Powers (40)
5 Toughness
Your character’s Toughness improves by +1/level.
Trappings: Ace of Pentacles projects an invisible force field
4 Parry
Your character’s Parry increases by +1 each time this power is taken, to a maximum of +5. This stacks with any other bonuses to Parry from weapons or abilities.
Trappings: 5 of swords
4 Dodge
Direct ranged attacks (Shooting and Athletics (throwing)) subtract 1 for each point in this power, to a maximum of −5 for 5 Super Power Points. Dodge stacks with any other abilities that subtract from ranged attacks, to a maximum penalty of −10. It offers no protection from area effect attacks.
Trappings: 5 of rods
3 Healing
–2 Requires Touch
Your helpful hero can heal herself or another within touch reach. This takes a Focus roll as an action and heals one Wound with a success, or two with a raise.
One Shot: The healing power may only be attempted once per “set” of Wounds (Wounds taken in one attack), and only within the “golden hour” after the Wounds are received.
Trappings: Ace of Cups materializes with elixir of health
2 Melee Attack (+1d6)
Adds 1d6 to any melee damage + Str (d8) + 1d6 (Martial Artist, Martial Warrior) + 1d6 (Melee Attack)
2 Special Weapon (dagger + 1d6)
Damage with dagger: STR (1d8) + dagger (1d4) + Melee Attack (1d6) + M. Artist & Martial Warrior (1d6) + special weapon 1d6 for 1d4 + 3d6 + 1d8
Trappings: Ace of Swords
3 Mind Reading
–2 Requires Touch
Mind reading allows a character to read another’s surface thoughts and perhaps even peer into her past memories.
To read someone’s mind, the super chooses a target within 6” (12 yards) and makes a Focus roll. If he’s successful, the target makes a Smarts roll to resist (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll).
If the mind reader fails his Focus roll, the subject knows something’s up” further attempts to read her mind are made at −2 for the rest of this encounter.
A Critical Failure means the psychic can no longer read this subject’s mind this encounter. If the target successfully resists, there’s no further effect and the mind reader can try again when he wants. If the target resists with a raise, she senses something is happening and adds +2 to further resistance attempts for the rest of the encounter.
If the mind reader is successful and the target fails to resist, the psychic can detect her surface thoughts and emotions. A raise reveals more information. Success against someone who’s lying to the super, for example, means he knows she’s lying. A raise might give her a better idea what general topic she’s lying about. It won’t reveal the
lie itself though—that requires a Deep Dive,
Deep Dive: It’s much easier to navigate the complex human mind when the target is sedated, unconscious, or asleep. Each attempt against such a victim takes 10 minutes of time but greatly increases the information gleaned.
Success acts as a raise and a raise generally gleans everything the psychic wants to know. Failure just wastes the psychic’s time—he can try again. A Critical Failure shuts the victim’s mind down and no further progress can be made this encounter.
Trappings: Queen of Swords
1 Mind Shield
The hero’s mind is particularly difficult to tamper with for some reason. Mind reading and mind control attempts against her are made at −2.
Trappings: King of Swords
2 Object Reading
The hero has the ability to “read” an object and sense certain details about its past use or important events that happened in its presence.
To read an object, the super chooses a target within 6” (12 yards) and makes a Focus roll. If he’s successful, he gets a vague impression of the information he’s looking for. With a raise, the information is more clear.
An object reader can only try to read an important object, or the general mundane objects, in an area once. If he fails, he can’t attune to those items.
Objects carry hazy and obscure impressions. They rarely convey details or the specific identities of their users. The power provides clues but rarely ruins the mystery. A significant relic, such as Cortez’s sword or the coat Lincoln was wearing when he died, might have far more vivid impressions—perhaps due to the psychic energy impressed upon it by some momentous event.
–1 Requires Touch
1 Speak Language
Your hero can speak any language. If it’s one he’s never heard before, he becomes conversational in minutes and fluent in a few hours.
Trappings: The World
4 Super Attribute (boosts Strength by 2 dice)
Trappings: Strength
4 Super Edge (Martial Artist, Martial Warrior)
Martial Artist: The fighter has trained in basic martial arts. Her fists and feet are weapons so she’s always considered armed. She adds +1 when striking with them and causes Strength + d4 damage.
Martial Warrior: Increase the warrior’s Fighting bonus to +2 and her damage die an additional step.
Unarmed attacks:
Fighting: d8 + 2
Damage: Str (d8) + d6 [+ bonuses from Super Melee attack, see above]
Trappings: 5 of Wands
6 Super Skill (Fighting +3, Shooting +3)
Trappings: Justice
4 Super Sorcery
Requires Occult skill of d10 or higher Super sorcerers channel eldritch energies to cast any number of arcane or divine spells. They might get their powers innately, from old books, or channeled from more powerful beings.
When a super sorcerer spends a Benny on a Power Stunt (page 30), he doesn’t have to base the new power on one of his existing powers like other heroes—he can cast a “spell” based on any power in the book!
The cost of the spell in Super Power Points may not exceed the campaign’s Power Limit, as usual. He can also use active powers for two rounds instead of one, and passive powers for five rounds instead of three.
Power Stunt: Every power stunt costs a Benny and must make narrative sense in some way. This grants the character one use of an Instant Active power such as ranged attack for 2 rounds; or three five rounds of a passive power like armor.
Different stunts may be combined, but each effect still costs a Benny.
Trappings: The Magician
Hindrances Poverty (minor)
It’s said a fool and his money are soon parted. Your hero is one of them. He starts with half the usual money for your setting and just can’t seem to hang on to funds acquired after play begins. In general, the player halves his total funds every game week.
Vengeful (major)
Payback is…well…bad news for someone, and this adventurer is going to get it.
Those with the Major version of this Hindrance don’t let anything prevent them from a reckoning. This doesn’t mean they immediately resort to violence, but their actions always escalate until total and complete satisfaction is achieved.
Young (minor)
The hero is 12–15 years old (in human years—adjust this for other races). He has only 4 points to adjust his attributes instead of 5, and 10 skill points instead of 12. He may also have legal restrictions depending on the setting (can’t drive, own a firearm, and so on). On the plus side, youths have a fair amount of luck. They draw one extra Benny at the beginning of each game session (this stacks with other Edges such Luck or Great Luck).
Most Young characters should also take the Small Hindrance, but it’s not mandatory.
Edges (1 from human, 1 from Major Hindrance)
The adventurer seems to be blessed by fate, karma, the gods, or whatever external forces he believes in (or believe in him!).
He draws one extra Benny at the beginning of each game session, allowing him to succeed at important tasks more often than most, and survive incredible dangers.
Extra Luck
The player draws two extra Bennies instead of one at the start of each session.
Note: The youth hindrance provides an additional benny per refresh.
Two additional edges from Super Edge detailed in Powers section: Martial Artist, Martial Warrior