GM Zed |

So, I've had a review of the 'martial' characters submitted thus far....
- Kaloora Plimp - love the backstory... Build looks fine on first pass...
- Turd Fergusson - neat little character, I can totally see how he would fit into the adventure... Build looks okay, that's a wide range of weapons... And, again, seems like the kind of improvised nastiness that he might be carrying...
- Zoreck - looks good... having to work hard not to see Sean Connery in his Zardoz red nappy though... No problems with build...
- Ravboom - build looks okay but I think you still need to work up a backstory?
- Shieldmaiden Illona - I can totally envision this character!!! Backstory might need a little tweaking just to give her a reason to be between Magnimar and Riddleport... Build looks fine (haven't been through the various gear purchased but sure it's fine) - however, I'm a little confused by the Masterwork Consecrated Bastard Sword - do you have a source for that? Also, might be an issue with your one-armed android!!! It can only be wielded one-handed with exptic weapon proficiency?
Anyway folks, really enjoyed going through those - PM or post any response / changes as required...
Skilled characters up next...

Johnnycat93 |

Shieldmaiden Illona - I can totally envision this character!!! Backstory might need a little tweaking just to give her a reason to be between Magnimar and Riddleport... Build looks fine (haven't been through the various gear purchased but sure it's fine) - however, I'm a little confused by the Masterwork Consecrated Bastard Sword - do you have a source for that? Also, might be an issue with your one-armed android!!! It can only be wielded one-handed with exptic weapon proficiency?
If you have any suggestions on how to change the backstory, I'd love to hear. I left it open specifically because I'm not 100% sure on how we are all supposed to be coming to Holver's Ferry.
If/when you want to go over spending, remember that the "Chosen Child" trait increases my starting wealth to 1,075 gp.
Consecrated can be found under "religious items, toys, & games" as a channel foci. It adds 150 gp to the cost of a weapon. Here's the specifics:
Bastard Sword does require Exotic Weapon Proficiency, which she does lack. There are two reasons. Firstly, it is her deity's favored weapon, and it is partly her duty to carry it as a Paladin, regardless of if she can actually wield it. Secondly, if I make it in I plan on purchasing a prosthetic somewhere down the line, which will allow her to use it unhindered. It is worth noting that she will be more focused on healing that harming, though I have a normal longsword as backup should it come to that.

GM Zed |

This is the list of current applications - I am currently working my way through reviewing backstories and builds but there is still plenty of time to propose characters for this game...
Recruitment Closes at Midnight GMT on the 19th September...
adsapiens: Kaloora Plimp, a Goblin Gunslinger (Musket Master archetype).
Devastation Bob: Turd Fergusson, a Human Fighter (Cad archetype).
Haladir: Zoreck the Unclean, a Human Barbarian (Unchained / Savage Technologist archetype).
mdt: Ravboom, a Goblin Barbarian (Savage Technologist archetype).
Johnnycat93: Shieldmaiden Illona, an Android Paladin of Ragathiel (Divine Defender / Hospitaler archetypes).
DekotheBarbarian: Abxy Qwerty, an Android Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Tange Free: Basil Baekr, a Ratfolk Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Gerald: Rikkan Anardi, a Ratfolk Alchemist (Preservationist archetype).
Gobo Horde: Sparky, a Goblin Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner archetype).
The Pale King: Locke Lestrange, a Half-Elf Bard.
Mr. Whatever: Lilaney Ratkin, an Elven Alchemist (Trapbreaker archetype).
Arcane Casters
Lady Ladile: Paloma Kasic, a Human Summoner (Unchained).
Evgeni Genadiev: Ladim Relos, a Human Sorcerer.
Warhawk7: Nariya, an Android Magus Mindblade archetype.
Divine Casters
Umbongo: Kieyanna Amalasti, a Half-Elf Shaman.
The Waskally: Bolo Bramble, a Human Oracle.
Occult Characters
Eric Swanson: Drancis Mordaron, a Human Kineticist (Aether element).

GM Zed |

Shieldmaiden Ilona - great, thanks for answering questions... All looks fine.
And now, I've been through the 'Skilled' Characters...
Abxy Qwerty - Backstory is fine, not sure how much it will resonate in the prelude adventure but I am pretty confident it will be very relevant to latter parts of the adventure. Build seems okay at first look.
Basil Baekr - Build looks okay but no Backstory / Reason for being in this part of Varisia as yet.
Rikkan Anardi - Backstory (plus your description of appearance and mannerisms) are all great - I can totally imagine him now... Build looks absolutely fine.
Sparky - All looks good - everything screams Goblin!!!
Locke Lestrange - backstory looks fine although I'd rather not have anyone aware of 'strange goings-ons' up at Holver's Ferry. Build looks good...
Lilaney Ratkin - looks good, she'll be a fish out of water in the woods and wilderness of Holver's Ferry - and that's a good thing!!! With regards to build, traits will be limited to two plus drawback (or one trait with no drawback)... There will be another trait available for selection when we start the next adventure (but it will be campaign specific).
I'll get to the Arcane, Divine and Occult characters shortly...

GM Zed |

...and I have finished my review of the currently proposed characters...
Arcane Casters
Paloma Kasic - Character and backstory look fine, fairly sure you know this character's voice already... Build looks fine as far as I can see...
Ladim Relos - Character looks fine although backstory is still Iron Gods related. From an initial review, there seems to be no issue with the build...
Divine Casters
Kieyanna Amalasti - Character looks good although, from a backstory perspective, I would prefer the Caravan had not agreed to take you to Holver's Ferry - it would be better if they had agreed to take you close to the Churlwood (maybe just as far as the tavern where the adventure starts) but no farther... No questions about your build, looks good.
Bolo Bramble - Enjoyed reading up on your character - of the Golarion religions, I tend to like Desna the most!!! And it's definitely one that fits well with the theme of the adventure. Build looks good.
Occult Characters
Drancis Mordaron - I think Occult Adventures has really opened up some new avenues for character stories and this one is pretty cool. I must admit I'm still working my way around the new classes / mechanics but all looks fine...
Nariya - Enjoyed your backstory, looks like she would be a really fun character to play - and build looks fine. We may need to work out how the summoned weapon interfaces with Automatic Bonus Progression (I have a Mindblade Magus in another game where I am also running the Unchained rules and we have some ideas about a way to go) ...something to work out if Nariya joins this adventure...
Recruitment open for another 48 hours or so...
...and then the hard work really starts!!!

TheWaskally |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

...and I have finished my review of the currently proposed characters...
Arcane Casters
Paloma Kasic - Character and backstory look fine, fairly sure you know this character's voice already... Build looks fine as far as I can see...
Ladim Relos - Character looks fine although backstory is still Iron Gods related. From an initial review, there seems to be no issue with the build...Divine Casters
Kieyanna Amalasti - Character looks good although, from a backstory perspective, I would prefer the Caravan had not agreed to take you to Holver's Ferry - it would be better if they had agreed to take you close to the Churlwood (maybe just as far as the tavern where the adventure starts) but no farther... No questions about your build, looks good.
Bolo Bramble - Enjoyed reading up on your character - of the Golarion religions, I tend to like Desna the most!!! And it's definitely one that fits well with the theme of the adventure. Build looks good.Occult Characters
Drancis Mordaron - I think Occult Adventures has really opened up some new avenues for character stories and this one is pretty cool. I must admit I'm still working my way around the new classes / mechanics but all looks fine...
Nariya - Enjoyed your backstory, looks like she would be a really fun character to play - and build looks fine. We may need to work out how the summoned weapon interfaces with Automatic Bonus Progression (I have a Mindblade Magus in another game where I am also running the Unchained rules and we have some ideas about a way to go) ...something to work out if Nariya joins this adventure...Recruitment open for another 48 hours or so...
...and then the hard work really starts!!!
Sempai noticed me!!!
Artemis Moonstar |

I wasn't really planning on reducing it to below it's intended level. I just wanted to keep Instigate Psychic Duel as a 2nd level spell. Only metamagic feats I'm really looking at are Piercing and Persistent. Stuff to actually help me get them into the duel zone. Need to wait until I've got a free feat for it anyways (which won't be till a while later, thanks to the drow noble feats)..... Oh, and the one that lets me affect mindless, I guess. Maybe Extend for added range...
I'd like your rulings on two things though.
Now, I'm going to play it safe and assume that the 2 metamagic reducing traits don't apply. I'm fine with this, I just wanted to know.
Giving some advanced warning on this one. The Instigate Psychic Duel spell, mind-affecting obviously. Give you some time to contemplate how undead would function in a psychic duel, if we run into any.

Umbungo |

Kieyanna Amalasti - Character looks good although, from a backstory perspective, I would prefer the Caravan had not agreed to take you to Holver's Ferry - it would be better if they had agreed to take you close to the Churlwood (maybe just as far as the tavern where the adventure starts) but no farther... No questions about your build, looks good.
That's easy enough to change!

GM Zed |

Locke Lestrange – I don’t think you need to remove Holver’s Ferry from his backstory in it’s entirety – I’d just prefer that you haven’t been there particularly recently.
Artemis Moonstar – I’m going to have to agree that the metamagic reducing traits will not work in conjunction with the Mimic Metamagic amplification; as I read it, the use of the amplification means that the spell level is not being increased by the metamagic… and therefore the trait (which needs the spell level to increase by at least 1 to apply) doesn’t trigger. Thanks for the heads up on the ‘Will of the Dead’ amplification… although at this stage, I honestly have no idea how many Undead you will encounter during the AP.
Warhawk7 – I really like the ABP rules (from a GM perspective it means I don’t have to worry about making sure treasure is ladled out to keep people on a default power curve) although it doesn’t mesh that well with certain archetypes – i.e. those archetypes whose main schtick is around creating magic weapons (either through crafting or through weird psychic stuff like the Magus). The solution I have agreed with DekotheBarbarian is very much a ‘work in progress’ – his character has yet to enter combat so I have no idea just how broken my ruling may or may not be… we will see!!!

Artemis Moonstar |

In the process of building now, just having some trouble with spell and skill selection. Question pertaining to the campaign difficulty.
Am I going to be ineffective if I don't have an 18 in my primary casting statistic? Drow get neither int nor wisdom, thus putting my stats at effectively 10 12 10 16 16 10 (I hate having anything less than a 10), with all ability increases going to int. Don't wanna slow the party down.

Redblade8 |

DM, as we discussed, the mesmerist I've been noodling around my head, Rozelkha.
She eventually insinuated herself into the household of an old merchant named Iovanus. The two have a sort of surrogate father/daughter relationship. Iovanus is well aware of his "daughter's" charms, and has even encouraged her to develop those talents. In addition to his legitimate trade interests, Iovanus engages in a small but thriving black market with buyers in Urgir. Ever since Grask Uldeth opened the city to trade, there has been great profit to be made in alchemical ingredients and minor magical trinkets. Iovanus has taken Rose with him to see how she handled herself in a deal, and he was delighted to find that she performed admirably.
Now, Iovanus has set a bit of a challenge for Rozelkha. She's put on the road, travelling through small towns in Varisia, tasked with finding a "score," something worth taking home and selling.
Half-orc mesmerist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 38)
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks hypnotic stare (-2), mesmerist tricks 5/day (mask misery), painful stare (+1)
Mesmerist Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (2/day)—murderous command[UM] (DC 15), telempathic projection[OA] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse
Traits Almost Human
Skills Acrobatics -1 (-5 to jump), Appraise +5, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +4 (+8 on checks to pass as human), Intimidate +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Common, Draconic, Orc
SQ consummate liar +1, orc blood
Other Gear studded leather, crossbow bolts (20), dagger, dagger, light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, 31 gp, 5 cp
Special Abilities
Consummate Liar +1 Counts as Combat Expertise for some feats.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Hypnotic Stare (-2, 30 feet) (Su) As swift action, target creature takes penalty on Will saves.
Mesmerist Tricks (110 feet, 5/day) (Su) Implant hypnotic bond with allies. granting edge vs. foes.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Painful Stare (+1) (Su) 1/round, target of hyp. stare takes extra damage from attack.

![]() |

Finish line!
Alright, after a ton of concepts that I went through, here is Chalice.
She's a Drow Ranger with both the Divine Tracker and Skirmisher archetypes. I plan on taking one level of Fighter with the Cavern Sniper archetype to round out my desire to shoot spells on my arrows before returning to focus on her Ranger line.
If psionics ever become available, I'd ideally like to shift her over to the Soulknife with the Soulbolt archetype. Depending on when we see intro to psionics, I may even pick up the Soul Archer prestige class.
If psionics aren't coming into play until near end game, I may consider picking up a level of Sorcerer with the Void-Touched bloodline and then moving into the Arcane Archer prestige class.
She's a ranged martial class who's got a focus on damage output, but also on the typical ranger duties such as Survival, Perception, and Stealth. I may look at picking up Disable Device as a class skill via a trait simply to be able to fill out a Dex based skill monkey role within the party. If I do end up going the arcane archer route, the spells will primarily be utility based for better control.
The character herself was inspired by a picture done of the drow archer, Traxex, from the DotA games. A link to the wonderful artwork can be found under the appearance tab of her profile! Amazing artist, and I highly recommend browsing their work :)

Szinorvir |

Artemis here with Szinorvir!
Editing as is, should be finished by like, 3AM. Built it offline first. Now I'm going through and being fancy with the character sheet with URLs to spells and so on.
Edit: For reference, it's 1:42AM where I am, so... Yeah.
One of these days, I'm going to save the template I use to make character sheets on here.

Locke Lestrange |

I changed his backstory that little bit. I have had so many character ideas since posting Locke, and the other skilled characters look incredibly interesting so I am feeling a bit down on my chances, but I think he deserves his chance in the selection process.
Anyway good luck everyone! I'm excited to see what the final party looks like.

GM Zed |

Spacefarers!!! Explorers!!! Adventurers!!!
...and the typecast grumpy fellow at the back, who appears in all of these kind of movies and starts of as a bit of an ass but turns out to be alright after all - before getting eaten by a particularly nasty xenomorph...
Getting ready for boarding are:
adsapiens: Kaloora Plimp, a Goblin Gunslinger (Musket Master archetype).
Devastation Bob: Turd Fergusson, a Human Fighter (Cad archetype).
Haladir: Zoreck the Unclean, a Human Barbarian (Unchained / Savage Technologist archetype).
mdt: Ravboom, a Goblin Barbarian (Savage Technologist archetype).
Johnnycat93: Shieldmaiden Illona, an Android Paladin of Ragathiel (Divine Defender / Hospitaler archetypes).
Mimesyne: Chalice Zaurreth, a Drow Ranger (Divine Tracker / Skirmisher archetypes).
Chainmail: Bobafett Aloysius, an Aasimar Gunslinger (Pistolero archetype).
DekotheBarbarian: Abxy Qwerty, an Android Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Tange Free: Basil Baekr, a Ratfolk Investigator (Empiricist archetype).
Gerald: Rikkan Anardi, a Ratfolk Alchemist (Preservationist archetype).
Gobo Horde: Sparky, a Goblin Rogue (Unchained Roof Runner archetype).
The Pale King: Locke Lestrange, a Half-Elf Bard.
Mr. Whatever: Lilaney Ratkin, an Elven Alchemist (Trapbreaker archetype).
Arcane Casters
Lady Ladile: Paloma Kasic, a Human Summoner (Unchained).
Evgeni Genadiev: Ladim Relos, a Human Sorcerer.
Divine Casters
Umbongo: Kieyanna Amalasti, a Half-Elf Shaman.
The Waskally: Bolo Bramble, a Human Oracle.
Occult Characters
Eric Swanson: Drancis Mordaron, a Human Kineticist (Aether element).
Warhawk7: Nariya, an Android Magus Mindblade archetype.
Redblade8: Rozhekla, a Half-Orc Mesmerist.
Artemis Moonstar: Szinorvir, a Drow Psychic (Psychic Duellist archetype).