[Name Redacted] (Inactive)

Game Master Shadowtail24

Pharast 6, 4707 A.R.
Ranks (WaW): Thrune->Charthagnion->Henderthane->Jeggare->Narikopolus->Ler oung->Sarini

Fight Map

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AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

With that ability and the fact that she already knows Scribe Scroll, she could use the feat and Edmund to make scrolls of some of the spells Edmund know that it would be beneficial for her to cast too.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Yeah, that would work. Since the scrolls don't get used up, she just needs to have one, and could theoretically cast it every day.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Level up!

HP Increase - 5
+1 BAB
Added 1 more Judgment
2 3rd level spells to cast
Added 1 1st & 2 3rds to spells known list.


Disable Device
Kn (Religion)
Sense Motive

Background Skills:

Sleight of Hand

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9
Ziera wrote:
Yeah, that would work. Since the scrolls don't get used up, she just needs to have one, and could theoretically cast it every day.

Edmund picked up detect thoughts, which would make a nice spell for Ziera too.

Male Human NG Vigilante(Warlock) 7 | HP 56/56 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 | CMB +4 CMD 17 | Init +4 Perc +7

-Now have 3rd Level Spells, which is great. Picked up Haste and Stinking Cloud

-Picked up the Great Renown Social Talent

-Mystic Bolts can now deal acid damage instead of electricity, but that likely won't come up very often.

-Got Rapid Shot for my 7th level feat, so more bolts are on the way

Also some simple improvements to BAB and health.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

Edmund has learned see invisibility, detect thoughts, dispel magic and summon monster 3, and picked up Improved Initiative and Augment Summoning as feats.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Update on leveling:

Skill points: Diplomacy (2), Perception (2), Stealth (4), Sense Motive (2), Intimidate (2), Bluff (2), Profession: Spy (6), Linguistics (2)

And just making sure... we are leveling up 2 levels, right? I was on 5, and you said to go to 7. I wanted to make sure since it looks like Zane only leveled once, so I wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page.

Previously posted stuff for reference:


--Get +1 2nd level and a 3rd level spell per day.
--Get +1 1st level and +2 3rd level spells known.
--Get a feat.
--HP: are we doing half plus 1? If so, +10 HP
--+22 skill points (plus hard bargainer adjustment (half level) for several skills as well.
--+1 rogue talent
--Get Comparative Arcane studies (Once per day, a studious librarian can cast any spell from the bard, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell lists from a scroll or spellbook in hand as if it were one of his bard spells known, expending a bard spell slot of the same spell level to cast the desired spell. Casting a spell from a scroll this way does not cause the spell to vanish from the scroll.)

I think that is it. Note: I have not actually chosen all of these things, and HP is the only thing I added to my sheet, but it is what I have time for now, and I thought it might help doing it in stages. I will update later when I get it done.

Also, taking suggestions for what people think I should choose, if there is something that will help the group or an individual. No promises, but will definitely consider it.

Yes you should be level 7 now. I thought that I had said level up to 6 at some point after the first animagi but in searching the thread I couldn't find a specific post calling that out.

So it may be that you're going up 2 levels.

And dang it Edmund, your ruining subterfuge and stealth for everyone.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

I was leveled to 6, that’s how he had the haste spell.

And only ruining it for the bad guys. Time to ruin their day a bit.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Leveling update:

Saves all +1
BAB up to +5 (changes attacks and CMB/CMD as well)

1st: Memorize Page
3rd: Clairaudience-Clairvoyance, Witness

Feat: Bullseye Shot [use a move action to get a +4 on ranged attack]
Rogue Talent: Snap Shot [20 initiative in surprise round]

I think that finishes it. Sorry it took me so long.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

Gray's particular take would be to run a few jobs to scrape together the required funds. If they've been out of sorts for five years, another few days won't hurt anything. Barring that, he'd go for the 'pay now, sort things out later approach.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Okay, let's run some jobs.

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Sorry guys, I'm sick and can't really focus on anything. I'll post when I can.

Unfortunately I need to shut down this quest. Work has continued to be overwhelming and I just don't have the energy to keep the quest going. I really wanted to get through this fight but even that seems like too much of a task now.

And so, here is the rest of the story, or at least the abbreviated version.

The AA animagus gives way to another memory in which the Tiefling Lugen mentions the location of Henderthane's contract and animagus. Destroying Henderthane's animagus brings a memory of Lugen telling you where Jeggare's contreact is. With your suspicion already mounting, Sydney reveals another memory of her own. This time, it reveals working with Duranu to re-negotiate Thrune's contract. The memory contains details on how to access Thrune's contract dungeon as well.

You go after Thrune's contract instead of Jeggare's. There's no animagus there; but soon there is another visitor: Lugen. He's accompanied by Duranu, the exiled former general of House Thrune. Duranu, it turns out, wasn't too happy about being exiled from a government overthrow he organized.

The fight ensues and even though Duranu's magic is unlike anything you've ever seen, your overwhelming numbers and experience combating your own styles wins the day.

Lugen's pack has one more container of memories and once your safely away you open it and release them. This memory takes back to a meeting of Taishan, where Lugen reveals the full plane before you are bound and knocked out. Duranu and Lugen devised the plan, and used you and Taishan as sleeper agents to pull off the dangerous tasks. Neither of them could take the thrown, but Payk could. As the surviving ranking noble of House Narikopolus, if Narikopolus was the most powerful house than Payk could be appointed as a puppet king for Duranu. Of course, they didn't know about Sydney's memories returning you got to Thrune before destroying Jeggare's contract.

And then comes the decision. Destroy Thrune's contract and leave Jeggare in charge. Destroy Jeggare's and then Thrune's contract and leave Narikopolus (and Payk) in charge. Or leave the contract and Thrune's reign intact.

AC 11 (T 11 FF 10); CMD: 15; Maximum HP: 42; Current HP: 42 F +6, R +6, W +9

I can certainly understand about real life eating into running pbp games. Thanks for running this, and all the best.

Map Female Aasimar Inactive

Take care. Fun playing with you all.

Also, postscript. After we get our memories back, Ziera takes up with Gray, finding a way to get him healed and reunited with his parents, probably through some weird quest through the afterlife. Then, whether he chooses to change for the better or not, she starts working her way through all of her previous comrades, starting with Sydney, and trying to similarly improve their lives. She finds that it is much more satisfying than revenge, which is distasteful to her now.

HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | F +4 R +8 W +8 (+10 vs non-Zon Kuthon divine) | Perception +12 | Init +8

I appreciate the heads up and the abbreviated conclusion to the tale, Shadowtail.

Ha, it definitely seems like the quest would need to be weird, to pair those two together. Perhaps an alleviation to the pain would enable him to seek something greater. :)

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