Dwarven Rager

Clandelve Hammerhand's page

1,085 posts. Organized Play character for PatheticWretch.

Full Name

Clandelve Hammerhand




Fighter 10 | HP 94/94 | AC 30; Tch 15; FF 27 | F +9; R +6; W +4 | CMB+14; CMD 27 | Speed 30 ft | Init +3 | +2 Warhammer (adamantine): +19 (1d8+10/x3) | Perc +12




Hunting Lodge

Strength 19
Dexterity 17
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 6

About Clandelve Hammerhand

Clandelve Hammerhand
Male Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 10
LN Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision, Perception +12
Languages Common, Dwarven
AC 30, touch 15, flat-footed 27
    (+11 armor, +3 Dex, +3 shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +1 trait)(+4 dodge vs. giants)
hp 94 (10d10, +20 Con, +10 favored)
Fort +9 (+14 vs. poison), Ref +6, Will +4 (+7 vs. fear)(+11 vs. spells and spell-like abilities, +12 vs. transmutation)
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee 'Earthshaker' +2 Warhammer (adamantine) +19 (1d8+10/x3) (weapon cord)
Ranged 'Whistler' +1 composite longbow (+4) +14 (1d8+5)
Base Atk +10/+5; CMB +14 (+18 bull rush or overrun, +16 sunder or trip) (+1 using hammers); CMD 27 (28 vs. disarm or sunder using hammers)
Special Attacks Giant Hunter, Hammer to the Ground, Rhythmic Blows
Abilities STR 19, DEX 17, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 6
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Two-Weapon Fighting, Step Up, Steel Soul, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Warhammer), Shield Slam, Lunge, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Disruptive, Weapon Specialization (Warhammer)
Traits Defender of the Society, Glory of Old
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+6 Jump), Bluff -2, Climb +5, Diplomacy -2, Disguise -2, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal +1, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering) +4, Knowledge (History) (Dwarves or their enemies) +2, Perception +12, Ride +0, Sense Motive +1, Stealth +0, Survival +10 (+12 Track Giant), Swim +5 Armor Check Penalty -3
SQ Weapon Training
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of gaseous form, potion of fly, wand of cure light wounds [30/50 charges], acid flask (x3), alchemist's fire (x2) Other Gear 'Earthshaker' +2 warhammer (adamantine), 'Whistler' +1 composite longbow (+4), +2 mithral full plate, +2 spiked light noqual quickdraw shield +2, +2 belt of giant strength, +1 ring of protection, +1 amulet of natural armor, boots of striding and springing, MW dwarven waraxe (cold iron), light hammer (cold iron), light hammer (alchemical silver), club, spiked gauntlet (cold iron), dagger (cold iron), sling, bullets (10), dwarven boulder helmet, cold-weather outfit, backpack, belt pouch, bandolier, durable arrows (20), bedroll, bell, blanket, candle, chalk, charcoal, crowbar, rations (trail/per day)(x3), smoked goggles, earplugs, fishhook, string, flint and steel, grappling hook, inkpen, mess kit, tankard (pewter), oil (1 pint flask) (3), parchment (sheet), piton (5), rope (hemp/50 ft.), sack, sewing needle, signal whistle, tindertwig, waterskin (filled), MW survival kit, vermin repellent (2), bladeguard, smelling salts, air crystals, weapon cord, hunting lodge (survival for day job checks), 11,045 gp


Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called "fighter bonus feats." Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
Bravery (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.
Darkvision (Ex): Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Defender of the Society: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Armor Class when wearing medium or heavy armor.
Defensive Training (Ex): Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against humanoid creatures of the giant subtype.
Giant Hunter (Ex): Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the giant subtype. Furthermore, they gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks to find and follow tracks made by humanoids with the giant subtype.
Glory of Old: You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.
Hammer to the Ground (Ex): At 7th level, when a foehammer succeeds at a bull rush combat maneuver, he can make a trip combat maneuver at the end of the bull rush. If he does not move with the target, the force of his blow may still trip his foe, but he takes a –5 penalty on the combat maneuver check to trip. At 15th level, any creature a foehammer successfully bull rushes is automatically knocked prone at the end of the bull rush. This ability replaces armor training 2 and 4.
Hardy (Ex): Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Lorekeeper: Dwarves keep extensive records about their history and the world around them. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) skill checks that pertain to dwarves or their enemies. They can make such skill checks untrained.
Relentless (Ex): Dwarves are skilled at pushing their way through a battlefield, tossing aside lesser foes with ease. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus on Combat Maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the dwarf and his opponent are standing on the ground.
Rhythmic Blows (Ex): At 9th level, each time that a foehammer hits a target, he gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that target. This bonus stacks with each hit against that target, but lasts only until the end of the foehammer's turn. This ability replaces weapon training 2.
Rock Stepper (Ex): Dwarves with this racial trait can skillfully negotiate rocky terrain. They can ignore difficult terrain created by rubble, broken ground, or steep stairs when they take a 5-foot step.
Sledgehammer (Ex): At 3rd level, a Foehammer wielding a hammer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush, overrun, sunder, or trip. This ability replaces armor training 1.
Steady (Ex): Dwarves never have their speed reduced by armor or encumbrance.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).
Weapon Familiarity (Ex): Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word "dwarven" in its name as a martial weapon.
Weapon Training: At 5th level, a foehammer must select hammers and does not gain weapon training with other groups, though his weapon training bonus improves by +1 every four levels after 5th.
Chesed Monopolist: You gain an additional generic Prestige award that allows you to acquire a single item worth 1,500 gp or less once per session at a cost of 3 Prestige Points. Items purchased in this way are worth 0 gp.


A fine example of a dwarf, his facial hair lustrous and well-kempt, with elaborate braids and clasps, strokes his brown beard as he considers the mission. The hair on the top of his head is swept back, while the sides are shaved and tattooed with elaborate blue runes.

Clandelve Hammerhand is a dwarf, and better than everyone because of it. If there is a trait or fault (are there any?) associated with dwarves, he has it in spades. In fact, Clandelve is a racist dwarf. Though he tries not to overtly discriminate against other races (often unsuccessfully), he has a hard time thinking of other races as equals (because they are not). Dwarves, simply put, are too amazing.

Clandelve is a dwarf living in the past and future, but not so much in the present. He is ever re-living dwarven history in his mind, but also looking forward to a day where all dwarven clans unite under a common banner in a great dwarven empire. Clandelve was born in a clan in decline, but with a glorious history. His father was a gem merchant of noble lineage, from whom he inherited a deep and powerful greed. For Clandelve, this means a lust for gold, gems, and other treasure, especially dwarven artifacts. He is a treasure hunter, seeking dwarven artifacts not only for his own profit, but for the glory of his clan (he even intends to return any treasure he does not personally use to his clan). He piles, counts, and then re-counts his tender, almost accountant-like. Mithril and adamantine are like a drug he can't get enough of. He haggles like a schrewd copper-pinching merchant. Though he does not consider himself a shallow mercenary who will do anything for gold, it may be the case that he is. One particular artifact crosses Clandelve's mind daily: The legendary Tear of Toraq, an impossibly perfect gem rumored to have dropped from Toraq's eye when he saw the perfection of the dwarves (the only tear the dwarven deity ever cried). This gem was lost when the ancient dwarven stronghold of Mirror Hall fell; this dwarven fighter lives to restore that hall and return it to its former glory.

Clandelve's toughest mission as a Pathfinder has been exploring every level of Thornkeep. Because of near-death experiences while adventuring, Clandelve has developed a healthy fear of incorporeal undead and anything that can control his mind.

Clandelve is the older brother of twin brothers, Io and Grimnir Hammerhand.


Pharasma's Blessing: You may reroll any single attack roll targeting an undead creature or any single saving throw against an undead creature's ability or effect.
Echoing Paradox: Before you roll an attack roll, a skill check, or a saving throw, a copy of you appears either to flank with you or to grant you a +2 bonus as per the aid another action.
Resisting the Blackcove Taint: You gain a +1 bonus on saves against transmutation.
Treachery in the Weave: If your next Chronicle sheet after this one is from Pathfinder Society Scenario #3–14: Wonders in the Weave, Part II: Snakes in the Fold, you will be eligible for a special boon.
Relentless Aspis Hunter: Your dedication to stopping the Consortium from exploiting this demiplane for its own profit manifests as a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against Aspis agents inside the Hao Jin Tapestry.
Chesed Trendsetter: You can spend up to 3 Prestige Points when purchasing an item to temporarily increase your effective Fame score by twice the number of Prestige Points spent for the purpose of determining your purchase limit.
Starmetal Stockpile: You can purchase a single weapon or suit of armor made from horacalcum, noqual, or siccatite at its listed cost.

PFS# 132,076-1
XP 27
Prestige/Fame 22/39
Faction The Exchange
Rewards ENTREPRENEUR (2+ goals): Once per game session, you may either purchase an item found on one of your Chronicle sheets at a 5% discount, or gain a +5 circumstance bonus on your Day Job check. This discount stacks with similar abilities for a maximum discount of 15%.
-Faction Card [3 goals (purchase item worth 100 gp/level, x2, resolve a combat encounter non-violently)]
Scenarios Completed
*Master of the Fallen Fortress [1 XP, 1 PP, 479 gp]
-Bought MW Dwarven Waraxe (Cold Iron) (-360 gp), Dwarven Boulder Helm (-20 gp), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (-50 gp)
*The Godsmouth Heresy [3 XP, 4 PP, 1398 gp, 10 gp day job]
-Bought MW Agile Breastplate (-550 gp), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (-2 PP), sold Scale Mail armor (+25 gp)
*Thornkeep: The Accursed Halls [3 XP, 4 PP, 1398 gp, 10 gp day job]
-Bought +1 Shield Spikes [-2310 gp], used Oil of Magic Weapon [-50 gp]
*Thornkeep: The Forgotten Laboratory [3 XP, 4 PP, 3,711 GP, 20 GP Day Job]
-Bought Light Hammer (cold iron) [-2 gp], Light Hammer (alchemical silver) [-21 gp], sold Light Shield (wooden) [+1.5 gp]
*Thornkeep: The Enigma Vaults [3 XP, 4 PP, 4,800 GP, 50 GP Day Job]
-Bought +1 Warhammer (adamantine) [-5012 gp], Light Noqual Quickdraw Shield +1 [-3059 gp], body recovery [-5 PP], sold warhammer [+6 gp]
*Thornkeep: The Dark Menagerie [3 XP, 4 PP, 8,712 GP, 10 GP Day Job]
-Bought master of trade boon [-4 PP], belt of giant strength [-4000 gp], raise dead [-1090 gp (rest paid by party)], potion of gaseous form [-2 PP], potion of fly [-2 PP], hunting lodge [-2 PP]
*Thornkeep: Sanctum of a Lost Age [3 XP, 4 PP, 11,787 GP, 5 day job]
-Bought +1 mithral full plate [-11,500 gp], sold MW agile breastplate [+225 gp], +1 composite longbow (+4) [-2800 gp], bladeguard [-40 gp], smelling salts [-25 gp], air crystals [-50 gp], sold shortbow [+15 gp]
*Serpent's Rise [1 XP, 2 PP, 4,000 gp]
*From Shore to Sea [3 XP, 4 PP, 8712 gp, 10 day job]
-Bought upgrade to +2 warhammer [-5700 gp (5% discount)], upgrade to +2 spiked shield [-6000 gp]
*Wonders of the Weave, Part I: The Dog Pharoah's Tomb [1 XP, 2 PP, 5495 gp, 20 day job][/ooc]
-Bought boots of striding and springing [-5225 gp]
*Wonders of the Weave, Part II: Snakes in the Fold [1 XP, 2 PP, 5664 gp, 50 day job]
-Bought amulet of natural armor [-2000 gp], upgrade mithral full plate to +2 [-3000], light shield to +2 [-3000]
*Returned to Sky [1 XP, 2 PP, 6011 gp, 20 day job]
*King Xeros of Old Azlant [1 XP, 2 PP, 4719 gp, 20 day job]

Level Progression:

Level 1:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: Weapon and armor proficiency, Bonus Feat
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Perception (1), Survival (1)
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Shield Bash

Level 2:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: Bravery +1, Bonus Feat
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Perception (1), Survival (1)
Feats: Step Up

Level 3:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: Sledgehammer
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Perception (1), Swim (1)
Feats: Steel Soul

Level 4:
Class Taken: Fighter
Ability Increase: +1 Strength
Class Feature Gained: Bonus Feat
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Perception (1), Climb (1)
Feats: Power Attack

Level 5:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: Weapon Training
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(1), Perception (1)
Feats: Weapon Focus (Warhammer)

Level 6:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: Bravery +2
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Knowledge (Engineering)(1), Perception (1)
Feats: Shield Slam

Level 7:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained:
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): Perception (1), Survival (1)
Feats: Shield Slam

Level 8:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: bonus feat
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): intimidate (1), perception (1)
Feats: improved two-weapon fighting
Ability Score Increase: Dex

Level 9:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: rhythmic blows
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): perception (1), survival (1)
Feats: disruptive

Level 10:
Class Taken: Fighter
Class Feature Gained: bonus feat, bravery +3
Hit points Gained: 1d10, +2 Con, +1 favored
Skill Points (2): acrobatics (1), perception (1)


[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine)]1d20+19;1d8+10[/dice] [ooc]Using Step Up if target moves[/ooc

[ooc]Each time attack hits a target, gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that target, which stacks with each hit against that target and lasts until the end turn.[/ooc
[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine)]1d20+17;1d8+10[/dice] and
[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine)]1d20+12;1d8+10[/dice] and
[dice=+2 Spiked Light Shield]1d20+14;1d4+6[/dice]
[dice=+2 Spiked Light Shield]1d20+9;1d4+6[/dice]
[ooc]Opponents hit with Shield Bash also hit with free bull rush attack, using attack roll +17. If bull rush succeeds, may make trip combat maneuver at end of bull rush. If hit, total of ____ for first bull rush attack.If hit, total of ____ for second bull rush attack.[/ooc
[dice=trip combat maneuver]1d20+16[/dice]
[dice=trip combat maneuver]1d20+16[/dice]
[ooc]Using Step Up if target moves[/ooc

[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine) (power attack)]1d20+16;1d8+16[/dice] [ooc]Using Step Up if target moves[/ooc

[ooc]Each time attack hits a target, gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that target, which stacks with each hit against that target and lasts until the end of turn.[/ooc

[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine) (power attack)]1d20+14;1d8+16[/dice]
[dice=+2 Warhammer (adamantine) (power attack)]1d20+9;1d8+16[/dice]
[dice=+2 Spiked Light Shield (power attack)]1d20+11;1d4+7[/dice]
[dice=+2 Spiked Light Shield (power attack)]1d20+6;1d4+7[/dice]
[ooc]Opponents hit with Shield Bash also hit with free bull rush attack, using attack roll +17. If bull rush succeeds, may make trip combat maneuver at end of bull rush. If hit, total of ____ for first bull rush attack.If hit, total of ____ for second bull rush attack.[/ooc
[dice=trip combat maneuver]1d20+16[/dice]
[dice=trip combat maneuver]1d20+16[/dice]

[ooc]Using Step Up if target moves.[/ooc

ATK: +19
+10 BAB
+4 Str
+2 weapon enhancement
+2 weapon training
+1 weapon focus*

DMG: +8
+4 str
+2 weapon enhancement
+2 weapon training
+2 weapon specialization

PA: -3/+6 (-50% for off-hand)

*Cleave through feat