Ziera |

Ziera casts Unseen Servant, and then addresses the girl.
Okay, so here's the thing. Alana here has an appointment with a friend. We're going to take her so she can talk with him. If all goes well, we'll be done in an hour or so. My friend here is going to knock you out. I'm sorry about that part, but he's worried that you are a liability. This is the best compromise we could come up with. It will be painful, but remember, you will still be alive.
When you wake up, I want you to go back through that door, get the jewels, and leave them on this side. Don't tell anyone about what you saw. If you do those things, then you keep your life. Unfortunately, if you choose differently, I won't be able to guarantee your safety. My invisible friend is going to stay and watch and make sure you do as I say.
At this point Ziera silently directs the unseen servant to pat her on the cheek.
Bluff: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37
Once the jewels are on this side, and provided you don't send the guard after us, he'll get them and leave and you'll never see us again. Do you think you can do that for me?
If she agrees, then Ziera nods to Gray to knock her out, and they leave her in the tunnel, alive. (Providing the others in my own group go along with her lead.)

Edmund Gwenn |

Edmund takes the girl by the hand, smiling kindly at her, reassuring her that it’ll all be fine...meanwhile, subtly turning her so the back of her head is facing Gray, and distracting her while he does the deed. He then checks on her breathing to make sure she will recover.

Gray Miller |

After having rendered another helpless victim unconscious, Gray was in a positively chipper mood, for him. He nodded his agreement to Ziera's plan for Alana, arching a brow. "We definitely need to disguise her...should I just carry her, after that...or prop her up as our drunken companion?"
Weekend at Bernie's style, yo.

Ziera |

I think we did the Weekend at Bernie's reenactment already. :) (GM skipped over that need, at least for now. He said that we have her at a secure location already, so we jumped past the disguise and pretending she is drunk stage.)
We still all need to change *our* disguises after this though, in case the girl talks.

The Azure Avenger |

The Azure Avenger recommends the back room of an inn, The Beggar's Purse. The place is seedy, cheap, and prone to crime, and most people don't ask questions. A simple coin to the bartender, and they can use the empty storage for a while.
Some artistic liberties, here. Feel free to change anything.
The Azure Avenger sets up a chair for Alana to sit in, as well as some rope to keep her from moving. "When do you think she'll wake up?"

Ziera |

Not sure if the details matter now, but they might later when we bring in Drem... I'd prefer a private place with fewer witnesses to see us bring someone unconscious. Old abandoned warehouse or a vacant private home, perhaps? Not the sewer again, since we mentioned that in the girl's hearing.
Not sure, but we can wake her up with some healing if needed. First we need to decide what we are asking her. I have an Elixir of Truth if needed.

Gray Miller |

Old abandoned building would work great. I wouldn't want to risk a home, since they're typically close to other homes.
Gray helped to secure the woman in the chair, though his eyes flitted over her uncomfortably. Before the group does so, he completely searched over her person for anything Alana could be hiding, weapons, wands, etc. Once she is tied up, he relaxed, turning to the others. "Our patron just wanted her dead, correct? Think she knows anything about the animagi or the House Contracts?"

Ziera |

Yeah, he just wants her dead, but if her house is in on it, she might know something about the memories. Also, I think we should invite Drem here and turn her over. My mind would rest easier if his hand were the one that took her life. Despite her offense against my father, I find that I prefer to let the responsibility for this act rest with the man that demanded it.
If you prefer not to wake her up though, I am also okay with that. Trying to get any truth out of her will likely be a chore, even with an elixir.

Edmund Gwenn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

”There is also the the danger that somebody will notice she is gone and use magic to scry on her. In fact, I should be checking for magic sensors right now,” he adds, casting detect magic to look for magical effects in the area.

Gray Miller |

Gray shrugged at Ziera's reasoning, nodding his approval at Edmund's activity before turning back to the aasimar. "Let's see how interested she is in cooperating. If she decides that being obstinate or lying is in her best interest, we can always scramble her brains again." The inquisitor's voice and demeanor suggested he would enjoy that possibility.

Ziera |

Ziera makes sure they secure everything that Alana was carrying, blindfolds her, and then pours an elixir of truth down her throat, makes sure that her aura is affected, and then immediately heals her back to wakefulness.
Alana Thrune, what do you know of an ability to take extended memories from people?
Lasts for 10 minutes, so we can ask what we want in that time. I also have more elixirs if we need them. Ask away.
I'm guessing she doesn't get an overall will save because we poured it down her throat while she was unconscious (?), but not sure. She does get a will save on each question to not be compelled to answer (DC 13 Will), but if she *does* say anything, it has to be the truth.

Ziera |

If she honestly doesn't know anything about the memory deal, then I don't think I have anything else for her except anger because she ordered the death of my father. So, if I can see the aura and I know she is affected by the spell, and she actually spoke, denying she knows anything, then I think that is a guarantee that she does not. The spell doesn't allow lying. Only silence if you refuse to talk of something. So, Thrune didn't do it to us, unless Alana wasn't aware, which seems unlikely. Anyone else have questions about personal vendettas? I'm personally ready to turn her over to Drem.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
"What do you know of Animagi?"
"Where is the Thrune House Contract kept?"
You will not be able to find it without help.
"What can you tell us of the Pit Fiend general who is here?"
He is gone; he only came for the traitor tiefling.
"What do you know of us, personally?"
Nothing. Except that now I'm going to kill you... if I get the chance. The last part seemed even more forced then the rest of her comments.
rolls made and then deleted. Ask any follow up or other questions you have. Otherwise I'll jump to the next scene.

The Azure Avenger |

The Azure Avenger nods. "So the Pit Fiend was under some kind of contract limited to the tiefling? Good to know."
"So what kind of help are we going to need to get the contract, Alana?"

Edmund Gwenn |

”Sounds like she would be our best bet of finding out how to get their contract.” He sounds unhappy as he adds, ”You may need to find a way of making her more forthcoming.”
Still concentrating on his spell, he pulls a well-worn, creased piece of paper, containing a detailed drawing of a young man, his missing son Kris. ”Ask her if she knows this person and what happened to him.”

Gray Miller |

Gray took the illustration from the old wizard and stepped toward Alana, roughly jerking the blindfold up to her forehead. He held the picture in front of her for a moment before asking in a calm, steady voice, "Do you know this man? Or what has become of him?"
Once we determine that, I'm ready for the next scene.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Alana remains silent.
I made secret sense motive rolls for everyone. View below.
Though Alana remains silent, her face definitely displays recognition at the illustration.
Though Alana remains silent, her face definitely displays recognition at the illustration.
Hope fails as her face remains impassive and unrecognizing while seeing the illustration.
Your heart sinks for Edmund as Alana’s face remains impassive while seeing the illustration.

Edmund Gwenn |

As Edmund sees the lack of recognition on her face, he slumped against the wall, somehow looking twenty years older, even through his magical disguise. He loses concentration on his detection spell as he pulls his son’s silver holy symbol from the inside pocket of his coat and just holds it for awhile.

Gray Miller |

Gray smirked at the slight twitch that gave away the woman's emotion to the inquisitor. Bending closer, his face inches from the noblewoman's own, he spoke in a low, menacing tone, "Tell us what you know, or I don't think I could stop my companion from doing something rash..." He glanced purposefully over at Edmund before glancing slyly back at Alana.

Edmund Gwenn |

Edmund looks up. ”You mean she did recognize him? Are you sure? Of course you are, forgive me, my friend.”
Edmund pushes himself off the wall where he had rested his weight and crouches down next to Alana, holding out the silver holy symbol for her to see.
”Alana, my dear, this is my only son. I don’t know if you have children of your own, or if devil worshippers are even capable of loving the children they do have, but please understand that he is my life. My wife died many years ago, and I miss her every day, and now my son is all I have left in this world.”
”In a moment, you’re going to tell me whether or not he still lives, and it will actually go better for you if he is dead. I am a gentle, kindly soul, as my friends here would no doubt confirm with a certain amount of bemusement and frustration. I hold no interest in revenge. My son chose a life of risk, danger, and adventure, in order to help the helpless and make the world a better place. If he died living out that pursuit, then I will honour and celebrate his sacrifice, even as I mourn his passing every day I still draw breath.”
Edmund touches his magic cap of disguise, removing the spell and showing his true features. ”Perhaps it is not wise to let you see what I actually look like, but I need you to be able to see the truth in my eyes for what I say next, because if my son does still live, and you do not tell me...ex...actly...how...to...save him, which incidentally is how I will interpret your continued silence, my good friend here, whom I strongly suspect is a disciple of Zon-Kuthon...will find himself sickened by what I will do to you.”
He remains where he is, looking Alana in the eye with his own usually merry and warm but now cold and sharp as steel gaze. He holds up the holy symbol and the paper as her invitation to talk.

Ziera |

Ziera shoots a wary glance at Edmund, and then Gray, at the mention of Zon-Kuthon. What?? she thinks, but says nothing on that subject, for this is not the time for idle talk.
She asks the questions they need answers to in a different way, hoping for more than silence, but she almost doesn't care. She understands Edmund's feeling, since this woman killed her father as well. They needed to get Drem before she gave into the urge to beat her for her cavalier attitude, placing politics before life.
Where is the secret entrance to get to the Thrune Contract?
Follow-up: Who knows where it is?
How do you open the secret entrance to get to the Thrune Contract?
Follow-up: Who knows how to open it?
Do you know the location of any other houses' contracts?
Follow-ups: Which houses? Where are they? Who knows where they are? Who else has the information that we seek about the locations of the contracts?

Edmund Gwenn |

Edmund’s face fills with weariness, but he simply says, ”I see,” and backs away. ”I believe Alana is ready for our friend, now. Put...put that blindfold back on.”
He makes as if to leave, but then stops and forces himself to put his disguise back on, recast the detect magic, and continue scanning for scrying sensors.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Where is the secret entrance to get to the Thrune Contract? too close to a previous question
Follow-up: Who knows where it is?
How do you open the secret entrance to get to the Thrune Contract? too close to a previous question
Follow-up: Who knows how to open it?
Do you know the location of any other houses' contracts?
Follow-ups: Which houses? silence
Where are they? silence
Who knows where they are? silence
Who else has the information that we seek about the locations of the contracts? silence
How well did you know a man by the name of Silas Rench?
"i do not know that name.

Ziera |

More angered by Alana's silence than she was before, as well as being frustrated by the ethical conundrum of wanting her dead on one level but also wishing there were a way to save her, Marzela walks away from the blindfolded woman before she loses control.
I'm going to get Drem. I can't stand to be around the woman who murdered my father anymore.
Taking the usual precautions But let me know if you need me to explain them or roll for them in this case, Ziera leaves to get Dice Drem, telling him that they have fulfilled their part of the bargain.
When they arrive, she sends Drem in, and keeps watch outside, hoping that distance will salve her conscience.

Gray Miller |

Gray only smirked as Edmund mentioned his religious affiliation, not denying the statement. His young features settled into a satisfied smile as the older man threatened Alana with serious harm, though the inquisitor wondered if the book seller would follow up on it if needed. Perhaps not surprisingly, he hoped the man would. When Edmund reacted rather passively at the news that his son was dead, Gray reached forward and grabbed the blindfold and a few of Alana's hairs, wrenching it down over her eyes.
Frustrated by the woman's continued demeanor, Gray nodded his agreement with Ziera to fetch Drem. The young man's hatred of Thrune was fierce, but it was not relegated to any specific member, and he was able to stay his hand as the small group waited for the aasimar returned with their Leroung patron.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Dice nods to each of you in turn as he enters, a hopeful look on his face. He enters the room with Alana.
Barely a minute later he is back in the room with you, his expression much more reserved. He looks around at everyone for a second and then focuses on Ziera. “Im in. All in. Whatever you’re doing here, I’ll help. And i can offer a lot of help. ”

Ziera |

Ziera looks at Drem doubtfully.
What kind of help can you offer? I seem to remember that you weren't all that helpful last time, considering what you forced us to promise in return. We got the location of one contract, and one way in, with significant effort. The rest was just rumors and guesswork. ... I realize that you betrayed your own house. I get that. But we're trying to accomplish something bigger than that, and one contract is not even close to enough.
Ziera looks around the room at her team members, wondering if they should tell Drem their true goal. Was his help worth the risk?

Gray Miller |

Gray eyed Drem as he walked back in the room, suspicious of the quick turnaround. Shrugging it away as a certain level of paranoia, the inquisitor listened to Ziera's retort to the halfling's proclamation, nodding agreement. "Indeed. Let us hear of all this promised help, this time, and we'll see if it's worth the price you might seek."
In truth, another possibility was springing forth in his mind. An ugly path, to be sure. He glanced at the Azure Avenger and Edmund, and finally at Ziera, wondering if they would be willing to play along, should it come to that. Hopefully Drem would be as willing and helpful as he seemed, but if not...there were other uses for the man.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Dice looks taken aback. “I answered most of your questions before from memory. Now i can actually reasearch them, and find whatever you need. And it’s not like you can just ask the librarians for help, they would get suspicious. But now the entire Leroung knowledge base could be opened up to you, with a researcher who is already familiar with the topic. ”

Gray Miller |

Gray thought about it for a few moments, wondering what Drem was surely playing at. He had no doubt the halfling was likely telling the truth, or at least part of it, but these aristocrats surely had multiple levels of the game they were playing. Still, the offer was better than aimlessly running around and hoping things worked out. The inquisitor looked at his companions and shrugged.

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Alana is alive. Dice does not seem to have hurt her.
Dice listens intently as Ziera explains the situation. He looks as if he is going to interrupt a few times but stops himself. At the end he shakes his head,”You seem to hav esone very powerful enemies, and i hope i didn’t just get myself killed by aligning with you. No, i don’t already regret it, i just understand how careful i need to be. ” He pauses. “So what is the next priority?”

---GM Shadowtail24--- |
Dice frowns. A dagger appears in his hands. “I thought i wanted to kill her, but faced with the moment i couldn’t. I’m a librarian not a killer. I’ll leave her fate to you. Though if you want her to live don’t let that crazy guy near her. He will kill her without a thought; some people jus have that look about them . ”