Tinkergoth |

Most of its just general crap happening all at once. The expensive thing was my bike deciding to start having mechanical and electrical faults. The fixes turned out relatively cheap for now, the $10,000 thing was what it looked like I'd need to borrow to get new wheels when it looked like it was almost certainly a writeoff. Still going to have to do it at some point in the next year, but hopefully I'll be in a better position to do that at the time.

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Is Jasminder one of the characters we're losing due to player not being available? Do we let her die here or keep going with her for a hopefully insanely cool blaze of glory moment?
Jasminder is one of those characters.
She isn't actually dead yet by the numbers, so it is unlikely that healers like Haelynn would let her die; however, we can take one of two approaches here:
1. By GM fiat that last round of attacks actually did kill her (or she expires of her wounds before she can be tended to) OR
2. She lives and is revived by the party using healing magic, but is so shaken by the ordeal she departs from the group, declining to continue the goblin investigation / revenge mission.

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Just a heads up, I will be away in China for about two weeks from the 1st of April. During that time I’m not sure how much internet access I will have, how much time I will have to get on, and whether I’ll be able to get access to Paizo; I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get access to Google Docs for maps etc., and I may not have access to the adventure. Towards the end of the trip I’ll be in Hong Kong which might mean improved access. I’ll do what I can to keep the game moving, but expect some delays.

Tinkergoth |

Having been stuck (literally stuck) in China for about six weeks a few years back... trying to remember what my access was like...
Paizo access was fine. Social media and blog sites are blocked. Personal vpn sites are blocked. Email works fine, though for the most part I ran everything through my work VPN just to be safe

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Apologies for the once a week updates of late - between my holiday, being busy catching up on things since I've been back and the general slowness of the action I haven't been updating much.
HOWEVER! You've reached the goblin village, so we should be back into the action shortly. Is everyone still around and good to go?

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By the way, Gizmoh has made it clear to me that he won't return to the game, so it is against goblins that Tannithil may meet his demise. Whoever is running his character, don't be afraid to have him fight recklessly and fiercely against the little freaks (if you actually find any) as he seeks to avenge the attack on his mistress.

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Having been stuck (literally stuck) in China for about six weeks a few years back... trying to remember what my access was like...
Paizo access was fine. Social media and blog sites are blocked. Personal vpn sites are blocked. Email works fine, though for the most part I ran everything through my work VPN just to be safe
I meant to follow up on this one, how did it come about that you were stuck in China for 6 weeks?

Tinkergoth |

Tinkergoth wrote:I meant to follow up on this one, how did it come about that you were stuck in China for 6 weeks?Having been stuck (literally stuck) in China for about six weeks a few years back... trying to remember what my access was like...
Paizo access was fine. Social media and blog sites are blocked. Personal vpn sites are blocked. Email works fine, though for the most part I ran everything through my work VPN just to be safe
Work trip. Gear I needed to do my job (hardware replacements) kept getting held up in customs, so I spent a lot of time sitting around hotels, or wandering around looking for places where the staff spoke english so I could get a meal away from the hotel restaurants. Got shunted off to a couple of offices that weren't on my schedule because their gear had arrived while mine hadn't, so I took care of those while I waited. By the time I was done it had been just shy of 4 weeks... and two days before I was due to leave the air pollution from the cities took it's toll on me and I ended up with a severe upper respiratory tract infection that kept me quarantined to my hotel room in Guangzhou on large doses of painkillers and antibiotics for around another 2 weeks. Was a nice room at least, and they had plenty of movie channels and stuff available. When I finally got home it took months to actually shake the illness, infection kept moving back and forth between respiratory tract and lower in the chest.

Grendel Green |

Hey guys, I'm on a work trip for the next 11 days, not sure what the internet will be like on the first 3 or 4 days (which is pleasure rather than work) but the week after that I should be able to post. If at any time I'm holding things up though, go ahead and act for Grendel!

Ash Walker |

Sorry guys, ended up dealing with family stuff on Saturday and then having to go to IKEA. Then spent literally my whole Sunday putting together IKEA furniture. Going through the gameplay thread now to see where we're at so I can post.
Ahh, the old IKEA trap. Fairly safe to say we've all been there at some stage...

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Guys, sorry for the lack of posting recently. Somewhat busy and stressed with life stuff.
This game has been pretty slow anyway; I probably need to put things on hold for the next couple of weeks, but what after that? Could I get a show of hands on who wants to continue in some way?

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Yeah, ok, just the stuff with Maryanne's work ongoing and super busy at work myself. We hired a new person the other week ... I spent the week training her, then at the end of the week she told us she had had a better offer and quit. On the same day one of our long term employees also quit! During our busiest month in the last two years ...

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Cool, thanks for the clarification, Dementrius is on the same page. I haven’t heard anything more from Tinkergoth, I’ll assume he is out.
It’s looking like work (and life) is calming down a bit for me, so I’m going to try to pick this back up and post regularly.
Can I get you guys to NPC Tannithil and Xargin until we can naturally write them out?

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Guys, I have to apologise for letting my games slide for so long.
The last couple of months of 2017 were busy and stressful and I wasn’t finding much time to update. By the time I got a breather (over the past two to three weeks or so) I found I just needed a break, and updating my games seemed more like a chore than something enjoyable. Hopefully I’ll be in the right frame of mind (and have appropriate time) soon! Please bear with me.

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Hi friends, it’s become painfully apparent (to everyone no doubt) that I’m not in a good position to be running pbp games at the moment; these days its virtually impossible for me to post from work, and usually when I’m at home the last thing I feel like doing is something that requires sitting in front of a screen and using my brain (or at least the ‘GM’ part of my brain).
Apologies for all the delays and false starts over the past several months – I really thought I would be able to get things off the ground, but t hasn’t panned out. Worse, its taking the enjoyment out of actually playing pbps, as I feel guilty about playing over GMing. Hopefully by putting GMing officially on the backburner I will be able to pick up the pace as a player.
I hope to get my games going again at some point when I have the time and energy to do so – I can’t promise when that will be. If people are around at that point and want to keep playing, that’s great, if not I would understand. In the meantime though, I’m going to put all the games I am GMing on indefinite hiatus.
Cheers, Luke.