Ross's SD PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Ross Byers

I will be running a Second Darkness campaign here on the Paizo boards. I would like a party of 4-5 members, depending on composition. In order to be fair to those who work or live in odd timezones, I am going to have open enrollment this week. I am on travel from the 10th to the 16th. When I return, I will choose 4 or 5 players from the list of everyone who has applied via dice roll.
Since I expect the Beta to be available by the time I return from travel, this game will be run using Beta rules.

Pathfinder subscribers and readers are still welcome. If you trust yourself to keep player and character knowledge separate, I'm happy to have you.

Pathfinder Alpha/Beta and Pathfinder Products Only.

Character creation rules:

Stats are 20 Point buy, using the Pathfinder creation rules.

Everyone takes two traits as detailed in the Second Darkness Player's Guide.

Human characters may gain additional languages based on nationality.

Add Varisian to the Halfling's and Gnome's list of racial bonus languages.

Add Shoanti to the Dwarf's list of racial bonus languages.

Add Varisian to the Elf's list of racial bonus languages.

Add Thassilonian to the Wizard's list of class bonus languages.

Starting Gold is as follows:
Barbarian, Bard: 160 gp
Cleric, Rogue: 200 gp
Druid: 80 gp
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: 240 gp
Monk: 20 gp
Sorcerer, Wizard: 120 gp
Note: If the Beta using a different standard for starting gold, we will use that amount instead.

As per the Alpha, a wizard's starting spellbook is free.

The following variant rules will be used:

From Unearthed Arcana:
Armor as DR

Reserve HP

Death and Dying

Weapon Groups - However, Exotic Weapon proficiency must be taken for each group individually.
Elves get Heavy Blades with str 11 or higher. They get Light Blades with str 10 or lower. (All Elves still get Bows, as normal.)
Dwarves get Exotic Weapon Group Proficiency(Axes). Gnomes get Exotic Weapon Group Proficiency(Picks and Hammers). They must still meet any other prerequisites to gain the benefits of these feats. For instance, a Dwarf must also have Weapon Group (Axes) and str 13+ to use a Dwarven Waraxe one handed. He must have Weapon Group (Axes) and Weapon Group (Spears) to use an Urgosh.

You cannot take Exotic Weapon Groups with class proficiencies.
If you multiclass, combine the class proficiencies. Numbered groups overlap, but named groups stack. For instance, a multiclass Fighter/Rogue has Basic Weapons plus 4 groups. However, a Cleric/Druid has basic weapons, 2 other groups, and either Druid Weapons or Spears. Whenever a character adds a new class, if they do not gain any weapon proficiencies from the new class, they may exchange one of their generic weapon groups for a new group. This represents a refocus in training for the new class. For instance, a fighter who chose Axes, Heavy Blades, Picks and Hammers, and Bows at first level decides to become a monk. He want to use Monk Weapons with his new skills, so he loses Heavy Blades. Please note that you cannot give up named proficiency groups or weapon groups gained using feats in this manner.

Add the following weapons to the existing groups:
Axes - Throwing Axe
Claw - Klar, Starknife, Ogre Hook
Flails and Chains - Bladed Scarf (Exotic)
Heavy Blades - Sawtooth Sabre (Exotic)
Light Blades - Dogslicer, Throwing Knife*, War Razor
Monk Weapons - Sling
Picks and Hammers - Earthbreaker
Thrown Weapons - Throwing Axe, Throwing Knife*, Light Hammer, Starknife, Shoanti Bola (Exotic)

New Groups:
Varisian - Starknife, War Razor, Bladed Scarf(Exotic)
Shoanti - Earthbreaker, Klar, Warhammer, Shoanti Bola (Exotic)
Shields - Shield Bash, Shield Spikes, Klar

Daggers no longer have a range increment. However Throwing Knives exist:
Throwing Knife - 1d4 Slashing (melee) or piercing (thrown) (x2) - 1 lb. - 2 gp. - 15 ft.

Other house rules:

Vorpal does not exist.

I will be ignoring Massive Damage.

If you multiclass, use the full fraction, rounded down, for your base attack bonus. Similarly, use your total levels in good and bad saves to determine saves. Example is here.

Cleric spontaneous domains - Clerics do not automatically gain the ability to spontaneous cast cure or inflict spells. Instead, they may cast spells from either of their domains spontaneously. (The Healing and Destruction domains allow emulation of the old ability). Consult the SRD for the old domain lists.

I would like to use my rules for Zelazny Spellcasting. However, since that is a major change to the structure of the game, use of this rule will be decided by vote by the players who are accepted into the game.

Please use Paizo's stat block format for character sheets. A blank sheet, with formatting tags, can be found here. I would appreciate 'shown work'.

I will be tracking encumbrance, so please list the weight of each item in your inventory.

I will using MapTool to generate tactical maps.