Ross's SD PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Ross Byers

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Sovereign Court

OH yes

Mel stands ready to play her part in the Old Mans revenge on the Vancaskerkins.

Wandslinger wrote:
Looks like my schedule won't be open for this one, Ross. Don't include me on your list. I'll try and jump on Rimrock's game, but no guarantees.

so if I read your alternates list correctly Ross..Kayos is the first replacement right?

Dark Archive

Woo hoo Ill have my charecter up later today (need to go to work right now.)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Wellard wrote:

so if I read your alternates list correctly Ross..Kayos is the first replacement right?

Correct. Kayos, you're up already!

The Exchange

Ross Byers wrote:
Correct. Kayos, you're up already!

Wowsers! Yay :) I shall get to work finishing my character today then :D

This is my WiP character, she should hopefully be done soonish


Sovereign Court

Interesting vibe there Kayos...I wonder how our girls will get on :)

The Exchange

I'm having fun creating V, I'm onto the background right now and having a lot of fun working through ideas - I like characters who have been involved with the church of Calistria!

I get the feeling our girls will possibly hit it off quite quickly or but heads quite often. Or both!

My charecter (pretty much just based her off the iconic Lini) Hope no one minds. have her fully done in a few hours.

Kevin Mack

The Exchange

Hehe, lucky Araevin, or perhaps unlucky depending on how you look at it, so far he's surrounded by women!

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Kayos wrote:
Hehe, lucky Araevin, or perhaps unlucky depending on how you look at it, so far he's surrounded by women!

He's in trouble as any of the aforementioned ladies could easily put him in a headlock.

Mel wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole....and will feel much happier with a mainly female party

Melissa wrote:
Mel wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole....

I think these two will get along very well then as he is rather aloof and has more important matters to attend too.

Ammended again when I realised I could have weapon Finesse at first level...whoo hoo

Mel is my attempt at a Gray Mouser type swashbuckling rogue with a touch of the Shakespearean girl dressed as a boy vibe.

All I need now is an axe swinging Shoanti Barbarian Lass to play

Haven't heard from Lord Thasmudyan yet, wonder if we'll be needing another alternate.

Scarab Sages

Araevin Raunaeril wrote:
Haven't heard from Lord Thasmudyan yet, wonder if we'll be needing another alternate.

I'm not surprised, he dropped out of another game run by Kayos, saying he didn't have time to post, only to come here and then actually win a slot...and go awol.

Seems silly to us drooling to get in a game.

Liberty's Edge

I'll keep my eye on this thread then, I think I'm on deck.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Winterwalker wrote:
I'll keep my eye on this thread then, I think I'm on deck.

Yep. If we don't hear from Lord by this time tomorrow, you'll get the spot.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Oh, and I'd like to know how people feel about Zelazny casting.

I am not terribly picky but since I am trying to get a handle on all these new Beta rules and whatnot I will vote against it. The lack of a concentration skill for example and the new beta specialist schools change things. If, however, your heart is set on really wanting to run it that way than so be it (I'm flexible).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

If you're still looking for alternates, I'd like to be on the list should anyone else back out... :)

I have to agree with my esteemed elven colleague...throwing variant rules into the mix when we are all trying to get our heads round the changes to the basics might be a little too much.

Dark Archive

Melissa Evendale wrote:

I have to agree with my esteemed elven colleague...throwing variant rules into the mix when we are all trying to get our heads round the changes to the basics might be a little too much.

thirded by me.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

SageSTL wrote:
If you're still looking for alternates, I'd like to be on the list should anyone else back out... :)

Alright. Consider yourself tacked on the bottom of the alternate list. It's not exactly a short list, though.

Also, that's three votes of five against Zelazny casting. That's a majority, so no weird rules this time around.

The Exchange

Oh, I agree as well. I just wanted the people playing spellcasters tohave their say on it first.

Creating a character with no spells, this is so weird for me! I'm pretty much there I think. I just need to get all this background that is floating in myhead typed up.

Liberty's Edge

So I guess I am in? Good for me the timing works great, another game I was involved in imploded.

Could I get a brief run down on race/classes we have to see what our party will look like?

I'm leaning sorcerer, but if we need a role I'll fill it.

The Exchange

It would appear we have:

Male Elven Wizard
Female Human Rogue
Female Gnome Druid
Female Half-Elf Fighter

Liberty's Edge

I'm going to work on a Male Sorcerer then. That celestial bloodline looks so nice, and I can help out with a heal on everyone once a day.

Winterwalker wrote:
That celestial bloodline looks so nice, and I can help out with a heal on everyone once a day.

Actually, your Heavenly Fire won't help anyone except for the Druid. The rest of us are neutral. We are going to be hurting as far as healing is concerned. I would hazard to guess that what we need most is a cleric of somesort as the druid is the only other potential healer and can't cast healing spontaneously or channel energy. If your heart is set on a sorcerer however, so be it.

My 2 cents.

Liberty's Edge

Your indeed correct. It looks like I'll keep the healer alive then :)

The plan is to m/c Mel as a bard at some point possibly as early as level 2 then perhaps arcane trickster so thats another small amount of potential healing.I'd have m/c'd Cleric but I'm already playing one in another game..and a sorceress/favoured soul(to be) in a third.

Liberty's Edge

The Reserve HP variant will help us tons to begin with for healing, so I bet were all set.

Winterwalker wrote:
The Reserve HP variant will help us tons to begin with for healing, so I bet were all set.

True, true. I keep forgetting about that having never used it before.

Liberty's Edge

Araevin Raunaeril wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
The Reserve HP variant will help us tons to begin with for healing, so I bet were all set.

True, true. I keep forgetting about that having never used it before.

My first time too, for a PBP I think it'll be a great fit. (I love the DR armor variant too, it's coloring my decision to play a Paladin instead of a sorcerer.)

Ya I think I'll go Paladin, I kinda want to front line this char. instead of say in back and toss spells. Looks like we might need another front line sponge anyway.

Liberty's Edge

Driving home, but I'll be finished tonight and post the stats up.

Oh lovely :) more character conflict for Mel...see her notes re paladins.

Heh, A paladin will certainly be a challenge in this law forsaken place but I bet will be a lot of fun because of it. Mel needs some more conflict in her life as she obviously hasn't had enough of it yet ;) What's that you say?! We are all doomed to have a lot more conflict in the near future. Listen, I am here simply to study ancient Thassilonian runes and a bit about dangerous could that be?!

Liberty's Edge

Here's Winterwalkers WIP I'm finishing it up right now.

Liberty's Edge

Besides a few non-combat gear items to pick up I think I'm ready to roll.

Liberty's Edge

Hey Melissa, I just also noticed we both had backgrounds with Sarenrae. How interesting ;) that makes me pretty much start with 3 strikes against your background already. (Man, Law Figure, and a Paladin of Sarenrae.)

Just think of all the upcoming drama we'll have. It will actually be kinda fun I bet. Perhaps I could make you hate me so much it turns 180 degrees. I'll have to make that my personal challenge to try, along side taming an entire city teemed with corruption.

Oh ya, Paladins rock.

In your dreams God boy....first you'll have to realise Mel is a girl....and I'll be taking 20 on my diguise rolls every morning (lol)

and its a missreading to think she dislikes men....she just doesn't like being alone with one.

and if you think this is confusing wait till we get to the inevitable point where she's a girl....pretending to be a boy...pretending to be a girl...giggles

Liberty's Edge

I just laughed I was about to write "oh my intentions would require us to be alone at some point", but ya I'm metgaming as I write this :P

My character wouldn't know how to handle a woman anyway.

Very brief background written for this one, I may come up with more with time.

Sovereign Court

Ross can we move to a formal discussion thread do you think?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Here you go.

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