Budd the C.H.U.D. |

Super Last Minute Entry: GO!
Introducing Astraea, an Aasimar Stargazer Oracle! This was a character I came up with the first time I read the Oracle class, but I hadn't ever actually developed the backstory- only the personality. I cobbled this together using that info, along with a few bits and pieces cannibalized from past characters whose adventures were cut short by GM disappearance. This might be slightly rushed, but I'm throwing my hat in the ring with this! I apologize for how nappy-looking the stat block is; it's a work in progress.
Astraea Guillory
Female Aasimar oracle (stargazer) 1
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses: clouded vision, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8
- - DEFENSE - -
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
- - OFFENSE - -
Speed 20 ft.
Melee spear (two handed) -1 ((two handed) 1d8-1/x3)
Ranged spear (thrown) +1 (1d8/x3)
Ranged holy water (flask) +1 (2d4+1)
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged dagger (thrown) +1 (1d4/19-20)
Innate Spell-Like Abilities: daylight ( 1/day)
Known Oracle Spells (CL 1st, concentration +5):
1st (4/day) — bless, protection from evil, cure light wounds
0 (at will) — create water, detect magic, guidance, read magic
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats: Extra Revelation (Lure of the Heavens)
Skills: Acrobatics -5 , Acrobatics (Jump) -9 , Climb -7 , Diplomacy +10 , Diplomacy (Potentially Sexually Attracted) +11 , Escape Artist -5 , Fly -5 , Knowledge (History) +6 , Knowledge (Planes) +6 , Perception +8 , Ride -5 , Sense Motive +6 , Spellcraft +6 , Stealth -5
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Sylvan
- - GEAR - -
Combat Gear: holy water (flask) (2), tindertwig, sunrod (2); Other Gear leather, spear, holy water (flask) (2), dagger, pocketed scarf, marbles, backpack, common, butterfly net, cooking kit, fishing kit, grooming kit, incense, rope (hemp/50 ft.), survival kit (common), pole (10 ft.)
MYSTERY: Heavens
Celestial Language (Ex) - Aasimars speak Celestial.
Celestial Resistance (Ex) - Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Clouded Vision - Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see.
Darkvision (Ex) Range 60 ft.; Darkvision is the extraordinary ability to see with no light source at all, out to a range specified for the creature. Darkvision is black and white only (colors cannot be discerned). It does not allow characters to see anything that they could not see otherwise-invisible objects are still invisible, and illusions are still visible as what they seem to be. Likewise, darkvision subjects a creature to gaze attacks normally. The presence of light does not spoil darkvision.
Guiding Star (Su) - Whenever you can see the open sky at night, you can determine your precise location. When the night sky is visible to you, you may also add your Charisma modifier to your Wisdom modifier on all Wisdom-based checks. In addition, once per night while outdoors, you can cast one spell as if it were modified by the Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still spell feat without increasing the spell's casting time or level.
Lure of the Heavens (Su) - Your connection to the skies above is so strong that your feet barely touch the ground. At 1st level, you no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to 6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to f ly, as per the spell, for 1 minutes per day. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.
Orisons - You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended when used and may be used again.
Skilled (Ex) Aasimars have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Spell-Like Ability (Sp) Aasimars can use daylight 1/day as a spell-like ability.
- - TRAITS - -
Reactionary - You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
Charming - Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Background: Astraea has lived for years looking over her shoulder. When she was an infant, her parents- simple, humble river folk- were alarmed at her unusual appearance. There was something uncanny about her eyes, her hair, everything about her; she was just not quite right. Her behavior was no less unsettling; instead of sleeping at night, she would wander out into the yard and stand for hours, staring up at the stars, unblinking.
When she was nine years old, a strange phenomena occurred. As Astraea stood on the shore of the river watching silently, brilliant lights began to flash across the night sky. A meteor shower, some would later call it- but to Astraea, it was a sign. She had been waiting for this her entire young life, even if she had no idea why. And then one of those brilliant lights grew larger, and larger, very quickly... and everything went white.
Her parents pulled her from the crater only a few minutes later, horrified that their little girl had been killed. But Astraea was unharmed, despite the damage to her surroundings. Moreover, she seemed to barely have a scratch on her. The falling star did leave its mark on her, however- though Astraea did not notice for many days. Her vision was suddenly obscured- "clouded," the physician said, though that description never quite satisfied her. It was more like looking at the world through cracked glass. Only the stars themselves shine clearly through these "cracks" in her vision.
The falling star imbued her with another strange ability, too- it awakened a magic that had been long dormant within her blood. A gentle soul, she wished only to use this magic to help others, to heal wounds, but still it frightened her parents and fellow townsfolk; for them, this was simply the last straw. They had ever wanted to live simple, normal lives- and Astraea was clearly not meant to be simple or normal.
A strangely-dressed man visited her home one day and spoke with her parents at great length. He asked them many questions, and at a few points, her mother began to cry or sob. Astraea, pretending to be sleeping, watched and listened through the crack in her door. This had something to do with her, she was certain- and she did not trust this oddly-garbed stranger. He flashed her parents a strange silver symbol representing his patron deity, and told them that he had very special plans for their girl and her special blood. His church could give her direction, guidance, help her hone her awakening skills and provide her with friends and a new family. Astraea wanted nothing to do with it- and there was something about that silver symbol of his that frightened her. She knew that her parents loved her, but also that they felt they were not up to the task of taking care of her. When she walked outside that night to peer at the stars as she always did, she just kept walking. She never went back. And while she has not seen the strangely-dressed man since, she often feels his presence, and in her dreams she is haunted by that eerie silver symbol of his...
In the years since, the stars have guided Astraea on her journey. She always moves from place to place, sometimes staying for a few weeks in old belltowers or other abandoned buildings and fending for herself, but she has always longed for the company of others. She still wishes to use her strange magic to help others, but is hesitant to expose herself too much for fear that somehow that man in the weird robes might appear and take her away. Still, her years on the road- of which she has lost count- have hardened her enough to make her into a fairly formidable survivalist, and she can take care of herself. She knows that she has been given these strange gifts- and curse- for a reason, and is determined to figure out exactly what that reason is.
Personality: Astraea does not immediately come off as a typical adventurer. Spacey and inattentive, she has a tendency to trail off mid-sentence only to suddenly resume that thought hours or even days later. She is sweet and good-natured, and always eager to help others, but she is far from naive. In fact, she is quite perceptive, and very practiced in seeing through lies.
She is quite obsessed with the stars, something that has been with her since childhood. The fact that they are the only thing that she can see clearly does not hurt this any, either. She has many odd habits and quirks, including:
-She likes to do handstands when she is having trouble thinking ("It shakes the cobwebs loose.")
-She almost always has to be chewing on something. Often, it is a particularly long strand of hair, or a piece of grass.
-She will sometimes obsessively clean the homes of anyone she stays with, even if it was only for a night.
-She loves playing cards and dice, though she is absolutely terrible at them.
-She has a strange walk. It seems almost as if she's gliding over the surface, playing lip service to even touching the ground. (It turns out that's because of her Lure of the Heavens revelation, but...)
Astraea dislikes violence, and often attempts to solve problems diplomatically, but she realizes that sometimes there is no other choice.
Description: Astraea is a fair-skinned young woman of average height and build. She has short hair of uneven length, which almost always looks like a mess- mostly because she cuts it herself to save time and money. She prefers to wear white, often long skirts or knee-length trousers, and long sleeves. Her favorite accessory is the long, pocketed scarf she purchased some time ago, which she now refuses to part with- especially since she likes to keep a few snacks and vials of holy water in there.
Also, her freckles sparkle slightly when she's under the stars. Deal with it.
...Whew! Good grief, I so almost didn't make it. I've been trying to get something in here for days, but between recruitment for my new campaign, dealing with the final battle of my other campaign, job interviews, and other drama, I almost didn't get it in. Hope it's not too half-arsed!

Szinorvir |

Good luck to all who entered!
As a side note: I noticed you're planning on using the Variant Multiclass rule? Is that mandatory, or only for those interested?
Also, time to go read up on hero points.
Edit: Huh.... May go for antihero, if possible... I don't know if hero points would benefit me all that much, lol.

GM Zed |

The final list of brave souls...
Seven Martial Characters
adsapiens: Kaloora Plimp, a Goblin Gunslinger (Musket Master archetype).
Devastation Bob: Turd Fergusson, a Human Fighter (Cad archetype).
Haladir: Zoreck the Unclean, a Human Barbarian (Unchained / Savage Technologist archetype).
mdt: Ravboom, a Goblin Barbarian (Savage Technologist archetype).
Johnnycat93: Shieldmaiden Illona, an Android Paladin of Ragathiel (Divine Defender / Hospitaler archetypes).
Mimesyne: Chalice Zaurreth, a Drow Ranger (Divine Tracker / Skirmisher archetypes).
Chainmail: Bobafett Aloysius, an Aasimar Gunslinger (Pistolero archetype).
Six Skilled Characters
DekotheBarbarian: Abxy Qwerty, an Android Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Tange Free: Basil Baekr, a Ratfolk Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Gerald: Rikkan Anardi, a Ratfolk Alchemist (Preservationist archetype).
Gobo Horde: Sparky, a Goblin Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner archetype).
The Pale King: Locke Lestrange, a Half-Elf Bard.
Mr. Whatever: Lilaney Ratkin, an Elven Alchemist (Trapbreaker archetype).
Two Arcane Casters
Lady Ladile: Paloma Kasic, a Human Summoner (Unchained).
Evgeni Genadiev: Ladim Relos, a Human Sorcerer.
Three Divine Casters
Umbongo: Kieyanna Amalasti, a Half-Elf Shaman.
The Waskally: Bolo Bramble, a Human Oracle.
Budd the C.H.U.D: Astraea, an Aasimar Oracle (Stargazer archetype).
Five Occult Characters
Eric Swanson: Drancis Mordaron, a Human Kineticist (Aether element).
Warhawk7: Nariya, an Android Magus (Mindblade archetype).
Redblade8: Rozhekla, a Half-Orc Mesmerist.
Artemis Moonstar: Szinorvir, a Drow Psychic (Psychic Duellist archetype).
Tharasiph: Hykan the Traveller, a Hobgoblin Kineticist (Fire Element).
23 Applicants:
6 Humans,
3 Goblins and 3 Androids
2 each of Aasimar, Half-Elves, Ratfolk and Drow
and, sole representatives of their species, 1 each of Elf, Half-Orc and Hobgoblin
...quite the diverse mix...
...and this is really difficult!!! But in a good way...

Warhawk7 |

I can attest to the difficulty in picking players for a game. If there are more than 10 applicants it can be a little overwhelming, especially if there are a bunch of great applications.
On the other side of the coin, it's also hard when you are recruiting 4 to 5 players and you only get 6 or 7 applicants. I think that makes it much harder to decide. Picking dodgeball teams is easier than that.

Budd the C.H.U.D. |

Yup. I was just in this same boat myself. It really hurts when you have to say no to great characters.
Also, if I happen to get picked, I would also be interested in working out intertwined backstories with any interested parties. I tried to leave the appropriate amount of wiggle room in Astrea's backstory for that sort of thing.

Artemis Moonstar |

Folks - just to echo what Zoreck and mdt (Ravboom) said - backstories can be modified / interwoven once characters have been selected... My main focus right now is really looking at how history / backstory may give you character motivation and / or shapes their personality...
I'm not sure why but this makes me worry. I never completely flesh out a full back story at character creation, and tend to finalize a character's personality during play, which in turn fills out missed detailed in the backstory.

Redblade8 |

GM Zed wrote:I'm not sure why but this makes me worry. I never completely flesh out a full back story at character creation, and tend to finalize a character's personality during play, which in turn fills out missed detailed in the backstory.Folks - just to echo what Zoreck and mdt (Ravboom) said - backstories can be modified / interwoven once characters have been selected... My main focus right now is really looking at how history / backstory may give you character motivation and / or shapes their personality...
The impression I got when I voiced this very concern with GM is that, he's not looking for your Master's thesis here. More of a big-picture sense of who they are and what makes them tick. A structure on which plot hooks can hang, if you will. He can correct me if I've wildly misinterpreted/misrepresented his words, natch. :)

Locke Lestrange |

The concept of Locke being involved in interplanetary travel was that because of his curse he sees this adventure as a blessing. The effects of his curse have been getting worse and worse over the years, requiring him to wander from a place sooner and sooner, but finally being so far away has calmed him in a way that he hasn't experienced. This newfound joy will lead to him wishing to press ever onwards into the unknown reaches.

GM Zed |

Folks – first the good news… there’s way too many high quality (and I really do mean high quality) submissions for me to narrow it down to one table so…
…cue drum roll…
I’m going to run two tables… Hooray!!!
…cue second drum roll…followed by screams…
”Sound effects and drum rolls suck,
Going to smash stupid drummer up
Run to rocket fast as able,
GM Zed running Goblin Table!!!”
Yep, that’s right – slightly inspired by comments during recruitment that we could end up with an all android party (we won’t!!!), I thought it would be a bundle of fun to run an all-goblin game, especially as we have three goblins applying already…
So… GM question to my intrepid adventurers…
And recognising that I will be considering your current characters first (as you have all worked so hard to get your great applications together), would you be interested in pitching a goblin - or, at least, goblinoid - character if you don’t get selected first time around? Just quickly gauging interest right now (so please don't do anything more than say yay or nay for now) to make sure that I can put this crazy plan into action!!!

Artemis Moonstar |

Goblins are always fun. I've had a couple ideas for some gobbos that I haven't gotten to play yet. A few of them might work well IN SPAAAAAACE!
Specifically, I've always thought it'd be fun to play a "Crazy" goblin that was well-mannered and erudite, probably an arcanist or wizard. A literal "book" caster.

§parky |

I would also love to try and get into the main table, but: If all else fails, Blast them %&*$ goblins to space!
So ya, this would be a yay from me :)
Had the thought that if it was all goblin, then I would try and submit Moneez Instead, he is a goblin Feral Gnasher, grappler extreme. He also eats everything in sight and lvl 3 would be the perfect level for him, but I think Ill stick with sparky :)
Edit: I do have a question tho, if you do run a table of all goblins, would the setting be much different? Would we still be going to Holver's Ferry and "helping" the local residents with their problem? Would the local residents want a horde of goblins "helping" them with their problem? Would the alignment of the party reflect a traditional party or more of the naturally chaotic goblins alignment? I can easily make Sparky CN, as he is TN right now
So I guess more then 1 question :)