GM Besmara |

Hey GM Besmara, what's your take on familiar archetypes? For example say that Adira's monkey familiar being 'sent' to her by Besmara has the Emissary familiar archetype. I think that fits with her backstory rather well.
EDIT: Also, what would be your interpretation of witch patron familiars. Since Adira has the Water patron, and if I were to select the water patron familiar, would that make her monkey familiar be amphibious? (An interesting take on a monkey.. heh)
All witch's familiars are sent by some patron, although typically these are unknown forces. Where her familiar came from is something you'd have to clear with me first.
Your patron has no physical effect on the familiar, so no, you do not get an amphibious monkey. There's really nothing to interpret there, there's nothing in all of the rule books to suggest there would be any effect on a familiar based on patron.

GM Besmara |

GM Besmara |

And that is that! Submissions are now closed!
Thank you to all the applicants, even those who didn't quite get the chance to finish up their apps! You've all been a pleasure to chat with throughout recruitment.
Here is the final list of applicants who will be considered for a spot in this AP!
Completed Apps
= Skill Monkeys =============
Rrruh (TheNine) Ninja; male catfolk
Andulian (The Archlich/adsapiens) Unchained Rogue[pirate]; male half-elf
Kib-Bloom (Hokina) Unchained Rogue; male kobold
Rax ‘Deep Six’ Longtusk (WhtKnt) Unchained Rogue[pirate]; male half-orc
Belinda Heathertoe (Iff) Rogue[pirate/scout]; female halfling
Ionacu Valarie (Jing the Bandit) Slayer[stygian]; male human
= Bards ===================
Cordelia De Fiore (Nidoran Duran) Bard[sea singer]; female human
Harmony Leading (Samy) Bard[negotiator]; female human
= Religious Types =
Jack the Chosen of Besmara (Webb) Cleric[of Besmara]; male aasimar
Zhong Kuan (Bob Evil) Warpriest; male tengu
Cueta Guiding Star (Fighting Chicken Inquisitor; female human
Denrale Oberon (fraker) Inquisitor; male half-elf
= Druids and Rangers =========
Ajani Ihejirika (Phillip0614) Druid; male vanara
Lord Vorstock (The_Mad_Monarch) Druid; male human
Lillian Mistborn (Seth86) Druid[sky druid]; female sylph
Gall the Half Giant (LAB Rat) Ranger; male half-giant
= Swashbucklers ============
Arim Zeather (CampinCarl9127) Swashbuckler[inspired blade]; male Halfling
Ilyan Andross Argyris (Lyesmith) Swashbuckler; male human
Artevious De Poisson (Stalwart) Swashbuckler; male human
Morgan Wills (dathom) Swashbuckler; male human
= Big Stupid Fighters =========
Grik’nak (PirateDevon) Barbarian[feral gnasher]; male goblin
Prince Neru (DekoTheBarbarian) Monk[martial artist]; male human
Culder ‘The Captain’ Hargraves (nate lange) Fighter[eldritch guardian/mutation warrior]; male human
Reinald Malcoms (Gnomezrule) Fighter; male human
Lhinneth Silvertide (Limnen_euron) Barbarian[sea reaver]; female half-elf
Vincent Tarridor ( Otm-Shank) Brawler[exemplar]; male human
Looper (Billybrainpan Barbarian[pitborn]; male tiefling
= Arcane Types =============
Adira Callinova (Warhawk7) Witch/Swashbuckler; female human
Esmarelda Valarie (Timeskeeper) Magus[hexcrafter]; female human
Warren Redmount (Chainmail) Sorcerer[tattooed]; male human
If you do not see your name on this list, it means your application was not completed to my standards, or you didn't inform me of your updates and that kept you off the list. If I missed you by some other accident (because I'm only human and I do that), just inform me and reference the post in which you noted the updated changes.
Now comes the hard part for me. I will be going through this list and picking out what I feel will be the best people for this AP. I'll be basing selections off of yours posts here, your crunch, your backstory, and your previous posting history. I'm going to get as much done as fast as I can (I've even recruited some help with this) and I hope to have my selections done by tomorrow night at the latest.
If you missed it before, I'm giving the warning that your stats will change! I realized far too late what a mistake I made with how I was rolling out stats. I think I've got it figured how I'll be balancing, but I'm not 100% sure yet. I'll be talking with the final selected party to ensure a reasonable method is used that closes the massive power gaps and lowers the average point buy without jeopardizing character concepts. (I messed up how I was supposed to do what I was trying to do when it came to stats. Oops. >.>;; This is why I can't have nice things. FORGIVE ME!)

Lhinneth Silvertide |

That awkward moment when the more awesome submissions you see, the more you want to get into a game, while at the same time the less likely it becomes.
Good luck guys. Whatever the outcome, it's going to be worth it!
EDIT: well I guess this settles the question of whether I'll change her name or not. D'OH

Ajani Ihejirika |

Does it always make one so, nervous? I mean it's like getting an essay back! You know your format is right, and everything is in place. Now you just hope the professor, in this case GM Besmara, likes your topic and argument the most.
In my experience it's pretty much always this nerve-wracking. As you said, you know that everything's kosher from your end and at this point you're basically hoping that your crunch/fluff (Cruff? Frunch?) were enough to strike a chord with the GM hosting the game.

Esmarelda Valarie |

Esmarelda Valarie wrote:Does it always make one so, nervous? I mean it's like getting an essay back! You know your format is right, and everything is in place. Now you just hope the professor, in this case GM Besmara, likes your topic and argument the most.In my experience it's pretty much always this nerve-wracking. As you said, you know that everything's kosher from your end and at this point you're basically hoping that your crunch/fluff (Cruff? Frunch?) were enough to strike a chord with the GM hosting the game.
This is my first time trying an AP online. I've played pathfinder for almost three years, but I've never done so online. It's really exciting! ^^

![]() |

Ajani Ihejirika wrote:This is my first time trying an AP online. I've played pathfinder for almost three years, but I've never done so online. It's really exciting! ^^Esmarelda Valarie wrote:Does it always make one so, nervous? I mean it's like getting an essay back! You know your format is right, and everything is in place. Now you just hope the professor, in this case GM Besmara, likes your topic and argument the most.In my experience it's pretty much always this nerve-wracking. As you said, you know that everything's kosher from your end and at this point you're basically hoping that your crunch/fluff (Cruff? Frunch?) were enough to strike a chord with the GM hosting the game.
I've just recently started doing PbP on here, all my Pathfinder experience previously has been live. So far I've been able to get on with a human wizard and a goblin alchemist. Hope I can get on with this one.

Ajani Ihejirika |

This is my first time trying an AP online. I've played pathfinder for almost three years, but I've never done so online. It's really exciting! ^^
Then I'm definitely rooting for you! Whether I get in or not, I'm in your corner. There's certainly a different feel on the message board than around the table, but I don't have a group that I'm able to get together with that often, so this is just about the only avenue I have. You wouldn't know it from the full shelf of Pathfinder material I have, though!
Honestly, I think there are a lot of ways that PbP is better than face-to-face gaming. I think it's easier to really sink your teeth into a character, to allow yourself to slide into their shoes, in this format than it is in real life.
Good luck to you!

Lhinneth Silvertide |

The competition part is always stressing, particularly the knowledge that even though you've poured a lot of effort detailing a well-fleshed out character, you might still not make the cut as long as there are at least four other people whose applications were just as spotless but whom the GM liked more (or you might just have picked the slot where the competition was fiercest).
This is actually a deeply-felt problem on this section of the boards, exacerbated by the low GM:Player ratio. There's currently an effort to ameliorate it through this thread.
Esmarelda Valarie wrote:
This is my first time trying an AP online. I've played pathfinder for almost three years, but I've never done so online. It's really exciting! ^^Then I'm definitely rooting for you! Whether I get in or not, I'm in your corner. There's certainly a different feel on the message board than around the table, but I don't have a group that I'm able to get together with that often, so this is just about the only avenue I have. You wouldn't know it from the full shelf of Pathfinder material I have, though!
Good luck to you!
Ditto (rooting included!). The good part of PbPs is surely the leisurely pace, allowing your inner writer to emerge and engage in what I've consistently found to be very high-quality role-playing. Among the cons, I'd certainly put the astoundingly high number of campaigns which suddenly fizzle out with no particular reason (other than people abruptly losing interest/disappearing).

Esmarelda Valarie |

Esmarelda Valarie wrote:
This is my first time trying an AP online. I've played pathfinder for almost three years, but I've never done so online. It's really exciting! ^^Then I'm definitely rooting for you! Whether I get in or not, I'm in your corner. There's certainly a different feel on the message board than around the table, but I don't have a group that I'm able to get together with that often, so this is just about the only avenue I have. You wouldn't know it from the full shelf of Pathfinder material I have, though!
Good luck to you!
It is good to know that the forums here are far nicer then other places. After the last forum I was on, not on this website of course, had an, unfortunate problem... I had been kinda scared when it comes to forums. But no more! So thank you so much! And good luck to you as well! ^_^

Esmarelda Valarie |

Ditto (rooting included!). The good part of PbPs is surely the leisurely pace, allowing your inner writer to emerge and engage in what I've consistently found to be very high-quality role-playing. Among the cons, I'd certainly put the astoundingly high number of campaigns which suddenly fizzle out with no particular reason (other than people abruptly losing interest/disappearing).
See that is what I want! To allow the writer I used to be back out! Thank you very much for rooting! ^_^ I will gladly take the pros with the cons if it means I get to go through a whole AP with awesome people like you! I wish you luck as well!

Ajani Ihejirika |

It is good to know that the forums here are far nicer then other places. After the last forum I was on, not on this website of course, had an, unfortunate problem... I had been kinda scared when it comes to forums. But no more! So thank you so much! And good luck to you as well! ^_^
I'm very sorry to hear that you had a bad experience somewhere else. Paizo was the first place I ever played online and honestly I don't know that I'll ever want to go anywhere else. I can't recall a single time when I had any issues with another player or a GM. I hope that you this S&S game is just the first of many for you! And you're welcome, of course, but there ain't really nothin' to thank me for. We gamers gotta stick together!

GM Besmara |

It is time!
Alright, so I combed over apps last night (and a bit more this morning) and I've got my player list. Since I already know you aren't even reading this bit first, let me list the players now.
Gall the Half Giant (LAB Rat) Ranger; male half-giant
Artevious De Poisson (Stalwart) Swashbuckler; male human
Harmony Leading (Samy) Bard[negotiator]; female human
Cueta Guiding Star (Fighting Chicken) Inquisitor; female human
Esmarelda Valarie (Timeskeeper) Magus[hexcrafter]; female human
The group has been upped to five players, just because I wanted to include as many people as I could. It was hard to narrow things down, and even harder to make the final selections. I really wish I had it in me to open another table, but with the school year fast approaching I have to consider my university workload on top of everything else I'll be doing.
I sincerely want to thank everyone who applied. You've all been so polite, so patient, and so encouraging. If this is how things keep up, you can bet I'll be GMing a PBP here again (for which I invite you all to apply for). I'll be keeping my master list of applicants, including the partially finished apps, and if we lose a crew member somewhere along the way through this campaign, I'll be personally contacting applicants from this recruitment to offer them first dibs on open character slots before opening it up to the general public.
Lastly, if anyone would like any feedback on their applications, I'd be happy to provide some! Keep in mind that there will be criticism of the constructive variety involved if you opt for this, and it's not intended to come off as mean. There will also be compliments. Marry Poppins that feed back with a spoon full of sugar to make it go down easier and all. Just send me a PM and I'll take a moment as I can to give you the feedback. Just don't expect it five minutes later! Give me a couple days to get back to you before you start poking at me :P
And to my players, I'll have the discussion and gameplay thread open here momentarily for your dotting pleasure!

Esmarelda Valarie |

Esmarelda Valarie wrote:It is good to know that the forums here are far nicer then other places. After the last forum I was on, not on this website of course, had an, unfortunate problem... I had been kinda scared when it comes to forums. But no more! So thank you so much! And good luck to you as well! ^_^I'm very sorry to hear that you had a bad experience somewhere else. Paizo was the first place I ever played online and honestly I don't know that I'll ever want to go anywhere else. I can't recall a single time when I had any issues with another player or a GM. I hope that you this S&S game is just the first of many for you! And you're welcome, of course, but there ain't really nothin' to thank me for. We gamers gotta stick together!
They weren't APs just normal role-playing back before I even began playing pathfinder. So bringing the two together would be awesomeness!^^ And yes, we gotta stick together! After all, birds of a feather no?

Ajani Ihejirika |

And many congratulations to you, Esmarelda! To quote Senator Palpatine, I will be watching your career with great interest! Though I mean that in a completely non-Sith Lord way, of course.
Also, GM Besmara, I'd certainly love some feedback as well, if you'll send me some when you have a moment. Thanks!

Reinald Malcoms |

I would love to hear more about Reinald if you are offering @GM Besmara.
Congrats to those who made it. To those that didn't there's always ships in need of crew. I hear there is a ship right now in Port Peril who is so desperate they are slipping folks a mickey and press ganging them . . . but who knows could just be rumors.

Lhinneth Silvertide |

Lhinneth Silvertide wrote:Thank you, I am sorry you did not get in though. I hope the other you try for will bear fruit. May the winds be ever at your back!See? Our rooting has bidden well! Congrats and good game!
(@GM Besmara: count me in for some feedback – I'd love to hear from you!)
There will always be slots open somewhere on these boards... This campaign, however... I feel it has potential. I'll be lurking around, and hope to cross paths with some of you sooner or later! Hurry up, nice people. The ship's sailing as we speak!
Oh right... You're all drugged and in the process of being press-ganged.