GM My Red Sun |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hello all!
I have an opening in an ongoing Reign of Winter game! this group has slowly but surely been making our way through the snowy lands of this wonderful AP for the last 3 years!
We have unfortunately lost a player and need a replacement.
you will be coming in at level 7, either at the very end of book 2 or the very start of book 3, depending on your character and how we decide to hook you in.
my number one priority is finding a player who will be consistent. our current players have invested a lot of time into this game (two of them are still from the original party, the others joined early in book 1), and we want someone to join who is willing to play with us long-term. as this is a long-form way to play the game we all have personal stuff come up and can't post for large chunks of time. just communicate with us when botting is needed and we can all keep enjoying the game together.
Character Creation Guidelines
Race - any core or standard races. advanced races will be allowed but will need to be edited to bring them back down to 10 RP.
Class - any paizo published class. classes with unchained options much be unchained unless the concept is reliant on an archetype that is only available to the core version (e.g. Zen Archer)
archetypes - any paizo published archetypes are allowed, including the winter witch found in the player's guide
Traits - 2 traits, optionally one can be from the RoW campaign traits. originally i was requiring one campaign trait, but for late-joining PCs the traits don't always make as much sense as they do for an original party that needs a hook. May take a 3rd with a drawback, but the drawback must be approved by the GM.
Starting wealth - standard WBL for a 7th level character, no more than 25% of your starting gold should be used on a single item (exceptions can be made, but need to be cleared with the GM)
crafting - unchained crafting rules. you may add 25% to your starting gold if taking a crafting feat, and 15% to your starting gold for taking a rank in a crafting skill. these are cumulative
stats - 20 point buy, no stat can be below 8 after applying racial modifiers.
Alignment - any, but must be willing to work with the party. absolutely no PvP in this campaign (fights, stealing, etc)
optional rules - we will not be using background skills or hero points.
please post here with your interest in playing and at least a rough outline of a character. no need to make a full alias yet, but i may require it if the applications get down to a handful that are hard to pick between.
I will be having my existing players weigh in on applicants as well
Feel free to make any character you want, I don't ever insist that my players make a traditionally "balanced" party. we currently have:
Human Winter Witch 6
Human Gunslinger (Musket Master)6
Human Warpriest 6
Human Oracle 4 / Lore warden Fighter 2
no requirement to be a human, for some reason we have ended up being a very non-diverse group.
please reach out to me with any questions!
Jack Forrester |
Jack here started this AP back in 2018, but eventually it didn't work out. I have another character on it's second group for the same, but it also appears to have now dried up. In any case, I would need to bring it up to level 7, and it looks like it was on a 22 pt buy, but it should be easy enough to adjust that as well. Let me know if you are interested and I can bring him up to speed.
John Woodford |
Dotting for interest. I'm thinking an elf Ftr1/URog4/Shadowdancer2, whose caravan guard job came to a sudden end when the Irrisen authorities arrested the merchants he was working for. Now he's stuck in Whitethrone and trying to figure out how to get out of the country.
BelacRLJ |
Thinking of (crunch): Half-Elf Dex polearm fighter/rogue (Weapon Master to take Fighter's Finesse, allowing that to work with the uRogue Finesse Training).
Flavor: Granddaughter or great-granddaughter of Baba Yaga, honestly concerned and interested in the politics of Irrisen. She'd have strong opinions (pro-Baba Yaga) and have some difficulty keeping quiet about it, which got her both in trouble and on the run but also certain allies who connected her to the party. Trained as a fighter by her father, who's a foreign adventurer (from the Mierani Forest in Varisia) who doesn't quite grasp the intricacies of Irrisen society; Rogue by personality, as she's sneaky and can't bear the existence of secrets she is barred from knowing. To her mother's dismay, completely lacks magical talent, which disqualifies her from the truly prestigious paths she might have otherwise followed.
FangDragon |
I've been reading the gameplay thread and I've been enjoying all the party interactions, some tables don't have that and they're missing out!
I'm going to throw my hat in the ring with Llewellyn. He's the common buffing + melee type of bard, I went sword and board rather than longspear since I've played too many characters with longspears. I went half orc for variety, haven't played one before.
Years passed and Llewellyn fell in with a group of travelling performers who over the course of several summers headed north, first to Nidal then to Varisia where they spent a very eventful summer in Riddleport. Once they’d thoroughly outlived their welcome they had to skedaddle north once more. It wasn’t Llewellyn’s fault - well OK it totally was, it turns out mocking the local Scarnazi crime lords is asking for trouble.
Anyway one by one Llewellyn’s companions dropped by the wayside. Some didn’t make it out of Varisia alive, others grew tired of always being on the road and wanted to settle down and his last companion Rikke hated the cold. Llewellyn thought he was going to hate it too but to his surprise the cold didn’t bother him and the mountains, wow they had proper mountains up there like angry teeth in the snow! Perhaps the north was in his blood for something about it’s primitive majesty appealed to him even if he wasn’t much of a climber.
By this time Llewellyn had developed a reputation as somebody who has proximate knowledge of many things and his advice was sought for this and that by folk of all sorts. This suited Llewellyn just fine, he was collecting stories of the north and it was an excuse to travel and to meet folk. Of course his heritage didn’t help and on more than one occasion he was denounced as an orc and had to flee or end up in a brawl. Still there was a magnetism to Llewellyn, once people looked past the green tinged skin his natural charisma shone through and it was hard not to like him.
He favors sharply tailored orange or dark red clothing to complement his complexion and in dangerous locales is heavily armed. A typical loadout would be a chain shirt, longsword, buckler and a ridiculously heavy hornbow that few are strong enough to use properly.
Very few people have seen it but he's got an impressive tattoo on his back of a stylized dragon whose tail wraps around his right shoulder. He believes it gives him luck, although whether it actually does is anyone's guess.
Personality wise he’s larger than life and can be a bit of a diva at times although there’s no side to him and he rarely holds grudges.
After drifting round Irrisen for a while, Llewellyn was short on coin and representatives of the government were hiring. Nazhena Vasillinova wanted someone to investigate the backgrounds of a group of criminals who stormed her tower and killed Radosek Pavril. The pay was good so he agreed although he had increasing qualms about both Nazhena and Queen Elvianna’s government.
There were several other unrelated tasks and then he was asked to research how to enter a walking hut. A walking hut?! This sounded intriguing… Up until he realized this was Baba freaking Yaga’s hut and then things got scary fast, Jadwiga don’t take no for an answer!
Exactly what happened next is up to GM fiat. My suggestion is Llewellyn should be a captive of some sort rescued by the party. A captive of Nazhena is obvious but boring. How about he’s a captive of The Hut? Perhaps it let him for some reason but refused to let him go... Maybe he’s stuck in Baba Yaga’s closet desperately wishing he was somewhere, anywhere else! Ugh a hag’s clothes, euu!
Why would he want to join the party? Preventing the whole ice cube golarion thing is a pretty strong motivator. Besides he’s not exactly a fan of Nazhena and Queen Elivanna is clearly both evil and insane.
Why might he be reluctant? Helping Baba freaking Yaga seems more than a little crazy and then there’s Jadwiga Letitia but he’ll get over that! Probably ;)
Half-orc bard (chelish diva) 7 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic)
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +2 shield)
hp 52 (7d8+14)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8
Defensive Abilities costume proficiency, sacred tattoo[APG]; Resist cold 2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 cold iron longsword +10 (1d8+5/19-20)
Ranged mwk orc hornbow +8 (2d6+2/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance 18 rounds/day (move action; countersong, devastating aria, distraction, fascinate [DC 15], inspire courage +2, suggestion [DC 15]), prima donna
Bard (Chelish Diva) Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +9)
. . 3rd (1/day)—haste
. . 2nd (4/day)—allegro[UM], bladed dash, blistering invective[UC] (DC 14), gallant inspiration[APG] (DC 14), invisibility
. . 1st (5/day)—grease, heightened awareness[ACG], saving finale[APG] (DC 13), silent image (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, ghost sound (DC 12), light, message, prestidigitation, read magic
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 22
Feats Arcane Strike, Cornugon Smash, Lingering Performance[APG], Power Attack
Traits faithful artist, northern ancestry
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +12, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +10, Perform (oratory) +13, Perform (wind instruments) +12, Spellcraft +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge (local)
Languages Common, Draconic, Orc
SQ famous, masterpieces (arrowsong's lament, symphony of the elysian heart), orc blood, versatile performances (expanded versatility, oratory)
Combat Gear scroll of cure light wounds, ears of the city, forced quiet; Other Gear +1 chainmail, +1 buckler, +1 cold iron longsword, mwk orc hornbow (+2 Str), amulet of natural armor +1, belt of giant strength +2, cloak of resistance +2, headband of vast intelligence +2, ring of protection +1
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Arrowsong's Lament Use written form of spell to temporarily memorize spell as though known.
Bardic Performance (move action, 18 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Cornugon Smash When you damage an opponent with a Power Attack, you may make an immediate Intimidate check as a free action to attempt to demoralize your opponent.
Costume Proficiency (Medium) (Ex) Cast bard spells in medium armor without risk of arcane spell failure.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (2) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Expanded Versatility (, Bluff) (Ex) Add another skill to those affected by a versatile performance ability.
Famous +2 (????) With natives of selected region gain bonus to Bluff & Intimidate.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Prima Donna (Ex) Spend additional round of bardic performance to gain augment other performances.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Symphony of the Elysian Heart You spark notes of joy and freedom in your listeners.
Prerequisite: Perform (keyboard) or Perform (wind) 7 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: The complex arpeggios in this piece follow each other so
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +13 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
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rorek55 |
dot. several ideas I'll start mulling over.
Something martial, or that an act the part of a martial seems a good fit. Or "skilled"... hmm
Perhaps I'll reuse my barb, though a bard seems a great fit for the group at the moment. Maybe a magus... I'll have a look through the game thread to see which may mesh better with the group.
rorek55 |
I've decided. Since we are limited to unchained (which is fine with me, I think unchained barbarian is pretty much a wash, better, actually, in some ways) I'm going to try a tankier barb build than the regular "2 handed vital strike intimidate" builds. Focusing on the Bastard sword+shield. I will likely pick up vital strike anyway, but thats just because I rather like the feat.
They will be native to Irrisen, part of a tribe of Ulfen that, despite the odds, continue to "defy" the witches in their land. They are traditionalists, putting a great deal more value in glory, honor, and strength than some from the Realm of the Mammoth lords. After all, to survive against the odds in Irrisen, takes much strength.
Arrac, for his part, is seeking glory worthy of the son of the chieftain, a grand tale of his own for the bards to sing. What better way to do that, than to combat the very enemy their Clan, and many of the world, have long contended with.
I'll flesh out the story over the next day or two.
GM My Red Sun |
I'll be closing submissions by the end of the day on Friday (so about 36 hours from now).
if you have dotted and not submitted a skeleton yet, please try to do so by that time.
I'll then leave a few days for my current party and i to look over the submissions and choose one. should be no later than mid-week next week.
rorek55 |
Here is the (mostly) finished crunch for Arrac using a Mythweavers sheet Which should hopefully make it easier to read through.
I have plenty of Ideas on how he would meet up with the group, ranging from happenstance, to seeking an alliance. Or, my favorite, a mixture of both.
Since Arrac is almost fool and proud enough to go "hmm... Yes, I can assault this place basically on me own!"
I have him listed as an IR archetype at the moment, however I largely took that for the "endure elements" ability, so its not set in stone.
BelacRLJ |
I'll be closing submissions by the end of the day on Friday (so about 36 hours from now).
if you have dotted and not submitted a skeleton yet, please try to do so by that time.
I'll then leave a few days for my current party and i to look over the submissions and choose one. should be no later than mid-week next week.
How much crunch is needed to be considered?
roll4initiative |
Just to mention...
I have not, and will not, read the gameplay or discussion thread. If I am chosen as a player, I would like to learn about the other PCs through roleplay. I also like the simple rules for creating a PC. Very similar to PFS. No crazy stuff unlike other AP recruitments.
As for how my PC is introduced; maybe he is a captive/prisoner that the current PCs come across, or, he's just a nearly dead half-elf they find in the wilderness.
MrStr4ng3 |
My investigator would be aber or ally to the Heralds of Summer's Return. He would be using his talents to help the common man against the witches. He wears personas like hats and drops them when he moves on. As a result he has lost sight is who he really is.
The Malice Binder is a big change to the investigator I am not sure how it will work in play.
Cuàn |
I love Reign of Winter.
I'd love to submit a Half-Elf Were-touched Shifter for this using the stag aspect. The idea is that he's a devout follower of the Empyreal Lord Tolc, patron of frozen lands and their inhabitants.
As a result of this he would be a reluctant ally of Baba Yaga as they share an enemy in the demon lord Kostchtchie and the enemy of my enemy is at least a potential friend.
He would have found the group simply because he sought out Baba Yaga himself. He would have no idea about the danger she could pose to him, he just knows she shares an enemy in Kostchtchie and he seeks information in how to deal with the threat of that demon lord and his frost giant followers.
He'd originally come from a Varki tribe, born to a reindeer herder and a visiting Twilight Speaker from a Snowcaster Elf tribe. He would have done his rite of passage, finding and killing a remorhaz together with other youths, at a far earlier age than most at the tender age of 12. In the years after he hunted many other monsters threatening his people and their herds. The height of this all was when he banded together with other hunters and several shaman to get rid of a wendigo. They paid a high price but in the end they forced the creature to flee.
Mechanically he'd focus on natural attacks and using his high speed to quickly reach and take out dangerous foes. He'd also be a great tracker, guide and survivalist.
He can be found here. I'll wait with sorting gear as a skeleton build is enough.
BelacRLJ |
In case of need, basic crunch for my Irrisen noblelady is:
3 Str 13
7 Dex 15 (+2 racial, +1 4th level)
5 Con 14
5 Int 14
2 Wis 12
-2 Cha 8
Half-Elf: EWP Bardiche
1 Dirty Fighting
F1 Power Attack
F2 Shield Focus
3 Shield Brace
5 Combat Reflexes
F4 Advanced Weapon Training: Fighter's Finesse (available due to Weapon Master)
Rogue Talent: Unbalancing Trick (Improved Trip)
7 Greater Trip
Skills would center on athletics, sneaking, breaking and entering, and some knowledges.
Letitia Frost |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hello, everyone!
We are looking for a GM to pick up the duties to run a Reign of Winter campaign. We're extremely grateful to GM Red Sun on taking us through the first half of this fantastic campaign, but unfortunately he has been MIA for a while so us players have elected to see if someone else will take up the reins (see what I did there?) for Reign of Winter's conclusion.
Details: we're a committed 5-person party that have reached close to the end of the 3rd book Maiden, Mother, Crone. We've slain the centaur leader and earned the Warden's favor, so that means we have obtained the keys to the Hut. There are parts of Artrosia not yet explored, but our party is cognizant of the pressing mission so we probably won't bother with making sure every room's cleared. So I expect we'll be starting book 4 sooner rather than later.
The best part of the game IMHO is the roster of characters. We're companions by circumstance and necessity, but not really natural allies. Therefore, you see some great interpersonal conflicts that are tempered with the pressing crisis of an expansive Irrisen. Over the course of the game so far, we've seen some great character development and we all really want it to continue.
The characters:
Samuel, the Taldane gunman. Gunslinger with the rifleman archetype, he is plain-spoken and pragmatic. Somehow related to the Jadwiga through the strange connection between Heldren and Waldsby, he joined seeking his stolen sister who was taken by the winter fey because she resembled a Winter Witch. (We found her.)
Ashling, the oracle/fighter. A wild card character, the slip of a girl with a strange fighting prowess and magic, is currently wearing the Black Rider's Mantle and though she professes to feel no emotion her childhood scars run deep.
Llewellyn, the half-orc Chelaxian diva bard. Having fled his servitude in the brutal diabolic operas in Cheliax, he found no refuge with the White Witches of Irrisen who tried to sacrifice him to the captive Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. Swallowed whole by the artifact and captured by the fey living within the Hut, he joined the group when they claimed the Hut for themselves and is planning on composing the greatest play about their adventures.
Callix, Ulfen warpriest of Cayden Cailean. Rebellious daughter of a Blackraven obsessed with retaking their ancestral lands back from the White Witches, she is now forced to live her mother's dream by taking the fight to Irrisen and challenging the witches. She struggles with this because she's forced to work alongside:
Letitia, exiled White Witch-in-training and unapologetic Jadwiga. Forced to flee her homeland because Queen Elvanna ordered her death, Letitia hoped to one day return when Elvanna was deposed and a new Queen installed by Baba Yaga. Instead, Elvanna remained on the throne and started expanding Winter across Avistan. Now forced to fight her kin, she wants to find Baba Yaga in the hopes of restoring Irrisen and reclaiming her birthright as a Winter Witch.
GM Spazmodeus |
<posted this in letitia's other post in recruitment, thought I'd post here as well...>
Heya, I've just recently returned to the boards here after a lengthy sabbatical. And I'm a soft touch for orphaned campaigns :)
Reign of Winter's always intrigued me...Baba Yaga and her Hut's always been a favorite of mine.
If you'll have me, provisionally, let me do some reading of the source material and gameplay
Cheers, Al
Letitia Frost |
Hi Spazmodeus!!
Thanks for showing interest in our game!
Let us know what you need from us in regards to the plot and where we are in the game (unless you're reading the thread). Also let us know if you have any specific rules as GM that we'll need to adapt to.
For example, I've got the Leadership feat and a lot of GMs have issues with that. (It was an in-game reason for Letitia to take on an apprentice.)
Also, how much time do you think you'd need to be ready to take the GM duties?
GM Spazmodeus |
Hey there!
Well, I'm about half way through the gameplay. Then I'll read the discussion thread to find about the previous GMs eccentricities, if any.
Then I'll need to review where you are and where you're going in relation to where you've been to get idea of our way forward.
As for the Leadership feat, right now , I have no issues with it. But to be honest, I haven't run into in in any previous games. I'll read up on it's criticisms and let you know if I agree :)
So, give me a bit of time to sort all that out.
But, I'm game for this if you guys are!