Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Bronwyn had a blistering confession the last time she got drunk... So definitely a good situation to put her in again ;-)

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Umm... RE: getting character drunk... that is definitely not milk or creamer Alexandra has been putting in the coffee, post-fight.

also, she intends to brood, and decide weather to make Kaoru's life harder, and whether by encouraging Alexis, or... affection.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Alexandra E. Walker wrote:
Umm... RE: getting character drunk... that is definitely not milk or creamer Alexandra has been putting in the coffee, post-fight.

Oh, I totally picked up on that. Kaoru missed it though. Almost had Kaoru accept Alexandra's offer and drink some, but I had already decided she wasn't much of a coffee person.

Aleandra wrote:
also, she intends to brood, and decide weather to make Kaoru's life harder, and whether by encouraging Alexis, or... affection.

Ahh, decisions, decisions. Look forward to seeing what you go with. ;-P

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

@Alexandra: If you feel like it, I’d like to see your reactions to Shaun’s answers and interactions...and blood tear. If you’re down for it.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

oh, shoot, totally forgot about that.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

I've been carefully staying out of that orbit till it catches up chronologically lol

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

And that’s why I thought to remind ya. :)

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I'm just waiting for Cassie to troll ask someone questions while pretending it's for a spell. Though I'm also not entirely convinced she isn't sneaking a few extra questions in any way. ;-)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Would I do that?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Well Bronwyn okayed some kind of healing spell, so I guess we'll find out :-p

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Oh hey, Bronwyn's only a few days older than Kaoru! I'm enjoying finding out characters' birthdays. Though I find myself wondering if Alexis' birthday is somewhere in the April 20th-May 20th range.

Bronwyn wrote:
No worries Kaoru! Is Delphi's request via Wingblade/Whippoorwill enough for her to feel like she's on the team enough to do missiony things, or should we find another way to get there before Kilt's evil schemes?

Delphi's request is enough to force her onto any mission. But also if Alexandra goes, Kaoru would most likely be willing to follow.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Great! I figured Bron would probably let things sit, but I wanted to make sure we actually got to, you know, bring our team together :-p

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

Not back enough to post for a few hours, but yes, Bronwyn was still in a fairly modest sports bra.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

So if Shayera and Bronwyn made a team together, does that make them our mommies? *thinking face*

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Bronwyn wrote:
Bronwyn and I are united in wanting to hug away Kaoru's dark-cloudy-feeling about this movie.

An emotional response means I must be doing something right then. :-D

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Kaoru is waiting for Cassie to accept, so she can be the absolute last person.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

I thought you seemed quiet :-p

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Oh man, what kind of impression am I making if 16 hours since my last post constitutes being quiet? Especially when I was asleep for a good portion of that. ^^;;

Though I do already have my post all typed up and ready to go (unless things somehow change dramatically).

Edit: Alternatively!

Alexis wrote:
Or else Shayera would have to arrest you. I don't think she would like that.

*insert snarky comment about handcuffs here*

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

... a good impression?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

That was totally rhetorical, flatterer. :-P

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

So,.. failing to heal Bron got me my 5th potential, so going to take:

Be mindful of your surroundings:

When you assess the situation before entering into a fight, you may ask one additional question, even on a miss.

from the Protege playbook.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

So I am currently laughing like an idiot over just how much y’all hate Shaun IC. Like I am almost legitimately pissing myself this is so funny. XD

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

It's been hours since Bronwyn blew up at Shaun - she doesn't hate him :-p

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

He's an idealist, enthusiastic, and calls her Doll and Alex... it's a small miracle she hasn't shot him and left his tranquilized body in a compromising position.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

So speaking of our characters mutual hatred for each other, I would like to answer how this question is going thus far:

Shaun wrote:
Oh-hohoho, well then Kaoru, let’s see how much of a living hell I can make this non-date for you.

The answer is that you've done jack-squat so far to make this painful for Kaoru. All of Kaoru's angst has come from non-Shaun sources. Just thought I'd point that out. 0:-)

Alexandra wrote:
it's a small miracle she hasn't shot him and left his tranquilized body in a compromising position.

Kaoru would 100% help you make a video that would go viral. ;-)

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

That was before he got rocked by dinomen. (Also I forgot. Got distracted by foreshadowing.)

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus
Alexandra E. Walker wrote:
He's an idealist, enthusiastic, and calls her Doll and Alex... it's a small miracle she hasn't shot him and left his tranquilized body in a compromising position.

We have to make that happen!

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

I...don’t actually know how Shaun would react to being pranked. The specific result would probably depend on what is actually done to him. It’s like a 50/50 shot he’ll laugh along or getting nuclear-level pissed.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I don't really have anything to add for a walkout, so I'm fine to skip to Wingblade's if no one else wants to do something.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

I mean, aside from flipping the SCA the bird, nothing to add.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

And now I have this vision of Alexandra and Shaun at the back of this little lineup, walking backwards with double middle fingers up at anybody in their line of sight.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 3/0 Savior: 1 Superior: 1 Mundane: 0/3| Conditions: Angry, Guilty, Hopeless, Afraid
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, The Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Apex, Hex, Wingblade, The Kilt, The Silver Shadow, Shadowboxer, Jusker

But especially at each other :-p

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade
Bran the Blessed wrote:
But especially at each other :-p

Yup. One hand dedicated each. It’s like the world’s most pissed-off cheerleader formation.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

OOOOH, I need to clear some conditions... I could take up Alexis, but... I could clear most of these in one scene, if it was enough of a shitshow.

dammit, I'll be good.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

You could ask for healing,.... :)

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

wait, does the magic actually clear conditions? cause Alexandra never took a hit.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

Well, maybe not then :(

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

You could explain it as curing her of her toxins built up in her body if you try to use magic to Comfort/Support Alexandra. Certainly part of a witch's skillset.

[X] [X] [X] [X] [ ] Labels: Da: 1 Fr: 0 Sa: 0 Su: 3 Mu: -1 | Conditions: Insecure, Angry, Guilty
PCs: Alexis, Shaun; NPCs: Odysseus

So, mechanically, I'm calling the healing 'comfort and support'... physically its (at least for now) only healing bruises and strains, that kind've thing. But I'll limit its use to when people need a little healing.... I guess that means that Alexis and Wingblade won't be candidates any time soon though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

So, the way Shayera and Bronwyn are responding, definitely makes me thing Alexandra was spot on about the handcuffs. Especially given that the aforementioned "getting handcuffed and sent to India" event resulted in the person Wingblade was handcuffed to OOC announcing Wingblade was now her love and the two of them then went on a karaoke date and sang Time of My Life together. Seriously guys, I'm not even making this up. Wingblade even made a quip about it.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Y’all need to chill! I wanna post proper but I’ve been busy today, and naturally y’all are going while-hog! I’ll get something up as soon as I can. Kaoru don’t go anywhere I wanna chastise you. Name suggestions and skill list also coming.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I knew that was going to come back and haunt me. I just didn't think it'd take two years.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
THE KILT wrote:
Y’all need to chill! I wanna post proper but I’ve been busy today, and naturally y’all are going while-hog! I’ll get something up as soon as I can. Kaoru don’t go anywhere I wanna chastise you. Name suggestions and skill list also coming.

Only if you put on the kilt and do it in the name of Mars. Otherwise, Kaoru is dragging Alexandra to the locker room, so they can "fight". :-P But yeah, kinda figured Shaun was going to b%~!! Kaoru out for this.

Wingblade wrote:
I knew that was going to come back and haunt me. I just didn't think it'd take two years.

I can't help but think you wanted it to bite you in the ass. I mean, you were the one who brought it up when you know you're playing with a huge slasher who read through the entire archive. Though I blame Bronwyn for the fact this didn't come up sooner. ;-)

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

So, who are Alexis' Love and Rival?

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

It's in her spoiler tags. Right now, I'm her love and Bronwyn is her rival.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

That may change by the end of this scene though. When it does, I'll add an ooc part of a post so that people know that it's happening and that they can take Influence over Alexis.

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

I'm... uhhh... thinking I might wanna... stock up on bear mace and that SCA foam shite...

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0
Alexandra E. Walker wrote:
I'm... uhhh... thinking I might wanna... stock up on bear mace and that SCA foam s~&%e...

So then, you don't think the resolution of this scene will be Bronwyn winning Alexis over with her crazy charm and Alexis swapping her love and rival? ^^;

Labels: Danger: 1 Freak: -1 Savior: -2 Superior: 3 Mundane: 3 | Condition(s):Hopeless, Angry, Insecure, Afraid|Potential 7/5 | Doom: 8/15
Bran, Kay

Y'know, I kinda figure a different ball of weird lesbian (ish, not sure how trans Kaoru is) feelings are about to get more complicated.

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

I just wanna say for the record, my plan for Kaoru's love life was for her to unknowingly develop an unrequited crush or two on people and to then bring in an NPC to be like, "Yo dawg, you're totally into this chick" and to have that have her start questioning her sexual orientation (and then later her gender identity). It certainly wasn't to trigger both issues over the course of 12 hours during her first week of school. Best laid plans of Anon A Mouse, I guess.

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