Rennick |

Had some stuff come up today, so no update. But I did (barely) start work on this:
Legend of the Scions - A Jade Regent Campaign
a campaign site to keep logs and other useful info!

Andrin Valdemar |

Not sure how much time we had prior to departing, but Andrin would have certainly made some additional purchases in light of being on the road for more than an afternoon.
Namely, a one person tent, three blankets, and a pair of bedrolls. That'd come to 10gp and 8sp, with our illustrious GM's permission or course. I'll hold off on posting Andrin's in-camp actions until I hear back on this rather than possibly having to retcon a post
Also, did we earn/split any spoils from our previous foray into the wild? Anyone know what it'd come out to gp-wise? I still only have my starting gear recorded on my sheet =\

Rennick |

Sorry for no update, I've been unable to get onto the server and now it's late. Though you should feel encouraged to rp between each other as well.
You have one covered wagon which can sleep 4 people. Not counting Koya (who sleeps in her wagon) your caravan has 13 people, and I can guarantee that at least Sandru and his two long term travel-mates will be staying in it.

Lirrathan |

Trying to go back through, and see if we had received any coin from anywhere, I noticed we had some treasure that I don't think got sorted out at all.
(5) small vials of a light blue liquid
(3) bottles of an emerald green brew
(2) larger vials of a darker blue potion
a ring (looks like two thin pieces of wood entwined together)
a slim black wand.
a shirt of fine mail (that looks expertly crafted)
a cold iron wakizashi shortsword
(4) Skyrockets
(11) Desnan Candles
and the wakizashi I needed to have fixed
Did anyone Detect Magic or Identify any of this? Will we want to sell any of it? Also, is there not a hammock in the PRD, I can't find one?

Rennick |

Whether you see this on our discussion board, or in the PM that I'm sending out, I hope you take this message with all the sincerity that it holds.
I owe each of you an apology, and I am sorry for disappearing yet again, and without a trace. My commitments in real life became too big, I was cast in the male lead for our latest play, which just recently ended. To say this was the biggest role of my life is an understatement, it was also the most important, as this was our first production to take place in Central London, with industry people invited.
This is just an explanation as to why I fell off the internet, it isn't an excuse. I still should have let you guys know that I would be absent, but things just took off too quickly and I lost track of a lot of things.
I would still like to run this game, but I don't know if now is the time. I have loved ones coming to visit me in two weeks and I will be in the home stretch for this master's degree.
I'm also not sure if you guys would be interested in continuing, I haven't shown myself to be a stable DM to say the least.
Either way, I am sorry, you guys were a blast to RP with, and I hope it isn't the last time.