Einjeru Kaijitsu |

Thanks for the welcome! I hope to be an asset, and look forward to playing with everyone. The gameplay thread so far makes me think this is going to be a fun group.
On the still to do list for Einjeru:
-Pick 10 first level spells (3 base +5 int +2 at second level). If anyone has things that they very specifically do (or don't) want me to grab I'll be happy to take advice.
-Rennick mentioned some backstory things that needed to be smoothed out as well, so there will be some changes being made to that, I'm sure.

Lirrathan |

Welcome Einjeru
No worries Andrin, it's not like we WANT to hear what you have to say ;)
EDIT: DM Rennick, what's the rule on using the Wakizashis? Do I need to take a feat (exotic wpn prof), or are they martial and covered by being a fighter already? Or martial, but need exotic just by being from a different region?

Lirrathan |

It's not like he's taking it, he just assumes that it would be more effective if he used it. Besides, the weight of the gear may help hold down his ego :p
Looking at Samurai, they don't need to be Lawful (which I had originally thought), I could actually see Lir becoming one (of the order of the cockatrice of course). Or even a cavalier. That being said, would there be someone to train from in Sandpoint, or would I be able to enter the orders without a mentor? Sadly, the way I see Lir, he will be all over the place class wise. I feel like he would grab Ranger, rogue, cavalier, maybe barbarian. I can just see all these aspects in his personality that show up strong enough to work with the classes well.

Andrin Valdemar |

Well illustrated and fascinating tomes from Tian Xia could be in Ameiko's or even Einjeru's possession as well. I know that reading about samurai is what made me want to be one when I was growing up! Sweet pictures of their awesome armor and tales of their martial prowess and valor couldn't hurt either =P

Rennick |

Like I said, I have plans, don't worry. :p
Einjeru, sorry it's taking so long. We'll have you playing soon.
What I wanted to address has to do with RotRL, basically have you played it and are you against my spoiling of a plot point in the first adventure of that AP? I need to know so I can edit some stuff.

Einjeru Kaijitsu |

Like I said, I have plans, don't worry. :p
Einjeru, sorry it's taking so long. We'll have you playing soon.
What I wanted to address has to do with RotRL, basically have you played it and are you against my spoiling of a plot point in the first adventure of that AP? I need to know so I can edit some stuff.
Can't say as I've played it before (got into a play by post of it, but it fell apart rather rapidly). I'm not adverse to spoilers, though, since it's unlikely I'll go through it with my usual group. Thusly, edit away.

Andrin Valdemar |

I can't help but imagine Lirrathan ducking, rolling, and backing up to trees -- all while holding his hand to a point imitating a gun playing a James Bond or 'Secret Agent Man' type character. >;D
Aaaand now I can't get images of Chris Farley in Beverly Hills Ninja out of my head. lol

Rennick |

Kaijitsu Family history:
So after going through my info and your background (BTW, please paste that into your profile) I think it makes the most sense to make Einjeru the yougest child
Tsuto was the older brother of Ameiko and Einjeru. The first child born to Lonjiku and Atsuii, Tsuto was a half-elf.
A half-elf born to two human parents caused a stir among the family and among the community, and Lonjiku shipped the boy off to Turandarok academy as soon as he could, and kept him from the family as much as he could.
Still, Ameiko for her part was quite good at sneaking off to visit her older half-brother.
When Ameiko was 13, she tried to reconcile the bad blood between your father and half-brother. The attempt backfired horribly and Tsuto struck Ameiko in a fit of rage. Feeling betrayed and distraught, she ran away to Magnimar. She stayed there for months, until word reached her of your mother's fall from the cliff's near your house.
Ameiko returned home for the funeral. Another family argument broke out when Tsuto accused your father of murdering your mother. It resulted in Tsuto leaving town and Ameiko resigned herself to stay in Sandpoint to care for her family.
When she was 16, she left a second time after life with her father became unbearable and she left to become an adventurer. And you know the rest.

Rennick |

Thank you to everyone for being patient with me. My normally busy schedule has collided into a train wreck and I'm currently trying to sort out the pieces (In which I will probably need to leave the cast of not one, but two productions I'm a part of due to schedule conflicts) So this is pretty much about as bad for my professional life as we get. I will resume the game as soon as I can, and I am hoping to get an update up today (Though I can't promise those regularly yet)
Also, props to you guys for keeping the thread alive and keeping the RP and banter going between you! It's pretty cool to see and a lot of fun to read!

Andrin Valdemar |

I don't have any one in mind to step into the gulf - any chance we could send Einjeru's player a PM to see if he/she is still interested? Though you've probably already tried that, I'd reckon.
Additionally, I'll be leaving for an annual trip to a mountain cabin tomorrow afternoon and won't be back until Monday. There's no phone signal or anything up there, so I'll be off the grid for the duration of the trip.

Koveluss Vossare |

Greetings all. The way I dropped out on you, I felt stopping by to provide you with an update now that I'm back is the least I could do.
My break from the boards helped me to pull myself together once more and get a few things figured out. Thank you for all your well wishes. I'm glad you were able to find a replacement (and it sounds like a possible second) and keep the game moving. I may have to follow along as you continue, if you don't mind someone looking over your collective shoulders.

Lirrathan |

Well, Here it goes, dice and I typically don't get along when it comes to HP.
1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Well, that's pretty decent.
I took ranger, as it fit the way he was acting (except the Wild Empathy, which none of the archetypes that trade it really work for him).
I took Favored Enemy: Undead, as that one skeleton, and his ineffectiveness against it, irked him so much.
I spent his skill points on:
2 on Stealth
2 on Perc
1 on Intim
1 on Know nature
1 on Survival

Rennick |

Haha, roll for HP, but take at least half the roll
Vandell, feel free to write your entrance into the game whenever you like.
Also, I've invite Kov back into the fold. I can handle an extra player.
Sorry for the delay, got back to Canada to find my parents internet was down. Update is on its way.