About Grafire SerpenthelmSize: Medium
Background: Grafire retired early from a honored military service as a Captian of Arms to join a group of adventurers. Seeking to expand his worldly knowledge and hone his fighting skills in the unknown wilds, he later finds him self struggeling to keep his group alive and well as they battle the spawn of a Demon in the recesses of a cave... In the end Grafire gave his life to save his friends and in return they have breathed new life into him and have renewed his vigor. So now once again they travel on. Grafire is determined not to let it happen again...if he can help it. Level: 10- 21,693 xp Strength - ___20 - +5 / (+9)
Initiative: 7 AC: 24___Fortitude:22___Reflex:19___Will:20 Total Hit Points: 31/69___Bloodied - 38
Action Points: 2/2 Speed: 6 -1 [Armor Penalty] = 5 Attack Profile
Basic Melee - Battle Axe of Terror +2 - Attack + 13 - Damage - 1d10 +5 - Crit + 2d8 If enemy can be flanked I'll use Wolf Pack Tactics to shift an ally into flanked position. If enemy remains flanked after this attack I will use Viper's Strike to keep the position or it will provide an attack of opportunity by shifting out of position. If enemy can not be flanked at close range I will use Viper's strike. If enemy shifts away from me it will provide an attack of opportunity to an ally of my choice [ally adjacent to enemy]. Languages: Common, Draconic Senses:
Dreamstone Maul +3:
Dreamstone Weapon Level 12 Uncommon This hammer has a brutal head made of black stone veined with dimly glowing light. As you heft it you hear susurrus that you find disturbing despite being unable to discern any meaning. Price: 13,000 gp Weapon: Hammer Enhancement: +3 attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +3d6 radiant damage Property: Anyone who touches a dreamstone weapon hears whispers in Deep Speech that portend the coming of great star entities and the end of the world. When a wielder swings a dreamstone weapon, the weapon audibly gives voice to the wielder’s thoughts, which typically means murderous ideas when the wielder is engaged in battle, in the same susurrant voice but in the speaker’s native tongue. Power (Daily): Free Action. Use this power when you attack with the weapon. Attack Will instead of the defense the attack normally targets. Armor:
Racial Features:
Dragonborn Fury: +1 to attack when bloodied Draconic Heritage:Add Con Mod [+1] to healing surge Dragon Breath:[/i]Acid Breath Close burst 3- Encounter power +9 Str Modifier to hit / 1D6 +1 Constitution Modifier damage verses Reflex. Class / Path Feats:
This Warlord has chosen Inspiring Presence. Combat Leader:You and allies within 10 get +2 Initiative. Inspiring Word:[i]USED 0/2 Close Burst 5. 2x / Encounter - Minor - Target spends surge + 2d6 HP after 6th level. Feats:
Defensive Mobility: +2 AC against opportunity attacks. Dragonborn Frenzy: +2 damage when bloodied. Inspired Recovery: When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra standard action, that ally can make a saving throw as a free action, adding your Charisma modifier to the roll. Toughness: +5 HP per tier. Armor Proficient Scale: Traits: Skill Name___Bonus__Key_____Ability__Train___Misc.
Acrobatics:____4_____Dex_______4____ _____
________________________________________________________________ At Will Powers:
1 Wolf Pack Tactics: Standard Action Melee weapon -Target: One creature -Special: Before you attack, you let one ally adjacent to either you or the target shift 1 square as a free action. -Attack: +13 vs. AC -Hit: Battle Axe [1d10] + 5 Strength modifier damage. 1 Viper's Strike:Standard Action Melee weapon
____________________________________________________ Encounter Powers: Spoiler:
Racial Power Dragon Breath: Acid Breath - Encounter power w/ Enlarged Dragon Breath to 5 squares. +9 Str Modifier to hit / 1D6 +1 Constitution Modifier damage verses Reflex. Class PowerUSED 0 of 2
1 Guarding Attack:Standard Action Melee weapon
3 Warlord's Strike: -Standard Action Melee weapon
7 Lion's Roar: USED
_________________________________________________ Daily Powers: Spoiler:
1 Lead the Attack: -Target: One creature -Attack: +13 vs. AC -Hit: Battle Axe [3d10] + 5 Strength modifier damage. Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a power bonus to attack rolls against the target equal to 1 + 2 Intelligence modifier. Total bonus to attack +3 -Miss: Until the end of the encounter, you and each ally within 5 squares of you gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against the target. 5 Villain's Nightmare:
9 Knock Them Down: -USED
____________________________________________________ Utility Powers: Spoiler:
2 Shake It Off: Encounter Power, Minor Action Ranged 10 -Target: You or one ally -Effect: The target makes a saving throw with a power bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.[+3] 6 Stand Tough: Daily - Minor Action - USED
____________________________________________ Divine Boon:
Divine Boon: The Raven Queen's Shroud Level 13 Uncommon The Raven Queen cloaks her champions in a shroud of darkness, a halo of divine magic that aids them in enforcing the dictates of fate. Price: 17,000 gp Divine Boon Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within 10 squares of you. That target gains the mark of the Raven Queen until the end of the encounter. On your turn, you can reroll the result of one damage die against that target. This reroll does not alter the damage for other targets hit by an area or close attack. Power (Daily * Teleportation): Minor Action. You teleport adjacent to the target that bears the mark of the Raven Queen. You gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls and a +2 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of your next turn. Items:
Maul - Military two-handed melee weapon
Platinum -
Future advancement list
Lvl 15 Lifedrinker Axe +3 att - drop an enemy to 0hp gain 10hp temp. Lvl 12 +3 / 17 +4 Att/Dmg +1d6 crit per + - Dly/Immediate U.E.of turn - Any character healed by my power gains a +2d6 HP lvl 17 Dwarven Armour +4 Ac Daily \- Regain Hp = to a surge Lvl 15 potion of vitality - spend a surge gain 25hp and make a save throw against an effect a save can end. Lvl 14 Amulet of False Life +3 [Fort, Reflex, Will]- Daily/Minor - When bloodied gain temp hp = to a surge Lvl 15 Ring Freedom of Movement - D/M - U.E.of Enctr - +5 tochecks Escape,grab,immob,rest, or slowed. If at least 1 milestone was achieved that Day move freely accross dificult terrain. Lvl 15 Belt of Giant Str - +2 Athl, and strngth checks not attks - Dly/Free - +10 damage melee |