
Sancho, the Magnificent's page

3 posts. Alias of Fabian Benavente.

About Sancho, the Magnificent

Name Sancho, the Magnificent

Race human

Classes/Level 1st level wizard (fire elementalist)

Gender Male

Size Medium

Age 22

Alignment Chaotic good

Location Sandpoint

Languages Common, Varisian, Skald, Draconic, Goblin, Orc

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

Hit Points: 12
Init: +8 = +2 (DEX) +4 (improv. initi.) +2 (reactionary trait)
Speed: 30ft

Class features, Feats, Traits, and Racial Traits:

Scribe scroll
Arcane bond (amulet)
Fire elemental school (+1 spell/lvl)
Fire supremacy (resist fire 5, as swift action envelop in fire, melee attacks take lvl/2 damage)
Fire Jet (20’ line of fire as std action, 1d6+lvl/2 damage, save for ½ with DC=15, if ail then catch fire and 1d6 fire next round, 7/day)

Improved initiative

Reactionary: +2 initiative
Younger sibling (Sandru): +1 save bonus vs fortitude

+2 on INT, +1 feat at 1st level, +1 skill rank/lvl

AC, Saves, Attacks, Damage:

AC: 12 = 10 +2 (DEX)
Flat: 10
Touch: 12

Fort: +3 = +0 (base) +2 (CON) +1 trait
Ref: +2 = +0 (base) +2 (DEX)
Will: +2 = +2 (base)

Melee (dagger): +0 = +0 (base)
Melee Damage (dagger): 1d4, 19-20, x2
Ranged (light crossbow): +2 = +0 (base) +2 (DEX)
Ranged Damage (light crossbow): 1d8, 19-20, x2, 80'
CMB: +0 = +0 (base)
CMD: 12 = 10 +0 (base)+2 (DEX)


Level 0, 3 prepared (P), ALL known, DC=14
Read Magic (automatic)
Detect Magic

Level 1, 2+1 prepared (P), 7 known, DC=15
Burning hands (S)
Mage armor (P)
Color spray (P)

Feather fall
Comprehend languages


Only showing skills with at least 1 rank
Appraise +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
k.arcana +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
k.nature +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
Linguistics +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
Perception +1 = 1r
Perform +1 = 1r
Spellcraft +8 = 1r + 4 (int)

Appearance, Backstory, Personality, and Concept:


Sancho is a young man who does his best to pass unnoticed in a crowd of people. He is tall and of slender build but by no means weak. He’s usually wearing modest clothing as befit the season. Picture here.

All of this changes when he turns into ”The Magnificent”. During those times, the young man dons a simple, black mask and an elaborate wizard costume, complete with a red-orange cape with flame motifs. It seems that this change is not only physical as Sancho loses his inherent shyness and becomes an accomplished stage performer; more on that below.


Sancho was travelling with a band of Szarni for as long as he could remember. The young wizard had been mesmerized by one of the females in the group and was led to believe that there was a potential romantic future with her. Sancho, shy by nature, was taught how to put on a show with the use of his magic while, unbeknownst to him, the rest of the Szarni fleeced the crowd. When the young man became aware of the situation and confronted the Szarni about it, he was not only expelled from the caravan but almost killed in the process. He then learned that the young woman he was in love with had no interest in him other than in his skill at entertaining crowds.

Alone in the road for some time, he was picked by Sandru and his caravan who gave him a fair deal and a sense of belonging. He continued to study magic as he plied his entertainment trade but was relieved to be making an honest living for a change. After a few years of hearing about Sandru’s adventures, he wanted nothing more than to emulate his older ’brother’.


Sancho is naturally shy and only comes out of his shell when behind his mask. The young man is still naive about the world at large and does not trust strangers easily. He is at his best when surrounded by children and those he has learned to call his friends.

Fire seems to bring out a destructive streak in him and he is sometimes scared at his own destructive power. He can be seen flush with excitement after using his magic, especially his fire magic. He’s starting to question his own nature and is afraid that he may not be as mild-mannered as he thinks he is.

(Note: Only the start since I am sure the character will take a personality of his own once I start playing.)