lol.
(joined the group late)
I'm still leaning towards bardic-multiclass feat, that gives me 3 daily heals - not great, but it's something (it also gives me athletics, which I felt I was missing).
As for power, I think I had picked a healing utility power -- I'll have to check when I get home from work. I was also thinking of retraining one of my At-Wills. I haven't really used it yet, and I saw that there are a few Paly At-Wills that grant me Temp HP. Always a good boost.
DSXMachina, good meet you. I played a Barbarian in a different group and loved their damage output and mobility. It's a fun class!
(I just finished book 4 of the Dressden Files. I read the Codex of Alera Saga first and loved the Jim's work, so I gave DF a try. I had heard of the series, but this was the first I had picked it up... very cool series so far, I hear there's tons of books but I'm looking forward to it.)

Ragadolf |

I read (devoured, actually) The Dresden Files first, and loved it. I was so enthralled by his first-person narrative that I was leery of his other work. I needn't have feared. His work on the Alera series is also top-notch. Very fun read, with a completely (at least to me) system of magic for the fantasy setting. I recommend it.

Hadarai the Third |

That's one of the things I really liked about Butcher's work. His magic is detailed and very in-depth, has consistent "rules", and still remains creative and cool. In both series.
He's good at action, suspense, humor,...
And I also like how much thought he puts into his inhumans. The Canim were very well done (especially Tavi's social interactions).
Yeah, at this point I'm sold on the author and would probably read just about anything JB puts out :)

Ragadolf |

Yes, MOST of them were collected into 'Side Jobs' (Which I grabbed as soon as possible!) :)
However, it is not ALL of them. But it is most of them. From what I have researched, there are several more still out there as stories in anthologies.
Also I recommend the Graphic Novel 'Welcome to the Jungle' It is a prequel to the first book of the series. When he was first getting started, and had only the magic equipment from the first book. If that much. Pretty good pictures if not exactly how I envision it when I'm reading the book, it still is a good look for the stories.

Fabes DM |

Hi gang, I am getting better slowly, thanks to drugs and altering my work situation. Briefly, I've been diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, which leads to me getting anxious in something of a feedback loop (1 doctor said I had Depression, the other pooh-poohed that - I think I have both illnesses).
Anyway! In terms of the game, please could you all update to Level 10, and prepare a wish list for me of items up to Level 17. It doesn't have to be lengthy (unlike certain other players on this board who shall remain nameless...) ;)
Cheers, folks. Please could you pop your list in a post on this thread. Also, Rosey, I believe you volunteered to do a loot list from the Tomb; please could you pop that as post here too? Ask me if you need help.

Ragadolf |

Wow. Sorry Fabes, I hope your feeling better soon.
Depression, anxiety, Careful, your starting to sound like ME! ;P
So far though (crosses fingers) it's nothing that rousing PbP or playing Heroscape/marvel with my 8yr old can't solve!
It's amazing how therapeutic pounding the snot out of Dr Doom can be!
(Don't give me that look, My son WANTED to play the bad guys!) :)
Seriously Fabes, hang in there. I'll send prayers your direction. :)

Eiron Walhhun |

Hope your feeling better.
As far as a Loot List
Components & Money for more Rituals
An Axe with a property that increases crit range (i believe there is one?).
Hide Armour with either Trollskin property (15) or Death-Cut (15) or Blood-Vine (15) properties.
Err, i am not sure about any other items. Upgrades are nice. Sorry i cannot be more prescriptive, just looking at Eirons slots most are already covered (except rings).

Mandrake the Mad |

Hey guys, I'm having a bit of 'builder's block' ;P
(Keep in mind that my PC 4E generator is the last one that was downloadable before they went to online-only last year, and I cannot afford to renew my subscription. So it's basically a year out of date.) ;P
Let's see, I've made Manny a storm wiz, an ice mage, there's not many summon spells on my generator to make him a summoner. (Although the idea of manny talking to an invisible friend, and then calling him/it up to fight is attractive!) ;) Other than the obvious fire spells, there's not many more 'types' of mage to make?
Just trying to keep Manny interesting. And keep you all guessing about him! :)

Hadarai the Third |

Here's a list of every level 10 spell for wizards on the online DnD source. Since it's a utility power, most of them are movement or defensive powers... There are two interesting Wall spells that help block off the battlefield, but the only summoning spell on the list is Summon Hammerfist Crusher which summons a creature that can break objects for you... If any of the names strike your fancy, I can give you the details.
Witch's Reversal (Dragon Magazine 382)
Phoenix Step (Dragon Magazine 388)
Feywild Spell Surge (Multiple Sources)
Energy Devourer (Heroes of the Fallen Lands)
Repelling Shield (PH Heroes: Series 1)
Summon Hammerfist Crusher (Arcane Power)
True Seeing (Arcane Power)
Mass Resistance (Multiple Sources)
Words of Deceit (Dragon Magazine 381)
Familiar Shape (Dragon Magazine 382)
Umbral Leap (Heroes of Shadow)
Resistance (Player's Handbook)
Arcane Gate (Multiple Sources)
Blur (Multiple Sources)
Mirror Image (Multiple Sources)
Illusory Wall (Arcane Power)
Circle of Protection (Dragon Magazine 382)
Wall of Gloom (Heroes of Shadow)
*most of these do something similar to what they sound like...

Grafire Serpenthelm |

Here is a link to a character sheet builder with all of the powers, there are no discritpions though. One of the nice things about this one is that it will auto transfer everytime they update the sheet.
Character Sheet 4E

Rev Rosey |

Akahale's been sent.
The loot list from the last adventure is leaving me a bit flummoxed.
I have 400gp we picked up somewhere and I know we got some rather funky leather armour which we stashes in a backpack.
Apart from that, there was the treasure Aky freaked out over and I don't know how much of it we picked up in the end. Presumably behind Mr Paranoia's back so as not to upset him.
Sorry about this Fabes, I know you're meant to be resting and restoring yourself and we do need you to get well.
Oh - I'm on google+ as well. Amanda Heitler.

Fabes DM |

Ah yes, also gain an extra 50 XP each as Akahale read the Bloody Book, thus achieving his Minor Quest - The Stars Aren't Right
400gp - you found a chest full of coins and gems, but only took some.
Dreamstone Maul - Grafire
Dreamstone Weapon
Level 12 Uncommon
This hammer has a brutal head made of black stone veined with dimly glowing light. As you heft it you hear susurrus that you find disturbing despite being unable to discern any meaning.
Price: 13,000 gp
Weapon: Hammer
Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +3d6 radiant damage
Property: Anyone who touches a dreamstone weapon hears whispers in Deep Speech that portend the coming of great star entities and the end of the world. When a wielder swings a dreamstone weapon, the weapon audibly gives voice to the wielder’s thoughts, which typically means murderous ideas when the wielder is engaged in battle, in the same susurrant voice but in the speaker’s native tongue.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power when you attack with the weapon. Attack Will instead of the defense the attack normally targets.
Dreamstone Amulet - Akahale
Level 12 Uncommon
This amulet consists of a piece of onyxlike stone shot through with dimly glowing veins set in gold and hanging on a gold chain. The stone is carved to look like an eye, and its gold setting is like the lids of that eye. The glowing veins make the inky eye appear bloodshot with light. As you look at it, the golden lids blink, and the eye turns to focus on you.
Price: 13,000 gp
Item Slot: Neck
Enhancement: +3 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Property: While asleep, you don't take the -5 penalty to Perception checks.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Use this power to remove the blinded condition and gain blindsight until the end of your next turn.
Lifedrinker Longsword - Hadarai
Level 10 Uncommon
This weapon transfers an enemy's vitality to you.
Price: 5,000 gp
Weapon: Any melee
Enhancement: +2 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 necrotic damage
Property: Whenever you drop an enemy to 0 hit points with a melee attack made with this weapon, you gain 5 temporary hit points.
Deathcut Armor - unassigned
Level 10 Uncommon
Crafted from the hides of creatures slain by necromantic magic, this armor radiates unease and offers protection against similar magic.
Price: 5,000 gp
Armor: Leather, Hide
Enhancement: +2 AC
Property: Resist 5 necrotic and resist 5 poison.
Power (Daily • Necrotic): Immediate Reaction. You can use this power when an enemy hits you with a melee attack. Deal 1d10 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage to that enemy.

Rev Rosey |

Akahale's wishlist.
For basics, he's pretty happy with his kit and would like upgrades.
There a couple of slightly more fanciful items he'd like as well:
Lens of Discernment
Level 10 Uncommon
This lens reveals useful information regarding a creature you observe.
Price: 5,000 gp
Wondrous Item
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Hold the lens up to a creature that you can see. You gain a +10 power bonus to monster knowledge checks made to identify the creature until the start of your next turn.
Diplomat's Table
Level 12 Uncommon
This majestic darkwood table enhances your position in negotiations.
Price: 13,000 gp
Wondrous Item
Property: You and your allies gain a +3 item bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks during skill challenges while sitting at this table.
Diplomat's Scabbard
Level 12 Uncommon
Sometimes diplomacy requires swordplay.
Price: 13,000 gp
Wondrous Item
Property: While a weapon is sheathed in this item and you are not wielding a weapon or an implement, you gain a +2 item bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Property: This scabbard resizes to fit any light blade or heavy blade. You can draw a weapon from this scabbard as part of the same action used to make an attack with that weapon.
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack and you have not yet made an attack this encounter. Effect: The triggering enemy rerolls the attack roll with a -4 penalty and must use the second result.
Elixir of Accuracy
Level 8 Uncommon
You strike true after quaffing this sour, azure liquid.
Price: 125 gp
Power (Consumable): Minor Action. Use this power after your drink the elixir. Once during this encounter, you can use a free action to gain a power bonus to a single attack roll equal to 5 minus one-half your level.
Special: Consuming this elixir counts as a use of a magic item daily power.
Mask of Fear
Level 9 Uncommon
This mask is little more than a carefully preserved skull, refined with metal joints to allow it to fit over its wearer’s head. Black runes cover its stark, white surface.
Price: 4,200 gp
Item Slot: Head
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Intimidate checks.
Power (Encounter * Fear): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack. Effect: You push the triggering enemy 1 square.
Gloves of Eldritch Admixture
Level 8 Uncommon
You funnel the energy granted by your pact through these gloves, amplifying your power.
Price: 3,400 gp
Item Slot: Hands
Prerequisite: Warlock
Property: When you deal extra damage as a result of your Warlock’s Curse, you can choose that damage to be acid, cold, or fire (or leave it untyped).
Power (Encounter, 5 Charges/Day • Acid, Cold, or Fire): Free Action. The next attack you make this turn deals extra damage depending on how many charges you spend: 1 charge, 1d6 damage; 2 charges, 2d6 damage; 5 charges, 3d6 damage. This extra damage can be acid, cold, or fire damage.
Resolve of the Inner Vault
Level 9 Uncommon
Your loyalty to your comrades is indomitable.
Price: 4,200 gp
Grandmaster Training
Property: You gain a +2 bonus to saves against charm or fear effects.
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are dominated or hit by an attack that would cause you to attack an ally. Effect: Make a saving throw against the effect. On a failure, you don’t expend the use of this power and no daily use of a magic item power occurs.
Lurtaan's Cord
Level 10 Uncommon
Fashioned of braided mithral and gold, this belt grants protection against supernaturally charged attacks.
Price: 5,000 gp
Item Slot: Waist
Power (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are hit by an attack that deals typed nonweapon damage. Effect: You gain resist 5 against typed nonweapon damage until the end of your next turn.
Quite how he imagines he'll be able to take a table with him is something only Akahale can imagine. Of immediate practical value, the gloves and the cord are top of the list, along with the grandmaster training.

Hadarai the Third |

I ended up picking up the Feat: Bardic Dilettante = Bard MultiClass: training in Athletics + Majestic Word (healing) 1/day.
... So, it gives us another good daily heal.
My utility power is a daily stance that grants healing to 1 target everytime we bloody or drop a nonminion.
... So, it gives us a minor daily healing power for when we are fighting multiple nonminions.
I am also looking to power swap one of my at wills to maybe give me more temp hp in combat... I haven't been using my second at will at all in several fights, so I figure I may as well swap it.
Also one of the items on my list is a bardic instrument (Sitar of Restfulness) that will help temporary hp.
Hadarai is updated on his sheet - though, I do have an odd point with Character Builder. CB says I should have a 26 AC, and I think I have a 25... I can't figure out where the extra +1 is coming from (not that I really mind, but I'd love to know whether it's a glitch or real). Any ideas?
I've got +2 chain, a large shield... that's +8 for the armor, +2 for the shield, with +5 for being lvl10, where's the other +1????
item wish list coming up...

Hadarai the Third |

Most of the things on my list are just upgrades to +3 or +4 items.
Any +3 or +4 Plate: (preferably +4, lol)
+3 (Gith Plate), +4 (Warplate) with: Deathsteel, Bloodiron, Restitance (any type),
Any +3 or +4 Longsword.
Properties I like: any elemental (Lightning, Flaming, Dazzing), Eldritch Knight, Jagged, Retribution
or an upgrade to my Lifedrinking Longsword (upgrade to +3/+4)
Holy Symbol
Any +3 or +4 Holy Symbol.
Ones I like: Champion's Code, Shielding, Good Fortune, Dedication, Fire and Fury, Warpriest, Battle
+3 or +4 Amulet: ...of Life, ...of Vigor, ...of Displacement, even something racial like cloak of Elvenkind
Any ring, Any helm, Any Boots.
Bracers Iron Armbands of Power
Gloves Gauntlets of Blood or Forgemasters Gloves
Wonderous Items
- Stone of Light
Wonderous Items that fit with Hadarai's new bard aspect:
- Sitar of Restfulness