RE: Incorporeal I'd propose a Semi Corporeal option: Half damage from regular attacks, regular from magical
My inability to heal normally is a problem but at least I can't be destroyed so easily. ![]()
Presenting Jack "Frost" Halfblood Ghost(Human) Sorcerer 2 (Marid Bloodline) I would suggest to keep the character reasonable to ignore the undead immunity to mind affecting. Never made any sense to me for intelligent undead anyway. Incorporeal is a hindrance to me since it limits my ability to use anything but my starting gear and potentially ghost touch weapons and armor (sorc so unlikely) Heh more loot for everyone else. This pale translucent human looks barely 15. His white hair is wild and he carries a twisted branch. He wears a heavy winter cloak that seems very out of season. His blue eyes lock with yours for a moment before he passes through a nearby table. Jack was a good kid, always watching out for his siblings. They even say he died saving one of them. But for some reason he just didn't pass on to the next life. Sticking around he continued to watch over that sibling. ![]()
J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:
Liking pain does not necessarily equate to a higher tolerance to it. ![]()
Grubmunch likes pain. His pain, their pain, YOUR pain. It tastes delicious. Scarred from his experiments in pain this little terror delights in causing it. Fear is the delicious side dish it comes with. He is of mixed popularity in the tribe. Beloved by those who he hasn't tried his tricks on and loathed by those he has. Still have to do cash but otherwise done. ![]()
Heh Esra will get along with everyone and no one at the same time. So long as they don't mind waking up to find her hovering over them or the random looking at them, then through them and reminding them they are going to die. :P Jack and Andrea would have to put up with the occasional outbursts of "But Molly says Besmara/Urgathoa told HER it should be this way!" *Warning, doll may not actually speak for said deity but don't even TRY and tell Esra that :P ![]()
I would like to put forth Esra Esra is an unbalanced halfling sorceress. She was drawn to Port Peril by the whispers of her doll telling her Besmara had a plan for her. Often accused of witchcraft she does little to disillusion anyone of that notion. She often pretends to be a human child to escape notice. Paranoid and often thought insane she can often be found talking to anything and everything. The dead insects in the window sill, her doll, her cat, the chair. Growing up in Sargava this tanned halfling has dirty blond hair and large doe like brown eyes. She is gaunt with no muscle tone but moves gracefully. Dressed in a tight black corset and slitted black skirt with a spiders and skulls motif, with a black scarf around her neck and head, she looks more than a tad intimidating as she enters a tavern in Port Peril. The doll under her right arm is a little creepy but the cat in her left arm makes her look downright evil. Even the hardened pirates at the bar make room for her despite the diminutive stature. She scans the crowd and smiles thinly to herself. Ordering a rum quietly she freezes suddenly and looks down at the doll, scolding it loudly, "No you can't have any! You know better!" The cat ignores the outburst, dropping from her lap to curl at the base of her stool. Esra grew up an orphan in Sargava, spending time in the care of a number of individuals, all who met grisly deaths through no fault of her own. This repeated exposure to tragedy and death caused her fascination with it and as her powers began to manifest themselves she latched on to the only constant in her life, the doll. The doll became the focal point for her power and her closest "friend". While not entirely crazy she does truly believe it speaks to her, often telling her of the wishes of her goddesses Besmara and Urgathoa. She knows how others view her, as both crazy and creepy so she does her best to play up both. When dressing as a human child she does her best to appear much like Wednesday Adams. When dressing more "casually" she plays up the appearance of a terrifying little witch. Mechanically Esra is a debuff and control caster. Normally she would be an undead creator as well but that would be limited in this situation due to the nonevil requirement (unless there is some flexibility there). In this campaign she will be a functional crowd control and debuff caster who specializes in enchantment and necromancy. Her bonded item is the doll, which with (hopeful) DM approval will be treated as a wand for the purposes of the bonded item rules but otherwise would qualify as an improvised weapon for the same roll. She has also been fitted with the Paranoid drawback (with DM approval I will be adding the Omen trait if allowed but I'm fine with not) She is a coward as witnessed by the Craven racial trait. Detailed Description:
At 2'9" and 26lbs Esra is not remotely physically imposing. Even the effort of carrying her cat is taxing. Her sunken eyes often seem to stare right through the person she is speaking to. When she tries she can seem almost completely innocent, or absolutely terrifying. She often flips between the two for no apparent reason. The doll tucked into her arm is a constant companion and the reaction to anyone trying to take it is often the materialization of the wicked looking jagged bone dagger pointed directly at the offenders most sensitive bits. Her dirty blond hair is lifeless and hangs about her head like a shroud, though often wrapped in her elaborate black scarf. Detailed Background: Esra was born to an accomplished couple of adventurous halflings. Her mother a powerful sorceress and her father an archaeologist. The traveled to Sargava to explore the depths of untold ruins. Upon one of these expeditions a serious of cunning traps rendered the poor child an orphan. Her mother died still holding her out of the traps reach. The wailing child brought natives from the area who adopting the foundling. The witch doctor of the region caring for her.
At the age of four a band of cut throat slavers happened upon these locals and made short work of those who resisted, including her caretaker. Taking the scrawny halfling child as a trophy the slaver leader marched his new prizes out of the jungle and all the way to Bloodcove. His victory was short lived as his dealings with the Apis Consortium went bad fast, his old debts catching up with him. His flight had him hop a merchant vessel, the stolen child suddenly a very good cover he fled south to Eleder. He worked as a guide, luring rich explorers out into the jungle and murdering them. The child providing that hint of innocence he needed to pull off his little scam. However by the time she was 6, his karma caught up with him. The latest mark was an Red Mantis Assassin sent by the consortium that had finally located him. Seeing no reason to kill the child, but no reason to save it, she abandoned it there with the corpse. Being less than a day outside of Eleder the child was lucky, she wandered for just over a week before she stumbled upon a riverside farm. A minor estate the family took pity on the child. Raising her as one of there own they tried to draw the quiet child out of her shell but showed little success. But even this relatively peaceful existence was to end. On the eve of her twelfth birthday a flood washed down the river, driven by enraged local fey. Despite the fact that the family had done nothing to draw the ire of the fey themselves they were in the path of the destruction they wrecked and the capricious spirits did not stay there anger. Despite the carnage Esra was unharmed, her powers manifesting and keeping her safe. But it was too late for her mind. Death was what she knew and she was drawn to it. She wandered, frequenting the places it lived. The mausoleums and graveyards. The faithful of Urgathoa took notice of her, the child who wandered their domain and whispered to the dead. They taught her things and fed her thirst for death. But her doll whispered other things. Drawn to the sea she wandered the docksides. Seeking out the shrines to Besmara and acquainting herself with her faithful she felt more and more drawn to the sea. Until the day it told her to travel to Port Peril. There would be death on the seas, and she needed to be there.
Her dust up would likely have been with another student who had been bullying her, Her sister is likely in the room too considering she would likely have involved herself.
Character Name:Asbques Umbra Caelum Proposed Race: Tiefling; (+2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha, Darkvision 60, SLA:Darkvision 1/day, Fiendish Resistance:5ER VS Cold, Electric, and Fire, alternate trait: Prehensile tail, can retrive small stowed items as swift action with tail{replaces fiendish sorcery}, Beguiling Liar: +4 Bluff{replaces Skilled:+2 bluff +2stealth} Half-Elf Ancestry: Cosmetic, small pointed ears ) Character Age:20 Ability Score Array: Str 12 ; Con 14 ; Dex 19 ; Int 16 ; Wis 15 ; Chr 10 ; Com 17-3(int)-8(choice)+X(race)=Current of 5 without racials (3 with racial stat modifiers) Items
I plan to be playing The teifling witch, insanity patron. Our attributes will be arranged to reflect opposites with the exception of the 14's (no opposite) I'll be aiming for the low end of the comeliness and be playing lawful evil. If drawbacks are allowed I'd be taking family ties to represent our reason for staying together and my siblings ability to counter my aspect (all she has to do is ask) Though we don't plan to overly abuse it. Appearance we would be close to identical but share some aspects (heterochromatic eyes in mirror reflection arrangement to each other) My character will be played as something of a reject who does her best reject the idea of "traditional" beauty, kind of a punk (except in this case I'm imaging the traditional trappings of punk to fit into the idea of beauty thus she will be a soft colors and whites, with lace or whatever is considering unfashionable) I'll be playing as a mid range debuff/controller caster. We discussed it in detail earlier but that covers the basics. I made up some concept images for how I picture our characters appearing, although this has not been "approved" by my partner in crime yet. They can be viewed Here I imagined that alongside the steampunk aspects of comeliness that piercings, tattoos and body modification would be considered "attractive". ![]()
Jazzai pointed me in the direction of this thread. We've got a concept going for a pair of Twin's one aasimar, the other tiefling that would go very well with this campaign concept (aasimar a good oracle once the levels started the tiefling an evil witch) A whole lot of ying yang synergy and angst heh ![]()
Arabeth wrote:
generally it is setup by the gm under the discussion tab for the campaign so that people can socialise a bit before hand, also good for ooc conversation for the ongoing campaign and for anyone who doesnt get selected but wants to follow along to comment as well ![]()
My character is finally ready! For Quick Reference: Path: Marshal, Child of the Crusades
Character plan: level 2 bard dip, taking fighter up to level 7 then Arcane Archer from there.