TechnoDM |

Seeking 4 to 6 characters for the first installment of this AP. If things go well, we may continue to the further installments.
My personal preferences are 80/20 combat/RP. I've DM'ed a lot, and some on PBP. I tend to post every day on weekdays, and would appreciate it if the players would also try. But, I do understand that RL gets in the way, sometimes. That said, I will DMBot a PC if it has been more than 24 hours (Sunday through Thursday), and it is holding up resolution of an encounter.
- Core races
- No 3PP, Paizo only.
- 1st level
- 15 pt buy. Nothing higher than 18. Nothing lower than 7
- Average wealth
I will attempt to make choices on June 14th.

![]() |
in case you're seeking players.
this link should help.
Recruit Players for AP here!!
You can always contact those players and send them a copy of your rules.

TechnoDM |

Is there a players guide to this? I could only find The Pathfinder Adventure Path
Also, each player can have have two traits.

Lylt |

Sanniya has been waiting for a Legacy of Fire game. She'll need to be turned down from 20 to 15, but that shouldn't be too big a deal. She's an alchemist and a slave looking for freedom. I'll work on tuning her backstory (which is really an outline at the moment, and get her to a 15 point buy.
EDIT: And she's converted down.

Bullo Dagmawi |

Seeking 4 to 6 characters for the first installment of this AP. If things go well, we may continue to the further installments.
My personal preferences are 80/20 combat/RP. I've DM'ed a lot, and some on PBP. I tend to post every day on weekdays, and would appreciate it if the players would also try. But, I do understand that RL gets in the way, sometimes. That said, I will DMBot a PC if it has been more than 24 hours (Sunday through Thursday), and it is holding up resolution of an encounter.
- Core races
- No 3PP, Paizo only.
- 1st level
- 15 pt buy. Nothing higher than 18. Nothing lower than 7
- Average wealth
I will attempt to make choices on June 14th.
Paizo has a lot of material available that is not in the core books but is specific to Golarion and in paperback form (plus PDF & d20pferd). Am I correct to assume that material is available for use?

IronDesk |

Would like to present a human desert druid with the Gnoll killer campaign trait...
Left for dead, Reta wandered the desert alone for many moons. He would have died many times, but the spirits of the sands called to him on the scorching wind and taught him their secrets – the secrets of the viper, the vulture, and the scorpion.
For a time the proud Badawi prince was fuelled by vengeance. He trailed gnoll bands, living in their shadows, and exacting blood for his fallen people from stragglers and cast offs. In time he learned that the ones who murdered his people followed one known as the Carrion King.
But along the way, the “Prince of Nothing,” as he mockingly referred to himself, grew weary of vengeance. The blistering sun burned the hate from him. The blowing sand scoured away his boastful ways, and the cold nights of solitude cooled his wrath.
Or so he thought. When a caravaner named Garaval approached him with the intent of taking back a village sacked by gnolls pledged to none other than the Carrion King, Reta pledges his loyalty on the spot in return for the chance to bring peace to his murdered people.
Crunchy profile to follow.

TechnoDM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

TechnoDM wrote:Paizo has a lot of material available that is not in the core books but is specific to Golarion and in paperback form (plus PDF & d20pferd). Am I correct to assume that material is available for use?Seeking 4 to 6 characters for the first installment of this AP. If things go well, we may continue to the further installments.
My personal preferences are 80/20 combat/RP. I've DM'ed a lot, and some on PBP. I tend to post every day on weekdays, and would appreciate it if the players would also try. But, I do understand that RL gets in the way, sometimes. That said, I will DMBot a PC if it has been more than 24 hours (Sunday through Thursday), and it is holding up resolution of an encounter.
- Core races
- No 3PP, Paizo only.
- 1st level
- 15 pt buy. Nothing higher than 18. Nothing lower than 7
- Average wealth
I will attempt to make choices on June 14th.
Be careful about the d20pfsrd information. Make sure it derives from a Paizo source.

Noonan2 |

Full Name : Noonan
Race: Human
Classes/Levels Fighter 1(HP favored)
Gender M
Size M
Age 18
Special Abilities :
Alignment: CN(g)
Deity :Gorum
Location :
Languages : Common
Occupation : Slave
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Height: 5'6" Weight: Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown
Favored Class: Fighter(HP)
Hit Points: 13
Spd: 30
Init: +6
AC: 17 ( 5 armor shield)/Touch 12/FF 15)
BAB: +1
CMB: +4
CMD: 15
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1
Greatsword +5 2d6+3 19-20/x2
Shortbow +3 1d6 x3 60 ft.
Skills: 3/level
Survival (1+3) 4
Perception (1)
Climb (1+3+3) 7
Feats:Power attack,Improved Initiative,Weapon Focus-Greatsword
Traits:Earning your Freedom(+1 Will),Deft Dodger(+1 Reflex)
Greatsword (50)
Shortbow (30)
20 Arrows (2)
Scale mail (50) -4 ACP
Kit-Fighter's (9)
belt pouch
flint and steel
iron pot
mess kit
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)
84 gp
Description:Noonan is a strongly built young man whose back is twisted by a hunch that shaves height off what would be an impressive frame. His gnarled limbs and big hands are heavily callused, his hair is an unkempt mop and he also wears a scraggly beard.
Noonan's mother was the daughter of a minor merchant who dallied with a guardsman as entertainment and became pregnant. When Noonan was born, her father declared his deformity a sign that the gods were angry with her actions and while he did not banish her from the house, he made sure her son was sent to an orphanage as soon as possible.
Noonan was an unwanted child, and while his strength ensured that bullies kept his distance he was never chosen by anyone for anything except a slaver who bought him for a handful of coin with other rejected children. Noonan was sent off to be a gladiator due to his strong frame and was considered a humorous curiosity due to his deformity. Sold off to a caravan that is traveling the wastes, Noonan once again aheads off into an unknown future.

TechnoDM |

Here is what we have, so far:
== Melee
* {Andrea1}, Fighter??
* Noonan?, Fighter
== Ranged
* Sanniya, Alchemist
* Thorgrund, Ranger
== Arcane
== Divine
* Reta, Druid (crunch?)
== Utility
* Izura, Dervish dancer bard
* Bahram, Rogue
* Davian, Rogue
If you disagree with my categories, let me know where you want your character to be. I am more likely to choose a rounded out party (probably of six), but I am perfectly happy to run this with a relatively unbalanced party.

Thorgrund Bronnsson |

Here is what we have, so far:
== Ranged
* Sanniya, Alchemist
* Thorgrund, RangerIf you disagree with my categories, let me know where you want your character to be. I am more likely to choose a rounded out party (probably of six), but I am perfectly happy to run this with a relatively unbalanced party.
Thorgrund is more of a melee fighter, specializing in Axe and Board two-weapon fighting. He will have a crossbow, but he's definitely one to wade into the thick of battle!

Davian Carter |

Hello Sir,
During our wait I have spoken with the others who are here to apply for this endeavor. Our skills and area of expertise has been discussed and it appears as though we have a distinct lack of ranged ability among us. I can help you out in that manner. I have a friend, someone who took their confirmation test with me for the Pathfinder Society. I have sent word to him that his skills would be ever useful for a trip such as this. He should be making his appearance later today but for now I shall pass my application position on to him. and bid you all farewell.
Davian with a twist of his cloak attempts to make a dramatic exit back into the shadows thus officially withdrawing his application from this endeavor.
Steath: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Davian slips back into the shadows and stealthily walks out the door.
I will be putting together a Ranger to attempt to fulfill the ranged slot that has seemed to find itself empty lol. I'll post him later this afternoon.

Ira kroll |

Here is what we have, so far:
== Melee
* Noonan, Fighter
* Thorgrund, Ranger
== Ranged
== Ranged/Arcane
* Sanniya, Alchemist
== Arcane
== Divine
* Reta, Druid (crunch?)
== Utility
* Izura, Dervish dancer bard
* Bahram, Rogue
* Davian, Rogue

Anaara Sand |

A willowy Keleshite woman with beaded dreadlocks, plain white robes, and a metal collar approaches the group, bowing her head as she comes near. "I've been sent to aid you in retaking Kelmarane - I hope I can be of assistance." A pale-colored desert fox circles her feet, and she stoops down and scoops the animal into her arms, caressing it lovingly as she rises.
This is Rennaivx with a witch for consideration, since we haven't had many arcane characters submitted so far. She's focused on debuffing so far, but will probably pick up the healing hex as well to be able to act as backup healing if necessary. Her backstory and crunch are in her profile. I'm perfectly happy to play either Anaara or Izura, whichever will be more useful for the party.

Belros Silverkin |

A tall thinner man enters the room
Hello everyone,
My name is Belros Silverkin. I received word from my good friend Davian Carter that you all may be in need of some range abilities of shall we say, the physical sort?
Here is my ranger the stat block is set and I will flesh out the background later on today. Davian will not be included in this pbp in favor of this ranger. I wanted to give everyone the best shot possible to be included and saw we needed some physical dmg ranged in the mix

Morrigan Winters |

When Morrigan came of age, despite her religious upbringing, she was unable to bring herself to make the required human sacrifice to become a full-fledged member of the cult. Realizing that she would soon be sacrificed in the victims' place, Morrigan set out to escape. Using her illusion magic, she was able to deceive her way to the surface.
In Katapesh, Morrigan was in for a rude awakening. The world was completely different in more ways than just the harsh light of day. Since half-orcs are rare and often despised in Katapesh she received very poor treatment. For a time, she managed to survive through deception but Morrigan was curious about her new world and sought to better herself. She decided to join a mercenary band to see new places and to earn a decent living for herself rather than steal or beg for it.

Mokshai |

Here is my application, will make an alias if selected.
Boramyr Cliffstalker
Male Dwarf Warpriest 1
LN medium humanoid
Senses Darkvision (60)
STR 15 DEX 10 CON 13 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 8
BAB 0 CMB 2 CMD 12
Space 5 Reach 5
Init 0
Speed 20 ft
Waraxe, dwarven +3 (1d10+3/x3)
Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2)
Morningstar +2 (1d8+3/x2)
Crossbow, light +0 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Sling +0 (1d4+2/x2)
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15
hp 10
Fort 3 Reflex 0 Will 4
Additional Traits
Armor Proficiency, Heavy (Class Feature)
Armor Proficiency, Medium (Class Feature)
Armor Proficiency, Light (Class Feature)
Shield Proficiency (Class Feature)
Weapon Focus (Waraxe, dwarven)(Class Feature)
Acrobatics -4, Appraise 2, Bluff -1, Climb -2, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Heal 2, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (engineering) 6, Knowledge (religion) 6, Perception 3, Ride -4, Sense Motive 2, Spellcraft 6, Stealth -4, Survival 6, Swim -2, Use Magic Device 0
Dwarven, Common, Undercommon, Orc
Scale Mail
Waraxe - dwarven, Crossbow - light, Sling, Dagger, Morningstar, Bolts - crossbow (30), Bullets - Sling (10)
Adventuring Gear:
Kit - Warpriest (Medium Creature), Kit - Dungeoneering, Grappling Hook, Fishing Kit, Kit - Cooking (AA), Kit - Gear Maintenance, Kit - Grooming , Acid (flask)
GP 2
SP 4
Gems / Jewels
Slow and Steady: You have a base speed of 20 feet, but your speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Defensive Training: Dwarves get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Greed: Dwarves receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hatred: Dwarves receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Hardy: You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Dwarves receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning: Dwarves receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Finding Haleen (APLF 11): When you take levels in Warpriest you gain an additional hit point and skill point for that level.
Defensive Strategist (FoP 17): You are not flat-footed when you are an unaware combatant. This includes a surprise round that you don’t get to act in, and before you get to act at the start of a battle.
Glory of Old (DoG 11): You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.
Fate's Favored (UCa 55): Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light, Medium and Heavy Armor. You are proficient with shields (except Tower Shields).
Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
Aura (Ex) (ACG 60): You have a particularly powerful aura corresponding to your deity's alignment.
Blessings (Su) (ACG 60): 3 times per day, you can call upon one of the following blessings to aid yourself or your allies. (DC: 12)
Increased Defense (ACG 67): You can gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws and AC for one minute.
Crafter's Wrath (ACG 64): You can touch one melee weapon and can grant it the power to bypass hardness and damage reduction for one minute.
Focus Weapon (Ex) (ACG 60): You gain Weapon Focus as a bonus feat.
Sacred Weapon (Su) (ACG 60): Weapons you wield are charged with the power of your faith. When you wield a Medium version of a Sacred Weapon - your deity's favored weapon or one in which you have Weapon Focus - you may deal 1d6 damage instead of the weapon's normal amount.
Spontaneous Casting (ACG 61): You may convert the stored energy of a prepared spell into a cure spell of the same level or lower.
0 Level
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Create Water
Level 1
Divine Favour
Divine Favour
Boramyr was born to a family of town guards in the small town of Kelmarane.
When he was three, disaster struck the town, and he was taken in by Haleen after both of his parents went missing.
Haleen made arrangements to get him to relatives who lived in the 5 king mountain range. He kept in constant touch with her, through letters and the occasional visit to her.
His relatives taught him the basics of arms, but it was in the church that he seemed to flourish. He eventually took up a position as one of the churches guards.
During this time, his letters to Haleen started to come back undelivered, as they could not find her.
He then received a cryptic letter from her saying that he should not continue to look for her. But this just peaked his curiosity and so he asked for permission to leave the employ of the church.
He started to follow rumours of where she was, and slowly made his way to Katapesh where he had last heard that she was. The strongest rumour that he found was that she was back in the town of Kelmarane. With funds running low, and seeing the advertisement for mercenaries to go to Kelmarane, he went and signed up for the trip.

IronDesk |

Tirion Jörðhár |

Ok, think that I will toss my hat into the ring here as I really like this AP.
Plan is a human Oracle(Solar Mystery)(Spirit Guide) - powered by the sun, he/she draws from the power of the sun and all that it creates -- likely shaman spirits would be flame, wind, waves, heavens, nature, life and lore. Others are possible, but a connection for some seem a little far fetched (bones, mammoth).
Will try to get a background and crunch up tomorrow before the submission deadline.

Mowri Windspeaker |

Sarabian here, with my halfling storm druid! Looking forward to an interesting opportunity!

Sarabian |

I think this is the current applicant pool, greatly simplified:
Noonan - fighter
Belros Silverkin - ranger
Bahram the Rogue - rogue
Izura Selenesh - bard (dervish dancer)
Davian Carter - rogue (unchained)
Horum - monk
Sanniya Al’Nusra - alchemist (mindchemist)
Anaara Sand - witch
Morrigan Winters - illusionist (shadow)
Boramyr Cliffstalker - warpriest
Reta mem Sota - druid (desert)
Mowri Windspeaker - druid (storm)

Tirion Jörðhár |

I also have an oracle. Just finishing the background. Should be done in 30-45 minutes. Started it when there was just one unfinished druid in divine, now the divine has gone from fewest to most.
As a note, usually Monk and Warpriest are considered melee as that is pretty much their focus. Although, it is the DM who will decide, so it probably does not make much difference.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Ok, not perfect, but may I introduce Katenui Ja'Kaleth <--click here - Oracle of the Solar Mystery (Spirit Guide archetype).
Sorry for the late submission. I tried to finish everything, but have run out of time. If selected, I shall clean up the remainder. For now though, it is well after my time to go to bed. Thanks for the consideration.