Into the Planar Blue Yonder ~ Team 3 (Inactive)

Game Master Ravenica

The portal colours flicker as the decision is made...

I'll be tracking your recordings here, plus you know, all the regular group talk stuff ;)

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

I have taken those traits from APG:

Reactionary, Scholar of Ruins.

Missing favored terrain, going to take: Underground (caves and dungeons) as our background indicates, unless you advise me to take any other.

nope that's a fine choice

M Human
Fighter (tower shield specialist) 2/ Cleric 1 | HP 36/36 | AC 23 | T 10 | FF 23 | CMD 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 (+3 vs. burst spells and effects) | Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +2
(12 ranks):Craft (Weapons, armor and shields, alchemy): +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering, Nature): +5, Heal: +5, Perception: +2, Survival (2): +6, Intimidate: +1, Sense motive: +5. Skill Check penalty: -14

Sorry for not checking in earlier.

s'sll good

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

mmm, if that is really noon, this is a paradise to make a shadow dancer :D

heh it is noon alright, after a sort. The light level from the sun never gets brighter then dim light.

M Human
Fighter (tower shield specialist) 2/ Cleric 1 | HP 36/36 | AC 23 | T 10 | FF 23 | CMD 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 (+3 vs. burst spells and effects) | Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +2
(12 ranks):Craft (Weapons, armor and shields, alchemy): +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering, Nature): +5, Heal: +5, Perception: +2, Survival (2): +6, Intimidate: +1, Sense motive: +5. Skill Check penalty: -14

Crum, and here I am with a melee character that has no special vision...
And on a semi-related note, Aspen is wearing +1 armor.

Grand Lodge

Male human Human fighter 1, HP 15/15, AC/T/FF 19/12/17, F +4, R +2, W +3, Perc +3, INit =4

Hey guys...I'll be out of touch for a few days. Will be back on the weekend hopefully.

We'll try not to leave you anywhere dark ;)

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

A doubt I have, are we four alone, or some assistance have come with us?

If the last, we need to name them, so we can say "Lester, we leave you in charge of the camp while we go to see if we can save someone or something from the sunking ship" or something.

Book reader 2/Japanophile 1/Cat Animal lover 1/Undecided 3

We have some helpers, at least three if not four or five... but no names feel free to name them (?)

Sorry for my disappearance there. I was working 2 jobs all last week, then I got kidnapped for a weekend out in the woods. Back and recharged and good to go.

M Human
Fighter (tower shield specialist) 2/ Cleric 1 | HP 36/36 | AC 23 | T 10 | FF 23 | CMD 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 (+3 vs. burst spells and effects) | Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +2
(12 ranks):Craft (Weapons, armor and shields, alchemy): +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering, Nature): +5, Heal: +5, Perception: +2, Survival (2): +6, Intimidate: +1, Sense motive: +5. Skill Check penalty: -14

No linguistics...

On a side note has it been 24 hours yet? I'm wondering if the continual magic items have been affected yet...

not quite, we are on the morning of day 2 but it wont be 24 hours until noon

sorry been working myself half to death lately, literally it seems as im now off work after having collapsed. I'll try to post shortly.

I'm looking for and may have found a co-dm to pick up my slack if you guys are still interested

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

still up here

Grand Lodge

Male human Human fighter 1, HP 15/15, AC/T/FF 19/12/17, F +4, R +2, W +3, Perc +3, INit =4

I'm still in

I find myself apologizing on here far too often lately. It seems my previous exhaustion had less to do with overwork than I though. I seem to have suffered several arrhythmia and was being slow to recover in part because I believed it was only exhaustion. I've been in the hospital and have now been released. This has necessitated some lifestyle changes which should hopefully let me keep posting here and not suffer any more. I hope I can make the lost time up to you!

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

Woah, don't take it lightly, something on you is giving a warning.

Grand Lodge

Male human Human fighter 1, HP 15/15, AC/T/FF 19/12/17, F +4, R +2, W +3, Perc +3, INit =4

Take it easy. We understand health comes first. Just dont overexert yourself.

-Posted with Wayfinder

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

The history is on a stall point. We need you to advance it, Avian. It is like that firecamp with the fishermen goes forever. Its 6 week in that we just drinked tried to undertand them and eat some food.

Not even sure if the others are having interest on this campaign.

Are you waiting on us for something too, like forcing a trip to the distant town?

Just lets clarify things, please.

Well, this is a sandbox adventure, you guys are ultimately in charge of where you go and what you do XD I am waiting on some form of instruction here as to what you want.

M Human
Fighter (tower shield specialist) 2/ Cleric 1 | HP 36/36 | AC 23 | T 10 | FF 23 | CMD 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 (+3 vs. burst spells and effects) | Will +3 | Init +2 | Perc +2
(12 ranks):Craft (Weapons, armor and shields, alchemy): +5, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Engineering, Nature): +5, Heal: +5, Perception: +2, Survival (2): +6, Intimidate: +1, Sense motive: +5. Skill Check penalty: -14

City hunting it is then?

HP: 37/37| AC: ; T: ; FF: ; CMD
Level 0 6/6 Level 1 6/6 Level 2 3/3
| Fort:6 ; Ref:3 ; Will:5 | Perception: | Init +2

sure, it is ok to me.

Grand Lodge

Male human Human fighter 1, HP 15/15, AC/T/FF 19/12/17, F +4, R +2, W +3, Perc +3, INit =4

I'm in for whatever

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