[PFS] PbP Gameday 5 - Scenario 7-00: The Sky Key Solution subtier 1-2 (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young


PbP GameDay 5 - Special 7-00: the Sky Key Solution Subtier 1-2

Overseer thread: LINK

Map/Status page:LINK

Discussion thread.

A few interesting things about this game: since it's a multi-table special, there is an "overseer" thread as well. I will link to new posts in our game; please read them as they are often critical.

I've added a link to the overseer thread and the overall map/status page at the top of the page in the campaign info section for your convenience.

Our table randomly started with an "Aid token". The group can decide to use the aid token by majority. Details:

Aid Another: A Pathfinder agent helps the PCs solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the bonus granted increases by 1. In Subtier 10–11, the bonus increases by 2.

Allied Offensive: A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 1d8 points. In addition, after the attack, anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, increase the damage dealt to 2d8 points. In Subtier 10–11, this amount increases to 3d8 points.

Burst of Healing: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 1d6 points of damage. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the amount healed increases to 3d6 points. In Subtier 10–11, the amount healed increases to 5d6 points. Alternatively, in any subtier the agent can instead cast neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level equal to the table’s APL (minimum 5).

Spellcasting Synergy: A Pathfinder agent casts a spell at the same time as the PC, increasing the save DC and caster level of the PC’s spell by 1. In Subtiers 7–8 and 10–11, the PC’s caster level instead increases by 2.

Timely Inspiration: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. In Subtiers 1–2 and 3–4, the competence bonus is +1. In Subtiers 5–6 and 7–8, the competence bonus increases to +2. In Subtier 10–11, the competence bonus increases to +3.

At the end of an encounter in which you use an aid token, pass the aid token to another table. You may also decide to pass your aid token in the middle of an encounter if you haven't used it yet. Passing Aid Tokens is subject to the following restrictions:
- You may not pass the aid token back to the table you got it from.
- You may not pass an aid token to the same table twice, unless the other rules make it impossible for this to happen. (There's 31 tables. I'd be surprised, but I'll mention it just in case.)
- You may not pass an aid token to a table that has a player/GM from your game as a player/GM of that game.
- A table can only have one aid token at a time.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

....bllleaaagh. Hope there's a lock for me to pick or something, cuz the blasting needs to be saved.

Has anyone played any of the following scenarios with this PC?
Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–00: Legacy of the Stonelords
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–16: Scions of the Sky Key,
Part 3: The Golden Guardian
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–19: Test of Tar Kuata
• Pathfinder Society Scenario#6–20: Returned to Sky
• Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–21: Tapestry’s Toil

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

Uhm...I get that it's a holiday weekend, but this Special is kinda real-time limited and we need to get a move on if we want to see more of it.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Two questions. Am I still taking 1 point of CON damage? And I found a couple things on Victory points but I am still unclear as to what they are for. Can someone explain them or link me to something that makes sense? TYVM

You took 1 point of COn damage, yes.

Victory Points are something the GM reports on when you succeed. Not sure where you found that, as it's only for GMs.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)
GM Lamplighter wrote:
Not sure where you found that, as it's only for GMs.

You actually mentioned them up-thread. I just figured they were a means for tracking overall success in the module myself.

Also, my "unsure about whether sickened applies to damage" is about the distinction between "weapon damage" and spell/supernatural/spell-like effects that cause damage. If it does, just adjust for me.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

Right. My plan with the scroll was to get right under the thing. My understanding of the range rules is that, with that arrangement, the range starts at 5' from the ground (since it starts from the square in front of yours when fired horizontally), so the snake is only 15' away and thus in range.

Yep, that's correct. You'd need to be adjacent or right under it, though.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

That is indeed the idea!

...Hey, Marika's smart, she's not necessarily restrained enough to think.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

So by my count I have 3 points of CON damage and I am blind. Are all of those still in effect?

Sorry, blindness is cleared after 1 minute. Con damage remains until cured or you heal it naturally over time.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

Yeah, I will say this only in OOC because Cutscene, but....dogpile the wizard sounds like a really good idea right now.

Grand Lodge

CG Female Snowborn Psychic 2 | HP: 12/14| AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (13 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Phrenic Pool (1/3) Used | Physical Push (0/2) Used| 1st level spells (1/5) Used |Active Conditions: 1 Con Damage, Mage Armor

Something about "a wizard that just laid waste to the entire contingent of Society mages" makes me think a frontal assault by the six of us may be a bit unreasonable.

Or, as my character would say, whispering, "I'm not sure that's a good idea?"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

Well, I more meant "Us and the other 50-100 of us," which seems better odds.

Grand Lodge

CG Female Snowborn Psychic 2 | HP: 12/14| AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (13 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | F: +2, R: +1, W: +7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Phrenic Pool (1/3) Used | Physical Push (0/2) Used| 1st level spells (1/5) Used |Active Conditions: 1 Con Damage, Mage Armor

Fair enough. Even still, I can't imagine the contingent that's lying dead at her feet went quietly.

Dark Archive

Male Human Fighter 1/Wizard 1 HP: 14/14 AC: 19 TAC: 14 FF: 15 F:+2 R:+4 W:+2 Init; +7 Per: +5

Hey yall sorry that i have been out. For so long. We had a family emergency and ive been at the hospital all week.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Sorcerer (Air)(Seeker) 1(HP 7/7, AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14, CMD 11, CMB -1, F+1, R+2, W+2, Init +2, Per +5 (6 for traps), SM +0)

*Wince* Hope things are going at least a bit better.

Sovereign Court

Hey everyone - GM Lamplighter emailed me saying that due to personal reasons he wasn't going to be able to finish the game. So you get me for the final couple days. I may have an update before my RL game tomorrow, but I should definitely prod you guys along by tomorrow afternoon eastern.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

That. Is kind of you, Mars!

I love that kind of cooperation.


Grand Lodge

Male Barbarian 3/ Bloodrager 1~ HP: 51/ 55 | AC: 18 (16 raging) {11T/17FF} | F:+9 R +2 W: +2 ; Init +3; Perception +10; Speed 50 ft. (35 ft. in armor)

Thanks for picking us up. I appreciate it.

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