Heralding the Coming of the Age of Worms (Inactive)

Game Master Fanguar


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Shadow Lodge

I would like to submit Padarn, half orc invulnerable rager barbarian. Will work on crunch and post an alias later.

Character Background:

1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.

Padarn is tall even for a half orc. He hates his job as a miner and fell trapped inside the low ceiling mines, he dreams of open plains and starting a farm. But being poor, of tainted blood and an orphan he dont see any other alternative to make a living and raise his younger brothers other than work the mines as his parents did. He is a good natured fellow who has lot of rage bottled up inside.

2: Do they have any family?

Yes, 2 brothers and 2 sisters, all younger than he.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.

In RL I work as a photographer, a couple of mouths ago I went to a very old mine here in South America with a journalism crew to do a piece on the miners that worked there. After spending 4 hours inside the mine on a "tour" taking pictures and doing interviews I can honestly say that I went to hell and came back to tell the tale. I swore that I would never set my foot inside a mine again.

The reason Padarn wants to become an adventurer? Because on his previous job he used to be a miner.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP

The original APs published on Dragon are what made Paizo what Paizo is today. They were the cornerstone on which the publisher build this reputation.

Since hearing about Pathfinder I have always wanted to play the original dragon magazine APs. But I dont see this happening on any of my RL parties, my friends only want to play the new stuff. So I would love to play this one on pbp.

I would like to know if I can have boon companion.

I would like to submit Harold Wainright, a LN Half-Elf Paladin of St Cuthbert, for consideration :-)

1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.
Harold is tall and muscular, with short-cropped black hair. He is usually clean-shave, and typically goes around in a well-worn, but immaculately maintained, chain shirt. His skin is quite tanned, and he is usually surrounded by a faint earthy aroma.

Harold is generally quiet, but is by no means shy - he simply believes that one should not speak unless one has something useful to say. When he does speak, his comments tend to brief, and to the point. He believes in honest hard work as being the only way to ever achieve anything lasting, and tries to live up to that ideal in his day to day life.

2: Do they have any family?
Harold does not know either of his biological parents; however, he was raised by a pair of middle-aged Dwarves, who maintain a smithy in Diamond Lake. Childless, but wanting a child of their own, they took him in almost three decades ago, when they found him rooting through the rubbish behind their forge.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.
Harold grew-up hearing his adoptive father spin yarns of the 'good old days', back before he settled down, when he wandered across the countryside, having grand adventures. Still quite youthful, and, to a certain extent, quite impulsive, Harold hopes that if he can have his own adventures, it will temper his restlessness, and let him, too, settle down.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP?
Years ago, I participated heavily in 'Living Greyhawk', but after that campaign wrapped-up, I have never had an opportunity to revisit that campaign world - this would be a fantastic opportunity to do so :-)

Full crunch is available via his profile :-)

I'm having trouble finding out much about Diamond Lake online, can you give some details about the local temple? I think it might be a temple of Durann, but I'm not entirely sure the source is referring to Greyhawk.

Age of Worms... in Greyhawk? Definitely interested. Working on a human (Suel heritage) rogue and will have everything posted later today.

Working on my Drunken Brute dwarf barbarian - will have him up later tonight...

@Mr. Swagger: Boon companion will probably be fine, but I reserve the right to ask you to change it, if I deem it too overpowered at some later point.

@Byden: The local temple in town is dedicated to St. Cuthbert and the Garrison has a chapel to Heronious.

For those who want a bit more info on Diamond lake, there is a pretty good synopsis HERE. There are a few discrepancies, i.e. Olennyha=Heronious and Durann=St. Cuthbert, but it's mostly accurate.

Ah, excellent thank you kindly. I'm finding having a Cleric of Pholtus in Diamon Lake a bit of a stretch, and think I will revert to one of the local religions so I can tie my backstory to Diamond Lake.

Submissions (Complete or Promised) so far:

Bilbo Bang-Bang's Fighter(Dragoon)
Aroach's Fighter
Varial - Human Ranger
Black Dow's Dwarf Barbarian (Drunken Brute)
Pravo Baradin - Human Fighter
Talia - Human Ranger
Padarn - Half-Orc Barbarian(Invulnerable Rager)
Harold Wainright - Half-Elf Paladin of St Cuthbert

Dax - Halfling Wizard
Angeus - Human Sorcerer
Istvan Masterson - Human Wizard(elemental earth)

Kiley Sherrow - Oracle(Battle)
Ramos the Herald - Cleric of Ralishaz
Parnell Grunt - Human Druid(Dragon Shaman)
Byden's Cleric of Something

Skill Monkey
Solrina - Bard(Dervish Dancer)
Haldhin's Rogue of some sort

Expressed interest
Mr. Swagger

If I've missed anyone, please let me know.

It won't be overpowering. I am taking the velociorapter when I get to level 4. I have played with the tiger already, which is really good in open space, but has trouble fitting in some dungeons. It had a really good grapple, and won a few fights for me. This time I decided to for an animal that can be used more consistently instead of one that can't always be used, but is really good when it is used.

I will be going with a cleric.

I present to you, Jahrod Farthoon. There's still a few minor details that need polishing, but enough of the picture should be there for your consideration.


1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.
Being smaller than most of the workers in the mines, Jahrod relies on his reflexes and agility to get the job done. As a way of proving his worth, he's willing to take on hazardous tasks that make use of his skills. He is also reluctant to show fear, keeping up an upbeat facade, even in the face of life-threaten danger.

2: Do they have any family?
No. His father and older brother were recently killed in mining accidents.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.
Being a miner, it's only a matter of time before serious injury or death occurs. This was driven home by the death of his father and sibling. Jahrod would rather not tempt fate further by working there any longer than he has to.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP?
Paizo has published some fantastic APs. While the Shackled City never really grabbed me, Age of Worms was the first one that made me say "I want to play in that campaign!" I couldn't help but read through Savage Tide like a novel when it first appeared in Dungeon magazine. I've never had the group to play any of the APs IRL, so this would be my opportunity to enjoy one of the originals.

Black Dow's submission for your delectations. Still have gear and background to flesh out, but am interested in what everyone thinks...


1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.

Sverrir is a wayward son, a lost member of the clan. Nicknamed "Koltǫnn the Lesser" and "Kegbane" by patronising locals of Diamond Lake, he is both short for a dwur and carries the scars, tattoos and tools of a life wasted. The young dwarf who was once a promising son of a mining magnate has lost his veneer of culture and proud history. Sverrir veers between melacholy pity and anger at himself, his dead brother and the gods themselves for his ill fortune.

2: Do they have any family?
Once aye, but no longer. His mother died giving birth to him, his father passed some 10 years ago and older brother took his own life in shame for the lost fortune and prestige of their family name and father's mines.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.
Sverrir is a former miner, son of a miner and entrepreneur. He blames himself ill fated from birth; accursed and forsaken by the gods. So he hides in cups and the haze of alchohol... but knows he can be more, should be and perhaps a chance at redemption... for himself and his name.

Tell me why you want to play this particular AP?

As a long time gamer, Greyhawk was a familiar place of imagination and adventure for such a long time. To return there, and as a player to boot, is an opportunity too tempting to ignore. More specifically Age of Worms was the first series of adventures to become an AP in my eyes, and opened them to a new version of a beloved game. In short I'd love tae play! :)

Okay so I could not seem to find anthing in Diamond Lake that spoke to me for a Cleric... So I present Lanriel Moonmeadow, embittered, self loathing, elven Wizard banished from Celene and then his Uncles estate - the owner of the silver mine.

Still need to work on the crunch, but he's going to be an evoker of some stripe.

Lanriel Moonmeadow was an arrogant young elven lordling, a distant cousin of Queen Yolande herself, graceful strong and handsome his arrogance was well marinated. Then when hunting with a group of his peers he spied a lone orc and called for it to become their quarry. When the elven lordlings surrounded their prey Lanriel taunted the creature, told it he might live if he begged, but that he must be punished for bringing his foul presence into Celenian territory.

The orc laughed and replied in perfect, if gravelly, elven, “That sounds very fair elf boy, but tell me have you ever heard of the golden rule?”

“Silence you insolent beast! Do not defile our fair tongue with...”

“Do unto others elf,” the orc snarled gesturing dramatically and filling the world with fire. Lanriel's companions melted before his eyes. And by the time Lanriel turned back to his foe a finger was trained upon him and he found himself utterly incapable of movement. Laughing the orc stalked forward pulling a long stone knife from within its robes and slapping the blade against a meaty palm.

“You may live – if you beg. But you must be punished, for subjecting me to your foul presence. Have no fear I have ways of making a lesson permanent that even the greatest of god bothering sycophants will be unable to counter. I am going to break you, you arrogant pointy eared piece of excrement. Then he raised up the knife.

Lanriel was tortured for seven days. His limbs were broken and given time to heal, magic invaded his mind and he was forced to flay his own flesh while his tormentor slept, and dark magics sapped his strength as agony danced through his being. For all his pride he was begging within minutes, and desperately repeating the terrible things the orc made him say. Finally the orc bound him carefully and broke his limbs. Each twisted limb was lashed into place horribly twisted, and then the orc forced him to drink healing potion. Then the orc left him.

He was found hours after his release. After, and despite the attentions of the finest clerics and healers, the graceful youth was gone, in his place a gaunt grave figure with drawn sunken eyes. He could walk again, but each step was awkward, his legs no longer quite the same length. Old dreams of joining the Hippogriff cavalry and winning fame in battle dried and disintegrated. He had learned that no blade was proof against magic, and so set to learning the arcane arts with a feverish intensity.

He found himself taken by sudden rages, and often overcome by a self pity that stole away his purpose. He raged at his tutors in the arts, alienated his family, and terrified the servants. Then things came to a head when the brother of one of his old melted friends confronted him asking how his sibling died. Lanriel simply gestured and said,

“Like this! Scorchas!” sending a torrent of flame roiling forth from his fingertips.

After that and the calling in of a number of favours by his parents Lanriel was banished from Celene for a century. With no real idea where to go Lanriel obeyed his parents wishes and travelled to the distant mining community of Diamond Lake where his Uncle Ellival owned a silver mine.

In Diamond Lake Lanriel found he cared little for the pathetic semblance of Celene that his Uncle had constructed. Instead it was the bleak and savage town itself which appealed to the broken elf. He began to venture out more and more, spending a great deal of time first in Lazare's playing Dragon Chess, then making trips to the Feral Dog, and the Emporium. When Ellival displayed his anger over such antics Lanriel left his house and moved into Jalek's Jalek's.
Now the elven mage finds himself devoid of coin, purpose, and anything convenient to vent his spleen upon. Self pity will not pay for whores, lodging, or ink, and mining hardly appeals..

The profile is the character sheet for Pavo, though it is not complete. Below is the character info and answers requested. For a more complete background, please the see the character bio on the sheet.

1: Pavo is slim, dexterous and some what of a risk taker. The morals he was raised with put personal freedom over civic duty. Though he carries the last name Alazario, that is not his true family name and when asked, he simply responds that he chose the name because "it sounds adventurous".

2: Though he is the son of a destitute miner, he calls his family the "staff" of the Diamond Lake Emporium. Among them is Hazrum, the announcer who treats Pavo like a son and the man's wife, Janice, who has always acted as Pavo's moral compass and compassionate motherly figure.

3: Though he has led a good, if meager life in the Emporium, the thrills of the exotic environment have become boring in some regard, Pavo is looking for any excuse to leave Diamond Lake and find adventure.

I have wanted to play through this adventure path for quite some time. I was previously in a game that died out before the first encounter and I am hoping to find a a DM and group that is anxious to see it through to the end.

Grand Lodge

Submitting Eugeni Serius, Paladin. He was originally made for a different PBP but has not been used. If accepted I will obviously adjust accordingly to fit the Greyhawk campaign setting, the character creation outline of the GM and continue fleshing out.

(For an example of typical level of fleshing out for an accepted character, see Ventar.)

Seems like an awesome AP and I would love to play this through with an involved GM and players :)

Okay, rewrite number two is coming up. Similar concept different focus.

This also means I'm rebuilding the character a little. Sorry about that GM Fangaur.

Are alternate racial traits okay? I would like to take the dreamspeaker elven alternate because its so darn nifty :) Gives up the elven immunity to sleep and the +2 to saves vs enchantment for +1 to divination and sleep spell dcs and the ability to cast dream as a spell-like ability if you have a charisma of 15 or more. I don't think dream would come in very useful, but it could be fun, and it allows me to have an elf who sleeps and has nightmares as a result of the tirture he suffered, which I like.

Definitely interested.

Here's what I have for backstory, will have to do mechanics later.

Valephon killed his mother. Rather, she died in childbirth, but his father never spoke of her death in any other way. Raskaris, like all grugach, dwelled in feral harmony in the thicketed forests that sheltered his tribe from the depravities of outsiders. Raskaris was a hunter and occasionally a bandit. No foreigner could set foot within his wood without getting an arrow in the eye for his trouble.

Vespin Garinswallow, an adventurer, and his band of miscreants ignored the danger and intruded upon Raskaris's wood, intent on plundering a dungeon located there by their ancient map. Raskaris and the other grugach took exception to this, and slew them all -- all, except Nahlra.

With her high cheekbones and voluptuous features, Nalhra was quite the buxom beauty. Raskaris was instantly smitten with her. He petitioned the tribal elders to spare her life, and courted her every day as she slaved away in bondage to elder Iukoma. Seasons passed, and Nalhra eventually accepted Raskaris as her mate. Soon, she was with child.

There were no ill omens the night of Valephon's birth. No storms, no alignment of evil stars, no sightings of the death moth. His birth was not especially diffult either, but his father could scarcely recognize the child the shaman threw into his arms. Tusked, yellow-eyed, and green-skinned, the child was obviously orcish. Raskaris was stunned and enraged.

Shoving past the shaman, he entered the spirit house to confront his unfaithful wife. Exhausted from the ordeal, she could barely speak, and she wispered the truth of her heritage into his ear. Her dieing words had barely passed her lips when her last breath came quietly hissing on thier heels.

Once again, Raskaris stood in front of the elders. This time, they denied his petition and condemned his infant son to death. No orc would ever live amongst the grugach. Raskaris defied them, and sought to flee with the baby. They caught him and cut off his ears. Resourceful to the last, Raskaris managed to escape into exile.

Diamond Lake, with its filthy mine and corrupt officials, is no one's dream home. Still, out of options and with a starving newborn, Raskaris settled there. His features were fair enough to pass for human, even with his short stature.

Raskaris grew through a childhood of harsh beatings, cruel lectures, and endless guilt. He was blamed for taking away everything his father ever loved and driving him from his home. His father would sometimes teach him to shoot in between the beatings, and Valeph studied archery with a passion.

I flipped... and went off the deep end.

I figure this is going to be combat heavy sorta, it's going to be difficult enough on the DM without me creating several Constructs (NPCs) to manage on the battle map.

Marcus the Librarian (Lore Warden) will be presented instead. He is a formidable combatant and will be a knowledge/skill monkey as he develops.

Solrina is more than a skill monkey... she is a martial archetype for a skill monkey class but I can see why you put her there (int of 16 so 6+3=9 skill points plus the free profession rank)

1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.

The character herself specifically: Her openness, or having the all the subtlety and tact of a sledge to the face depending on who you ask. If she doesn't like you, you'll know it.

As a whole: The spirits are as much characters as Kiley herself. I've never played an oracle before and I wanted to try something with the haunted curse. Basically, the voices all yammer and try and help her when the crap hits the fan. To keep the posts short, especially in combat, I'll limit them to a sentence or two.

2: Do they have any family?

Not as far as she's aware. If she does, hey either don't care to claim here, or are a long way away.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.

Mainly to get away from the tavern owner who "raised" her. There's also the nightwalkers who constantly belittle her for her, ahem, maturity. Really, the only person she'd miss is the craftsman that taught her how to make bows, armor, and her weapons.

Kiley had no idea why the elf took her in. Perhaps it was one a whim, or she wanted to groom a lieutenant.

How unfortunate for her that she picked Kiley Sherrow before her mother's body was even cool. She lacked the curvaceous figure that brought in the patrons. Her stomach turned at the thought of "servicing" the patrons of the house. She was outspoken, blunt, and worst of all, honest. She wanted to be a weapons smith and armorer, finding the ring of hammer to iron soothing. Purple Prose, as the elf styled herself, felt that these weren't qualities that were becoming of one that she'd chosen to be her right-hand and tried to squash them out of the young girl, even to the point of having her workers ridicule her in hopes of breaking her through demoralization. Kiley proved remarkably resistant to that tactic and even turned it around, publicly humiliating one of the girls after receiving a vicious verbal jab from her.

That was the last straw for Purple Prose, so out Kiley went. Out onto the streets, and under the tutelage of Venelle. Seeing the potential in her, the ranger taught her bow making and how to use them. She learned how to craft armor from Manlin Osgood and how to forge weapons from Tyrol Ebberly. She was remarkable quick on the uptake and had crafted a glaive and several daggers as she learned. The daggers she sold to buy her own tools for weapon crafting.

What no one knows is that Kiley is haunted. Spirits of long dead warriors are always around her, and strange things seem to happen to her. Breezes blowing indoors. Things inexplicably landing several feet away. Strange whispering sounds and the like seem to follow her. Most of the townsfolk never noticed, and neither did Kiley, until the voices started. She'd always felt easier when around the forge or workbench, but after the voices started, it was the only time she had any peace.

Now, though, Now they whisper to her that adventure is just a short journey away. Almost begging her to leave town and have a few songs written about her. To get away from the spiteful wenches at the Midnight Salute. Lately, much to her shock, she's found herself agreeing with them.

Kiley is an easy-going person most of the time. She is blunt and honest, but has a way of making most people liking her anyway. She prefers to work with her hands and practices with her bow when there's nothing else to do, even listening to the one of the voices that haunt her for tips and advice. She has found herself liking the three weapon and armor smiths in town, so much so that helping them out when she can is the only reason she stays in town.

Kiley stands at 5' 2" and weighs in at a little over 100 lbs. She wears simple clothing that's a little big on her, and only emphasizes her small size and hides what little curvature she does have. Her brown hair is kept in a simple ponytail that ends a quarter of the way down her back. She has dark brown eyes and a freckled face that finds smiling easy and frowning hard. Needless to say, her lack of filling out and her boyish face have many in town wondering if she doesn't have a little elf in her somewhere.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP

Almost missed this part. Main reason I want to play in this one is I've never played any of the Dungeon APs, and I'm curious about this one because I have seen a couple of games of this AP going on the boards. Beyond that, I started playing April 2011, so never got into Greyhawk and the other DnD settings.

I'll have an updated sheet in a moment.

Quite often, the quill is mightier that the sword.

For those other times, a strong arm and a Fauchard will do quite nicely.

-Markus the Librarian
circa "The Age of Worms"

Background done. Crunch, and complete character coming tomorrow.

I believe Lanriel is completed, I have included answers to all the questions posed in his profile under spoiler tabs. Please let me know if I have missed anything or made any mistakes, and whether or not the alternate racial trait is permissable :)

gods it's hard not applying, I've wanted to get in on an age of worms game for a long, long time...


If there's any openings, I have a dwarven cleric I would like to submit.

Damn this is gonna be a tough line-up to break into!

Some great concepts, characters and players kicking around here :)

Brother Cobb of the Church of Saint Cuthbert, for your consideration--please click my profile pic for the answers to your questions and his background, as well as character statistics.

This would be my first time in a PBP game, so I’d make every effort to fit in smoothly. I hope you can find room for me.

Are we restricted to spells in the CRB and the APG?

I could not find my deity's(Trithereon's) favored weapon either.

He has a spear, and a sword(type unnamed) in the article so I am assuming it is one of these. If my input matters I would take a longsword. :)

If you don't want to choose a weapon I can try to choose another deity. I have the animal and liberation domains. The basic idea of my character is that he believes people should have freedom, and communities should be protected. He also believes in having a close connection to nature, but he is not the anti-city type so I don't know which other deity would fit.

Herolab is not cooperating but I all I had to do was pick equipment when it stop working.

The Exchange

How about this one. He has urban and wilderness priests.


(A Greyhawk Lover)

Found a list of Greyhawk favorite weapons, HERE which lists Trithereon's as the spear.

1: Tell me the defining characteristics of your character.

>>>>> Markus loves to read and is driven to acquire and preserve knowledge. Although he is not spectacularly intelligent himself, he is scholastic. Ethically, he values life, freedom and beauty in that order. Open minded and loyal, he makes for a god travel companion.. though he can be aloof and stoic at times.

2: Do they have any family?

>>>>> Growing up as the middle child of a miner, he didn't get much attention... and what he did get was typically bad. Although a strong lad, he never followed in the family "mining" tradition. His parents, brother and sister make an honest living in Diamond Lake. They live communally in a large (accommodates everyone) but modest home.

3: Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer.

>>>>> Markus feels that his father and brother will never escape the sentence of hard labor (being miners). His father's health is diminishing with age... Markus wishes to find some way to make some money and send it home, so that his family could be more comfortable in Diamond Lake or move away to a nicer place.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP

>>>>> I never played this AP, never read it or even heard of it until this call for submissions. Hope that's not bad. So, I feel everything will be fresh and a surprise. Also, I like the "combat magic" style you play in a campaign we share as players. If you allow that style as DM, this should be awesome.

Markus may dip into Rogue or Ranger to expand his skillset as time goes on, but only for 2-4 levels.

I tried to create a rogue, but I kept coming back to the small Chapel of Heironeous in Diamond Lake. So here is Khyrn Lossen, Cleric of Heironeous.

Character Details:
Male Human Cleric 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash -2 (1d4+2/20/x2) and
Battleaxe +2 (1d8+2/20/x3) and
Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
Gauntlet (from Armor) +2 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Ranged Sling +0 (1d4+2/20/x2)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1, 2 melee touch, 0 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Magic Weapon (DC 15)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Channel Smite, Improved Initiative
Traits Deft Dodger
Skills Acrobatics -6, Climb -4, Craft (Blacksmith) +4, Escape Artist -6, Fly -6, Heal +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Ride -6, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +6, Stealth -6, Swim -4
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic
SQ Aura (Ex), Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su), Cleric Domain: Heroism, Cleric Domain: Tactics, Seize the Initiative (7/day) (Su), Spontaneous Casting, Touch of Glory (7/day) (Sp)
Combat Gear Battleaxe, Dagger, Scale Mail, Shield, Heavy Wooden, Sling;
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Channel Smite Channel energy can be delivered through a Smite attack.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric Domain: Heroism Associated Domain: Glory
Cleric Domain: Tactics Associated Domain: War
Seize the Initiative (7/day) (Su) An ally within 30' may take the better of 2d20 for initiative
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Touch of Glory (7/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to a CHA-based skill or ability check.

I have selected the battleaxe for the favored weapon of Heironeous. The longsword is a recent addition to the Greyhawk canon, and I see Khyrn as favoring the traditional weaponry of Heironeous instead of the new more liberal interpretation.

Brief Background:
Khyrn Lossen was born and raised in Diamond Lake by his parents, Ardan and Lithia. Khyrn first enlisted in the Diamond Lake Greyhawk Militia, but after several unfulfilling years of drills, drills, and more drills, he joined the Church of Heironeous as a Priest Militant, the secular guards of the faith. During this time, he discovered a capacity for understanding divine magic, and he became a fully ordained brother in the church.

I am working on a finished background and should have it posted tomorrow.

Defining Characteristics
Throughout his life, Khyrn has demonstrated a capacity for persistence and determination, as well as a tendency to fully concentrate on the task at hand. Since attaining his standing in the church, Khyrn has begun to understand the concepts of leadership in the face of tyranny, as well as how his faith in Heironeous can in and of itself be an inspiration to the less fortunate or those living under the fist of oppression.

Family in Diamond Lake
Khyrn’s parents are Arden and Lithia Lossen, and they have both lived in Diamond Lake for their entire lives. He also has older identical twin brothers, Dreyn and Foell. Arden, Dreyn, and Foell are all blacksmiths who work for Manlin Osgood at the village smithy. Lithia is a locally famous chef at the Rusty Bucket.

Why does Khyrn want to leave Diamond Lake?
After the death of the previous high priest in Diamond Lake, and the relatively recent arrival of the new High Justice, Khyrn has started wondering about the wisdom of the messages given to the flock. While he cannot point to any specific problem with what the High Justice says or does, Khyrn has started having an uneasy feeling about the direction of the small chapel in Diamond Lake. But with his background in the church and the militia, Khyrn has started considering a transfer to another location, or simply taking the road out of town to see where it leads.

Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP.
The main reason I am interested in playing this AP is for the opportunity for one of my characters to stand against one of the most mysterious forces of evil in Greyhawk canon. From what I understand, the story in this campaign is really one in which the fate of the world hangs in the balance, and I am excited about joining other like-minded players in order to create a diverse and resourceful party dedicated to defeating Kyuss and his minions.

French Wolf wrote:

How about this one. He has urban and wilderness priests.


(A Greyhawk Lover)

I think that will work also if the GM does not like the other Deity.

Haldhin I think a cleric of Heironeous would also be nice to have. If the GM picks both of us the party can have two clerics, and my character not exactly following protocol can make for good RP.

PS:Don't worry I won't be making tactically inept decisions, and trying to play it off as "but its my character".

Herolab is working again so I should have the character up soon.

I have another question, hopefully the last one. How do you handle casting and shields. RAW a cleric can't cast if he is using a weapon and a shield because he has no free hands. Some GM's turn a blind or or they say the weapon is held by the shield arm, and switched back to the weapon arm after the casting is done.

There is also a holy tattoo in the Ultimate Equipment guide that functions as a holy symbol. I can't afford it right now though.

I am mainly asking so I know whether or not to keep my shield or just go for a buckler.


Garish the Cleric
Male Dwarf Cleric 1
NG Medium Humanoid (dwarf)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision; Perception +10
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash -1 (1d4+3/x2) and
. . Dagger +3 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Morningstar +3 (1d8+3/x2)
Ranged Crossbow, Light +1 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1, 3 melee touch, 1 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Remove Fear (DC 15), Shield of Faith (DC 15), Bless
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Stabilize
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Steel Soul
Traits Eyes and Ears of the City
Skills Acrobatics -5, Climb -3, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Heal +8, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +10, Profession (farmer) +8, Ride -5, Spellcraft +6, Stealth -5, Swim -3
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc
SQ Aura, Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (2/day) (DC 9), Cleric Domain: Feather, Cleric Domain: Liberation, Eyes of the Hawk (+1 Perception / +2 Init.), Greed, Hardy +2 Poison/+4 Spells or Spell-like Effects, Hatred +1, Liberation (1 rounds/day), Slow and Steady, Spontaneous Casting, Stability +4, Stonecunning +2
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (30), Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Morningstar, Scale Mail, Shield, Heavy Wooden; Other Gear Backpack (empty), Grappling hook, Holy symbol, wooden (Trithereon), Holy symbol, wooden (Trithereon), Ink (1 oz. vial, black), Inkpen, Paper (sheet) (10), Pouch, belt (empty), Rations, trail (per day) (4), Rope, silk (50 ft.), String (50') (2), Waterskin
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (2/day) (DC 9) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Cleric Domain: Feather Associated Domain: Animal

Add Fly to your list of class skills. In addition, whenever you cast a spell that grants you a fly speed, your maneuverability increases by one step (up to perfect).
Cleric Domain: Liberation Granted Powers: You are a spirit of freedom and a staunch foe against all who would enslave and oppress.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Eyes of the Hawk (+1 Perception / +2 Init.) (Su) +1 Perception, +2 Initiative during a surprise round.
Greed +2 to Appraise checks to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hardy +2 Poison/+4 Spells or Spell-like Effects Gain a racial bonus to saves vs Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
Liberation (1 rounds/day) (Su) Act as if you had freedom of movement for 1 rounds/day.
Slow and Steady Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Stability +4 Gain bonus to CMD vs bull rush/trip while standing on ground.
Steel Soul Hardy's save vs. spells and spell-like abilities becomes +4
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.

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I will be using an avatar from an older game to avoid adding another alias. The character is brand new however.
Garish “Bones” Boulderdash is a relatively young dwarf eager to see the world or at least something beside Diamond Lake. His father is a fighter/cleric(Vergadain, deity of wealth and luck) who hires himself out as a mercenary, and he has not been seen in over 5 years. His mother no stranger to adventure herself stayed home to watch over Garish. In order to keep himself busy he often volunteered to help the city watch as a volunteer. In return he gained some training with weapons. When he was not training he was often reading a book or at the local temple of St. Cuthbert. Strangely enough he is not a follower of St.Cuthbert, even though he greatly respects him.

About 2 years ago a caravan was passing through the town. Garish overheard some of the men who were staying at a local in making fun of Heironeous, calling him and his clergy “uptight and rigid”. Never one to be afraid to ask a question he interrupted the men and asked them why risk trouble knowing that the townspeople may be offended. They explained that while Heironeous has good intentions order is not always as good as chaos, and sometimes one must be just as underhanded as the enemy. What is most important is that evil is stopped, and liberties are upheld. Their god, Trithereon, also wants oppression and evil to be stopped, but he won't handcuff you while asking you to do it. After the long discussion they handed him a book, and told him to read it. One thing Garish(Bones) noticed was that there was no standard practices that the religion as a whole had to go by. Within the religion were several churches. What mattered was that they each worked toward the same goal.

Something in the book opened Garish's(Bones) eyes. He began look at Diamond Lake differently than he did before. All of the violence, people working in the mines just to get by. He went to both of the town's churches for help, but he was sent away by people using words like principle, and protocol. It seemed that everyone he asked was either unwilling or unable to make any changes, so he decided to start his own church of Trithereon. Not many people were able to donate, but his mother did thinking it was youthful exuberance more than anything else. She also figured that he would stop talking to her about the issue, at least for a while, if he was occupied. He took the money, and started his own farm. Using the money from the farm he was able to save up a good deal of money, at first, but two bad seasons almost wiped him out. His efforts were not in vain however. Trithereon smiled upon him and accepted him into his clergy officially, gifting him with divine powers. He used those to the best of his ability when he was not working, but eventually he realized that the farm would not survive the damage done during the last two seasons. Around this time rumors of undiscovered treasure in one of the Cairns reached his ears. He salvaged what he could from the farm, and use the rest of his money to buy equipment hoping that the rumors were more than just rumors. This would allow him to get his church started.

Personality: Garish always tries to do the right thing, preferably without stepping on people's toes. He is brash , and does not deal with foolish people. His “matter of fact” style of speaking often makes him come across as being mean, even when he is trying to be helpful.

Physical Description:
Garish is about 4'5 200 pounds. His eyes are coal black which disturbs some people, and he has long black hair, with a shaven his beard, which he refuses to let it grow back until he has made significant strides with regard to the city of Diamond Lake. Because he barely ate when he was trying to get his farm to not go out of business he lost a lot of weight, and many of the locals started to call him bones, since he is underweight by dwarf standards.

What I bring to the party:
I am a cleric, but not a healbot. When I do heal I plan for it to be removing status affects, but before that I will try to make sure nobody gets hurt by controlling the battlefield. I also plan on being a capable combatant. I will have a high perception, and I plan to pick up a few languages.

Why do they want to get out of Diamond lake, i.e. why give up what they have to become an adventurer. Also, tell me why you want to play this particular AP

I want to play it because it is challenging. To make it more challenging I am playing a cleric, which I have never done as player before. I know the cleric is a powerful class, but I am out of my comfort zone since I normally go with skilled type characters. It will be a big adjustment for me to change my style of play, and not die.

Good Evening GM Fanguar:

I am almost finished with Ramos mechanically. I'll be following up tommrow with a more indepth background and your questions. Have a good night!

Man, you guys definitely aren't making this easy for me. Lots of fun sounding characters. That is until they die in the first encounter. Mwahahaha.

@Lanriel Moonmeadow: Alternate racial trait is ok.

@Watcher Uatu: Yes, spells are restricted to those books. Spear would seem to be the right weapon for that deity, so you'll have to swap patrons or be an elf for the long sword proficiency.

@Mr. Swagger: I'll probably just turn a blind eye. If you want to stay within RAW, you can always take the birthmark trait.

Shadow Lodge

GM Fanguar are you OK with prestigue classes? The ones presented in Core and APG.

I have been playing around with Padarn in my head and I would like to multiclass him into sorcerer and than dragon disciple in the future.

Myself and Watch Uatu are the same person. I posted with the wrong name.

I not be going elf. I will stick with the lesser weapon. I know RP won't be that relevant, but I like my deity. :)

This is Merck's submission. In my final version of Padarn I ended up changing my inicial concept. He starts as a fighter and then picks up sorcerer at 2 lvl and dragon disciple later on. The character's story and personality are still the same.

GM Fanguar wrote:
...That is until they die in the first encounter. Mwahahaha...

Excellent idea. Take everyone, split into teams of 4 or 5, down the list tanked by your faves. During an initial mass combat scene... Creature army/mob. Last 4-6 standing continue on.

Dark Archive

I am sooo glad I found this offering. Greyhawk is my favorite setting and the idea of getting to play Pathfinder rules in it is also appealing to me.

Count me in for a Halfling sorcerer. Story and preliminary build should be up tonight. Competition looks tough already though. Best of luck to all.

Curious - Anyone here play Living Greyhawk back in the day?

My introduction to Organized Play was via LG about a month before WotC announced its imminent demise.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I did, in fact, play LG back in the day, Skorn. Dyvers represent! /gang_sign

I'm definitely interested in this path - let me work on a rogue submission, and check back.

This is Daniel.

He needs Tweaking but he's a Cleric of Imodae (Convert to Heronious) with the Glory (Heroism)subdomain and the Good (Archon) Subdomain.

He'll a buffer/Channeler shooting for Holy Vindicator Prc

If that's cool I'll adjust him to your creation guide.

@ Mr. Swagger: You can never have enough clerics. :)

@ Skorn: Gran March reporting in.

Going to have to say, your guys' enthusiasm is getting me more excited to run this thing.

@Daniel: Your Imodae to Heronious conversion works for me.

Just a reminder, I will be closing the recruitment for new submissions tomorrow, probably around midday my time. Those who have already expressed interest/have half finished submissions can still submit their finished characters after that point.

I intend to look over everything and make my selections on the weekend and expect to have the discussion thread(s) up by Monday. Odds are I'll end up running more than one group through this. So don't feel too discouraged about your chances of getting picked.

GM Fanguar wrote:
Odds are I'll end up running more than one group through this. So don't feel too discouraged about your chances of getting picked.

Oh, snap! Make this an official dot of interest. I'll be submitting a bard (archaeologist) within the next few hours.

GM Fanguar wrote:
I intend to look over everything and make my selections on the weekend and expect to have the discussion thread(s) up by Monday. Odds are I'll end up running more than one group through this. So don't feel too discouraged about your chances of getting picked.

This is great news.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK, Bronivar Guilethwimple, gnome rogue, is available for perusal. I'm looking at using the Burglar archetype, but that doesn't do anything mechanically until 4th level anyways.

Answers to questions:

Defining Characteristics:

Bronivar isn't originally from Diamond Lake. In fact, his real name isn't Bronivar. He was originally from the mean streets of Greyhawk, and fell into the most lucrative line of work a poor gnome could find: thievery. He wasn't content with simply cutting purses, though; he wanted the big payoffs that burglary could provide. He and his brother Neebular had a pretty good racket - Neebular would act as a distraction, while Bronivar was the second-story man. After their first big heist, in which he purloined a particularly valuable set of rings from a jeweler, they were contacted by the Thieves' Guild. They gave the gnomes an ultimatum - join them, or die.

They did, and for a short time, their fortunes increased. Then a deal went south - Neebular was pinched by the Watch, and the Guild refused to get him out of prison. Neebular was sent to the prison camps to begin doing hard labor for the Oligarchy. Bronivar was disillusioned by the Guild, and decided to make himself scarce. He disappeared one night, and headed east. His money only took him as far as Diamond Lake, and here he hopes to scrounge together enough money to get further away from the City.


Bronivar doesn't have any in Diamond Lake - he's told the citizenry he's originally from Dyvers, and they seem to have believed him. His brother, Neebular, still labors in Greyhawk's prison camp, but their parents are long dead.

Leaving Diamond Lake:

Bronivar never intended to settle here - this is just where he ended up when the money ran out. He's working as a cook in one of the taverns in town just to bide the time; the first sign of a big haul, he'll be on it, ready to cut his losses in this stinking town.

Why Age of Worms?:

Because I love Greyhawk. I've heard a bit about the campaign, and I love the idea of characters from humble beginnings saving the world. As great as Shackled City was, this one was where Paizo decided to go all in on Greyhawk, and bring up a bunch of awesome lore to 3.5. I'd love to actually experience this as a player!

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