Daemon Grizwold |

Daemon should be good to go now.
(I posted this on the other OOC chat, but for simplicity and not having you look in both places...)
Sorry it's taken me so long! I work in Retail, so unfortunately this holiday season has withdrawn me slightly. I've edited Daemon - replacing the Black Sheep trait with the Childhood Crush (Ameiko Kaijitsu) instead.
After thinking about it, being Titus's agent isn't as important to Daemon's current standing, as much as having worked for him BEFORE as a private detective. So, I've edited everything removing this trait.

Koveluss Vossare |

Hehe, at least you didn't get booted from the site due to the big announcement when you sat down to update your character. X.X
Unfortunately, due to the downtime this afternoon I won't have my character fully ready until tomorrow. That said, I will be selecting Friend of the Family as my trait.

Koveluss Vossare |

What announcement? I must've missed it.
The announcement for Pathfinder Online, of course.

Lirrathan |

DM Rennick,
You mentioned me multiclassing, and were worried about me being too similiar to Yosrick. Would it be too much of an issue to keep the Rogue just for 1st level, and after that stick to an all two-weapon fighter build?
It's the first level that really sets his personality baseline, skill/ability wise, and would take too many fighter levels to match his background. If not, then I will just be two-weapon fighter, but you know it never hurts to ask.
To everyone else, hello, and I'm glad to be here.

DM Rennick |

Sorry Lir, but I accepted the character on the understanding that you could change him to a fighter or ranger easily enough. One of my main reasons for choosing the character (Aside from being quite well written) is that I wanted the party to have a character who could stand toe to toe in a front line if needed. So a penchant for armors would be a plus, but the full base attack was what sold it and you'll lose that if you go rogue first.

DM Rennick |

For anyone who speaks Japanese. I'm making the Tien phrases by running the english through google translate, and then that through a romaji tranlator. The second also offers an english comparison and I'm well aware that by that point it's just jibberish. Works well for the sounds of it though. I'll be using this for the different dialects of Tien, based on their RL inspirations.
Also: Please specify (here and on your profile) if you want to build a friendly or a competitive relationship with the following: Ameiko, Sandru, Koya, Shalelu.

Lirrathan |

Lirrathan will most likely be:
Competitive with Sandru (the gambler in him) and Shalelu (prove he's better than his big sis).
Over time he will be friendly toward Ameiko (maybe more, but it would take a bit for him to pursue it), and Koya (as a motherly type).

Daemon Grizwold |

Sorry for the delay!
Koya (Being a 'once renowned' healer himself, he's always been jealous of her.)
Shalelu (He's always gotten along with the elf, as he himself is envious of her freedom she has. But, as she's well known as a protector of the city, he respects her even more.)
Sandru (Sandru's personality almost being polar opposite of his own, Daemon almost see's him as potentially becoming a best friend, as they counter-balance one another.)
MORE than Friendly:
Ameiko (Being known as taken jobs from Titus Scarnetti from time to time, it has strained their friendship slightly. He always reassures her that he's doing it in light of someone else, so any job he needs done doesn't go against the laws of the city. A 'better him than someone else' kind of situation.)

Lirrathan |

I just wanted to clarify:
In the first post
Then there was Brinestump Marsh. Fishermen of the marsh had reported sighting a couple goblins in the swampy forest and while he expected it to be nothing, Sheriff Hemlock was nothing if not a cautious man. This was where the second party would go.
And that would be you.
We have already been assigned this task by the Sheriff, or has he not yet asked us?
I read it as he decided he would have a few of the townsfolk, ones he thought would be successful, go check out the marsh, and we are all aware of this task and meeting at the Rusty Dragon. If this is not the case let me know, as it was the basis for how most of Lirrathan's conversations have been built.

Andrin Valdemar |

I read it as he decided he would have a few of the townsfolk, ones he thought would be successful, go check out the marsh, and we are all aware of this task and meeting at the Rusty Dragon. If this is not the case let me know, as it was the basis for how most of Lirrathan's conversations have been built.
This is my understanding as well, that the five of us have already been selected and know that we'll be venturing into the marsh together.

Koveluss Vossare |

We have already been assigned this task by the Sheriff, or has he not yet asked us?
I read it as he decided he would have a few of the townsfolk, ones he thought would be successful, go check out the marsh, and we are all aware of this task and meeting at the Rusty Dragon. If this is not the case let me know, as it was the basis for how most of Lirrathan's conversations have been built.
I'm actually not from Sandpoint, and the whole reason for me to make the trip from Magnimar is the news of Niska Mvashti's death. As a result I wouldn't have heard anything about a goblin hunt other than the bits of information I've been told since arriving at the Rusty Dragon.

Koveluss Vossare |

I'm trying to push things in the direction so I can be informed and included as soon as possible. Of course, I'm also trying to get introduced to the NPCs; it makes sense for me to have met Ameiko, and probably Hemlock, but based on the character descriptions it would be unlikely to know the others.

DM Rennick |

Since I'm going to need to go use it now anyways, I figure this is a great moment to introduce a house mechanic to the game.
Flexible Time
A concept taken from both Aleyria, and a couple of other PbPs I've seen (Including Kyrademon's own Jade Regent Game) Flexible time gives you a bit more leeway in how things work, in that you are allowed to post events a little bit out of synch, or basically to rewind.
As an example: Everyone's said they've started on their way, so I will be writing a "before you leave..." moment that will have happened before everyone left. It's completely acceptable for people to play off of that moment, even though we're also writing about your walk through town.
Alternatively, say you have written your character has left, and something important or interesting happens that you would have interacted with, had you only waited thirty minutes to post, you can write "before leaving..." or some such thing.
The two caveats are that you can not overrule other players (or my) posts. if a character waits till everyone leaves, you can't back track on them.
This rule DOES NOT apply in combat. Barring really important circumstances, I would appreciate posting in initiative for combat.

Koveluss Vossare |

Well that's awesome, because I totally want to stick around and annoy the Sheriff some more. :P
I'm interested to see if posting in initiative order while in combat will work for our group. For many PbPs it ends up being simply unreasonable, due to the players being able to post at different times than each other. The game usually breaks down as the group starts to wait days for a specific member of the group to post, and nothing happens. Still, if we can make it work posting in initiative order does make combat move along more smoothly.

Koveluss Vossare |

NPC Relationships
Ameiko Kaijitsu Friendly, possibly romantic
Koveluss shares Ameiko's irreverent personality and adventurous spirit. He respect's the ease with which the noblewoman turns down her suitors, and finds their repeated overtures fairly amusing; Koveluss would not miss the irony of the situation should he find himself becoming one of those suitors.
Shalelu Andosana Friendly, possibly romantic
Koveluss is likely to see a bit of himself in Shalelu; he's familiar with living on the outskirts of civilization, a situation he was forced to experience despite living in one of the most metropolitan cities in Cheliax due to his heritage. This kinship could potentially lead to a closer relationship. That said, he also sees a little of his sister Genevieve in the way the elf watches over her brother; should this latter aspect dominate their relationship, Koveluss is unlikely to view Shalelu as a prospect for romance.
Koya Mvashti Friendly
Koveluss had great respect for Niska Mvashti; the woman helped him redefine his role in the world, and he viewed her almost as a second mother. As a result, he is apt to see Koya as an older sister. He cannot deny the older woman's desire to explore the world, but he feels bound to follow and protect her.
Sandru Vhiski Competitive
Koveluss is likely to butt heads with Sandru over Koya's attention; as the summoner will view the Desnan priestess as an older sister, he's likely to be somewhat resentful of the time she spends with her adopted nephew.

Yosrick |

Sorry this took so long.
NPC Relationships
Ameiko Kaijitsu Friendly, possibly romantic
Yosrick has always been friends with Ameiko; their shared family ordeals bound them. And he's always been pretty blind to her as a romantic option, but with the road and adventure, who knows what could happen?
Shalelu Andosana Indifferent
Yosrick has a love/hate relationship with elves. On one hand, his father is an elf, on the other hands his father is a shiftless ne'er-do-well who never supported his family or showed up and that opinion sort of shifts onto all elves. Shalelu might be different, but Yos has never spent a lot of time around her...
Koya Mvashti Hostile
Yosrick had a mother, a mother he failed and perpetually disappointed, at least in his own mind. He doesn't need or want another mother and he resents anyone who acts in that capacity toward him.
Sandru Vhiski Friendly, but Competitive
Yosrick would definitely see Sandru as a rival, possibly in a friendly way, but definitely in a one-up sort of manner, at least as soon as he sobers up enough...

Andrin Valdemar |

I'll be moving this weekend and I highly doubt that the self-installation kit for my internet will arrive prior to next week. I'll still be able to post from the office during the week, but it's very likely that I will be offline over the weekend.
Rennick, should the need arise, please feel free to post for Andrin.

DM Rennick |

I apologize for the absence. School work is done and I have one week of rehearsals before break. So I'm going to try and update before I go to sleep tonight, but it may need to wait until tomorrow morning.
Coming soon though, I promise!

DM Rennick |

Again, I apologize for the delay this last week. It's just that after a full day of rehearsals and then evenings of report and logbook writing, the last thing I feel like doing is writing more!
But as I said, the academic side is done for a few months so we should be back on track as of now!

Koveluss Vossare |

Again, I apologize for the delay this last week. It's just that after a full day of rehearsals and then evenings of report and logbook writing, the last thing I feel like doing is writing more!
But as I said, the academic side is done for a few months so we should be back on track as of now!
I understand completely; I've been spending all my free time working on a final project for my design class. Even when That's done, I have to start getting ready to move to Minnesota. I'm going to be fairly busy myself in the neat future.