
Izura Selenesh's page

109 posts. Alias of Rennaivx.

Full Name

Izura Selenesh


Half-elf HP 66/66 | AC 22 | FF 19 | T 14 | Per 17 (no hearing-based) | F: 7 | R: 8 | W: 9 | Init +3

Fly +2 | Know (planes, religion) +9 | Spellcraft +8 | UMD +9


Dual-cursed (deaf/wolfscarred) oracle of the dark tapestry 9








Chaotic neutral


Great Old Ones


Prison #14


Common, Kelesh, Elven, Aklo, lip reading

About Izura Selenesh


I was born with magic, though different from that I carry now. The arcane was in my blood, from my father and mother both. I became an accomplished diviner. I read the bones, the cards, and the blood, and saw many things. But then I cast my sight too far. I sought to behold the gods in their home, and I cast my mind's eye toward their realms.

And I got my wish - but did not see the gods I wished to see. As my mind's eye sped through the heavens, other beings sensed its presence. My spirit was locked in steel jaws, in the endless void between the stars.

The silence of the spaces between dwells still with me, and the writhing, mutable energies of the Dark Tapestry have twisted my form. My inborn magic froze and crumbled, and in its place the dark energies of the void seeped into my soul, forced therein by the mere presence of the Dreamer in the Deep.

And it was then that I saw truth.

I beheld the Great Old Ones, dreaming in the darkness of the void, and all my power and skill was as nothing before them. All beings of the world taken together are as nothing before them. Now they sleep, but one day they will return to claim their rule of Golarion, and none shall stand before them.

They shall return, and I shall be as one of them, free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside, shouting and killing and reveling in joy. They shall lead the world into a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom, and I shall receive my reward as one of the faithful, for paving their way and keeping their memories alive.

The fools of this world think that denying my freedom now will wither my resolve and burn away my purpose. They cast me into this imprisonment with what they believed to be an epitaph - "may the gods have no mercy on your souls". But they fail to see the truth. The true gods of this realm have never been merciful or kind. But they are power incarnate. The cold and dark of the infinity within me cannot be illuminated, cannot be warmed. I cannot be contained.

They think to leave me for dead. But they know nothing.

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

For proper attribution, I did use several phrases directly from H.P. Lovecraft in her story.

Appearance and Personality:

Izura is 31 years old, stands approximately six feet tall, and weighs 120 pounds. It is clear that she was once a great beauty, with both elven and Keleshite human heritage apparent; it is equally as clear that her experiences have changed her almost beyond recognition. She is now a gaunt, almost skeletal figure, with hollow cheeks, ashy skin, and a mouth full of wicked-looking fangs.

And the difficulties with speech created by her deformed mouth are only compounded by the fact that she is also completely deaf. Because of this, her primary method of communicating is with a slate and chalk, though she can read the lips of people speaking to her.

She is wantonly destructive, although not usually violent toward people - after all, she wishes all to behold the glory of the Great Old Ones at their return. She is in Prison #14 after a string of destruction of property and arson charges, as well as the murders of several guards who attempted to stop her during the fit of madness that led to the destructive acts.


Name Izura Selenesh
Basics Female half-elf dual-cursed oracle of the Dark Tapestry 9
Alignment, Size, Type CN Medium humanoid (human)
Speed 30 feet


Initiative +3
Perception +12 (no hearing-based)
Special senses: Darkvision 60 feet


AC 22 (touch 14, flat-footed 19)
(+3 dex, +8 armor, +0 shield, +1 deflection)
HP 10+8*7=66
Fortitude +7 (+3 class, +2 CON, +2 resistance)
Reflex +8 (+3 class, +3 DEX, +2 resistance)
Will +9 (+6 class, -1 WIS, +2 race, +2 resistance) (+11 v. enchantment)


Melee attacks
Weapon +0 (damage/critical range)
+1 longspear +9/+4 (1d8+3/x3)

Ranged attacks
Alchemist's fire +8 (1d6 for two rounds direct, 1 splash/x2)


Strength: 14
STR +2
Dexterity: 16
DEX +3
Constitution: 14
CON +2
Intelligence: 12
INT +1
Wisdom: 8
WIS -1
Charisma: 22
CHA +6

Base Attack Bonus: +6/+1
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +8
Combat Maneuver Defense 21


Reactionary: +2 to initiative checks
Magical Lineage: decrease metamagic increase to Summon Monster IV by one spell level


Still Spell: +1 spell level, cast without somatic components
Spell Focus (conjuration): +1 to DC of conjuration spells
Augment Summoning: +4 to Strength and Constitution for summoned creatures
Spell Penetration: +2 on caster level checks to overcome SR
Superior Summoning: when casting spell that summons multiple creatures, add one summoned creature


(5/level; 4 class, 1 INT, 0 race, 0 background)

Fly~ +2 (1 rank, +3 DEX, -2 ACP) (+4 with Wings of Darkness active)
Knowledge (planes) +9 (5 ranks, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Knowledge (religion) +9 (5 ranks, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Linguistics +2 (1 rank, +1 INT)
Perception +17 (5 ranks, -1 WIS, +2 racial, +3 curse, +3 class skill, +5 competence)
Spellcraft +8 (3 ranks, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Use Magic Device +9 (5 ranks, +1 INT, +3 class skill)

Armor check penalty: -2
~ denotes ACP-affected skill


Common, Kelesh, Elven, Aklo, lip reading

Racial Characteristics:

Elven Immunities: immune to sleep effects, +2 on saves v. enchantment
Dual Minded: +2 to Will saves
Keen Senses: +2 to Perception checks
Low-light Vision: can see twice as far as humans in dim light
Elf Blood: count as both human and elf
Fey Thoughts: Perception and Use Magic Device as class skills
Favored Class Bonus (elf): add 1/2 to oracle level for effects of one revelation (taken nine times for Many Forms revelation)

Special Abilities:

Archetype: Dual-Cursed

Oracle Mystery: Dark Tapestry

Many Forms: as standard action, assume form of Small or Medium humanoid, animal, or magical beast (as per alter self, beast shape iii) for 13 minutes/day usable in 1-minute increments
Pierce The Veil: darkvision 60 feet, at level 11 can see through deeper darkness
Wings of Darkness: as swift action, manifest wings; 60 feet fly speed, good maneuverability, 9 minutes/day usable in 1-minute increments
Misfortune: as immediate action, force reroll of any one d20 before results are revealed, once per day per creature

Deafness Curse:
Drawbacks: -2 penalty to initiative, automatically fail sound-based Perception checks, -4 penalty to opposed Perception checks
Benefits: all spells cast with Silent Spell (no increase in level or casting time), +3 to Perception checks not requiring hearing

Wolf-scarred Face Curse:
Drawbacks: 20% chance to mis-cast spells with verbal components good thing I'm always casting with Silent, severe speech impediment
Benefits: bite attack, 1d4 damage


Light load maximum: 58 lb
Medium load maximum: 116 lb
Heavy load maximum: 175 lb
Lift off ground maximum: 350 lb
Drag maximum: 875 lb

Current weight carried: 44 lb

Money: 5 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Item (cost) (weight)
+2 headband of Charisma (4000) (1 lb)
+2 belt of Dexterity (4000) (1 lb)
+2 elven chain armor (9150) (20 lb)
Sustaining spoon (5400) (-*)
Automatice slate (2000) (1 lb*)
Infinite spice shaker (2000) (1 lb*)
+1 longspear (2305) (5 lb)
Wand of infernal healing 50 charges (750) (-)
Cloak of resistance +2 (4000) (1 lb)
Ring of protection +1 (2000) (-)
Bag of holding type I (2500) (15 lb)
Robe of components (5000) (1 lb)
Eyes of the eagle (2500) (-)
Traveler's any-tool (250) (2 lb*)
Alchemist fire x7 (140) (7 lb*)

(* - in bag of holding)

Custom items:

Automatic slate
The dark color of this slate seems almost to scintillate of its own accord. As a standard action, the user can compose a sentence or phrase of no more than ten words, gesture at the slate, and cause the sentence to appear on the slate as if the user had written it herself, using her own languages and communication ability and appearing in her own handwriting.

Infinite spice shaker
This small spice shaker is carved from a dark-colored wood. When shaken over any food, this item cools, warms, or re-flavors that food to the user's preference, as per prestidigitation.