GM_ZenFox42 |
Rashomon - please step me thru how you have Toughness 22(6). I see 10 SPP in Toughness, for 10 Toughness, and a d8 Vigor, for another 4, and 6 Armor, so 20(6)?
VeeSix - same question. 13 SPP in Toughness for 13 Toughness, d12 Vigor for another 6, and +2 Armor, so 21(2)? I didn't look up the effects all your Edges, so if that's where the extra points came from, just let me know.
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
I'd like everyone to verify that the following information is correct :
ANGEL : Parry 5, Toughness 16; 3 Bennies
Fortune : Parry 11, Toughness 10; 6 Bennies
Hellion : Parry 13, Toughness 17(6); 3 Bennies
Rashomon : Parry 5, Toughness 22(6); 4 Bennies
VeeSix : Parry 6/7, Toughness 22(2); 3 BenniesThanks!
Hellion: parry 13; toughness 17(6); 4/4Bennies(i had the bonus one from rp earlier that overcapped me to 5/4)
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Hellion - WOW! What are the odds?!?!? Yep, 0 Wounds and not Shaken.
But, why does your Parry rise when your sword is just on your person, but not readied? Normally you only get any weapon's Parry benefit when you're wielding it, unless this is some kind of special Edge or Super thing...
I get higher parry because it's the increased parry super power tied via device perk to my sword. My understanding is that Device only needs you to have the device on you, since you can't like 'ready' a belt that gives you super strength for instance. So having the sword on me gives me the bonus to parry as it enhances Hellion's reflexes passively. But then the extra +1 is from the trademark weapon edge which specifically requires when 'this weapon is readied'
So theoretically if instead of my extra parry being tied to my sword it were tied to i dunno a bandana that I have to wear, it'd be active so long as the bandana was on your person. So when she's at the base without the sword on her or if she gets disarmed for instance her parry would drop because she's no longer in posession of it. Does that all make sense? That's how my brain logiced it out based on the text for Devices at least.
Did the gangers close in on Hellion? Their previous post mentioned shooting without any follow-up to move to melee so i'm unsure of the Engagement for them. Speaking of which 2 of the mooks missed their shots on 1 or 2 which should provoke the Firing into Melee rule(see Fire into melee pg101 and innocent bystanders on page 102) which means they(mook 2 and 4) could potentially accidentally shoot Herc instead last round.
Gonna wait to see what the others do since i'm a fair bit down the init list this time around.
A.N.G.E.L. |
I'd like everyone to verify that the following information is correct :
ANGEL : Parry 5, Toughness 16; 3 Bennies
Fortune : Parry 11, Toughness 10; 6 Bennies
Hellion : Parry 13, Toughness 17(6); 3 Bennies
Rashomon : Parry 5, Toughness 22(6); 4 Bennies
VeeSix : Parry 6/7, Toughness 22(2); 3 BenniesThanks!
Angel looks correct.
GM West |
Forgive me for popping in here, but the title of this game caught my attention. A friend of mine from another play-by-post board (GM Zork) wrote a book called Villains by Necessity - a really great read if you can find it. Enjoy the game!
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
Hellion - ok, thanks for explaining the Parry. So in combat your Parry is 13 (unless you have an alternate form of attack?).
12 unless i have my sword out and readied then 13 but yeah essentially 13 the only time it's only 12 is basically before I get a turn in a combat.
Fortune Brav0 |
Parry, toughness, and Bennies are correct for Fortune.
I thought of a way to visualize the situation discussed about a massive wound followed by an equally massive soak. I'd suggest that the outcome of the attack is not resolved until the soak roll is made or if the soak roll is not taken. If the soak removes all wounds and conditions, then it would imply an blow that looked like it would hit hard, but the defender made an equally remarkable dodge/Parry to keep the wound at bay.
So if I were the GM and an enemy rolled an impressive hit/damage, I would not narrate as a hit but as a potential hit, with the official description of what happened waiting until the soak option has been resolved. It's a bit different than normal d20 process where the question of a critical hit is all determined by the dice and the AC and the GM. In a PBP situation, it can be a bit off-putting to have to wait a day to find out the outcome, but it cannot be avoided in SW PBP.
Fortune Brav0 |
I'm working on Fortune's background story. How long ago was the initial take-over by the V'Sori? Fortune is 15, so I'm trying to work out how old she was during the period between the V'Sori take-over and the liberation that removed them from power.
Rashōmon 羅生門 |
Rashomon - please step me thru how you have Toughness 22(6). I see 10 SPP in Toughness, for 10 Toughness, and a d8 Vigor, for another 4, and 6 Armor, so 20(6)?
VeeSix - same question. 13 SPP in Toughness for 13 Toughness, d12 Vigor for another 6, and +2 Armor, so 21(2)? I didn't look up the effects all your Edges, so if that's where the extra points came from, just let me know.
No problem. You're forgetting how toughness is calculated.
Toughness is 2 plus half your Vigor, plus Armor (use the Armor worn on his torso - see page 69). Vigor over d12 is calculated just like Parry, above.
So, the question is if we were the only ones that didn't add up, does that mean everyone else forgot the 2+1/2 Vigor rule?
Kathrine 'Hellion' Mordonus |
So, the question is if we were the only ones that didn't add up, does that mean everyone else forgot the 2+1/2 Vigor rule?
Hellion is 2+1/2vigor(5)+4(powers)+6(armor)
So 17(6of that being armor) so i'm good.GM_ZenFox42 |
Rashomon - arrgh, I remembered the Vigor/2 but forgot the +2 (I know my memory is bad, but this...concerning). I only checked you two because you were such outliers.
But, that means my corrected calculation for VeeSix is 23(2), compared to his stated 22(2). And I haven't checked, but I think one of his Edges *might* boost his Toughness too.
GM_ZenFox42 |
About Toughness...
So, we have a span of 15 Toughness between the lowest and highest Toughness in the group. That's the equivalent of 3 Wounds.
So damage that would inflict 3 Wounds on Fortune would just Shaken Rashomon and not touch VeeSix, and damage that would inflict 1 Wound on them would inflict 4 Wounds on Fortune.
The next biggest gap is 9 Toughness, so damage that would inflict 3 Wounds on Angel would inflict 1 Wound on Rashomon and Shaken VeeSix, and damage that would inflict 2 Wounds on them would inflict 4 Wounds on Angel.
This is the most frustrating thing about Supers - in my SWPF game, there's only a 2-point difference between the highest and lowest Toughness.
In the past, players have suggested that I have two kinds of NPC's in combat, low-damage and high-damage types. But if the PC's get to act first, I can't control which type they'll pick. And cherry-picking who's attacking who seems contrived to me anyway.
Any thoughts about how to handle this?