Raven, Crafter of Shadow |

Friendly Informational Post
I'll be attending Gencon next week from the 14th to the 18th. During this time I'll pretty much be not checking the forums with any sort of regularity. I apologize in advance for this! Please feel free to bot me as necessary during that time to allow the game to continue.

DM Bound Shade |

It's taken me some time just to work up to this. It's funny how I find it harder to do on the internet rather than face to face.
After speaking with my therapist recently, I've come to the conclusion that I need to cut down on the things that I'm beholden to. I need to end this game, sadly. I'm more than willing to help anyone who wishes to take over, if anyone can be found.
I've had a great time roleplaying with you all. If anyone has time on tuesday evenings and would like to play in the roll20 game I'm still running, let me know.
I wish you all the best and I'm deeply sorry about this.

Nadja Cazynsik |

I'm very sorry to hear this DM Bound Shade, but I suspected it was comming based on your posts in Lucent's Reign of Winter. I wish you the best of luck in your recovery. Please do me a favor however and in a day or two mark the campaign as inactive so it is removed from our campaign tab.

Raven, Crafter of Shadow |

I too hope everything works out for you DM Bound Shade! Thank you for taking the time to run this, and thank you for letting us know what's going on. Best wishes in all that you do, and please let us know how things work out!!

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I'm very sorry to see this one go, Shade, but I totally understand the decision behind it. I wish you the best in your therapy - depression's a very pernicious beast, and you need to focus on yourself first. I wish you the best in your recovery, and hope to meet you in another game some day in the future, either here on the boards or maybe even in meatspace.