
The Captivating Caprice!'s page

541 posts. Alias of hallowsinder.

Full Name

Idun Robsdottr


Human (Ulfen)


HP 28/33 | AC +9 | T +4 | F +5 | CMD +10 | F +4 | R +9 | W +5 | Init +4 | Per +8 | Spell Points 1d6/1d6 | Arrows 1d12 | Martial Focus -> Yes









Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About The Captivating Caprice!

Idun Robsdottr does not particularly enjoy being Idun Robsdottr, she much prefers being The Captivating Caprice! She considers her base self just boring and someone no one would bother to remember amidst a world with so many heroes. So she creates elaborate flashy personas with which to forge her legend. The Mysterious Fey Warrior For Justice, Her Preternatural Skill Leaves Foe And Fan Alike Breathless, The Captivating Caprice! She could probably do with a shorter and punchier tagline, but she's working on it.

Idun was Ulfen born and raised in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, a cold and harsh land. She much preferred the warmer sunny coasts of Varisia, which she encountered visiting family at the annual Swallowtail Festival. She grew in love with the warm vibrant colors of the autumn, and eventually resolved to stay. Of course, fate so turned that the year she chose was an event filled one.

During the goblin attacks she kept a close watchful eye to her Ulfen relatives to protect them from harm. But in the aftermath, she feels a bit selfish for only protecting those close to her, and has resolved to cast a wider net to protect the whole of Sandpoint. It's definitely not because nobody noticed her that she decided to be more helpful!

Backstory Odds and Ends (Not Necessary):

The Captivating Caprice wields a transparent shimmering blade, which she claims is composed from the crystallized fears of every foes who will face her in battle, seized from the psychic emanations of the future! Her sword is in fact, an import from Taldor, made of Voidglass, a mysterious and exotic choice that is probably not as useful as any proper steel sword enchanted at a similar cost, but Idun loves the mystique such a rare weapon provides.

Idun rarely actively worships Desna, but Caprice's costume does involve a shimmering pair of butterfly wings. The best way to put it is that she respects Desna and Desna is the god Idun instinctively thinks of when in a bind. She acquired this trait from an aunt up in The Land of the Linnorm Kings who was a priestess of Desna.

Idun learned the trade of a Monster Hunter from her family in the north. The fierce Ulfen have much respect for those who can kill great beasts, as apparent from the mere name of the Land of the Linnorm Kings. She hopes the monsters down here in Varisia will be a little less fierce and frosty than a linnorm though.
Idun grew up in the cold icy north, and thus has honed survival skills for enduring harsh environments. It was still too cold for her tastes, which is part of why she moved south.

Idun has tried to access any potential hidden powers she might have by meditating and thinking really really hard. She has successfully brute forced open something akin to her body's chakras with intellectual focus. This had a strange effect on her body's blood circulation, and her skin has hardened and is resistant to being cut open, but when it is bleeding it is very hard to stop the bleeding.

Statblock Construction, only here so you know where the numbers come from, see Statblock for the nicely formatted final product:

Str 14
Dex 18 - 16 Base + 2 Racial
Con 12
Int 16 - 15 Base + 1 Level
Wis 10
Cha 10

BaB 5 (5 Vigilante)
HD 5d8 (5d8 Vigilante)
Fort: 4 (1 Vigilante +2 Con +1 Resistance)
Ref: 9 (4 Vigilante +4 Dex +1 Resistance)
Will: 5 (4 Vigilante +0 Wis +1 Resistance)
HP: 33 (8 First Level + 4-3-6-2 Other Levels + 5 Favored Class +5 Con)
Favored Class Bonus:+4 HP

Human - +2 to Dex
Bonus Feat - You know it, you love it.
Heart of the Wilderness - +1/2 Level as Racial Bonus to Survival Checks. +5 Racial on Con checks to stabilize when dying, and add 1/2 level to negative HP required to die.

Class- Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering, Local, Nobility), Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device.
5 * (6 Vigilante +3 Int +2 Background) +5 Alchemy Sphere = 60 Ranks to go around, 5 must be in Craft(Alchemy).
Acrobatics 5 ranks +3 trained +4 Dex = +12
Appraise 1 rank +3 trained +3 Int = +7
Bluff 3 rank +3 trained +0 Cha = +8
Climb 1 rank +3 trained +2 Str = +6
Craft (Alchemy) 5 rank +3 trained +3 Int +4 Circumstance = +15
Diplomacy 5 rank +3 trained = +8
Disable Device 5 rank +3 trained +4 Dex = +12
Disguise 1 rank +3 trained +0 Cha = +4
Escape Artist 1 rank +3 trained +4 Dex = +8
Intimidate 1 rank +3 trained +0 Cha = +4
Knowledge (engineering) 2 rank +3 trained +3 Int = +8
Knowledge (local) 2 rank +3 trained +3 Int = +8
Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks +3 Int = +8
Knowledge (nobility) 1 rank +3 trained +3 Int = +7
Linguistics 1 rank +3 Int = +4
Perception 5 rank +3 trained + 0 Wis = +8
Sleight of Hand 5 rank +3 trained +4 Dex = +12 [+2 Competence at Night]
Stealth 5 rank +3 trained +4 Dex = +12 [+2 Competence at Night]
Survival 5 ranks +3 trained +0 Wis +2 Racial = +10 [+4 from Social Grace when in Idun form]
Swim 1 rank +3 trained +2 Str = +6
60 spent (1 in Appraise, 1 in Engineering, 1 in Nobility, 1 in Linguistics, 5 in Sleight of Hand for background picks)

Lvl 1
(normal pick): Traded for Spheres of Might Progression
(Human bonus): Basic Magical Training (Protection Sphere)
(Lethal Grace bonus): Advanced Magic Training
(Magical Tradition): Resistant Veins
Lvl 3
(normal pick): Potent Pigments
Level 4
(Signature Weapon bonus): Weapon Focus (Elven Curve Blade)

Lvl 1
(Social Talent): Social Grace (Ex) +4 circumstance with Survival, Craft (Alchemy) when in Idun form.
Lvl 2
(Vigilante Talent): Lethal Grace (Ex) +1/2 Vigilante Level to Damage when using Weapon Finesse with Strength applying a bonus on damage rolls. +1 Feat due to Weapon Finesse already being around.
Lvl 3
(Social Talent): Owl's Sight (Ex) Gain Low light vision. If already has low light vision +4 competence bonus on perception checks in dim light. +2 Competence on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks at night.
Lvl 4
(Vigilante Talent): Signature Weapon (Ex) Gain Weapon Focus in Elven Curve Blade. At level 8, gain Weapon Specialization with Elven Curve Blade.

Spheres of Might:
In return for Proficient SoM progression and a Martial tradition, loses Feats at levels 1, 5, 9, 13, and 17, Medium Armor Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, and Shield Proficiency other than Buckler.
Martial Focus - May regain with a minute of rest or total defense action, may not regain focus more than once a round. May spend focus as part of a fortitude or reflex save to treat the save as though rolled a 13. Goes away upon sleep/unconsciousness.
Martial Tradition - Elven Duelist, granting Elvish Heritage, Finesse Fighting x2, and Dueling Sphere.
Level 1: Elvish Heritage (Proficiency with Elven Branched Spear, Elven Curveblade, longbow, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, shortbow, two-bladed scimitar, and two-bladed sword), Finesse Fighting 1 (Functions as Weapon Finesse, including for prerequisites), Finesse Fighting 2 (When making attack with Dex for attack but Str for damage, add 1/2 BaB to damage), Duelist Sphere (Whenever you use an attack action, AoO, or disarm, inflict 1+1/4 BaB bleed damage, stacking with other sources of bleed, do not provoke AoO for attempting Combat Maneuvers against bleeding targets)
Level 2: Scar Tissue (DR 2/Bludgeoning, reduce all bleed damage taken by 1, min 0. Increase DR by 2 and bleed by 1 for every 5 BaB)
Level 4: Coming back years later, I think this slot was picking up Alchemy Sphere.

Spheres of Power:
CL 2, MSB 2, MSD 13, Spell Pool 1d6 (3 Int +2 Casting Tradition)
Casting Tradition
Anemic - Cannot be immune to bleed damage. Whenever taking slashing, piercing, or a bleed damage from any source, suffer 1 point of bleed plus an additional point of bleed damage for every 10 MSB, stacking with all other bleeds. Heal DC to stop bleeding on you increases by MSB. Magical healing requires a MSC against your MSB to stop the bleeding.
Emotional Casting - When subject to non harmless emotion effects, unable to use magic.
Mental Focus - Casting requires focus, which is lost if failing a save vs mind-affecting magic, being successfully critted, or under a condition such as nauseated or helpless or failing a forced concentration check. Without focus casting requires a Concentration DC20+1/2 CL check to make magic happen, otherwise time and spell points are lost to no effect. Can be refocused as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Prepared Caster - Must assign spell points to a sphere at the beginning of the day.
Rigorous Concentration - +10 DC on all concentration checks, unless you increase the casting time by one step.
Somatic Casting - Requires 1 hand free, and suffers ASF in medium or heavier armor.
Verbal Casting - Has to be able to speak in a loud clear voice to cast spells.
All this grants +1 Spell point per CL and the Resistant Veins Drawback feat.
Sphere Drawbacks
Altered Time - Lose the Slow ability, in return picked Improved Haste.

6000 gp budget for 4th level character, 4542 spent, 1458 left.
+1 Studded Leather 1175 gp, 20 lbs, Armor Bonus +4, Max Dex Bonus +5, ACP 0 ASFC 15%, Speed full
Masterwork Voidglass Elven Curve Blade, 1380 gp, 7 lbs, 1d10 S, 18-20/x2, +2 CMD vs sunder, may use Weapon Finesse, +1 Damage
Masterwork Composite (+2) Longbow, 600 gp, 3 lbs, 1d8 P, 20/x3, 110 ft range.
Masterwork Buckler 155 gp, 5 lbs, +1 Shield Bonus, ACP 0, ASFC 5%
Arrows, 20, 1 gp, 3 lbs.
Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000 gp, 1 lb, +1 Resistance to saving throws.
Vigilante's Kit, 56 gp, 24 lbs, masterwork backpack (+1 Str for Carrying Capacity), belt pouch, blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Alchemy Crafting Kit, 25 gp, 5 lbs
Contributed 150 to team CLW wand.

+40 from selling longboat.

Idun Robsdottr, or The Captivating Caprice!
Female Vigilante 5
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +7, Low Light Vision
XP: ???
AC +9, touch +4, flat-footed +5. . (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Nat)
hp 33 (5d8+10)
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +5
DR 2/Bludgeoning
Resist Bleed 1
Vulnerability Takes 1 Bleed from any Slashing/Piercing attack, or attack that deals Bleed damage stacking with that other Bleed.
Spd 30 ft.
Masterwork Voidglass Elven Curveblade +11 (5 BaB +4 Dex +1 W.Focus +1 Enhancement) 1d10+8 (1d10 base +3 Str +2 F.Fighting +2 L.Grace +1 Voidglass) 18-20/x2 Slashing
Masterwork Composite Longbow +10 (5 BaB +4 Dex +1 Enhancement) 1d8+2 (1d8 base +2 Str) 20/x3 Piercing 110 ft range

CL 2, MSB 2, MSD 13, Spell Pool 1d6 (3 Int +2 Casting Tradition)
Improved Haste, standard action touch, 1 rd/CL for 1 spell point, target gains +10 Enhancement to all forms of movement, +1 attack rolls and +1 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves. Extra +10 movement per 5 CL and extra +1 attack/dodge per 10 CL. Target may make an extra attack with highest BaB on Full Attack, or +1 AoO +1/5 levels. Cannot use both in one turn.
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD +11
Feats Basic Magic Training, Advanced Magic Training, Potent Pigments, Weapon Focus
Traits Gift for Magic, Monster Hunter
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +7, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Craft(Alchemy) +15, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +12, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Engineering, Nobility) +8, Knowledge (Local, Nature) +7, Linguistics +4, Perception +8, Sleight of Hand +12[+2], Stealth +12[+2], Survival +10[+4], Swim +6
Languages Common, Sylvan, Taldane, Skald, Varisian
Combat Gear Masterwork Voidglass Elven Curve Blade, +1 Studded Leather, Masterwork Composite Longbow, 20 Arrows, Cloak of Resistance +1, 5 Alchemist's Fire
Gear Masterwork Buckler, Vigilante Kit with Masterwork instead of regular Backpack, Alchemist Crafting Kit
Coin: 1298 (Note to self, purchased 5 Holy Waters and 2 Weapon Balms at 10% discount)
Stats +2 Dex
Bonus Feat Chose Basic Magic Training
Heart of the Wilderness +1/2 Level as Racial Bonus to Survival Checks. +5 Racial on Con checks to stabilize when dying, and add 1/2 level to negative HP required to die.

Dual Identity (Ex) Knowledge checks about Idun does not reveal intel about Caprice and vice versa, takes 1 minute to change identities, Scrying only works if they target Idun/Caprice while they're in that specific identity.
Seamless Guise (Ex) When suspected of being someone other than their current guise, you may make a disguise check with a +20 Circumstance bonus to appear as your current guise.
Social Grace (Ex) +4 circumstance with Survival when in Idun form.
Lethal Grace (Ex) +1/2 Vigilante Level to Damage when using Weapon Finesse with Strength applying a bonus on damage rolls. +1 Feat due to Weapon Finesse already being around.
Owl's Sight (Ex) Gain Low light vision. If already has low light vision +4 competence bonus on perception checks in dim light. +2 Competence on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks at night.
Unshakeable (Ex) +Vigilante Level to DC of attempts to intimidate the Vigilante
Signature Weapon (Ex) Gain Weapon Focus in Elven Curve Blade. At level 8, gain Weapon Specialization with Elven Curve Blade.

Gift for Magic +2 CL with Time Sphere
Monster hunter +1 Hit and Damage vs Magical Beasts and Aberrations. Campaign.

Basic Magic Training Gain an ECL of 1, MSB of 1, MSD of 12, and a Spell pool of 1. Gain Access to a basic sphere, Protection.
Advanced Magic Training Treat all non spherecasting levels as Low Casting Classes when determining CL, MSB, and MSD. Gain spell points from Casting Tradition Drawbacks, and increase spell point pool to become equal to casting ability modifier.
Resistant Veins +1 Natural armor, +1 per 5 MSB.
Potent Pigments +5 to effective ranks of Craft Alchemy for Warpaints. Becomes +10 at 10 Craft Alchemy Ranks.
Weapon Focus +1 to hit with Elven Curve Blade.

Spheres of Might:
Martial Focus May regain with a minute of rest or total defense action, may not regain focus more than once a round. May spend focus as part of a fortitude or reflex save to treat the save as though rolled a 13. Goes away upon sleep/unconsciousness.
Alchemy Sphere
-General rules, can have up to 1/2 Alchemy Ranks + Formulae in formulae at a time. They have no value. May craft 2 in 15 minutes with alchemy lab, 30 minutes otherwise. If fails DC of formulae, treat item as created with only 1 rank in Craft(Alchemy).
-Warpaint: DC 15, apply as full round action, only 1 War Paint on someone at a time, lasts 2 hours. DC +5 to add another 2 hours as many times as desired.
-Silver Warpaint: +1 Deflection Bonus to AC, +1 per 5 ranks.
-Yellow Warpaint: +5 Competence Bonus on Perception, +1 per 4 ranks.
Equipment Sphere
- Elvish Heritage: Proficiency with Elven Branched Spear, Elven Curveblade, longbow, longsword, rapier, scimitar, short sword, shortbow, two-bladed scimitar, and two-bladed sword.
- Finesse Fighting x2: Use Dex to attack with Finesseable weapons and counts as Weapon Finesse for interactions with other abilities and prerequisites. When making attack with Dex for attack but Str for damage, add 1/2 BaB to damage.
Duelist Sphere
- Base: Whenever you use an attack action, AoO, or disarm, inflict 1+1/4 BaB bleed damage, stacking with other sources of bleed, do not provoke AoO for attempting Combat Maneuvers against bleeding targets.
- Scar Tissue: DR 2/Bludgeoning, reduce all bleed damage taken by 1, min 0. Increase DR by 2 and bleed by 1 for every 5 BaB.

Spheres of Power:
Int based Casting: CL 2, MSB 2, MSD 13, Spell Pool 1d6 (3 Int +2 Casting Tradition). Spells are above.


Idun has used skilled labor to accumulate 10 Labor with 100 GP.