The History of MMOs!

Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 07:00 AM Pacific

A recording of Ryan Dancey's seminar on the history of MMOs.

Video by Ed Healy of Gamerati

Ross Byers
Assistant Software Developer

More Paizo Blog.
Liberty's Edge

A great recap. I wish he'd had more time, as clearly he rushed through the end of it after getting all misty-eyed about Eve ;)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

EvE the only game I ever played with a real economy.

Shadow Lodge

A Fantasy version of EVE would be awesome. Maybe they will be able to fix some of the little things about EVE that hurt the fun.

Great review of MMO's. I have played every game he mentioned.

Dark Archive

So I hope they're going for a more adventury wurm online...

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