DekoTheBarbarian |

Dunno if you've homeruled otherwise, but Unchained Barbarian is incompatible with archetypes that alter how Rage works, which Savage Technologist does. If you've homeruled otherwise, please disregard this statement, just trying to help out :3
In related news, would my slightly modified background work better?

Shieldmaiden Illonna |

This is the submission for Johnnycat: Android Paladin of Ragathiel. I borrowed a lot of influence from Jeanne d'Arc and Frankenstein's monster (plus a few other sources, kudos to those who can spot them).
Alias/profile should all ready to go. Backstory is below. Any feedback/criticism is both welcome and appreciated.
There is a saying, passed around by those who entertain themselves with some of life's more somber musings, "We are unfashioned creatures, but half made up". Putting aside matters of philosophy for a moment, there lives a physical embodiment of these sentiments, and that creature is Illona Fidchell. In fact, "half made up" may be an understatement of sorts.
Physically, she bares a passing resemblance to St. Innis of Varisia, bordering on uncanny. However, any similarities are marred by wounds and blemishes across her once fair skin. The remnants of what looks like sloppy stitching is evident across her torso and limbs, mirroring a myriad of faded battle wounds while beneath flesh and ore are shared in equal parts. Not to mention, her left arm is entirely missing just below the shoulder! What's worse is that her mind is afflicted in kind. She has no explanation for the oddities of her anatomy, nor her missing limb. Nor can she recall the specifics of any homeland or upbringing, though she surely should have had one. Only the present is absolute.
But such thoughts are better left to the poets and theists, for Illonna is absorbed in the virtues of knighthood, guided by a sense of duty and Ragathiel's holy word. While she carries the typical badges of her station in the way of sword and armor (whether or not she can wield them in her current state), she is predisposed to the trades of health and wellness. Opening a wound is one thing, but it takes a skilled hand to close it again, as it were.

AdamWarnock |

Okay, I have an idea. Normally, I know familiars share their master's alignment, but I wanted to have a character that was trying to be good, and rebelling against her father. Her familiar is going to be like the devil sitting on her shoulder. So while she's a happy-go-lucky Chaotic Neutral and her familiar is a grumpy Lawful Evil.
Eventually, I'd like for her to become more Chaotic Good, but that's going to take some work, especially since she's a necromancer. ("Whaddaya mean I can't animate their corpses and use them against their buddies?") If this is okay, I'll flesh her out some more, if not, I'll think of something else.

Korak The Boisterous |

Okay, I have an idea. Normally, I know familiars share their master's alignment, but I wanted to have a character that was trying to be good, and rebelling against her father. Her familiar is going to be like the devil sitting on her shoulder. So while she's a happy-go-lucky Chaotic Neutral and her familiar is a grumpy Lawful Evil.
Huh, I've had the exact opposite of this idea with the familiar taking a vain greedy boy down the path of righteousness. Right on. holds hand up for high five.

Warhawk7 |

So, thinking about taking a drawback to get an extra trait. One that caught my eye was Tainted Spirit, but it might not be fair for an Android to take that since they would be immune to the fatigue. Therefore, I might just take Meticulous instead... unless GM Zed was okay with Tainted Spirit. *wink*
EDIT: Also, as I am making an Android, what would be the likelihood that she would have a lighter and/or zipstick?
EDIT 2: Another question. Since a mindblade's psychic pool replaces arcane pool and counts as arcane pool for the purpose of feats, abilities, and class features, would that include traits dealing with arcane pool such as Arcane Revitalization or Bladed Magic?

Ravboom |

Dunno if you've homeruled otherwise, but Unchained Barbarian is incompatible with archetypes that alter how Rage works, which Savage Technologist does. If you've homeruled otherwise, please disregard this statement, just trying to help out :3
In related news, would my slightly modified background work better?
Yep, realized that while I was building Ravboom. Didn't realize there were two of us applying, figured it would be an odd build. :) You could probably house rule most archetypes, but not this one, since it boosts str/dex instead of str/con

mdt |

What do you guys think fits a Bard Prince of a travelling caravan best? Elf, Halfling, Gnome or Fetchling?
Elf's are too stuck up, halflings don't have princes, gnomes are too sneaky to have a prince, and fetchlings princes would be on the wrong plain of existence.
Now, a halfling with delusions of being a prince, or a reincarnated human prince in another racial form? Awesome. :)

GM Zed |

mdt / DekotheBarbarian - Haladir and I discussed this via PM and we agreed to house rule the Unchained Barbarian's Rage within the Savage Technologist archetype to swap the Barbarian's Thrown Weapon Bonus with a Firearms Bonus.
...and yeah, two Savage Technologists and two Empiricist Investigators!!!
Warhawk7 - yeah, the Tainted Spirit Drawback doesn't really work well with the Android!!! Probably best to avoid it... With regards to those traits and whether the Psychic Pool is equivalent to the Arcane Pool, I think that's fair enough... and, Lighter / Zipstick? That's probably fine.
AdamWarnock - Sounds good.
All - I'll start looking at characters in more depth shortly - I'll post feedback on backstories and any questions about the build as I get to them.

Warhawk7 |

Hrm, it would seem having an android casting psychic spells might not be possible unless I take the Empathy feat, as they would be unable to fulfill the emotion component for spells (replaces somatic). That is, unless the GM house rules it otherwise.
Now I need to rearrange my ability scores and swap out the feat I chose.

DekoTheBarbarian |

mdt / DekotheBarbarian - Haladir and I discussed this via PM and we agreed to house rule the Unchained Barbarian's Rage within the Savage Technologist archetype to swap the Barbarian's Thrown Weapon Bonus with a Firearms Bonus.
...and yeah, two Savage Technologists and two Empiricist Investigators!!!
Ah, okay. Makes a lot of sense that way. Like I said, wasn't sure if you did homerule it or not. My character is actually based on a character I made for a home game that I never got to play in since I moved before it started. Was gonna end up going against Cthulhu and friends.
All - I'll start looking at characters in more depth shortly - I'll post feedback on backstories and any questions about the build as I get to them.
Look forward to reading what you have to say about Abxy Qwerty!

Warhawk7 |

I am working on modifying this character stranded in Torch for this awesome adventure. Small aasimar gunslinger that appears as a hobbit. Think of a small Harry Dresden with a leather riding slicker smoking a pipe with a battered pistol.
Will modify and improve the background shortly.
Hey Bob, a shame our group was stranded. Alyna was becoming a fun character to play.

Locke Lestrange |

If you click on this alias you might notice something. I wrote this big backstory that's not even complete because I haven't chosen a class yet. And because I haven't chosen a class yet I have no stats. Half way there!
I currently have two main thoughts on where to take this either:
1. The death curse triggers something inside Locke. He becomes infused with the arcane and resistant to its effects. Arcane Bloodrager.
2. Through his travels Locke becomes skilled at many things but master of none. However, the power of the arcane magicks that cursed him is always in the back of his mind. Perhaps he could break the curse on himself? Arcane Trickster, Alchemist or (Archaeologist?) Bard

Artemis Moonstar |

Don't limit thyself on our account Artemis. So long as you can think you can play one or more games go for it. I'm already in three and thinking of building a character for this.
Late to the reply!
Actually it's more I'm not quite sure how my schedule is going to turn out in the near future.
That said, yeah, no, can't resist. Off to go build a character for this thing.... I notice Androids are getting asked around for a lot so I think I'll go fishing in my Neato-Idea Bag™ and see what I can do within the build parameters...
.... Quick question to Zed.
Would a Psychic Duelist archetyped Psychic be allowed? I'm very intrigued by the Psychic Duel mechanic, and have been tinkering with the idea of a Psychadelia discipline Psychic Duelist more than usual lately.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

My recruitment is taking up a lot of my time... I'm not sure if I'll have time for a real submission or not... If I do it'll be a finished version of this-

§parky |

So this is Gobo Horde here with my goblin rogue that I will be applying :)
Still very much a work in progress but I need to post something soon :) (its been a long weekend...)
Few things of note:
@Kaloora and Ravboom That makes 3 of us goblins! A barbarian, a gunslinger and a rogue :)
We should seriously have our own little band of gobos plying the stars and causing chaos on every planet in the system XD
@Warhawk7 about the android and taking a drawback. I dunno, taking a drawback that does absolutely nothing doesnt seem like a very good choice to me, and the GM already said that drawbacks arnt allowed... Edit: Reading comprehension 101, I read "is now allowed" as "is not allowed." Oops. Well now I am going to take Umbral Unmasking as Sparky talks to his own shadow all the time ^-^
@N. Specter Did you mean Claptrap? or rat-trap? Because if it is Claptraps, I wrote a homebrew for the awesome little race a while back. It wont be usable here, but it is fun!
As for Sparky, he was built with the 18 stat cap, and it allowed me to really round out the character, and I like that more so He will be sticking with his 18 Dex :)
Background skills is a thing.
Drawback+1 trait is a thing.

GM Zed |

Warhawk7 – I really think Androids do need to take the Empathy Feat if they need to access the Emotion Component of Psychic Spells – It’s probably a bit of a feat tax but I’m going to require it, sorry.
Tharasiph – sounds good, glad to see a few of the Occult Adventures classes being proposed…
Artemis Moonstar – I would be fine with that archetype, I haven’t really looked into the psychic duel rules yet and I always find PbP is always the best place to learn new stuff!!!
The Pale King – you are right that there are unlikely to be any factions – we will, after all, be planet-hopping!!! As to access to those specific feats, I think they may have been set up like that to ensure the bonus scales at a sensible rate? In principle, I have no problem with rewording the feat to take the faction aspect out of it but may well keep the fame aspect – something to work out as we go…
All – I shall post an updated list of proposed characters shortly.

GM Zed |

As promised, here is an updated list of completed characters / submissions… lots more folks have expressed an interest and there's still plenty of time to get a submission in - recruitment is running through most of this week.
Feedback / questions for those will be forthcoming as I review them over the next day or so… Looking forward to it, it’s definitely one of the most fun parts of recruitment!!!
Martial Characters
adsapiens: Kaloora Plimp, a Goblin Gunslinger (Musket Master archetype).
Devastation Bob: Turd Fergusson, a Human Fighter (Cad archetype).
Haladir: Zoreck the Unclean, a Human Barbarian (Unchained / Savage Technologist archetype).
mdt: Ravboom, a Goblin Barbarian (Savage Technologist archetype).
Johnnycat93: Shieldmaiden Illona, an Android Paladin of Ragathiel (Divine Defender / Hospitaler archetypes).
Skilled Characters
DekotheBarbarian: Abxy Qwerty, an Android Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Tange Free: Basil Baekr, a Ratfolk Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Gerald: Rikkan Anardi, a Ratfolk Alchemist (Preservationist archetype).
Gobo Horde: Sparky, a Goblin Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner archetype)
Arcane Casters
Lady Ladile: Paloma Kasic, a Human Summoner (Unchained).
Evgeni Genadiev: Ladim Relos, a Human Sorcerer.
Divine Casters
Umbongo: Kieyanna Amalasti, a Half-Elf Shaman.
The Waskally: Bolo Bramble, a Human Oracle.
Occult Characters
Eric Swanson: Drancis Mordaron, a Human Kineticist (Aether element).

Nariya |

Here is my (Warhawk7) Android Mindblade Magus.
Flavor-wise, she has learned to use her nanites to cast spells and manifest a weapon for self defense. Basically she uses her mind and exerts her will over her nanites to do what she wants.
Mechanics-wise, nothing changes. She still casts psychic spells and manifests a psychic blade as per the archetype. I just thought that a psychic android would be able to control the nanites in her body, which is why I went this route.
I was thinking of getting her the Third Eye feat at some point. Makes for an interesting added sense for her.

Mimesyne |

Okay, I know I'm running a bit last minute on character ideas and creation, but I was wondering when psionics come into play. I think I read somewhere that they do come in eventually.
I've got a character concept that would really work well with the soulknife (soulbolt archetype, it's nice because it's light on actual psionics for us new to psionics rules) but I imagine I could start her in another class and build into that later when/if that becomes available. But, if it comes in too late then I might consider going the Arcane Archer prestige class route (which would change what class I pick to start the game off with).
I've been dying to make an arrow slinging type with a magical flair for ages! If only the myrmidarch archetype for magus was better /cry

Artemis Moonstar |

So, question. I know you said Featured Races are A-OK! Therefore, I believe I'll be going the route of the Drow. My question is: Drow that eats all the Drow Noble feats? Or is a Drow Noble allowed?
I've got a backstory ready for either version of the Psychadelia Psychic Duelist. Mostly the same either way, just need to make some small changes for him as a Drow Noble.

GM Zed |

Mimesyne – I am not entirely sure when psionics really comes into play within the AP (one of the downsides about recruiting before the complete AP is published!!!). I am 100% certain that the sixth chapter – ‘Mind Tyrants of the Merciless Moons’ – will include a healthy dose of psionics however that is v. late in the overall AP. Could there be some psionics earlier? Who knows… Might I allow dipping into Dreamscarred Classes earlier than Level 17? Pretty sure I will!!!
Artemis Moonstar – I believe the Drow Noble is WAY overpowered for a level 1 character… all those spell-like abilities!!! the bonuses to starting stats!!! Great for a GM to build a suitably cool adversary – not so much for a balanced party!!! row (and then taking appropriate feats to realise the Drow Noble concept) is completely fine though…

mdt |

Drow Nobles basically require at least a level 2 party, you lose a level for being one. Given the power level, that's not outrageous a cost, but yeah, as a 1st level character...
What I did for someone in one game was to allow them to do a base drow, then when they had all the feats, they had a choice, lose a level to become a full grown Noble Drow and regain the feats, or continue at full level but costing feats.

Artemis Moonstar |

Artemis Moonstar – I believe the Drow Noble is WAY overpowered for a level 1 character… all those spell-like abilities!!! the bonuses to starting stats!!! Great for a GM to build a suitably cool adversary – not so much for a balanced party!!! row (and then taking appropriate feats to realise the Drow Noble concept) is completely fine though…
That's what I thought you'd say, just wanted to make sure. Gonna wind up eating a lot of feats then.
How would you feel about my taking the Shadow Scarred drawback so that I can choose the Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage traits (both applied to the Instigate Psychic Duel spell)? Remember, as a drow, one has to deal with light blindness in bright light, and the drawback would impose a -1 penalty to saving throws in the drow's preferred darkness of dim light or darker. Fair trade?

Mimesyne |

I think i shall pursue my concept then in the hopes of seeing some psionics availability sooner rather than later. If not, well then I'll still have a bad ass lady elf.
Drow you say are an acceptable thing hmm?
*ponders* thoughts are happening!
As a side note, do rangers have recommended terrains or favored enemies for the AP? I think there was a Player's Guide for Kickstart backers, but I'm not sure if it has any of that sort of thing

GM Zed |

Artemis Moonstar - I can't seen anywhere where you are specifically precluded from taking both of those traits (other than the fairly obvious ruling that you cannot use it to turn Level 1 spells into Level 0 spells). I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it - it seems a little bit of an exploit (did anyone really anticipate that traits could be used to effectively reduce the spell slot used below the original spell level???) but, if you want to go for it... feel free.
Mimesyne - there is a Player's Guide however it is not 'open access' in the same way that a Paizo AP Player's Guide would be... I have checked with the publishers and they are okay with it being shared in a gaming group so I do anticipate I will make it available in some way to the people selected... However, it really doesn't say anything of note on favoured terrain / favoured enemies... and, given that all I have to hand is the prelude adventure, I can't really give you any hints!!!
All - only a couple of days left until recruitment closes - and I can already see that it is going to be quite a challenge to make my selections!!!