Male Human Unchained Rogue 1
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +6;
Senses Perception +5
Init = Dex + Trait
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 armor, +5 dex, +0 shield)
hp 10
Fort +1,
Ref +7,
Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Short Sword(Weapon Cord) Main hand +5 (1d6 /19-20 x2)
Short Sword(Weapon Cord) Off Hand +5 (1d6 /19-20 x2)
Full Attack +3/+3
Once per day 1 attack of opportunity gains +2 to attack from trait
Short Bow +5 (1d6 /x3)
Str 12 (+1), Dex 20 (+5), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 10 (+0)
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD +16
[Feats Two Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot
Skills ( 10 points; 8 class, 1 INT, 1 Racial): Class Bonuses: +1 Sense Motive, ½ class lvl (min 1) to PERCEPTION FOR TRAPS and DISABLE DEVICE
*Acrobatics: 9 (Ranks:1, Dex: 5, Class Skill: 3)
*Climb: 5 (Ranks 1, Str 1, Class Skill: 3)
*Disable Device: 10 (Ranks 1, Dex: 5, Class Skill: 3, Trapfinding: 1,)
*Escape Artist: 9 (Ranks: 1, Dex: 5, Class Skill: 3)
Knowledge Local: 5 (Ranks 1, Int 1 Class Skill 3)
Perception/Traps: 5 (Ranks: 1, Wis: 1, Class Skill 3)/ 6: (Ranks 1, Wis 1, Class Skill: 3, Trapfinding: 1,)
Sense Motive: 6 (Ranks:1, Wis:1, Class skill: 3, Class Bonus 1)
*Sleight of Hand: 9 (Ranks 1, Dex: 5, Class Skill: 3)
*Stealth: 9 (Ranks: 1, Dex: 5, Class Skill: 3)
*Swim: 5 (Ranks 1, Str: 1, Class Skill: 3)
ACP -0
*ACP applies to these skills
Languages Common