1. Grand Entrance
2. Casino Floor
3. Cashier
4. Cashier's Cage
5. Guardroom
6. Cash Storage
7. Counting Room
8. Night Vault
9. Floor Manager's Office
10. Private Dining Rooms
11. Cellar Entrance
12. Kitchen
13. Scullery
14. Staff Lounge
15. The Goblin's Tankard
16. Privies - These are private bathrooms marked with a sword and a cup, but no other indication of what gender each bathroom is meant for.
17. Atrium
18. Master Suite
19. Guest Rooms
20. Guest Suite - A nicer version of the guest suite that includes lodgings for servants.
21. Linen Storage
22. Staff Quarters - These are for common staff, or temporary hired guards.
23. Dressing Room - Includes costumes for theme events, or for performances.
24. Waiting Area (Where you met with Saul)
25. Owner's Office - Saul's personal office.
26. Record Room
27. Dining Room
28. Saul's Personal Bedroom
29. Your Quarters. Three bunk beds are shoved against the walls next to a pair of wide wardrobes. A small table with three chairs is pushed into one corner, and two overstuffed chairs sit on a wolfskin rug before the hearth. The entrance to a small privy is covered by a thin curtain.
30. Security Catwalks
31. Wine Cellar
32. Wrangler's Chamber
33. The Red Room (underground bar)
34. Guard Alcove (secret entrance to the fighting pit)
35. Armory
36. Infirmary (For Injured Animals)
37. Kennel (currently has a fat boar [Pigsaw], 5 dogs, 2 monkeys)
38. Arena (holds 30 spectators, 1 sp cover charge)
39. The Octahedron (main fighting pit)
Great Green God
Nigh-Deific Green Dragon * Note: The Great Green God doesn't go for any of that "stat" stuff. Consider him "unstatted" in the White Wolf/World of Darkness sense of the word.
Orthrus Wightblood
Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Rilia of the Savored Sting Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric (Calistria) 4 | hp 37 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | CMD 16 | F +5 R +7 W +12 (+2 v enchant, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7 (others +3), Perc +11 (low-light), SensM +15 (+17 read situation), Scrft +7 | Bardic Performance 5/8 | channel 5/5 | copycat (2 rds) 6/7 | daze touch 7/7 | clw wand 40/50