Ralph summons some air elementals to clear up the air, and waits to see if any of the creatures can see him.
Géatan steadies on the ground. You can't attack, since there's an earthquake going on.
Hm.. Attacking a whirlwind is a little weird. I'm going to assume that since none of the stats change, that it works, but I can't blind them with the dust attack since they would just blow it away immediately anyway.
I've added tokens for the air elementals onto the map. #1 is the north one, #2 is the south one, #3 is the east one.
After that, the earthquake ends. The Red Giant squints for a bit, and then all of the sudden a giant arm made of sand appears underneath one of the Dust Monkeys. (This is drawn on the map above Dust Monkey 3, although it is actually in the space below him - remember, they are airwalking 5 feet off the ground.) It then lashes out at a random target.
1 - AE1, 2 - Kol Voss, 3 - Koraq, 4 - Scotty, 5 - Scotty's Horse, 6 - Géatan, 7 - AE2 Random Target:1d7 ⇒ 4 Hand's Slam Attack:1d20 + 24 ⇒ (8) + 24 = 32 Slam Damage:1d8 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Scotty, make me a Fortitude save for being hit by the hand.:
If you do not make at least a DC 24, then you are stunned for 1 round. If you make it, you're fine.
Init – Round 2
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1- 143 damage, dead
Géatan - 36 damage
Air Elemental 1 - 46 damage, bloodied
Air Elemental 2 - 37 damage, bloodied
Air Elemental 3
Dust Monkey 3
Dust Monkey 4
Red Giant
Koraq - 62 damage
Kol Voss - blind until he is out the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, total defense (+6), prone, raging, guarded stance
Scotty - 17 damage, owes me a Fortitude save
Scotty's Horse
Koraq and Scotty are up, again let me know if you want Kol to do anything in particular.
Koraq takes a moment to defend himself, avoiding all the obstacles posed so far.
Kol Voss tries to get around the shaking ground and steels up in a position to defend himself.
Reflex Save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14and he falls prone He will also total defense, since I remembered that he can't move or attack since he's on the ground during an earthquake. This also gets him a +6 AC. In addition, he rages and goes into a defensive stance, not that any of this helps much since he's blind right now.
Scotty and his horse take some of damage from the blast, but avoid most of it. The horse barely stays up during the earthquake, but manages to keep itself and its rider steady, especially with its newfound sight. Technically you'd have to roll healing for LoH, but you only have 10 damage on you, so I'm not too worried. I have to imagine that this isn't the first time that mercy has been super helpful.
Dust Monkey 2 will once again exude dust, which causes more dust to spread out in the area where the brown cloud already is.
This will require another DC 20 Reflex save from everyone vs. blindness until they're out of the brown area. Yeah. These guys are that annoying. Kol Voss Reflex save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25dammit - should've been an attack roll!
Init – Round 2
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1- 143 damage, dead
Géatan - 36 damage
Dust Monkey 3
Dust Monkey 4
Red Giant
Koraq - 62 damage
Kol Voss - blind until he is out the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, total defense (+6), prone, raging, guarded stance
Scotty's Horse
Géatan dances around all the obstacles presented before him.
I realized I forgot to confirm the crit on the bite vs. Koraq, so here goes Bite Confirm:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13- does not confirm Extra Damage:2d6 + 14 ⇒ (4, 6) + 14 = 24 Also I realized that I forgot to copy my hit/miss markers over on the attacks, and that I forgot that Koraq was flat-footed. For that last full-attack, the last three attacks should hit, for 21+18+23=62 damage. (Assuming I have everything correct.)
(Also I forgot that earthquake is a 25% chance of opening up, not a 20%. Oh well, not worth going back.)
Init – Round 1
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1- 143 damage, dead
Dust Monkey 3
Dust Monkey 4
Red Giant
Koraq - 62 damage, owes two reflex vs. blind, one reflex vs. damage, one save vs. earthwuake
Kol Voss - blind until he is out the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one save vs. earthquake
Scotty - blind until he is out of the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one reflex vs. damage
Scotty's Horse - blind until it is out of the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one save vs. blind, one save vs. damage, two saves vs. earthquake
Koraq and Scotty are still up. Kol will be planning on attacking the nearest monkey he can, even while blind, unless you tell him otherwise.
Dust Monkey 3 walks towards the party, going slightly up, and exhudes another dust cloud. (This is the orange cloud, and affects Koraq and Géatan only for the initial save.) Then, he releases a blast of dust, affecting Koraq, Scotty, and his horse.
Koraq and Géatan owe me a DC 20 Reflex save or be blinded. Koraq, Scotty and his horse owe me a DC 20 Reflex save to halve 9d4 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 4) = 20 slashing damage.
The Red Giant delays until after the last Dust Monkey.
Finally, it exhudes another cloud of dust (the maroon one), this one affecting Kol, Scotty's Horse, Géatan and Koraq.
Those four owe me another Reflex save or be blinded.
The Red Giant casts Earthquake
On a 5, you have to roll vs. falling into the ground.
Scotty's Horse:1d5 ⇒ 5 Koraq:1d5 ⇒ 1 Géatan:1d5 ⇒ 5 Kol:1d5 ⇒ 2 Red Giant:1d5 ⇒ 4
Init – Round 1
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1- 143 damage, dead
Géatan - owes me two saves vs. blind, two saves vs. earthquake
Dust Monkey 3
Dust Monkey 4
Red Giant
Koraq - 44 damage, owes two reflex vs. blind, one reflex vs. damage, one save vs. earthwuake
Kol Voss - blind until he is out the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one save vs. earthquake
Scotty - blind until he is out of the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one reflex vs. damage
Scotty's Horse - blind until it is out of the brown cloud + 1d4 rounds, owes me one save vs. blind, one save vs. damage, two saves vs. earthquake
Koraq and Scotty are up - in addition, if you would like to redirect Kol Voss anywhere, then feel free to do so - otherwise he's going to try to run up and hit a thing.
Okay, horse is on the map now and monkey is marked as dead.
Since it acts like obscuring mist, I would assume that fire works on this as well. Air elementals I would assume clear out an area equal to half of their vortex height in whirlwind form.
Also yes, I missed the init change on level up - this is what happens if I just copy/paste the init macro from my OneNote as opposed to actually seeing if it changed when you levels. So you would go before Dust Monkey 1, which means the left dust cloud won't actually be there, and therefore the second reflex save isn't necessary (not that anyone passed the first but made the second) and that Geatan currently doesn't have any damage on him. Again, I'll edit the map in the morning - trying to bang this out before I pass out again.
See, I knew that there was something up with your flat-footed AC, but couldn't remember what it was. So crit doesn't confirm, but the two attacks did hit.
Géatan takes a bunch of shots at the dust monkey, each of his first four shots sinking true, with the last one finally causing the monkey to come crashing to the ground. His fifth shot, however, flies past another one of the monkeys. (Even if we direct the last arrow to a flat-footed monkey, it's not hitting.)
(If there's one thing that they did do well for Eyes, it's have certain themes running throughout it. Monkeys is one of them. See if you can spot any others!)
Koraq easily dodges out of the way of all the sand. The same cannot be said for Scotty, although his sand was less lethal.
(The horse! I can't believe I forgot the horse! You totally would've been able to take him with you - I'll try to get him up tomorrow morning in between classes.)
Ralph ponders what he knows about the creatures.
spoilered mostly for convenience
Dust Monkey:
Okay, so these are Advanced Dust Girallons aka they're Girallons with the Dust template who on top of that have more HD than normal. Fun stuff. Important to note - they have the [air] subtype. (Oh, and also are magical beasts.)
Okay, to answer your questions.
They have an ability called exude dust. They can do it as a free action, and it acts in all ways like obscuring mist, including how it reacts with wind. All the dust monkeys can see through it, but only the dust monkeys. (Not, in particular, the red giant in the back.) When they initially exude the dust, if you're in it you have to make a reflex save or be blind until you leave the cloud + 1d4 rounds afterwards. Being in the cloud after it is exuded doesn't matter.
Now you may be wondering why Adril chose these beasts for an arena fight if they gum up line of sight as a free action. The answer is, uh… uh… blame Josh Frost.
While the dust monkeys are fancy advanced dust girallons, like other girallons they are fairly hardy, their reflexes are okay, but they have fairly weak minds.
While they don't have any traditional resistances or weaknesses, because of their ability to manipulate air in order to create dust, it is harder for flying creatures to steady themselves in order to attack them. They have air mastery like an air elemental.
And lastly, I'll give you a special attack you haven't seen yet. Girallons in general are skilled with pulling something in four directions at once, and if they get a hold of a creature with all four of their arms, then they will pull you in all four directions in one plane, causing extra rend damage. They need to have all four claws on you to do this.
(After the third question, you run out of questions.)
Red Giant:
This is a Sand Giant. It is a humanoid (earth, giant) creature. The first thing you should know is that they are not from a Paizo source - they are from the Tome of Horrors, so you know that there's some hot b$*%**!! going on.
Like many other giants you know of, they are very hardy, but their reflexes are terrible and so is their willpower (they're tied for lowest.)
The sand giant doesn't have any special resistances or weaknesses.
Sand giants have the ability to create a giant arm out of sand. It can make this appear anywhere on the ground within 40 feet, and it has a space of 10 feet and a reach of 20 feet. This arm then attacks for free on the sand giants turn, and if it hits you, you need to make a fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The giant can only do this once per day, but it lasts for 17 rounds.
(After the third question, you run out of questions.)
You're right - you would expect that he's going to plan something. But nope - straight into a fight. This is where I'll point out that this is the scenario written by Josh Frost and therefore has some… interesting choices… yeah that. Literally every table I know sees this scene and goes *huh?*.
Kol Voss listens to Géatan half-heartedly, more focused on the roof ahead. "Right, yeah. Got it. Family and stuff. Right. Family is important. Glad you are helping out." He completely ignores Ralph's questions, trying to keep a face full of determination. I'll admit, I don't have a good answer for this - blame Josh Frost.
The Crimson Forum is a large arena constructed primarily from the same reddish stone seen everywhere in the city of Arl. It seats up to 10,000 souls, most of whom are currently human. Throughout the stands, though, you can spot rat men, lizardfolk, 12-foot-tall, four-armed humanoids, and a few incredibly strange floating and pulsating brain-like creatures. Adril Hestram sits in the luxury box on the north side of the arena, the Starsword on his hip and the Princess Verrish chained by the feat to the floor and seated in a short chair beside the hulking former venture-captain.
When your group rises to the arena’s floor, the crowd goes silent. Several monsters are free and moving to the west, headed toward three large poles. Five men are chained to each pole by the wrists and they huddle together behind their meager prison, shying away from the monsters. All are injured, weak, and sick, and none are ready to fight.
Adril leaps from his throne, knocking it over in his rush to stand. His face bulges in surprise, his cheeks red and angry. “My friends!” he shouts unnaturally loud, “I’m sorry to see you alive.” He crams two fingers into his mouth and performs what can only be a magically enhanced, ear-splitting whistle. The monsters stop menacing the prisoners and turn to face Adril. “King Adril, your god, wishes you to destroy these fools! Kill them all!” The crowd roars with approval.
As the monsters come towards you, Kol shouts out "Adril Hestram - I challenge you for possession of the Starsword and rulership of Arl!"
The Dust Monkeys are four-armed big apes with red fur and surrounded by a cloud of dust. The Red Giant is a slightly smaller giant with a really big greatsword.
Knowledge for the Dust Monkeys is arcana and for the Red Giant is local.
I placed you guys on the platform (the red square on the map) - if you would've left the area immediately, then feel free to move yourself to where you would've gone, as long as you are in the main area of the arena.
Note that the columns that are present on the arena map aren't actually there for this encounter.
Init – Round 1
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1
Dust Monkey 3
Red Giant
Dust Monkey 4
Kol Voss
Dust Monkey 2 breaks formation and runs next to the group. As it runs over to the group, it takes off into the air, seemingly running on air. 10 feet above the rest of the group, the monkey starts beating its chest, and the dust that follows around it expands outwards, enveloping the center of the arena. The dust is treated as an obscuring mist for vision purposes.
Everyone make a Reflex save:
If you didn't make at least a 20, then you are blinded until you are out of the area + 1d4 rounds.
Then, it puts its hand out towards Koraq and unleashes a blast of dust in his direction.
Koraq make a Reflex save:
9d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4, 4) = 27 slashing damage, DC 20 Reflex for half.
Dust Monkey 1, meanwhile, five-foot steps up and starts tearing into Géatan. It seems unaffected by the fact that everything is enveloped in a dust cloud.
Claw attack:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13- miss Damage:1d8 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 Claw attack:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32- potential crit Damage:1d8 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 Claw attack confirmation:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20- does this confirm? you ff ac shows as 20 under your name Damage:1d8 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 Claw attack:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24- hit, again assuming AC is correct Damage:1d8 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22 Claw attack:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17- miss Damage:1d8 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 Bite attack:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13- miss Damage:2d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 4) + 14 = 24
It then also exudes a cloud of dust.
Everyone make a Reflex save:
If you didn't make at least a 20, then you are blinded until you are out of the area + 1d4 rounds.
Kol Voss Reflex Saves:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Kol Voss is blind!
Init – Round 1
Dust Monkey 2
Dust Monkey 1
Géatan- 60 potential damage, owes two Reflex saves Ralph- owes two Reflex saves
Dust Monkey 3
Red Giant
Dust Monkey 4
Koraq - owes three Reflex saves
Kol Voss - is blind until he is out of the area + 1d4 rounds
Scotty - owes two Reflex saves
Géatan and Ralph are up - will be drawing in the various areas on the map in a moment.
What at first seems to be just another wall in the slave passage is a secret door, one that Kol Voss expertly opens. Inside are a series of linked chambers that may have once held animals of some sort. In the center of the main chamber is an open double door of reddish steel revealing a 20-foot-by-20-foot room inside. Outside this room await a dozen men and women dressed like Kol Voss, but wielding a variety of weapons—some familiar and some quite alien. Kol Voss introduces them as his friends but reveals they do not speak Golarion’s common tongue—only Azlanti.
After the introductions, Kol Voss enters the 20-foot-by-20-foot room and gestures for the PCs to do the same. “We’ll speak in here, in private,” he says. Kol’s friends smile and gesture for the PCs to enter as well. Once they do, the doors are hurriedly shut and locked, the room falling dark but for a thin sliver of light from somewhere far above. In the distance can be heard a sound like tens of thousands of people cheering in unison. Kol Voss faces the PCs at this moment and says, “This problem we have with Adril Hestram must be solved at once and I know only one way to make sure it happens.” Suddenly the room lurches upward and vibrates with the sound of grinding chains.
“Above us in the Crimson Forum, King Adril himself is about to watch as several of my closest friends are torn apart by monsters. He likely has my sister at his side in chains. Together we will free my friends and then challenge Adril to combat in the arena. He must possess Odrian’s symbol of power—the mighty Starsword—so I will swear the oaths of my ancient tribe and challenge him for the weapon. Should he refuse, the entire city will turn against him. Together we will slay him in combat, take the blade, and free the city and my sister from his tyranny. Prepare yourselves—we rise to face things you have only dreamed of. I recommend you do it quickly. This platform will make it up to the surface in 20 seconds.”
One thing that becomes apparent is that Kol never really stops walking. He may be freely giving you information, but he's also expertly navigating the slave tunnels.
Towards Ralph, he says "I do not know much of her abilities, but I do know that when I saw her and the Beast attacking, she would glide above the ground. She has a very shrill laugh. It hurt the ears."
"I do have a plan for overthrowing Adril, and could greatly use the help. Rescuing allies would be great, but is not the focus. The focus currently needs to be on removing Adril. I'll mention it in a moment, but we need to get to the right place first.
"I do not know what happened to Odrian's remains. Adril has them.
Then he turns to Geatan and says "I did not know you were coming. But I hoped that someone else would come through the portal. It was really our only hope.
"The portal has been there for as long as I've been alive. I've only ever seen yourselves, Odrian, and Adril come through. Well, as well as myself when Odrian would take me on occasional trips on your planet.
"The people consider the ancient Azlantis to be gods, and they don't realize that the other side of the portal is no longer Azlant. I, of course, know that Azlant no longer exists and have been fighting for self-determination for a long time, but for a long time my people have only seen 'Azlanti' rule, and believe that they are incapable of ruling themselves. So it's up to me to show then that we citizens of Arl can rule ourselves!
"We have many gods - most of them similar to yours. The gods' spheres of influence are big, and they overlap us too. Not all the gods are well known here though. I would like to see more Cayden influence myself.
"Adril is considered both.
"I wouldn't necessarly consider Odiran worshipped at the present moment, but there are lots of people on that pyramid who want to see him back alive. Perhaps wishful thinking would be a better descriptor."
Kol tries to brush off all the science/technology/economy questions. "I know some bits, but I am not the person to ask. Perhaps when this is all over we can have a more peaceful discussion between our cultures.
"I know your Taldane because Odrian taught it to me for our many trips to explore your planet. He realized that I was not happy with the arrangement and decided that the trips out would placate me. He was wrong.
"I am not technically a prince, since my sister is a princess through marriage.
"Fighting means many things in my culture. Entertainment sure, but also a means of demonstrating power. I intend to use one in this way in just a moment.
"My trusted lieutenants currently have nothing, as they have all been captured or killed in Adril's raid.
"My sister loved Odrian, and I would imagine has no love for Adril. Perhaps I'm wrong. I haven't gotten to see her since Adril took over.
"I don't know. The Crimson Forum has the ability to hold beasts, but Odrian rarely used them. Adril, on the other hand, might.
"I plan on trying to turn the people against him. If Adril escapes, then my work is done.
"As far as I'm aware, he had two other people with him, but the only one I know about is the pale woman."
Lemme know if you guys have any other questions. Otherwise, Kol will finish navigating the tunnels.
Well... I apologize. I haven't frozen up in sheer terror like that ever before. I was like barely able to plan my classes this week, sometimes coming up with lessons minutes before the class started.
But I seemed to have recovered as of now. I have a plan to do legal paperwork on a _much_ faster timeline than I planned on in order to make sure that it's still possible - and that's seems to have helped calm me. Time to get back into the main world.
I'd ask for a Diplomacy check, but Scotty's going to blow it out of the water.
Kol looks at Scotty. "I'd appreciate it. I've been trying to work against the whole 'god' idea for years."
When Scotty does his speech, the people praying look weirdly at you for a moment. Some believe you and offer words of thanks for coming. Some turn back to the portal, hoping to pray for more gods. Some don't believe you, yelling out in Azlanti "You must be gods! Only gods would be so humble!" Kol shakes his head at that last cry.
Kol moves quickly ahead, the city’s pyramid rising tall above the city behind you. He gestures for you to make haste, hen ducks down a side street. Once you catch up, Kol is standing over an opened grate. “Down the stairs—hurry.” In the background, rising from somewhere over the city, you can hear a large crowd of people—a large crowd of people headed this way.
Once you descend the stairs, you find yourselves in a dusty passage carved from red rocks. "This will let us travel unnoticed," said Kol. "These are the old slave tunnels, but Arl hasn't had slaves in hundreds of years, so no one uses these anymore." He starts leading you down different passages, talking as he navigates the underground labyrinth.
“Adril was dead,” he says, “when he first came through; the pale woman carried his lifeless body in her arms. The next we saw him was the night he and some of my misguided rebel compatriots invaded Odrian’s estate, killed his household, and murdered Odrian. Adril took my sister, the Princess Verrish, as his new bride and has ruled the city as a tyrant since then. He’s run endless games in the Crimson Forum, slaughtering anyone who dared to speak out against him. His first victims were Odrian’s cabinet and city council and he’s since moved on to petty criminals and anyone who displeases him. Today he has several of my most trusted lieutenants in there and I plan to get them back.”
The warrior looks up at the space where Ralph is, although you can tell from his eyes that while he knows Ralph’s general location from his voice, he hasn’t quite pinpointed Ralph yet. “Ah yes, allies of Odrian. I know precisely what you mean. We should talk further. I am Kol Voss, brother of Princess Verish, the now widow of Odrian, who you have correctly deduced, has been slain by the cowardly beast Adril Hestram.” Kol turns to Géatan after his invisible man comment. “Please don’t say that to them – joking about an invisible friend will only make them worse,” he says, while pointing to the humans prostrating themselves around the pyramid.
As Kol speaks, the other humans look up from their chanting to see you. A crowd starts to form, pushing at Kol to move him aside—a dangerous move on such a tall platform. They tear at your clothes, grab for your hands, and shout in their native tongue in what can easily be determined to be desperation. Women try to push babes into the your arms, the men offer their blades and kneel in a sign of fealty, and all the while the crowd pushes in closer and closer, crushing each other and you. Finally, Kol has enough. He brandishes his sword, removes the shield from his back, and yells in a mighty, booming voice in the same language as the pyramid people. They immediately back down the pyramid away from the you.
The crowd is saying things like “At last, more gods have come to save us!” and “Heaven has seen it fit to send gods to slay the Beast that has been loose!”
Kol yells “Everybody stand back! Let these travelers through! They can’t help us if you’re overrunning them!”
Kol turns back to you and sheathes his sword. “We musn’t stay here. That won’t work for long and they won’t leave you alone so long as they can see you.” He then makes an indication with his hand to follow him, and he starts walking down the pyramid.
The four of you are easily able to make it through the Maze, thanks mostly to Condria’s directions. She hasn’t seen anyone enter or leave recently, but she’s sensed some activity through the portal in the past couple days. The portal itself is made of red-tinged steel, twisted at impossible angles and framing a shimmering swirl of reddish-orange light.
Know(arcana) DC 40:
Unlike the one to Cheliax, this one seems to be functioning properly. You’ll be able to get back through to Golarion via this portal.
The very light twists and bends as you step through the red portal, time seems to stretch and pull at you, your skin tingles and then burns, and then, just when it begins to hurt, the world solidifies once more, only it’s not your world any longer. You find yourself standing atop a vast stepped pyramid made of enormous blocks of red stone. The pyramid has to be at least 500 feet tall and its base occupies nearly half the dusty city that surrounds it. All around you, down every side of the pyramid, red-skinned humans, their heads shaved clean and dressed only in loincloths and thin shirts, prostrate themselves on every step and chant quietly in unison: “Odrian, Odrian, Odrian.”
Just then a sudden, icy blast of wind tears across the pyramid, disturbing clothes, whipping at red flags, and causing the canvas roof above the portal to groan with age. Though in every direction beyond the city you can clearly see red desert, the air is as cold as a glacier and as thin as the highest mountains on Golarion. None of the red-skinned humans prostrated before you seem to even notice the cold.
But someone has noticed you: suddenly one of the mourners stands and stares at you from under a thick brow with large, dark eyes. Though he wears the same clothing as the rest, he carries a thick sword on his hip, a shield on his back, and a quiver with a few javelins in it on one shoulder. He regards you silently for a moment and then says, in perfectly unaccented Taldane, “if King Adril is yours, you can have him back.”
Scotty, I'll take a look when I get up tomorrow. You should be able to access everything.
Eliza sighs. "I can't quite say everything. But being a faction leader grants you special privileges and access. I mean, why do you think we have the eclectic set of leaders that we have today? Power. Why do you think that Zarta decided to stay with us as opposed to handling her political enemies like she used to do before she became an ambassador? Except they're not supposed to be that blatant about their special privileges.
"Faction politics. Ugh. If they weren't so damn useful I'd try to get rid of them myself."
Eliza looks at Géatan. "Odrian's origin or Adril's? As for Odrian, we don't know. He somehow managed to get himself made ruler on another planet, but that happened after he was made a decemvirate member. I think he went under a pseudonym when dealing with the decemvirate so it's been hard to link him up with previous accomplishments. I've been looking for pathfinders who disappeared around that time, but so far no one checks out completely.
"As for Adril, his past is well documented, and besides this sudden traitorous aspect to him, we know his entire life pretty much,"
She turns to Scotty. "Freaking Maldris. You're not supposed to... never mind. This is the first I've heard of this "god" aspect. I do not have any accounts of him having unusual magical powers, although I do not know the entirety of Akitonian culture, and it may be the case that they are just less magically inclined than we are. After all, any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a miracle."
Eliza sighs. "We've been trying to scry and get some information about what's been going on in Arl, but it's not been very useful. Scrying on Odrian himself is giving nothing, just utter blackness. Scrying on Adril has been useless as he keeps resisting it. We're doing what we can to empower those who are scrying to push against this resistance, but we do need to not alert the entire Society as to what's happening, so it's slow going. Scrying on other people in Arl has been hard since we don't know any random Akitonians, so it's hard to form enough of a bond for the spell. The information that we have tells us that he was once spotted with a red-skinned human on Golarion - possibly an Akitonian he took with him on one of his trips back, but that is also a very loose bond and that person has been able to resist all of my scrying attempts as well.
"By Irori's braid, I wish I wasn't sending you in this blind. But it turns out that people don't have a ton of information about what's going on, since, it turns out, it's hard to get info on another planet. My mind is still slightly boggled by the fact that we have a portal to another planet right in my backyard!"
"Well, I'm glad that you are excited to go to the planet," says Eliza, "not that changes anything, but better to be excited."
“It seems likely to me,” she goes on, “that whoever took Adril’s body from this lodge likely took it to Akiton, as neither Adril nor any of his co-conspirators have shown their faces at the Grand Lodge, and since it was the only other location he was seeking and hadn’t found when he set his plan in motion here in my lodge.
“I want you to travel back into the Maze of the Open Road, find Condria—the medusa guardian—and see if she can’t guide you to the portal that leads to Akiton. As far as I know, Akiton is cold and dry but you can breathe the air, even if it’s a bit thin. Go there, find out where Odrian is, and find Adril or any of his conspirators should they still be there. I shouldn’t have to say it, but I will: I want Adril alive, should you find him. He has many questions to answer and many deaths to answer for. Any questions?”
Faction missions will be going out momentarily.
Also, I don't know what you're talking about Géatan. Guns are fine, especially in low gravity when their first range increment is much farther... *whistles innocently*
You’ve had a few days’ rest in the Woodsedge Lodge before Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro welcomes you to the lodge’s meeting room, largely repaired since the Red Raven’s assault nearly a week ago. She is joined this time by a dark-haired man, slender and silent, clothed in a simple traveler’s cloak, heavy shirt, and wool pants. The dark-haired man stands behind Eliza as she gestures for you each to sit, a heavy chest set on a table beside him, a thick iron lock sealing its contents. Once you’re settled, Eliza makes a few gestures, muttering a few incantations before sighing heavily and directing her attention to you once again.
Eliza speaks: “The man beside me is one of my agents in the Grand Lodge in Absalom. He is not a Pathfinder, is not employed by our illustrious organization, and is my little secret. Therefore, you need not and will not know his name. He has spent the better part of this week gathering a host of information on Adril Hestram—his motivations, his reasons, anyone he spoke to in the Grand Lodge, and most importantly, the contents of his personal quarters.” Eliza reaches back and thumps her hand on the heavy chest. “All of that is in here. You can look through it if you like—I have—but it hasn’t told me anything I didn’t already know save one piece of information: I know where Odrian is.”
Eliza waits a moment to see your reactions and then continues. “If you recall, Odrian was on Adril’s target list, but it seemed as though Hestram didn’t know where Odrian was. At some point just prior to joining you in the journey here, he found what he was looking for. It seems Odrian leads a double-life—apart from being a venture-captain and, let’s face it, likely a member of our Decemvirate, Odrian is also Prince Odrian, the Thurok of Arl, a city high in the cold mountains of the northern region of—“ Eliza pauses for a moment. “Well,” she continues, “a city on the planet Akiton.
"I'd tell you all about Akiton, but I presume Ralph is chomping at the bit to do so. Ralph?”
Knowledge(geography) DC 25:
Akiton (pronounced A-keh-ton) is the fourth planet from the sun in Golarion's solar system.
Red in color, Akiton is both colder and harder than its sunward neighbor. Geographically, its surface is dominated by sparse deserts and glaciers, many of which are dried-up former ocean beds; its mountains and chasms are respectively the solar system's tallest and deepest. Akitonians favor firearms, which have exceptional range thanks to its thin atmosphere and low gravity.
All right - your chronicle sheets are available here. At least, they should be - lemme know if you can't access them or there's an error. You'll be better off PMing me so that I see it.
Boon rolls
Osten - rolled a 19
Kageko - 1d20 ⇒ 11
Uthraed - rolled a 2
Marika - 1d20 ⇒ 13
Sees-Far-Ahead - 1d20 ⇒ 18
No boons at this table. :(
Hey guys! My guess is that I'll be filling out chronicle sheets for you unless Lamplighter comes back in and says that he'll be doing it. In order to fill out your chronicle sheets, I'll need:
Player Name
Character Name
Downtime Activity
Previous totals for XP, Prestige, Fame, and Gold
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com
The asteroid looms impossibly large overhead, and the air grows stiflingly hot as the world itself begins to rumble. High overhead, the dome of green energy shudders, twists, and finally shatters, and Pathfinders’ bodies begin melting into flowing particles as the world slips away.
Just as quickly, you stumble as Bloodwatered Meadow coalesces beneath your feet, as it does for countless other Society agents. The wildflowers bob lazily in the wind, and nothing but a few still bodies stand as testament to the bloodshed and struggle of the past five hours. Kreighton Shaine, looking several years older, staggers to his feet and gives a nervous chuckle before climbing up a small knoll and waving his arms for the crowd’s attention.
“What we have all witnessed here today has been a remarkably journey that included sights no living soul on Golarion has witnessed. The Sky Key has allowed us to walk among the serpentfolk and Azlanti, gazing upon several of the greatest events to shape Golarion and the region that would one day become the Inner Sea. Let the catastrophe that we witnessed and narrowly escaped humble us and teach us so that we might find value in preserving the messages and wisdom those lost people may have left behind for us to discover. I think we all have some responsibility to remember those who passed so that our modern world can exist.
“You have all observed great things and have notes to share. This much is certain. But for now, let us… let us simply take a few days to reflect. The Society, I imagine, will send agents to collect your notes and interview you about your experiences. Until then, find your families and loved ones, as I know I shall. Failing that, find some passion that ties you to the here and now, and embrace it.
“We survived, Pathfinders. I am proud of your Unrivaled Accomplishment!”
Congrats everyone. The stakes haven't been higher for a PbP Special, but everyone rose to the occasion. I've been watching the successes come in on the Google form and it's been exciting watching you inch closer and closer to the goal! There have certainly been some super tables out there, but it's fairly clear that everyone has been working hard and contributing to the group success. I'm super proud of you guys.
At this point, you have a chance to perform Downtime activity and roll for boons. Because the house earned an Unrivaled Accomplishment, everyone gets their Secondary Success Condition.
I'd like to send a big thank you to all of the players for participating in this event, and a big thank you to all the GMs who ran this. Running and playing in the Play-by-Post specials are a lot of work in a short time, and you rose to the challenge.
If you have any feedback about how this was run at all, please either email me at jmcteague@pathfindersocietyonline.com, or email Jesse at jesse@pathfindersocietyonline.com