Lunar Sloth's Second Darkness

Game Master Slothsy

But down in the underground
You'll find someone true
Down in the underground
A land serene
A crystal moon
(David Bowie, Underground)

Map of current encounter Here.

Map of the Gold Goblin - All 3 Floors

Map Locations:

1. Grand Entrance
2. Casino Floor
3. Cashier
4. Cashier's Cage
5. Guardroom
6. Cash Storage
7. Counting Room
8. Night Vault
9. Floor Manager's Office
10. Private Dining Rooms
11. Cellar Entrance
12. Kitchen
13. Scullery
14. Staff Lounge
15. The Goblin's Tankard
16. Privies - These are private bathrooms marked with a sword and a cup, but no other indication of what gender each bathroom is meant for.
17. Atrium
18. Master Suite
19. Guest Rooms
20. Guest Suite - A nicer version of the guest suite that includes lodgings for servants.
21. Linen Storage
22. Staff Quarters - These are for common staff, or temporary hired guards.
23. Dressing Room - Includes costumes for theme events, or for performances.
24. Waiting Area (Where you met with Saul)
25. Owner's Office - Saul's personal office.
26. Record Room
27. Dining Room
28. Saul's Personal Bedroom
29. Your Quarters. Three bunk beds are shoved against the walls next to a pair of wide wardrobes. A small table with three chairs is pushed into one corner, and two overstuffed chairs sit on a wolfskin rug before the hearth. The entrance to a small privy is covered by a thin curtain.
30. Security Catwalks
31. Wine Cellar
32. Wrangler's Chamber
33. The Red Room (underground bar)
34. Guard Alcove (secret entrance to the fighting pit)
35. Armory
36. Infirmary (For Injured Animals)
37. Kennel (currently has a fat boar [Pigsaw], 5 dogs, 2 monkeys)
38. Arena (holds 30 spectators, 1 sp cover charge)
39. The Octahedron (main fighting pit)

Map of Riddleport

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Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

"You, sleepy archer man, take bolts. Me lower you down deep, dark hole. You take light, so you can see."

He hands Aishe the crossbow bolts from the she-elf. 10 +1 crossbow bolts

"Scream when thing attacks you."

As the newbee, I have class-level swag (which I remember was a problem for some folks), so I'll defer on treasure picks, though if it turns out there are somethings that no one wants that he can use (like the drow poison ;)) he'll take them gladly. Orthrus's personal rationalization is that by doing so he can distract the rest of the party and get on with the business of adventuring.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Gillian Flynn wrote:

"Ahh, there we go," Gillian smiles. "And neither, though I can certainly understand why you'd ask. This seems like a good place to find either."

She looks at the man curiously. "And what about yourself? Must be an interesting story for you to be all the way out here alone."

Gillian Flynn wrote:
She looks at the man curiously. "And what about yourself? Must be an interesting story for you to be all the way out here alone."

bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

"No interesting. Orthrus simply took wrong turn at Storval Plateau. Look! Things!"

At this point he begins sorting the treasure. If that doens't work he offers to tend to any obvious wounds.... Aishe you have the least obvious wounds here because you have no tag line info. You okay? If so Orthrus could heal you.

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

As far as swag goes, the treasure sheet takes into account that you're starting a bit ahead of us. So when we sell this stuff, after cherry picking, it might not matter. Either way, we can chat about it then to make sure everyone is more or less even. For my part, I'm not worried.

Aishe is a little blown away by the half-orcs efforts and watches with some interest. He eyes the items unidentified, and does what he can to chip away at their communal knowledge. He casts Detect Magic and examines the unknowns...

Spellcraft vs DC 25 circlet: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Spellcraft vs DC 17 wand: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Spellcraft vs DC 21 banded mail: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 (got it)
Spellcraft vs DC 21 flail: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22 (got it)
Spellcraft vs DC 20 bracelets: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 (got it)
Spellcraft vs DC 20 ring: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 (got it)
Spellcraft vs DC 21 potions: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

He separates out the items he was able to identify and announces what each of them are as he goes. He leaves the rest of the pile for smarter folks then himself to sort out.

Aishe accepts the crossbow bolts (if no one else objects) and ties himself to the rope. He gestures to his ioun stone of light, still spinning over his head, loads a new +1 crossbow bolt, and is ready to be lowered.

"I'll yell real loud if I need you to pull me back up. That or two tugs of the rope. OK, lower me down."

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

I don't know that you can actually make spellcraft checks to ID items without some visible manifestation of the magic (like say seeing their auras). It is usually described as: "Identify the properties of a magic item using detect magic."

"'Pull up'? Oh yeah! 'Pull up'! Right. Orthrus not familiar with all of your tongue's neologisms."


Aishe Danior wrote:
I cast detect magic... Failed to note it in my first post, but edited it in. Is that what you meant?


Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

I cast detect magic... Failed to note it in my first post, but edited it in. Is that what you meant?

Liberty's Edge

they/them pronouns

Aishe passes by a small box on the main platform. Looking inside, labelled in undercommon, are a total of eleven potions.

Two potions of lesser restoration, three potions of remove paralysis, five potions of cure moderate wounds, and one potion of remove disease.

Beneath the westernmost platform among a pile of crates, Clegg Zincher sits whimpering. However, as soon as he notices Aishe descending via the pulley, he stands up and gives a nod.

Good to see that hiring you was worth the gold. Now, get me out of this hole and we'll head back to camp," he says as he stretches out.

The pulley lets Aishe down about fifteen feet to area crowded with crates. Aishe can make a quick accounting; two block and tackles, 10 square yards of canvas, 50 feet of chain, five crowbars, three fishing nets, a set of masterwork shipwright's tools, a set of masterwork carpenter's tools, a set of masterwork tailor's tools, a merchant's scale, seven miner's picks, 14 pitons, to 10-foot poles, a portable ram, 200 feet of silk rope, 17 empty sacks and two sledges. There is also a crate of six bottles of 4663-vintage wine from the Terverius Wineries of southern Cheliax.

Appraise DC 20 (wine):
Each bottle is worth 300 gold.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

When he can inspect them, Orthrus uses a minute of his tongues hex to note the Undercommon labels though he does not entirely trust what they say.

appraise: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

"Um! GOOD!" *GLUG, GLUG, GLUG....*

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Aishe Danior from Discussion wrote:
heheheh, yeah, nice huh. You should ask in character....

Actually, I probably don't have to now since Orthrus probably saw Aishe wear it while he had his own (Orthrus's) magic peepers in play.

spellcraft v CL 1: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Orthrus nods to himself.

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21
Slothsy wrote:

Beneath the westernmost platform among a pile of crates, Clegg Zincher sits whimpering. However, as soon as he notices Aishe descending via the pulley, he stands up and gives a nod.

"Good to see that hiring you was worth the gold. Now, get me out of this hole and we'll head back to camp," he says as he stretches out.

"Interesting to see you here. We'll leave when we're ready I suspect. It's up to Nel." he says firmly. He will however help the man into the 'lift' and watch him rise above.

Slothsy wrote:
Aishe can make a quick accounting; two block and tackles, 10 square yards of canvas, 50 feet of chain, five crowbars, three fishing nets, a set of masterwork shipwright's tools, a set of masterwork carpenter's tools, a set of masterwork tailor's tools, a merchant's scale, seven miner's picks, 14 pitons, to 10-foot poles, a portable ram, 200 feet of silk rope, 17 empty sacks and two sledges. There is also a crate of six bottles of 4663-vintage wine from the Terverius Wineries of southern Cheliax.

He makes his quick accounting while he waits for the lift to return for him. He leaves everything but the wine (for now anyway). When he rejoins the party, he shows everyone the wine (when Orthrus presumably grabs a bottle and drinks it) and adds, speaking to Nel, "There's a pile of stuff down there boss, but I dunno if we really want to carry it all out of here. All kinds of tools and the like. Heavy and hard to shift, but maybe some of it will be worth something. There's one or two things I might take off the pile so I'm better prepared."

He lists off everything he saw and will go back to collect anything anyone wants.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

"Who him?" Orthrus asks of Zincher.

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Wow that's a lot of spoilery things to sift through. Okay, let's see...

Amused but not inclined to refuse the help, Gillian patiently waits her turn to have a crack at identifying some of the items they'd recovered from the drow...

Spellcraft (Wand; DC 17): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12
Spellcraft (Potions; DC 21): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13

...but scowls as all the noise and chatter from their newest acquaintance proves too distracting for her to get a good read on the remaining items.

"Bah! I'll try again later when I can concentration properly," she grumbles

Sense Motive (DC 15): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

"And riiight. So did we," she responds dryly to what is obviously a lie from their new friend. However she's not particularly inclined to press the matter, at least not right now.

I suppose he has his reasons for being here. And he seems helpful enough, may as well take advantage of it.

Female Half Elf Cavalier (Order of the tome) 5 | AC 21 T 11 FF 23| HP 46/77 | Fort + 8 Ref +4 Will +3 | Init + 3 | Perc + 9
Status: None | Challenge 2/2 Tactician 2/2
Gibraltar 34/34 hp
Tamiro wrote:

Tamiro steps back, raising his sword in confusion, and looking to Aishe who is trying a number of languages to speak with the creature. He makes sure to move and get himself planted between the creature and the rest of the group as much as possible.

"Does anyone know what it said? Boss?"

Nel stumbles back away from the rising creature, narrowing her eyes at its sudden appearance. As her mind tears through ages of forgotten lessons on conjecture, pronunciation, and dialect, Nel's brows furrow together. The best she can identify the new language as part of the family that dwarven roots from, but the revalation only sours her mood more. Through gritted teeth Nel curtly addresses Tamiro, "No."

Folding her arms over her unarmored chest, Nel listens as Aishe and Gillian lead the conversation. Furrowing her brow at the mention of the Pathfinder Society, Nel lets out an annoyed sigh and rolls her eyes. "I'd rather die than be caught working with one of those blasted agents." she murmurs out under her breath, clearly sulking at the shore.

As Aishe moves the platform to be lowered, Nel straightens her stance and stands near the shaft, waiting to hear what awaits in the darkness below. When Zincher appears in place of Aishe, a weary sigh escapes. "Zincher, what were you doing down there and where is my sharpshooter?" she demands as she offers to help the crime lord off of the lift.

Hearing Aishe's faint shout a moment later, Nel sighs and lowers the lift again. At the mention of the items hidden below, Nel rolls her eyes and turns to Zincher. "Smuggling? You got yourself caught and enchanted over a smuggling operation this far from Riddleport?" Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nel takes several deep breaths, to ward of the headache that was developing from the lack of common sense.

Turning to Aishe, Nel nods at his assessment of the pilfered goods. "Good to hear. Grab what you can carry, and we can always load up things that become a bother on the horses. However, I do not want to over burden either, as both Gibraltar and Kino were built for traveling and are not draft horses."

Turning to the latest newcomer, Nel just sighs wearily, unsure of how to approach such an odd man. "This is Clegg Zincher, he's a crime lord." she offers as a means of explanation. "I'm sure he'd be more than happy to tell you about all of his very extensive accomplishments."

Turning back to Aishe, Nel offers a tight smile before drifting into her mother language. "A existat vreun semn de ce s-au făcut aici prietenii noștri?", she whispers, trying to appear to keep busy, in order to not attract attention from Zincher and Orthus.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

Linguistic: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

Turning back to Aishe, Nel offers a tight smile before drifting into her mother language. "Was there any sign of what our friends were doing here?", she whispers, trying to appear to keep busy, in order to not attract attention from Zincher and Orthus.

Just so that way I'm not confused: Have we found what Kwava sent us here for, or were there more paths leading off of the smuggler's cove?

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Aishe goes back down to the pile, and tries to separate out the worthy from the unworthy and sends up a load.

He'll grab the various masterwork tools and the 200' of silk rope for the group.

When Nel speaks to him in Varisian, he merely shrugs and shakes his head. Sorry, no...

He looks for documents though. Papers, notebooks, something to indicate what they were doing.

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

"Well, at least there should be plenty enough monetary compensation for all this effort," Gillian smiles as she readies herself to help Aishe as he starts bringing things up from below. "Money isn't everything, as they say, but 'they' also seem to forget that sometimes a person just might get a bit hungry or weary!"

Liberty's Edge

they/them pronouns

Not quite! There's still the ledge on the other side of the cave. I just wanted to give this separately, so it didn't get lost in everything else.

On the ledge where the woman had been is a workshop and living space. There, a trunk sits. Its hinges open smoothly, revealing the content: two sets of fine clothing, a set of matching jewelry (necklace and earrings), a silver scroll tube, and three books wrapped in silk and leather. Under all of the personal possessions is 53 pounds of noqual ore.

DC 20 appraise (outfits):
These are fine noble's outfits worth 100 gold each.

DC 20 appraise (jewelry):
This jewelry is junk costume jewelry, worth no more than 5 gold each.

DC 20 Appraise (scroll tube):
The scroll tube itself is worth 200 gold.

Inside the silver scroll tube:
There are several maps rolled inside this scroll tube. There are multiple maps of the Devil's Elbow (both before and after the meteorite strike), a map of Riddleport, western Varisia, a larger map of all of Varisian, and, strangely enough, a map of an old Elven city labelled "Celwynvian". The map of Celwynvian seems to mark several encampments and patrol routes.

The three books:
The first book is Tsalkaean's Bestiary, a book written in Undercommon about oozes and aberrations. It grants a +2 bonus on knowledge (dungeoneering) checks to identify oozes and aberrations. It is worth 200 gp.

The second book is called Thoughts on Varisian Customs and is written in common. The book is well-read and worth only 10 gp.

The third book is a slender journal, written in a mix of Elven and Undercommon. It is similar in make to the journal discovered under the Gold Goblin. This journal mentions a rival named Depora many times. The journal starts with excitement on the writer's part of being accepted in House Azrinae, then eventually moves into frustration with house politics and hatred of Depora. The writer is quite explicit that she wished to impress someone named Nolveniss enough in order to claim her as her consort. It seems as though this Nolveniss is in charge of some sort of attack on Celwynvian. The plans vary, but seem to settle on presenting him with a large amount of noqual and akatas in order to show her power.

The final dozen entries shift in tone, becoming a list of scientific observations about the strange meteorological effects that proceeded the falling star, the impact itself, and the developments afterward. It lists the ways in which the writer had found a human to hold in thrall, some man with deep ties to the politics of Riddleport.

Most importantly, the journal mentions an ominous "Armageddon Echo" listed several times, always in connection to Celwynvian.

Looking at these documents, it is clear to those with even a small knowledge of the goings-on that this information is incredibly valuable to the Shin'Rakorath.

Liberty's Edge

they/them pronouns

Zincher blinks at the mention of monetary compensation. "I am sure that we'll be able to work something out - you mean you didn't rescue me out of the goodness of your hearts?

He looks over at the pulley, then up at Nel and smiles. "I didn't do anything to him, on my honor. I was just finding some comfort among these mining supplies. Not mine, of course. If I were to go into smuggling," he pauses his words with a low whistle, "I'd have much more lucrative operations I'd see to first. Now, if you'll give me a lift?"

When he gets his footing once more on the upper ledges, he is the opposite of the nervous, testy man you met earlier today. He gives a bow, every ounce of him oozing charm, and flashes another signature smile.

"Clegg Zincher. We met before, back at my camp. I hired you to - oh, well, I said, to get some noqual and few of those weird blue lions, but I was hoping you'd be clever enough to break the enchantments on me. That's been settled now, of course."

Female Half Elf Cavalier (Order of the tome) 5 | AC 21 T 11 FF 23| HP 46/77 | Fort + 8 Ref +4 Will +3 | Init + 3 | Perc + 9
Status: None | Challenge 2/2 Tactician 2/2
Gibraltar 34/34 hp

Heaving the well made chest onto her shoulder, Nel lugs it over to the group to inspect. Carefully passing around the jewelry and scroll tube to Aishe and Gillian to inspect, Nel's hands shake slightly as she unwraps the silken covered books. Smirking at Thoughts on Varisian Customs Nel flips through it quickly, laughing occasionally at some of passages.

Placing it carefully on her lap, she picks up a Bestiary, and scans the contents. "Aishe, this might be useful for you to do some studying on creatures that live in the dark. Let me know if you need some help with the translation." Wiggling Tsalkaean's Bestiary at the archer, Nel flips open the last book. Furrowing her brows at the journal, Nel sighs heavily at the mention of Depora, before all the color drains out of her face.

Shakily, Nel stands up and scans the faces of her companions and Zincher. "We-I," pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, Nel takes several deep breaths, "Our main benefactor needs to know the contents of this. Immediately." With jerky motions, Nel stands and clutches the journal close to her. Walking over to the pile of her armor, Nel begins to shoulder the pieces in preparation of leaving the cave.

Know Arcana on Armageddon Echo: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Sense Motive DC 14:
The main benefactor Nel is speaking of is Kwava. In addition Nel is deeply troubled by something written in the journal.

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

"Hmm...ascertaining the value of objects isn't really something I have much experience with," Gillian says as Nel passes the jewelry and scroll tube over, but she does give them a look nonetheless.

Appraise (Jewelry; DC 20): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Appraise (Scroll Tube; DC 20): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Appraise (Outfits; DC 20): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

"No...I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest," she sighs. She then glances up at Zincher, now apparently feeling more his true, oily self. "Yes, and you're quite welcome," she responds. But anything else she might've said is lost as Nel's demeanor visibly shifts after perusing the third book.

Sense Motive (DC 14): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

"Immediately? That...that means we return to Riddleport as soon as possible, then," she frowns, looking concerned.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Alraniel "Nel" Sandhal wrote:
Shakily, Nel stands up and scans the faces of her companions and Zincher. "We-I," pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, Nel takes several deep breaths, "Our main benefactor needs to know the contents of this. Immediately." With jerky motions, Nel stands and clutches the journal close to her.

sense motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Orthrus's eyes narrow behind his mask. "Oh?"

DC 20 appraise (outfits): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 "Not my size."

DC 20 appraise (jewelry): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

DC 20 Appraise (scroll tube): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Aishe listens to Zincher and notices the difference in the man. huh. Maybe he's a nice guy after all. Though he is a 'crime lord', so I should be wary.

Alraniel "Nel" Sandhal wrote:
Placing it carefully on her lap, she picks up a Bestiary, and scans the contents. "Aishe, this might be useful for you to do some studying on creatures that live in the dark. Let me know if you need some help with the translation." Wiggling Tsalkaean's Bestiary at the archer, Nel flips open the last book. Furrowing her brows at the journal, Nel sighs heavily at the mention of Depora, before all the color drains out of her face.

Aishe takes the text and give it a quick scan, "Yeah, well, I don't know undercommon as yet. Assuming that's what this is. It's something I've been dabbling with, but haven't gotten into yet. Soon."

Alraniel "Nel" Sandhal wrote:
Shakily, Nel stands up and scans the faces of her companions and Zincher. "We-I," pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, Nel takes several deep breaths, "Our main benefactor needs to know the contents of this. Immediately." With jerky motions, Nel stands and clutches the journal close to her. Walking over to the pile of her armor, Nel begins to shoulder the pieces in preparation of leaving the cave.

"Sorry? Benefactor? OK. Where too boss?" Aishe makes haste in gather things up. He grabs, at least temporarily, the handy haversack and loads it up as much as he can before donning it. He distributes the other items around so no one person, or horse, is over burdened and is ready to leave.

I've updated the Treasure Sheet (link) with everything we've found so far. I'd like to claim the additional crossbow bolts, but if there's anything anyone wants, just mention it and I'll put your name on it. If two people ask for the same thing, I'll flag it and we can sort it out in character.

Male Human Samurai (Ronin)7 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | HP 76/76 | F +8 R +6(+4) W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +0
Daily Resources:
Challenge 2(1)/Day - +4 Damage, Resolve 2(0)/day

The tien man makes a grimace at the mention of the 'benefactor'. Sheathing his blades as the situation disarms with the large masked man, he looks around the cavern as the others examine the findings.

"Do we finally have what the pointy eared...the kosujijii, wants? I have a bottle of hot anything mind altering waiting at the Goblin for me."

Liberty's Edge

they/them pronouns

Zincher dusts himself off and says, "It seems like you all have made up your minds. My men and I will be staying on the island, of course, but I'll send you back to Riddleport with letter instructing my men to pay you for services rendered. Now-"

His head swivels, and his gaze locks with Orthus's. "I am very sorry, but I don't believe I've seen you in this gang of miscreants before. Name's Clegg Zincher, and I run a small fighting arena in town. You look rather... formidable. If you would ever wish to make a few coin on the side, well, ask for Clegg."

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

The mask tilts and draws near. "'Make a few coin'?"

Liberty's Edge

they/them pronouns

"Yes, you know - a boxing match or two will help line your pockets." He gives a curt nod. "Or maybe you'd rather fight a tiger? Could get one imported and make it a special show."

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick


NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

"He means, this," Gillian says as she throws a few mock punches at the empty air in attempt to get the point across. "That's boxing. Except you actually fight another person."

She gives the strange man an appraising look. "I'm not so sure about tiger-fighting though; you might want to give that one some thought first."

The more she considers the man and what they'd seen earlier during the fight with the drow, the more she begins to wonder...and her eyes suddenly shine for a moment with inspiration.

" could come with us," she smiles.

Someone that isn't afraid to wrestle a drow in the middle of the sea is someone I think I'd like having on MY side, after all.

By the way, feel free to offer objections or WTFs; Gillian is happy to explain her reasoning if need be hehe.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

"Like idea. Orthrus get stuff." He returns with the unconscious dark elf slung over one shoulder.

He takes the tie to bind and gag her as well.

"Ready to go."

Male Human Samurai (Ronin)7 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | HP 76/76 | F +8 R +6(+4) W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +0
Daily Resources:
Challenge 2(1)/Day - +4 Damage, Resolve 2(0)/day

Tamiros eyes light up and he gets a wide grin at the idea of boxing and fighting a tiger, slaming his fist into his palm he says, "Hai! Boss! I like this idea! I can get coin for beating up Zinchers men!"

Looking at Gillian and the tall man, he says, "That is for the boss to decide. If hes worth the coin at the Goblin and all. Your welcome to take him on your own though I suppose. Boss controls the pay after all...wait...boss I think we need to hire more. We already lost all our last hires..."

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

Unless you mean Aishe, the 'tall man' now that he has returned to normal size squats a stooped, bandy-legged, mid-five-foot-something, though the mask, which is as tall as a tower shield, goes on another half-foot--still tall for Tamiro I suspect. I suppose if he were all stretched out he'd be pretty tall--maybe 6'4".

"You in same tribe with him?" Orthrus indicates Tamiro and Zincher. "Just beat him, and take his females. Though he is very big. OH! Orthrus have potion for that!" He drops the drow woman, and rummages through what looks like a crude wicker cabinet with drawers tethered to his back. He comes up with a small dirty vial containing a sickly yellow liquid with white cottage-cheese-style chunks in it. He holds it for all to see. "Here! When you fight, drink this! Make real orc out of you!" He pounds Tamiro on the chest in a show of testosterone-fueled camaraderie.

There are several dirty, little vials in the drawer each containing some increasingly horrible looking concoction. "This one's for flees!" Orthrus says indicating another vial. The horrible grin on his mask never wavers.

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Aishe likes Gillian's suggestion and seconds it. "Yes, under Nel we've done quite well in fact. If she agrees of course, you should join us."

He wonders if they'd allow him to use his crossbow in the arena, and decides probably not and so loses interest in the competition. Without the weapon to which he devotes his time and energy, he knows his measure in the area would be lacking.

He watches as Orthrus digs through his pack. "You have anything for sea sickness? It's a short trip, but I don't do well on boats it seems."

Expecting not, he has a tough time making it back across to Riddleport. When he reaches the city, he offers, "I'll see to the sale of these items if you like Nel. I'll get receipts of course so you know I'm not skimming." he says seriously.

Once the party has picked through Aishe will sell the remainder and distribute the funds. Last chance folks - anyone want anything?

Aishe heartily accepts the reward from Zincher as well, and has several purchases he'd like to make throughout the town.

Not sure what the process is as we're sort of hand waiving some stuff. My list is below, please let me know what I can't obtain. Thanks!

Aishe planned purchases:

‘The Order of Numbers’, an Abadarian holy book <-- not sure what this would cost. 50gp? He wants a nice one.
Smelling Salts (25gp) x2
Potion of Gaseous Form (5) (750gp)
Potion of Water Breathing (5) (750gp)
+1 magic added to his mithral chain shirt (1,000gp)
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 (4,000gp)
Efficient Quiver (1,800gp)
Feather Token Whip (500gp)
Snapleaf (750gp)

== 9,600gp in planned purchases

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Half Elf Cavalier (Order of the tome) 5 | AC 21 T 11 FF 23| HP 46/77 | Fort + 8 Ref +4 Will +3 | Init + 3 | Perc + 9
Status: None | Challenge 2/2 Tactician 2/2
Gibraltar 34/34 hp

With a weary gaze, Nel assesses Orthrus and the unconscious drow hanging from his shoulder. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Nel ponder when she upset Desna, before speaking. "Not exactly. Boss Zincher and I work for two different groups that have similar vested interest. Currently we are subcontracted under him. You are more than welcome to join our group if you wish." she says with a resigned sigh.

Fishing out her journal and an inkwell, Nel spends a moment by the workstation jotting something down before approaching the Crime Lord. Handing over the missive, Nel allows Zincher a few moments to scan the document before speaking, "The Order of the Tome will probably make landfall here within the week. Both Kale and Nasher are highly capable members of our Order with ease of access to teleportation spells." Nel state with a thin smile to Zincher. Taking one last cursory view of the cave, Nel begins to usher everyone out to the thin ledge and back to Zincher's base of operations.

On the boat-ride to Riddleport, Nel cannot keep still. Between talking with the captain, checking on her horse, and re-reading the journal, anxiety fills her every move. When they finally land and unload there gains, Nel visibly jerks when Aishe mentions handling the selling of their items. After a moment of contemplating, Nel sighs and nods. "That sounds acceptable. Please bring Tamiro along for security purposes. I would hate for you to be mugged while coming back."

Leading both Gillian and Orthrus to the Gold Goblin, she ensures that the two are settled before heading out to send word to Kwava and The Order of the Tome.

Nel's Missive:

3rd of Neth, 4708 AR

Effective Immediately, the cave system and all smuggler's tunnels below located on the Devil's Elbow, Varisia is under the care and protection of The Order of The Tome, hereby referred to as The Order. Any Vandalism, looting, or wanton destruction of property will be seen as an affront and an act of war against The Order.

All requests for compensation should be filed no more than 1 year after posted missive. Please send word to Padduc Whitbottom located in Canorate, Molthune.

Posted By:
Alraniel "Nel" Sandhal

Order of the Tome Operative
Agent Number: HE-00173

Date: 4708 AR, 3rd of Neth

Approximate Location: Devil's Elbow, Varisia, Cave System

Possible Literary Significance:
Personal Library of a Siren discovered. The site of the library is an open air cave with an opening to water below. Most of the books are in poor shape and will need special handling.

Agent HE-00173 was able to interview the phantom (in the form of a ghost) of the original librarian before its spirit was laid to rest. During the interview, it was found that most of these books date back to the failed founding of an early settlement on the Devil's Elbow.

Current Actions: Agent HE-00173 has secured the sight to the best of their ability but will be unable to oversee the restoration process due to critical time sensitive request. Agent HE-00173 request that another agent overtake this newly discovered location. Agent HE-00173 recommends HU-00052 or HO-00095 due to their experience in handling large collections of poorly maintained documents.

Contact: Crime Lord Clegg Zincher aka "Boss Zincher"

Aishe, give me a moment to look over the list. I can have that done by tonight at 10:00 pm EST

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

"Thank you for being understanding Nel," Gillian smiles as she gives her fellow half-elf a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "I'm still not entirely sure of what's going on but more and more it's looking like we could use all the help we can muster," she adds softly. "Seems like there might be some, ah, cultural differences to sort through but I think he'll be handy to have around."

She then turns to the now-stooped man and offers her hand for a shake. "I'm Gillian. What should we call you?"


During the return trip to Riddleport and for the first few days thereafter Gillian spends much of her free time settling in at the Gold Goblin, studying up on the language book that Rilia had given to her, as well as making some purchases with her share of the reward from Zincher's rescue. Based on Nel's increasingly tense and worried behavior since finding those books in the smuggler's cove, Gillian had a feeling that it wouldn't do to be caught unprepared for more work (and possibly travel) in the very near future....

I'll work on getting Gil leveled up and her purchases made over the next day or so! Looking forward to Book 3 :)

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Aishe nods at Nel, and with Tamiro along for military support, he visits the shops around town. Selling here, buying there, and everywhere haggling over the price, or even just the color of the sky. ”It’s a brighter blue than that don’t you think good sir?”

He has more fun than he feels he should, but oh does he love cities. Even the smells.

When all is said and done, he returns with a large pouch of gold and hands it to Nel for distribution.

I sold everything except the Noqual. Everyone except Orthrus will get 2,040gp each. This is the last split without Orthrus. Don't forget we all just got 10,000gp as well, over and above this. We also have two wands of Cure Light Wounds and another with 32 charges left. Would someone please take them and track the charges?

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Gillian will take the 32 charge wand. I'd suggest Orthrus take one of the full ones and then we put the second full wand in reserve.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Gillian Flynn wrote:
Gillian will take the 32 charge wand. I'd suggest Orthrus take one of the full ones.

"But I already 'ave juan!" ~Outrageous French accent

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

Whoops, so you do! Well in that case we can put the others in reserve until we need them :P

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick

Maybe instead of 3-and-3/5's worth cure light wands (with two of us actually being able to cast heal spells), we could get a wand of lesser restoration, remove disease, neutralize poison (drow use poison after all) or some such? I know they're more expensive but, they will probably be more useful.... As a side note I can still swap out my feat this level (and take it next level) for craft wands. Assuming we have 25 days before the next encounter I can make any one of the above.

NG Half-Elf Female Alchemist 4 HP: 48/48 | AC: 20 | F: +10, R: +9, W: +8 | Perc: +8 | Stealth: +6 | Speed: 25 ft. | Infused Reagents: 3/8 | Hero Points: 0 | Active Conditions:

I am also fine with those suggestions; Gillian has Lesser Restoration as a spell but it'd be nice to be able to have a wand so she can use her spells for other stuff :)

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Well, a wand of lesser restoration is quite a bit more expensive (4,500gp!), and we'll use the CLW wands eventually, so i'm inclined to leave it as is for now - but yeah, we should plan for a lesser restoration wand just in case.

I'm happy to go with the majority though.

Male Human Samurai (Ronin)7 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | HP 76/76 | F +8 R +6(+4) W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +0
Daily Resources:
Challenge 2(1)/Day - +4 Damage, Resolve 2(0)/day

I cant find the post on how many pounds of noquol we have, is anyone able to relay it?

Nodding to Nel, Tamiro makes sure Kino is stabled, and unhaltered, and that he has dumped his belongings by his bed. Making sure his coin purse and blades are secured on his waist he accompanies Aishe out into the city. He busies himself while Aishe sells by inspecting various merchants wares and finding use for his coin.

As they pass an outdoor bar that Tamiro knows well, he grins and grabs Aishe by the shoulder.

"Come sharpshooter! We have yet to celebrate our victories on the island!"

Not taking any answer than compliance, Tamiro will lead Aishe to a table and sit him down. "Two!"

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

OK, I'll carry the two spare wands for now. When we start to run low, just let me know and I'll hand it over. Tamiro, we have 56 pounds of the stuff.

Aishe looks at Tamiro when he grabs him and sits. He watches the wait staff take the order for two.. but two of what? He senses it's going to be a long night, and painful morning!

He hunkers down. "Tamiro, what are we drinking?"

Male Human Samurai (Ronin)7 | AC 21 T 13 FF 17 | HP 76/76 | F +8 R +6(+4) W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +0
Daily Resources:
Challenge 2(1)/Day - +4 Damage, Resolve 2(0)/day

Tamiro grins and exclaims loudly, "Anything that starts the celebration!"

Grabbing a wait staff, he takes 200gp of his coin out and drops them on the table. "Brings whatever the house is known for! Also throw in some for the house! We fought demons, and witches, and ghosts! I feel this deserves celebration!"

Turning to Aishe, he grins, "I hope not you are dry! Kampai!"

Tamiro will try and provoke a party using ludicrous libations and be happy to recounts the tales of their travails. I will bugger off here and fade to black as Tamiro fades to black so I can focus on some work, and leveling up Tamiro.

Male Human | AC 27 T 21 FF 19 | CMB +17, CMD 34 | F: +21 R: +25, W: +18 | Init: +9 | Perc: +24, SM: +21

Aishe tries, at first anyway, to keep up with Tamiro. He sips while Tamiro drinks but even so, he's slurring quickly, and nearly passed out long before his companion would have him.

Still, he manages to prop himself up on the table, and stay just conscious enough to nod once in a while as the room spins warmly around him.

Male Half-human Witch (scarred witch doctor) 7 | hp 51 | AC 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 17 | F +6 R +6 W +8 (+2 v Pain) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | KnArc +11, KnHis +11, KnNat +12, KnPla +12, Perc +8 (darkvision), Scrft +15, SensM +1 | clw wand 50/50, enlarge p wand 46/50 | sick
Alraniel "Nel" Sandhal wrote:

Leading both Gillian and Orthrus to the Gold Goblin, she ensures that the two are settled before heading out to send word to Kwava and The Order of the Tome.

Orthrus stands in the middle of the vast, deserted, gaudy red and gold game room of the Gold Goblin.

"Weird cave."

He goes to his room. rummages through the things left behind by other people, he regards the previous healer's cheery nick-knacks, and relentlessly cheerful plush animal toys; tosses an obviously dented tankard after peering into it; tests the ostentatious throne-like chair; discovers, tosses out, then reconsiders a perfume-scented, silk, negligee, which he shoves in a pocket of his haversack; and finally regards the strange war banner hung on the wall.

He flops down onto a bed surprised at its soft, lumpiness. He sighs wearily, and, with no one around, removes his heavy wooden fetish mask. Orthrus pulls out his tools and begins chiseling.

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