Cruel Devotee

Paranoid Oldman's page

Organized Play Member. 40 posts (90 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.


I can't find anything other than the one slide on it. Revision history says no changes since April 9th. Assuming we are talking about the same link, at the top of the page that says "northgate, sandpoint"

I'm not finding the link to the new map?

I'll can't interact with the map well from mobile, so I'll be about five hours or so until I will do something.
Also, how much time has elapsed from when we were rp-ing to this end of day festivities? Basically I am wondering if Sorush is drunk, still in a tavern, or both.

I'm guessing that if you finish up the character today or tomorrow, you are probably good.

I also am in favor of background skills. More story is always fun.

DM ShadowBloodmoon wrote:

@Paranoid: I usually run games with a minimum of a +1 average spread for characters and I'm trying to stay away from point buy. I am hoping with the 18 you have in there, it will round out where you are going with the Mesmerist idea and we can play up the other 'disabilities' as you will. I believe there are some traits and feats that allow you to sub-in your Cha for other rolls if I am not mistaken. Just can't think of the name of them right off the top of my head. With you having mostly average stats though, it will help me figure out (scale) whether or not 3d6 is actually a viable alternative to the usual d20 rules. That and this is an experiment for all of us. Has to be a baseline somewhere :-)

Awesome :D

Limited options are part of the fun. It's looking like a Half-orc CG mesmerist, built around the overlooked mastermind alternate racial trait. The stats are going to force me to dip classes pretty often (mostly skill based) to pull off what I have in mind, but I think its all going to work out fine. Oracle for ac, and then a couple in alchemist for more party buffs, and some summoner for an additional on-call skill monkey to fill any gaps in the party seems like a pretty good build.

Also, after dropping the lowest my stats are a net of +2. I'm looking at 12, 9, 10, 10, 8, 16. Obviously this is pretty terrible luck. So there are some options here based on what you, as GM, want to allow. In the best outcome for me, I reroll and hopefully get something better. In the next best scenario, I could get a limited point buy (10-15) or a heroic npc array to have some decently rounded stats. Or I could just take my rolls as they are right now. Whatever you decide is reasonable, I can find a way to make it work. My main concern with the current stats is surviveability -especially with bellcurve rules- considering that my initiative, perception, AC, HP, and fort save are all going to be pretty bad.

Starting Wealth: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2) = 9
By ten is 90. Gear up time.

4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 5) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 5) = 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 5) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 3) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 2) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 5) = 18
Are you ok with me playing a mesmerist?

I don't care who you have to 'convince' at WoTC, just give me illithids dammit.

So I am almost done with this build, but life stuff came up and I am not going to be able to devote the kind of time that this is going to need. Oldman is out :(

Also a nature mystery oracle would work.

The Wyrm Ouroboros said wrote:
The real problem will come with you selling me (or, rather, your character selling the king) on a smuggling operation.

Challenge accepted.

I will be drawing up a pack mule fighter, with a ranger cohort. My idea is that they move valuable goods (salt) and contraband with a heavier focus on security than speed. My one big question before I start drawing these guys up is this: for my fighter, I really like the idea of a middle-aged or old dwarf, with a penchant for taking troublemakers from small towns under his wing in his convoy, providing discipline and escape from small town life. Mechanically this will make him much worse as a martial, a little better in social situations, and is a net loss of 3 stats across the board with a -3 on all his physicals. Provided that he takes no levels in any spellcasting classes, are you ok with this TWO? I fully understand that by doing this I am putting the consequences firmly in the hands of you, our esteemed GM, and that it will surely bite me in the ass sometime down the line.

Watching intensifies.


Intensification intensifies...

This sounds quite fun. Also seems like something that would be easy to be picked up by another GM if you decide to move onto other things, which could be useful.

I will be drawing up a cleric later today.

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14
Rng does not like me today lol.

Dawt. Ratfolk investigator coming right up.

Occult classes? Alchemy? Guns? Playing a rat folk gunslinger who built a gun from scratch inside a concentration camp would be pretty insane. Also are there dragons in the setting for things like bloodlines and such?

Rerednaw wrote:
Nah...a bard with Glibness is truly a scary thing...whisper just the right thing in their ear and they'll destroy each other. :)

Mesmerist. Literally better for this role in every possible way. I absolutely love their spell list, if you have not seen it I highly recommend it.

Intelligent magic items break the action economy. Something with shades at will would be really great and a real steal at a bit over 300k. Or my personal favorite, summon monster 4 creating 1d4+1 lantern archons per round so you have a permanent regenerating swarm of them, hitting touch ac and ignoring dr. Stack that with some good aoe buffs and you can instagib anything that doesn't have high touch ac. In general, any single spell with a high amount of utility that is very good when used every single round of the day is perfect on an intelligent item. I've seen limited wish used to great effect with this, wall of stone is also a classic, Basically it's a way to buy a free at will spell every round, provided you make it yourself and it's dedicated purpose is chosen correctly.

Half orc

36) A group of little old ladies playing bridge (its surprising how many times the party will murderhobo them)
37) A corridor that is really just an illusion over a 100 ft drop into lava. Hope you have a good will save.
38) Invisible walls.
39) Bananna peels
40) A sociopathic Gnome dressed like the joker playing high stakes poker with dragons.

Read up on the God wizard guide. You can actually rebuild it as a Druid if you are clever enough, and choose a domain that patches the holes in you spell list.

Illithids. F&&@ off WoTC

You need ways to reroll ones, healing for hp, negative levels, and ability dmg, and some way to not insta lose if you go uncouncious and enough brute power to solo the campaign. So cleric or oracle basically. Alchemist, inquisitor, and bard all also works if you build it right.

I'm going to tap out. This thread gave me some great ideas though, and I might be running a campaign based on some of it in a couple months on here. Rip Tim.

I plan on drawing up a gnomish mindwyrm Mesmer (archetype of mesmerist that is intimidate focused), who worships various dragons. I'm thinking he would be a good fit for high priest and ruler once I get him fleshed out. Heavy inspiration from Random of Amber, possibly even going o far as to be using that name.

Paladin. Wand of holy sword is your friend.

At this point just tag in ooc that you are sending pm's so we can use the time pre round one to make sure we know what people can use to communicate comfortably.



Oh yeah the magnum opus story feat which gives a +5 as well as let's your take tens count as 15 (one specific craft skill). That's a good one.

Edit: check out traits and don't forget the class skill bonus.

I'm going to build something based entirely on running and jumping. Things like being able to indefinitely forced march, bonuses to jumping, fast movement, then the really fun stuff like cheetah sprint, charging while jumping over obstacles, tackling flyers our to the air. Maybe even give them some Final Fantasy Dragoon flavor with lances and such.

Too late to get in on this?

Aid another bonuses can get really high depending on how that person built.

1) What kind of dungeon lord are you? Aim for something in the CR 9 range, whether that be a level 10 goblin shaman or a young blue dragon, or something in between.

Meet Tim, the sociopathic CE unicorn with levels in bard and fantastic skill at beatboxing. (Think if donkey from shrek was evil)

2) What kind of dungeon floor did you lord over? (Those chosen will have to actually build this floor)

My floor is a club/concert space for an unsavory sort of crowd to listen to some great music and have a fun time. Big stage, great sound system, mosh pit of smelling like the sewer exploded, all that fun stuff. The waiting staff are extremely cute telekinetic puppy dogs. Tim cowers in a corner in the entryway the heroes come through and manipulates them into turning on eachother as they slaughter their way through the mosh pit using his patented "aura of sparkly goodness" technique. When no heroes are coming by he is usually preforming onstage, or torturing some poor fool in the dungeon (it's a requirement in the contract).

3) A sketch of your character's personality and goals.

Tim was a normal unicorn once, but after being experimented on by an evil genius, he became a deadpan snarky sociopathic beatboxer extraordinaire. After being freed from his captivity by ASPCA, Tim sought opportunities to further both his musical talent, and his newfound love of manipulation, figuring that after all he had been through he deserved to have some fun for once. Signing on as a contractor for dungeon work, he opened his club and proceeded with his life. Tim enjoys high stakes poker, witty banter, breaking the innocent, and partying all night. He treats his fellow villains with disdain, considering himself inherently superior by virtue of his sparkles and Freudian imagery. His current aspiration is to force a paladin to murder some of his adorable canine waiting staff. Arrogant, impossible to shut up, and surprisingly cuddly, this unicorn will stop at nothing to have a good time.

4) Some discussion of what you, as a player, would like to do/see in this campaign.

I want to see the interaction between the villains, maybe some higher management getting involved with some Delbert style comedy. But beyond that I'm not really picky, I feel that Tim could have good interactions with most of the people I've seen and it certainly would be a fun campaign to be a part of.