Grafire Serpenthelm |

"Ahh, fresh air... Akahale, your peepers look like they could use some fresh cucumbers on them and maybe a mud pack."
I found myself asking the same question for my feat. Let me review my set up and get back with a short list. We could have really used more shifting as well especialy between Hadarai and Graf. as well as push to get the baddies off of the squishies.. :D

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"I find the mud pack quite enjoyable and refreshing for my scales, as well as more civilized than a roll in a mud bog." Grafire proclaims. "Although a roll around would do, I can hardly await my return to civilization." Grafire puases for a moment and finds himself thinking about the relaxing times in the hot mud springs back at the lair of Serpenthelm.

Fabes DM |

The group head back to the pilgrims and are greeted joyfully by Sister Naenia, "You have the horn and the sword?" she asks excitedly.
The Sybil also stirs, the old women following behind her at a shuffle, "And more besides," the albino girl adds meaningfully, looking at the prisoners.
Think Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.

Akahale Gilbrid |

"Mr Valanara holds the relics you charged us to find. These are two of the perpetrators. Mr Chauncy is merely a follower, however I believe you will find the this tiefling, Mr Volkanth, is the originator of a plot to undermine the fabric of reality."
Akahale kneels formally in front of Sister Neania.
"I have reason to be most grateful for the blessing of your mistress. She enabled us to overcome the power of abomination and I thank you for your aid."

Fabes DM |

Sister Naenia smiles and extends a hand to Akahale, "It is we who are grateful. No doubt the goddess found you worthy servants. Continue to carry out the edicts of fate against those who would pervert the natural order."
You all gain the following Divine Boon: The Raven Queen's Shroud
Level 13 Uncommon
The Raven Queen cloaks her champions in a shroud of darkness, a halo of divine magic that aids them in enforcing the dictates of fate.
Price: 17,000 gp
Divine Boon
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. That target gains the mark of the Raven Queen until the end of the encounter. On your turn, you can reroll the result of one damage die against that target. This reroll does not alter the damage for other targets hit by an area or close attack.
Power (Daily * Teleportation): Minor Action. You teleport adjacent to the target that bears the mark of the Raven Queen. You gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.
"You will kneel also," the Sibyl says simply to Volkanth and the seer.
"You heard the girl," Otto says and shoves them to the ground.

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale bows his head.
"This is an inestimable boon. Trust that it will be used well in the fight to quell horror in this world."
More confidentially, he goes on. "I most sincerely hope that the wrapping of Sir Malagant's honoured relics in my pyjamas will not be considered disrespectful. They were, however, the only appropriate covering on hand. Mr Volkanth does not rate cleanliness among the virtues. Merely destruction."
Awesome boon. Thank you!

Grafire Serpenthelm |

Grafire slowly and with great purpose places his left knee on the ground, drives the top of axe into the dirt and with the hilt up, he rests is right hand on the pommel cap. He then slowly bows his head with the up most respect. Diplomacy check 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
"I must, with profound gratitude, thank you for your blessing as the Raven Queen spared my life. If it were not for that I may have failed in my duties of protecting my good friends."
Grafire then slowly stands, picks up his axe, places it upon his broad shoulders and turns to the the Tiefling.
"As for these two, information is, and often times, more valuable than the conquering of life and I will take great pleasure in drawing it out of them." With his left hand he slowly rubs his jaw.
He then turns back to the Sybil, "They are yours if you wish. I will assist in the drawing out of information for any questions you may have, but there is no honor in killing needlessly. They will return to the authorities who will determine the proper punishment for them. Considering the amount of lives taken by their hand I would suspect a quick end to their existance. What is your wish?"

Fabes DM |

The strange girl smiles sweetly.
"That seems like an awful lot of bother," she replies.
She places each of her small palms on the foreheads of Volkanth and his foulspawn confederate. They move to flinch away but seem held in place. Smoke starts to appear on their foreheads, as they begin to scream in pain.
And seemingly as soon as it began, it is over. The two slump over dead. The ravenhead symbol of the goddess of death has been seared into their foreheads.

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale is rendered momentarily speechless.
"That is certainly one way of dealing with the difficulty."
He looks the Sybil firmly in the eye, unused to dealing with children of any age, but determined, nonetheless, to say his piece.
"You will forgive my saying so, and you are most welcome to obliterate me, but I must also tell you that efficient as your methods are, and however much deserved in this case by the recipients, that this was not appropriate behaviour. Despicable as their acts may have been, the process of law exists for just such cases. To take such actions into your own hands unauthorised is to invite chaos. I regret saying this, but I cannot approve."

Hadarai the Third |

Hadarai rests a hand on Akahale's shoulder, and inches himself between Akahale and Sybil.
"She is an agent of the Unnamed Death God, it is not our place to judge how the gods dispense justice. If the Raven Queen did not wish an end to Volkanth, then the Raven Queen would not have given her servant power. That is good enough for me."
Hadarai nods with respect to Sybil. "Thank you for the boon and blessings. May the Raven guide your path."
What are the specs on the sword?

Fabes DM |

The sword is a +2 lifedrinker longsword.
Lifedrinker Weapon
Level 10 Uncommon
This weapon transfers an enemy's vitality to you.
Price: 5,000 gp
Weapon: Any melee
Enhancement: +2 attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 necrotic damage
Property: Whenever you drop an enemy to 0 hit points with a melee attack made with this weapon, you gain 5 temporary hit points.

Fabes DM |

"It does not do to peek behind the curtain too much," the girl says innocently to Akahale, but in a way that to him seems far too knowing.
Sister Naenia takes a breath, "Yes, well..." she adds, "Whither do you go now, my friends?"
Otto replies, "We were going to take these two to Wellspring, but... yeah... anyway. That's where we were headed too. The temple of Ioun might have some more information on these freaks."

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale nods and accepts Hadarai's wisdom.
"This is your domain, Mr Valanara. I admit, I am unversed in the ways of The Raven Queen, greatly as I respect her and am grateful for her boon. I shall strive to discover more. Perhaps you will instruct me?"
He turns to Sister Naenia.
"Do you require our assistance in the completion of your journey?"
Akahale has no intention of admitting it, but the prospect of returning to the Face in the Hill is not one he relishs.
But will go along with if anyone wants to explore.

Grafire Serpenthelm |

"Ahh egg brother there is always the chance of doom when ever there could be great pay off." Grafire puts his arm around Akahale, "On the upside we have cleared out the most vile part.." Grafire looks down the smoldering head of Volkanath. "I am certain he will not return and neither will his companions." Grafire then grips his egg brother shoulder so hard it could crush and looks off into the distance of no ware... "Now the exciting part is who knows what other evil may lay in wait, kinda gives one those, um hey Manny what do they call those bumps? Something like chicken skin bumps or something, you know makes the scales on the back of the neck stick up. So what do you say??"
Grafire looks around at his battered compadres and pauses, "Looks like we need to get back in shape first."
I need to update my profile but I am down to go back and finish exploring... Sounds like Fabes may yet have more doom and glory waiting for us there... :D

Akahale Gilbrid |

Akahale winces slightly under the impact of Grafire's bone crushing grip, but nods at the sentiments.
I have 21,518XP as our total, but Graf may well be right.

Hadarai the Third |

I'm good with going either direction. The tomb didn't seem to have much else in it (there were a couple of unexplored doors and areas). Wellspring sounds like a place for new adventures :) plus we have a new party memeber joining soon...
But, I'm game for anything. So, I say we go where ever it is easiest to add DSXM into the group.
PS. Thanks for the link to the discussion thread -- I didn't realize we had one, lol.

Grafire Serpenthelm |

Usually Fabes has a discusion page for each of his adventures. He is an excellent DM I think, hard enough to barely make it through which really exposes the characters. Excellent so Wellsprings it is then. Muhaha... :D
Grafire looks to his friends and his eyes sparkle at the idea of new adventures away from the mind tormenting tomb of the sleeper. He lets go of Akahale.
"Shall we venture on to Wellsprings friends?"

Mandrake the Mad |

Manny sniffles, rubs his nose on his frost covered sleeve.
"Sound' guud tuu me. Ah'm gettin a co'd. AH-CHOO! Lousy cold. Whoever t'ought that COLD would make guud magic anywaeee?" He grumbles, bundling himself up for the trip.
And now to make my way to the PC creator, and for the latest incarnation of Manny! Bwahahah!

Hadarai the Third |

Wellspring it is. I'll have to put the game on hiatus, due to health issues, but I am keen to continue. I'll put a post in this thread and the dicussion thread to alert you to the new game's start.
Hope you feel better!
It will give us all a chance to update our characters and be ready to roll when you're good to go :)Take care, we'll see you when the "new season" of Sleeper starts up!