[Name Redacted] (Inactive)

Game Master Shadowtail24

Pharast 6, 4707 A.R.
Ranks (WaW): Thrune->Charthagnion->Henderthane->Jeggare->Narikopolus->Ler oung->Sarini

Fight Map

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Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio nods. "We should communicate with the main group first. They may be able to help on getting information on Alana. We can work on the plan to deal with her from there."

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

"Indeed. Though it may be hard to trust sometimes, with these holes in our memories, clearly at one point, we did trust each other to some extent. Though I suppose it is always possible that it was that trust that allowed ourselves to be compromised in the first place. Still, we are stronger together. House Thrune breeds this sort of mistrust as a protection from itself, because if everybody mistrusts each other, they can never conspire to overthrow their infernal masters."

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Seeing as how there was a consensus to gather with the others and share information, Gray went with the group to go meet with the other large group that had been left behind so they could share intelligence and get to planning the demise of Alana. It wouldn't topple Thrune...but every bold and ambitious plan started with a single objective and expanded from there. Once Alana was eliminated, more and more players would start showing their hands as the opportunities for a power grab began to coalesce. The inquisitor was relatively apathetic about who came out on top, as long as Thrune was overthrown.

after a quick trip to Rantin’s shop, and a few hours while he gathers everyone together, the group is all present in a random inn. Tarken is excluded but Sydney did come. As a whole, everyone is thankful and congratulatory about getting some memories back.

After a quick review of what happened in the dungeon, and further discussion on what to do with the scroll, the question from Glifdore hangs in the air. “So what’s next?

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Good question. I think the suggestion to gather information on Alana is a good one. That plan has to be excellent. At the same time, does anyone have suggestions about what scroll we go after next? What other location information do we have... I believe we had a little bit of information about other locations, did we not?

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

”Perhaps we have an in with Narikopolis,” Edmund suggests, glancing toward Payk.

Male Half-Elf Slayer (Sniper) 5 HP (22/34) AC 20|F+4|R+9|W+1|P+8|Init+7

Payk looks behind him to see who Edmund is looking at, and then he remembers the memory. "Oh, yeah, me. Um, I don't know. I can try though."

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Remembering what Drem had told the group what seemed like ages ago, the inquisitor volunteered, "Perhaps while Payk explores his newly-remembered bloodlines, we can gather the contract of Sarini. According to the Halfling, it's behind a statue in the common room. Supposedly simple enough."

Gray shrugged, as the plan to continue finding contracts and animagi was fraught with peril. Once the great Houses discovered what the group was up to, not only would they hide their contracts and constructs more thoroughly, they would probably work hard to eliminate the threat, i.e. the party. While Gray didn't much fear death, he couldn't exactly enact revenge from a grave.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio grins. "I doubt it will be that easy, Gray, but you have a point that we currently know where it is. Perhaps we should move to acquire it before news of a contract being stolen is spread."

"While we prepare for such a juncture, I can take the time to ask around town on Alana. Perhaps someone knows more about her then we do."

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Okay, good ideas. I will go out and acquire some healing wands so that we have the resources we need for survival. Whatever information any of you can gather is welcome, including any formal gatherings that are coming up. If we can get into Thrune and Sarini or any of the others without having to break in, that gets us one step closer with less risk, and also offers us the benefit of confusion about who might be behind any theoretical theft.

Also, do we have volunteers about who wants to join in on the two missions we have already planned?

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Adrien looks between Vince and Ziera. “I liked the plan where Vince just went after Alana on his own. What happened to that plan? ” Vince sneers at him. “If he’s given up on that dream i can be of service. I also have a signet house ring from Thrune, so i might be able to get us inside.

Dante says he will do as needed.

Glifdore says he wants to work on setting up a new base of operations.

Sydney remains quiet. She is listening intently to the conversation, but has not shared anything.

Male Elf Ranger 1 HP (10/10) AC 17|F+2|R+6|W+2|P+8|Init +4

Alden notes the reactions and takes some notes.

Payk will check on Narikopolus. I can join him there. Gray and Ziera will work on the Sarini contract. Dante can you help there?”Dante nods. “Glifdore will work on the operations, and probably team up with Rantin. The Azure Avenger, Vince and Adrien will learn what they can about Alana. ” He looks around the room to make sure everyone is accounted for.

Edmund? Sydney?

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AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

”I shall help with the Sarini contract.”

Sydney mentions a quick, “Im working on an investigation of my own.

Glifdore takes the floor from Alden again. “Lastly, after talkin with Rantin i believe we should re-institute our cell system. This should help us maintain secrecy and work effectively. After the effective work on the contract, i think we should keep that group together. Ziera, you’ll be cell leader with Antonio, The Azure Avenger, Edmund, and Gray.

Dante, you’ll lead Adrien, Vince, don’t balk i saw you fight together, and Payk. Myself and Alden with assist as needed. Sydney, I’m not going to pretend you’ll listen if I assign you a group. I’ll work on setting up separate operation bases and safe houses for everyone. Rantin has the means the find everyone now, but i will also make sure Alden or myself can as well. If you need someone’s help let me know.

He quickly moves onto a last topic. “Lastly, I will be keeping Tarken informed to a slight degree. He nearly died when his memories came back yesterday. He was working volunteering in a city fire containment when he fell unconscious. Others managed to carry him away, but it could have made a worse impact if he hadn’t been able to talk his way out of it. Oh, right, on that topic: if you’re going after an animagus left me or Alden know so that the rest of us aren’t suddenly unconscious. No harm this time, we didn’t know.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Do you need help with anything Sydney?

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio nods to Gilfdore's last statements. "Indeed. I didn't expect such a shock from the animagi's death, but we should be prepared to face it next time."

"The cell method should work well. Ziera, we shall work as you need us."

Sydney pauses for a second, then shakes her head.

Glifdore waits a moment for a statement and then shrug. "Dismissed."


As soon as you are clear of the building and the group Sydney appears at your side. "I have some information you might be able to help me with. Come with me."

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Ziera tells her cell that she'll meet them later at [insert name of random inn here], and they are free to come up with their own plans, but if they don't have any currently to collect as much information about Sarini and any upcoming social events as possible.

Then she takes off.


She is going with Sydney.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray nodded at Antonio's astute words. Falling unconscious after defeating an animagus was a trifle unsettling and irritating all at once. Still, the gain of the memories was something he coveted, even if the inquisitor suspected it would change very little about his motivations. Indeed, he felt like yet another part of himself had been stolen, and while he had come to terms with his nature and the effects of his trauma at the hand of Thrune, it did not mean he intended to roll over and take it. After all, he was still working against the devil-worshippers even now for causing the pain.

As the group split apart and Ziera suddenly darted away, Gray shrugged and looked at the remaining duo that would be working with him. "Antonio, you mentioned gathering information. I'll work towards that end, as well. Edmund, perhaps you can research a way to lessen the blow when an animagus is destroyed?" The inquisitor looked slyly at the bookseller before he, too, darted away to do what he did best.

Going to blend in and start asking questions about House Sarini in general and specifically if they were expecting company, house layout, etc. Bluff +16, Diplomacy +14

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund will seek out a library that allows general admittance by the public and begin the task of researching as Gray suggested. He considered returning to the Leroung library, but realizes that that’s probably a stupid idea.

Know Arcane: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 + bonus from using a library


Sydney beckons you too follow and winds her way through streets and alleyways. She seems to have a good command of the city's layout, and several times doubles back around to make sure no one is following. You're certain that no one is following, but Sydney takes a few more detours before finally stopping at an inn. She slips in through the back door and leads you to the private dining room. The main area has a bard playing and the crowd is roaring along to the song, so there is little chance of being overheard.

Sydney hesitates anyway, starts to speak and then stops. She starts again, "Are you aware of the lifecycle of a Samsaran?" She continues on before you can answer. "A Samsaran doesn't live one life, they live many lives. They live, die, and are reborn. This means that on the edge of our minds there are memories, vague, indistinct, but present. If a Samsaran is lucky, they might learn the details of such memories one or twice in their lifetimes. Some Samsarans commit their lives to learning all about their past lives. I myself have learned about four of my past lives, or at least four moments in my past lives." She pauses, to make sure you are following.

"That is, until recently. I have been remembering my most recent lifetime vividly in dreams. In that life I was also a Sydney; but more importantly, I was a spy in the House of Thrune. She pauses again, this time you think it's for affect. "I believe that since my memories were removed they are being filled by memories from my past life."

"I think I can trust you, but I care a little for that at the moment. I am more concerned with the fact that you managed to regain even a part of our memories. And, just as importantly, I need to tell someone. The memory of these dreams is already fading destined to be replace by my actual memories from this lifetime."

The song outside ends, and after a thunderous applause the common room is quiet. Sydney, waiting for the noise to pick back up, gives you an opportunity to respond.

Gray; can you rephrase your information gathering differently? Are you just trying to see if anyone would be expected to arrive at the House in the near future?


You manage to find many enchantments related to memories, and also a few studies related to memories. Almost none of them mention the return of memories, and only one mentions anything close to what you're experiencing. A study recorded in Cheliax just a few years ago revealed that memories were successfully taken and returned to the original host. The study is only cross-referenced in the record you can find, with the original record being kept in House Leroung's main library.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive


That sounds like important information that could help us.

Ziera takes out pen, ink, and her journal and asks Sydney to tell her what she remembers.

She writes it down as quickly as possible, asking questions if she needs clarification on anything.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio nods to Grey before he leaves. "I'll be investigating Alana. Anything that can make our task easier."

Moving through the streets of the city, Antonio inquires for rumors of any defenses Alana has, or any physical or mental weaknesses she possesses.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund sighs as he realizes what ge’s Going to have to do. He uses his hat to change his appearance several times on his way back to House Leroung’s main library, then checks out the local scene, chatting up several local bar flies to find out if anything “went down” earlier.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 11 + 2 = 17


With the cross reference in hand you are quickly able to find the record in a small section defrosted to animagus. The section looks much newer than its counterparts. Unfortunately it has been checked out. You get an intermediate to check on the log, and it seems that a certain Dice Drem has possession of the record.


Usually this job against Alana would seem an easy one. She keeps one attendant with her when traveling. Recently though, after a failed attempt on her life, She has taken to traveling the city with an entire guard and retinue. She plays it off as a show of strength, not weakness, though many in the city do not believe that claim.

Inside of Thrune’s mansion she is extremely well protected. Thrune’s manor house and larger campus are all closed off to any but Thrune nobles, and existing workers and servants. All deliveries and work is done by workers that are already apart of the complex. Security is tight, both in physical means and in anti-magic checks. Everyonethat enters the complex is identified visually, and is also checked to not be actively using a magical disguise. There is almost always a discussion at the entrance as well, so you assume that some kind of questions or passwords are used as well.

Alana has also decreased her visits outside the complex, again after a recent filed assassination attempt.


Sydney tells of the dream from her own point of view:

"I have a different type of job for you. I need you to spread information instead of gather it." Alana turns to gauge your reaction. You remain neutral, she doesn't realize you do this already. "I'm not sure what Duranu is up to but he wants to spread word that the attacks at the border are starting to break through our lines. Spread it as a few different rumors, maybe one that talks about how we had to stop our forward push and another that says we are being counterattacked and our forces are taking heavy causalities. The more variations of it there are the more likely people will believe it. You follow so far?" You nod, careful to not roll your eyes.

"After that, we'll start stage two of the rumor. After the rumor that we are failing at the war front has spread, we want to start suggesting that houses send extra troops there. Don't worry about why, it's all part of Duranu's plan. You don't have to understand the entire thing." You hear Alana whisper, I wish he would include me at least. You can understand the plan so far, convince the houses that help is needed at the war front and then make sure they are sending their troops. The fact that she can't piece it together makes you wonder not for the first why you are listening to someone like Alana. But pure blood nobles are not going to let a foreigner run the show, just do all the important work. Come back in a week and we can evaluate how you are doing."

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Seeing as the book is not there, he looks up a bit about strengths and weaknesses of animagi, then gets out of Dodge.”

Map Female Aasimar Inactive


Ziera takes careful notes and remarks

Wow. Talk about manipulative. This makes me wonder how much we ourselves are being manipulated. Thrune surely wants the other houses to be without their contracts... what if they set this whole thing up?

F Samsaran Witch


Sydney nods. I thought that as well. But we'll come back to that in a minute, there's another memory.

The elf stands with his back to you, gazing out a window. 'I apologize for doing some of this work through Alana but if Thrune is to ever have some success the first step is to keep Alana busy trying to figure out what the plan is. If I gave her all the details, she might puzzle it out by the time it doesn't matter, but with only half the details she is busy and Thrune gets its way. You are to proceed to phase two. I am sending you and a few of our other spies to the front lines, or rather our front lines. I need you to withdraw our troops from the front line and bring them here, to Egorian. Do everything necessary to keep it from the captains and generals on the lines. Tell the troops themselves that Duranu needs their service; you will be given notes with my seal to convince them that you are indeed my messenger. You'll also need to change the captain's troop sheets; a little enchantment might help with that as well. If you think of anything else while you're there, do as you feel is necessary. Just make sure that nobody in command, even our own command knows the troops have been withdrawn, nobody. I'm sending you to the troops on the Isger front. I'll need 10 banners to be returned, split evenly among footmen and crossbowmen. Ten banners? That's a quarter of the Isger front! I have moved back your next meeting with Alana by a week, so you have about ten days to get this done. I trust you'll have no difficulties. You turn to leave. And remember, this is your chance to impress me.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

I apologize, DM, I should have clarified more. Gray will be inquiring mainly to see what sorts of people come calling on the Sarini complex on a regular basis, in addition to seeing if there are any events scheduled over the next couple of days that the group could use to infiltrate.

Also, how the house is laid out, main entrance, side entrances, secret entrances, etc. And where the specific room containing the House Contract might be.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive


Ziera takes careful notes.

Sydney, do you know where these meetings were? Were they inside the Thrune manor? Any insights on the layout if so?

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Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Antonio takes careful note of the information he gathered before going to the previously mentioned Adjective Noun inn to meet the others.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund is already waiting at the Ugly Suckling, clearly having trouble hiding his disdain at the barely veiled innuendos of the decor. He’s relieved to see Antonio arrive.

”Let’s never use this inn again, shall we?” he whispers as Antonio pulls up a chair. ”I’ve been offered three drinks since I sat down, all sent by those rather husky lads by the bar. And I don’t quite believe that that rather tall barmaid is actually a woman!”


You manage to learn a bit about Sarini, but Ziera is about to learn more than that so I’m going to hold or off on typing out all of the specifics twice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Sydney frowns. No, the memories are short and quick, and then they fade right away. But, this last one could be helpful.

Alana, the elf, and six other agents of Thrune are gathered in the room. The elf is standing in front of the agents, who are cloaked with their hoods up. Sydney knows the identity of just one of the other agents present, and she is sure that is intentional. She gives up studying the heights of the others as Duranu speaks, "Gentlemen and ladies, I'm sure you realized that being here means you have done well in our" the elf gives Alana a quick glance "service. Tonight's work is the most important yet. With their armies on the battlefield, Egorian is ripe for the taking. Tonight, each of you will be discussing contract changes with the presiding devil. Though you have different instructions, you have the same leverage; wehave an army, right here, and they do not. Simple math, and I think the devil's will agree.Now, for your instructions" The elf and Alana start at either end of the line of agents, and through the uses of message spells, give instructions to each agent in turn. Sydney is the first to be given instructions from the elf.

"Sydney, you have several tasks tonight. The first is House Sarini. In the center of their manor house is a statue or a harp, hand lyre, and flute. Play Sarini's Grace on the flute and the harp will rotate to reveal a staircase down. The staircase leads straight to Sarini's contract and the presiding devil will present himself. Tell him you have a waiting army, not a lie, and convince him that he needs to change the contract to your demands. Your demands are that Sarini, and their contract, must be subject to Thrune. House Sarini will become the fools and Jesters of our court. Report back here when you finish up, your next task will depend on the actions of the others."

Sydney finishes telling the memory. “im trying to recall these exactly as i remember them. Im unsure why that memory refers to the elf, who is Duranu, but that is how my thoughts identified him.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

After gathering what information he could on House Sarini, Gray made his way to the Ugly Suckling, snickering at the barely veiled innuendo of the name and the not-at-all veiled artistry adorning most of the walls. He made his way over to the table occupied by Edmund and Antonio, nodding in greeting to each of them before taking a seat. Edmund, at least, seemed uncomfortable, and after a quick glance at the clientele and the staff, it was easy for the inquisitor to understand why. Amused, he waved a passing server down and ordered an ale, politely declining any 'additional' services.

"Gentlemen, how goes it?" The smirk on his face is disrupted by a fit of coughing that the young man tried to stifle by holding his hand over his mouth, to limited effect.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive


Again, Ziera takes careful notes.

Thank you for these. That is definitely useful. Is that all the information you wanted to record?

F Samsaran Witch


Sydney nods. “I will let you know of any other memories that come this way. I only hope that regaining our memories will not stop these dreams. One further note of discovery, i did look up the name Duranu. He was a General for Thrune’s army. But more importantly, he was a General when Thrune came to power in Cheliax. I believe that these dreams are showing Thrune’s taking of the crown.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

”It goes as it goes, but I will be glad to have this particular meeting done and over with. I’m far too old-fashioned to be comfortable in a place such as this. What is up with that sign ourt front? I understand that a small, roasted pig is often called a suckling, but that is most assuredly not an apple in its mouth!”

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Thank you for the information, Sydney. Keep in touch.

She smiles, and goes to the Inn they agreed on earlier.

Standard evasive actions every time I go anywhere... changing clothes and hair color whenever I duck into an alley, and doing that whenever possible, whether changing course or not.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

Seeing Ziera enter, Antonio smiles. "Looks as if we are ready to begin."

"I looked into Alana, to see exactly how completing the deal with Drem will work. Her mansion is practically a fort, mixed with a border during wartime. Anyone entering the premise is checked for magic or weapons, and illusionary disguises are checked for. I believe there is also a measure of passwords to enter the grounds as well. I would like to circumvent the security, but Alana rarely leaves. It looks like the job is going to require quite a bit of effort, information, and luck."

"Any better news?"

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Edmund's comment about the sign out front caused the coughing fit to grow even worse as Gray started to chuckle, the burning pain bringing tears to his eyes. When Ziera walked in and Antonio brought their attention back to the task at hand, the young man got his breath under control and started astutely paying attention as Antonio divulged what he had learned in his foray to gather information.

Sadly, it seemed as though Alana was well-protected with a vast array of security defenses. While the group could likely devise a plan to bypass them, the easiest way would be to lure the noblewoman out, or otherwise find a way in, such as a ball or gathering. He resolved to think about it later. For now, he turned to his other companions to listen to what they had discovered in their meandering.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

I've discovered something about House Sarini. In the center of their manor house is a statue or a harp, hand lyre, and flute. If you play Sarini's Grace on the flute, the harp should rotate to reveal a staircase down. The staircase leads straight to Sarini's contract.

I also discovered that Thrune attempted to manipulate the contract by threatening a devil who apparently had the power to modify it. They demanded that Sarini, and their contract, must be subject to Thrune. ... I don't know if that attempt was successful, but I suppose we should assume that it was.

What this means for us I am not sure, but it does give us the location and the trick to getting in. I am not certain if it is still guarded by a devil, but it was at some point in the past.


You learned a few aidditonal things about the Sarini complex. The described statue is near the main entrance to the complex. A clerk is at a desk there, but the space is usually empty otherwise. House members use a separate entrance, and few people wish to actually visit Sarini.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray nodded thoughtfully as Ziera went over the information she had learned. It seemed as though they had much that was redundant, but also corroborated. That was nice to know. The going rumor was that Sarini was little more than Thrune's servants, so the lovely aasimar's statements seemed to support that theory, as well. When she was done, he added the little additional information he had to the mix.

"The statue that was mentioned should be near the main entrance to the estate. The lords and ladies use a separate portal to gain entry, and Sarini has few visitors these days. There will likely be but a single clerk on duty should we decide to call upon them."

Anything i can do to move this along?

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

”I did some digging into animagi and how we might better mitigate the stress regaining memories puts on our bodies. There is a book which may help, but it resides in the possession of Dice Drem.”

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