[PFS]Curse of the Riven Sky (Inactive)

Game Master Matthais777

Maps here.

Howdy folks! My last module just wrapped up, so time to start up a new one! This module is sure to be lots of fun. I'll be taking the first 6 people to sign up, and will open up discussion for characters once we have those 6. I expect to start shortly after that.

Because this is a module, I expect this to both take longer and to be very role play heavy. I would still request that you only sign up if you think you can devote at least 1 post a day or more, and a minimum of 1 post on weekends, or at least leave me botting instructions if you can't make it during battle. If I don't get posts within 24 hours, or bot instructions, I reserve the right to hit your character upside the head with a coconut carried by either a European or African swallow, causing them to miss their turn or shut up in the middle of conversation. Exceptions of course are granted if you let me know before hand that's something's come up, and I try not to kill characters while players are away in case of emergencies.

Curse of the Riven Sky
A wilderness adventure for 10th-level characters.

The black clouds of war are gathering, and evil flocks to their thundering call! While seeking the legendary expertise of a cloud giant skymage, the PCs interrupt an attack on his lair by well-armed and magically augmented hill giants. To obtain the cloud giant's arcane knowledge, the PCs must seek out and eliminate the source of the hill giant threat, yet the brutes have little information other than the name of their employer—a mysterious giant calling herself the Storm Queen, whose anger and hatred have transformed over the course of years into a murderous plan that could cost hundreds of innocent lives. Can the PCs find the Storm Queen in time to prevent her from unleashing a horde of vengeful ghosts upon the world?

Curse of the Riven Sky is an adventure for 10th-level characters. Authored by novelist and legendary game designer Monte Cook. This adventure is set in the Viking-inspired Land of the Linnorm Kings.

Dark Archive

Does this grant Society credit and a Chronicle?

Sign me up if so!

Dark Archive

Ohh. 10th level play. Sign me up!

I too would like the chance to get Society credit, but I am in either way. I'd be happy to play a 10th level PFS character too if that was desired.

Dark Archive

I have a 9th level pfs character that is interested if there is any flexibility on the tier.

I'd love to join up on this, I have a Gnome plant druid/shaman I've been thinking about for a while.

Lucija Lal Rani wrote:

Does this grant Society credit and a Chronicle?

Sign me up if so!

Yes, this will be for society credit and a chronicle. The chronicle sheet even has a nifty 1 of a kind pretty darn cool item that can only be gotten from this scenario to!

Birseko Naam wrote:
I have a 9th level pfs character that is interested if there is any flexibility on the tier.

Society rules say a module can play 1 level up or down, so 9-11 are eligible for this game.

chadius wrote:
I'd love to join up on this, I have a Gnome plant druid/shaman I've been thinking about for a while.

Unfortunately that wouldn't be possible, as this is a PFS game so It would have to be a society level character of 9-11, I'd normally offer to let you play a pregen, but the pregens don't go that high!

So far I have 3 people in,


3 slots left!

Oh, it's a PFS game, yeah I don't have anyone in tier. Good luck and have fun!

Dark Archive

Options for me: It seems half my PFS characters are in the 9-11 range right now.

Slash - 11th level beast of a rogue- strength build half orc. He is slow tracking. Does this grant 3 xp? If so he would be .5 xp from retiring (level 12) after this.

Sutoku - 9th level melee inquisitor - Tengu

Vermin - 9th level Half Orc melee druid (Saurian Shaman)

Ki - 9th level Cavalier - Small riding a Warg, Few skills but high damage

Radiant - 9th level Ninja(8) / Selfish Bard (1) Less damage and more skills that Slash plus a face.

Turk - 9th level Skald

Nice to have options. Lets see what the party needs. :)

Dark Archive

My only character in tier is Sir Mr. Proudefeets, accompanied by his faithful mount Griff Griffin. Proudefeets is level 9 (Paladin 6, Fighter 2, Sohei Monk 1). Basically a Cavalier-type but without any levels in Cavalier.

Dark Archive

Skorn wrote:

Radiant - 9th level Ninja(8) / Selfish Bard (1) Less damage and more skills that Slash plus a face.

I hate how people keep using "selfish" in such a misleading manner. -_-

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live."
- Oscar Wilde

The Exchange

I'd like in on this one...

I have a couple of options.

Dark Archive

Lucija Lal Rani wrote:
Skorn wrote:

Radiant - 9th level Ninja(8) / Selfish Bard (1) Less damage and more skills that Slash plus a face.

I hate how people keep using "selfish" in such a misleading manner. -_-

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live."
- Oscar Wilde

He is a dervish dancer and his bard performance only buffs him. Thus “selfish”. I did lot coin the term and am only trying to lay out pros and cons of each offering.

Think I have a fighter or two in the range.

The Exchange

Bauble is available. He's a dex based Magus.

Dark Archive

With Bauble that makes 7. We may have one too many.

Can everyone list class and level of the characters they are considering? If we have no other rogue I will play Slash. Can Lucija Lal Rani take the roll of face/diplo? If I need to I can play Radiant and handle the face stuff.

Bauble makes 6 by my count. (Chadius wasn't intrested in PFS)


Alright! I'll open up discussion and game-play thread in a moment.

Gameplay thread

Discussion Thread

Let's do this thing.

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