About RrruhRruh
Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes:
This long cloth is wrapped around the chest multiple times like a bandage.
Once per round, the wearer may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that round). The wearer may use this item an additional time per round when his BAB reaches +6, +11, and +16. Choosing to enhance an unarmed strike is not an action and may occur when it is not the wearer’s turn (such as when making an attack of opportunity). The wearer must decide to use the item before the attack roll is made, but does not have to expend all uses at the same time. For example, if the wearer can use the item twice per round, he can use it once on his turn when making an attack and save the second for the possibility of making an attack of opportunity. Additionally, the bodywrap can grant melee weapon special abilities to a creature’s unarmed attacks, so long as those special abilities to be added apply to unarmed attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. Any special abilities are set at the time of creation. A bodywrap of mighty strikes cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +7. Unlike an amulet of mighty fists, a bodywrap needs to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability. Wealth 397 gold 3 silver 6 copper ============================= OTHER INFORMATION ============================= Carrying 43 lb Carrying Capacity 76lb/153lb/230lb Favored Class Bonuses 1st —hp Ability Score Increases 4th — BACKGROUND:
Rrruh was always a child of wanderlust and curiousity, no amount of his parents admonishing kept him paying attention to anything for long...That was of course until his great uncle Uncluwe finally came home to retire. The young catfolk was utterly enamored with his great uncle whom had so many stories to tell of his travels, From time spent on great ships at sea pirating to exploring forgotten ancient tombs in the deserts to the south.
His uncle promised to teach him everything he knew...if he did better in his studies. Despite not being a great student he worked hard to meet his great uncles expectations and with his approval he became his apprentice in more than just story telling,philosophical debates and tea drinking... he learned how to fight like him as well.On reaching adulthood there was nothing more he wanted to do than go explore the world and return... but his father took ill and he spent several years at home helping the family and taking care of his father. After a few years, his younger sister took over those duties and with his fathers blessing he left home to see the world, with the promise to come back in five years. Appearance:
Rrruh is a tall slim feline. (6'0" 145ish pounds) though he does tend to slouch a bit. His matte black fur is soft enough, and his tail seems to at times have a mind of its own. Demeanor:
Rrruh is most of the time, that nice quiet friendly fellow who enjoys a good joke, or even a quiet night under the stars... on the rare occasion however when he feels entirely comfortible with a person, When he has gotten into the drinkible spirits, or if a pretty female has caught his eye, He gets very talkitive... almost to the point you can't shut him up. build:
Intended Level scheme: lvl 1 -monk, lvl 2 - monk, lvl 3 - monk lvl 4 - sorcerer(stat bump WIS), lvl 5 - monk, lvl 6 - sorceror, lvl 7 - sorcerer, lvl 8 - monk (stat bump CHR) lvl 9 - sorceror lvl 10 - monk lvl 11+ ? |