Ross's SD PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Ross Byers

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Liberty's Edge

Female Elf

Yoo Hoo, Mel :) What's up with this?

Invisible Castle Rolls

Specifically rolls: 1762461, 1762460, and 1762458

We are not fudging rolls are we? The Paladin in me cannot allow it.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I'm curious about this myself.

I'm waiting on V/Kayos before updating the combat map.

I'd also like to hear what Mel/Wellard has to say about the Invisible castle rolls.

Good use of Detect Evil, Nelrem, but I remind you that common thugs are not likely to show up on it.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf

I'm blind, and not sure who to punch :) rather than take a life, it felt like the thing to do until I can see.

Granted, it probably wont ping off them, but I'm not about to draw steel blindly in a crowd.

Male Elf Level 1 Wizard
Ross wrote:
I'm waiting on V/Kayos before updating the combat map.

We need a time limit so that things stay moving (they are already slow). How long before you DMPC someone Ross?

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf
Melissa Evendale wrote:
Ross please make all rolls for this character in future as it appears that my integrity is being questioned.

Don't feel slighted Mel, It'll build character to know I'll never question your rolls again now that you opted the DM to roll for you.

Would you like it if I make the same proclamation? (if Ross doesn't mind that is.) We'll be like the honest twins or something :) my paladin leading by example. /puff chest.

Though I take it you have no real explanation as to why you rolled a 5 then posted the follow up 18 instead and didn't correct the mistake?

Dark Archive

Nelrem wrote:
We'll be like the honest twins or something :)

I hope you are not suggesting that those of us still making our own rolls are anything less than honest. I suggest you leave it and move on since Mel has already rectified the situation to what is apparently everyones satisfaction.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Re: Dice rolls - If a player states an action that would require a roll, and don't give a roll. I generally roll for them. Similarly, unless everyone needs to rolls a save, I'll proably do it for you, for the sake of expediency.
When a player does provide a roll, I'm usually willing to take it on the honor system. I intend to continue this policy. However, I am curious as to what happened there. On the other hand, it will also be fine if no one mentions it ever again.

Re: DMPC - If V doesn't post by tomorrow morning, I'll update anyway. I would have done this already except I've been too busy to update more than twice a week or so anyway.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf
Dark Arioch wrote:
Nelrem wrote:
We'll be like the honest twins or something :)
I hope you are not suggesting that those of us still making our own rolls are anything less than honest. I suggest you leave it and move on since Mel has already rectified the situation to what is apparently everyones satisfaction.

I said nothing of the sort. I was trying not to alienate her/him.

Dark Archive

Nelrem Ojen wrote:
Dark Arioch wrote:
Nelrem wrote:
We'll be like the honest twins or something :)
I hope you are not suggesting that those of us still making our own rolls are anything less than honest. I suggest you leave it and move on since Mel has already rectified the situation to what is apparently everyones satisfaction.
I said nothing of the sort. I was trying not to alienate her/him.

Good good. Just making sure as I like to know where I stand. I could care less whether I make my own rolls or not (actually if it speeds things up I like the DM making them for me). As, all rolls should be logged and labeled in IC there really shouldn't be many questions. So a recommendation would be for people to label what the roll is for as they make them. Easier reference and fewer questions.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf

I agree 100%. Which is why I questioned the fact those 3 rolls became the better of 2 rolls. Could be a mistake, but it may not as well.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Norn will be DMPCed in the morning if there isn't a post.

Also, feel free to post out of order in the initiative.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I'm giving V until tomorrow to post, since that's my next opportunity to play with the battlemat anyway.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Alright. It's time to face the elephant in the room. This game needs help, fast, or it's going to wither away. The root of the trouble is that I cannot update as often as I would like. About twice a week, and not always on the same days. This is compounded, however, by the fact that I'm not getting many replies, leading me to wait 'one more day' before posting.

As a result, instead of getting through a round of combat a week (If everyone posted their intended action.), we're getting through one or two turns per week, because we're waiting on someone.

The way I see it, we have a few options:
1) Jettison players that are not posting and move on.
2) See if the alternate list is still checking and just swap them out.
3) Call the death of the game.
4) Something else that hasn't occured to me.


Dark Archive

I tend to think that your overall low posting rate (sometimes going a week or more between posts has led to the loss of interest by some of the players) is the root cause. I know I myself (who am on these boards all the time) could care less at this point. I am saddened by this turn of events because I more than anyone was very gung-ho to play this game and I liked the characters that developed. I'll wait and see what developes but I have to say that my hopes are not real high. I am in another game with Vengeance and she has been posting there so I can only assume she has already thrown in the towel here.

Female (posing as male) Human Swashbuckler Rogue 2 (favoured class)/Urban Ranger 2

Agreed...if the DM can't be bothered to post daily then why should the players bother either. Oh well looks like Mel will have to find another game.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Well, it would seem that three of five players have written off the game. Unless I get a sudden objection I'll have to call the time of death.

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf
Ross Byers wrote:
Well, it would seem that three of five players have written off the game. Unless I get a sudden objection I'll have to call the time of death.

Up to you Ross, If your not having fun, call it.

I had no issue with post times.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I think I'm just going to call it, then. It's not that I'm not having fun, but more that I feel getting the game back on track would be an uphill battle that's not really worth it for a game so young.

I'm sorry, everyone.

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