Female Human

Kiley Sherrow's page

1,884 posts. Alias of AdamWarnock.

Full Name

Kiley Sherrow


HP: 21/21, NL: 0 | AC: 17/13/14, CMD: 18, Resistances: Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5 | F +4, R +9, W +2 | Per:+8 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +3 | Detect Thoughts: 1/1, Arrows: 40, Silver Arr.: 8 |


Spells: 1st: 2/2 | Status:


Female Tiefling(Rakshasa-Spawn) Slayer 2/Bard 1 (Perception DC 20 to see through her disguise)


4 feet 9 inches, 100 lbs

About Kiley Sherrow

Kiley Sherrow
Female rakshasa-spawn tiefling bard 1/slayer 2 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 23, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 21 (3 HD; 1d8+2d10)
Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +2
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +5 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . dagger +5 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . mwk greatsword +7 (2d6+4/19-20) or
. . mwk short sword +6 (1d6+3/19-20) or
. . silver short sword +5 (1d6+2/19-20)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance 6 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 12], inspire courage +1), studied target +1 (1st, move action)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 14)
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
. . 1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, vanish[APG] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus
Traits criminal, faithful artist, honeyed tongue
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +6, Climb +5, Craft (painting) +5, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +8, Disguise +10, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +2, Knowledge (engineering) +2, Knowledge (geography) +2, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (local) +2, Knowledge (nature) +2, Knowledge (nobility) +2, Knowledge (planes) +2, Knowledge (religion) +2, Perception +7, Perform (dance) +7, Perform (keyboard instruments) +6, Perform (sing) +6, Perform (string instruments) +6, Perform (wind instruments) +6, Profession (cook) +3, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Disguise, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven
SQ bardic knowledge +1, finesse weapon attack attribute, prehensile tail[ARG], slayer talent (weapon training), track +1
Combat Gear silver arrows (20); Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (40), dagger, dagger, longbow, mwk greatsword, mwk short sword, silver short sword, artisan's outfit (2), backpack, bedroll, blanket[APG], cutting board, wooden (2 lb), flint and steel, journal[UE], knife, cutting (0.5 lb), ladle (0.5 lb), mess kit[UE], painting tools, pot, scarf[UE], scarf[UE], scarf[UE], scarf[UE], scarf[UE], scarf[UE], seasonings, local (0.5 lb), silver holy symbol of Selune, skewer (1 lb), skillet[UE], soap, thieves' tools, tinder packet (0.5 lb), trail rations (5), tripod, iron (3 lb), waterskin (2), 70 gp, 15 sp, 15 cp
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 6 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Finesse Weapon Attack Attribute Finesse weapons use Strength on attack rolls.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades) Gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using weapons from the Heavy Blades group.
Phobia (Undead) You are terrified of the Undead. Make a Will Save, DC 14 for mindless undead or DC 15 + 1/2 CR for intelligent undead, or be shakened. Can attempt another save to end the effect. Failure results in the Scared condition, then the Frightened condition for 1d6 rounds.

20 Background Questions:

1. What is your character's name?
Kiley Sherrow.

2. How old is your character?
Twenty-four or there abouts.

3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)?
Kiley's short, about 4 feet 9 inches tall, and petite, at a little over 100 lbs. She has long auburn hair that's often braided and done up to keep out of the way; fair skin with freckles dusting the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and shoulders; and sapphire-like blue eyes that hold something strange yet alluring in their depths. She appears human. She wears a scarf around her head and covering her ears and another around her waist. Most of her clothing is big on her, but she manages with a combination of rolled sleeves, belts, cuffs, and tucks. She always has a blade on her, even when in town, carrying a shortsword and a dagger at the least. Around her neck is a silver holy symbol of Selune, a momento from her mother and father. She prefers clothing that has a little flash and flow to it so it'll compliment her dancing.

Some who are particularly keen of eye can tell that she isn't quite human. Her scarves hide her cat-like ears and tail, something she takes time to do every day when getting ready. (In otherwords, she takes 10 on her disguise checks to appear human.)

4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)?
Kiley's an animated speaker, using her hands and, more often than not, her arms while talking. She's a bright young woman with a silly sense of humor and a love of wordplay. She can be a little ditzy, though, often getting distracted and changing subjects as she notices things or has a thought pop into her head. She also has a tendency to fiddle with things if she can't pull out her sketchbook and draw when she isn't part of the conversation.

5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who?
Kiley has no idea where she was born. Her first memories were being in service to the Zhentarim slavers that her mother and father rescued her from when she was about ten. They were a pair of adventurers that married and settled in Waterdeep. Her mother was a wizard named Analee Sherrow and her father was a priest of Selune named Fionn Sherrow who'd served as a mercenary in his younger years. Her mother taught her to about dancing and music and her father taught her about Selune and how to defend herself when her heritage became apparent. It was a happy time, but sadly not to last.

6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living?
The man and woman who conceived and gave birth to Kiley? Who knows? Analee and Fionn Sherrow, the ones who raised Kiley? Sadly they were killed when the Zhentarim took revenge for their meddling and raided their home. Many of the thugs died, but they still killed Kiley's parents and all of their servants before they took her as a slave again when they realized how valuable she could be in a few years.

7. Do you have any other family or friends?
Shaggar, one of the few friends she's ever made in her life, having spent most of it either in chains or on her parents' estate in Waterdeep.

Melodi Sherrow, her eldest sister who moved to Baldur's Gate, but would visit Waterdeep from time to time. She's a priestess of Selune and knows of Kiley's secret, but has lept her word not to tell a soul. She liked Kiley, but she never could manage to be anything but aloof around her.

Calen Sherrow, her eldest brother who is magus that spends his time roaming about the Sword Coast and the Northlands. His heroics have lead him to many a woman's bed, and more than a few wound up with child after the experience. A fear of commitment and an utter lack of anything resembling a sense of responsibility has made it so he is never in any place for long and he avoids any place he learns is home to one of his many bastard children. He only met Kiley once or twice, and if they run into each other he's as likely as not to try wooing her before recognizing her.

Thames Sherrow, her middle brother. He is a scribe at the Great Library in Waterdeep. Always aloof, if not cold and distant, he lives for learning and cares for little else beyond his books. He's never liked Kiley that much, but Kiley still cares for him as her brother.

Blake Sherrow, her middle sister and a beautiful bard. She married a merchant's son and they've had several children since then. She started tutoring the children of Waterdhavian nobles in song and music after her youngest was weaned a few years ago. She's a sweetheart, always bright and welcoming to anyone from any walk of life unless they have earned her disdain. She loved Kiley and was hit hard by the thought that she died along with her parents and everyone else in the Sherrow Estate.

Zachery Sherrow, her youngest brother. He ran away from home at the age of fourteen and became a mercenary. After a harrowing escape from Calimport when a job went south in a very bad way, he came back to Waterdeep and reconciled with Analee and Fionn a few months before they were killed. That was the only time he and Kiley met. While he still has some of his personality from before, that of a confident, if not arrogant, swordsman and mercenary who lived a fast and furious life for thirteen years before almost losing his life in Calimport, he's become more introspective as he searches about for what he truly wants out of life. Learning of his parent's deaths only made his search more desparate in some ways. He's taken up a job as a bouncer in one of Waterdeep's many taverns to earn his keep while he figures things out.

Estella and Luna Sherrow, her youngest sisters, and twins. They are actually younger than Kiley by about six years, and were visiting with an aunt and uncle in Baldur's Gate when the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate. The deaths of their parents and most of the people they knew shattered their world and the once vibrant young girls that loved to explore and learn all of the interesting places to visit any place they went are much more somber now. They rarely leave their Aunt Sara Anne's and Uncle Zekiel's house. They got along well with Kiley, since she was the closest to them in age, and loved spending hours having punning competitions with her when they got older. They also adored Aunt Dora whenever she came to visit.

Zekiel and Sara Anne Doughtery, her closest aunt and uncle. Sara Anne was Analee's younger sister. Zekiel is a merchant with connections to Mithral Hall, Sundabar, Mirabar, Citadel Adbar, and Silverymoon. They were the aunt and uncle that Estella and Luna were visiting when the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate. After learning of the tragedy, they took in Estella and Luna, letting the twins live with them in Baldur's Gate. They loved Kiley just as much as any of their other nieces and nephews, and the news that she likely died when the Sherrow Estate burned was a blow that took a long time to recover from.

Pandora McGee (Aunt Dora to Kiley), an adventuring companion of her parents. Pandora is a charming rogue that has made it her mission to make the lives of corrupt officials and nobles and Zhentarim agents as miserable as possible. Her favored weapons are deception and humiliation, using the former to allow to use the latter. She was good friends with the Sherrows and their deaths hit her hard. She checks in with Estella, Luna, Blake, Melodi, and Zachery whenever she's in the city they live in.

8. What is your character's marital status? Kids?
Kiley is single and as far as kids go, well, let's just say that no one's claimed her first kiss yet.

9. What is your character's alignment?
Chaotic Good.

10. What is your character's moral code?
- Help those in need.
- Do the right thing, laws be damned.
- Never judge a person on their appearance. It's what they do that matters.
- Enjoy life when and while you can.
- The only good Zhentarim agent is a dead Zhentarim agent.

11. Does your character have goals?
A few.

1. Find a place that she and Shaggar can call home.
2. Locate any family she has left in Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate.
3. Destroy the Zhentarim on the Sword Coast.
4. Learn to cook the recipes she's been collecting

12. Is your character religious?
Yes, she's a follower of Selune, but she mostly worships in private due to what happens when she's exposed to moonlight. She sees practicing her artwork (sketching, drawing, and painting) as part of her worship, but if she can manage to find someplace secluded, she loves to dance under the moon and stars.

13. What are your character's personal beliefs?
- Every good deed helps, no matter how small.
- Do whatever you can to make the world a more beautiful place.
- Laws that protect the wicked from justice are inherently unjust and not worth following.
- Life's too short not to enjoy the finer things when you can.
- Anyone that willingly works for the Zhentarim is an evil, rat bastard.
- The stars are the souls of those who watch over the loved ones they left behind.
- Anyone who finds out what I really am will want to either kill me or use me. (I am aware of the inherent contradiction in there considering that her brothers and sisters, Shaggar, and the Bedine tribe that took him in knows of her inhuman heritage.)

14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)?
Oh you bet! She avoids moonlight when she thinks others are around or watching. She doesn't like to be touched unless she feels she can trust the person. She is always wary around porcelain dolls. She always likes to try new foods and drinks. She buys the most comfortable and well made clothing and gear she can afford. She rents the best room at the inn. She doesn't like to share her room and is incredibly protective of her privacy. If both she and Shaggar get in the game, she'll be singing his praises wherever they go as well as helping him adjust to the less harsh and wild places in Faerun.

15. Why does your character adventure? Why did your character accept the job?
Mostly because she has no home to return to nor many skills to offer besides singing, dancing, and playing music (whenever she can get back into practice,) none of which are likely to make any coin in Anauroch. She may like napping in warm, sunny places, but she's no fan of the desert. She doesn't have many qualms about fighting, at least not after two years in Zhentarim chains, but she'd still like to try talking things out first.

As for why she accepted this job in particular, she wants to honor her father's and mother's memory. Both were worshippers of Selune, and she feels that this is the best memorial she can give them for now. She's also hoping that by helping out, she'll stop getting suspicious glares from every Selunite who finds out she avoids moonlight when they are around.

16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer?
As far as her role in the party is concerned, Kiley sees herself as an infiltrator and skirmisher. She's relatively stealthy, though her chain shirt makes her slightly less so. She's skilled with both blade and bow, and despite her easily distracted nature, she has keen eyes. Outside of combat, her musical talents can help earn some coin at taverns and inns along the way and she's a fairly savvy diplomat when needed.

If we're talking about how she views being an adventurer, she thinks it's a good way to meet new people, see new places, and try new things. Making sure the occasional Zhentarim agent is properly dealt with is just a bonus.

17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)?
Besides the auburn-furred cat-ears and tail that she keeps hidden? Well, the markings on her ears and tail do glow white and glowing white markings cover her face, back, sides, arms, and legs when under moonlight.

And, there's also the freckles.

18. How does your character get along with others?
Pretty well, as long as they aren't part of the Zhentarim. She's friendly, but slow to trust.

19. Is there anything that your character hates?
The Zhentarim and the corrupt people that help them get away with their many crimes. Slavers and assassins of any bent, however, will draw her ire, as will those that prey on children.

20. Is there anything that your character fears?
Several things. She fears being in cages or chains. She fears people finding out what she really is. She fears failing to free those in bondage that she runs across. She fears anyone tied to her demonic ancestor learning of her. Most of all, she is terrified of the undead.


Kiley spent the first ten years of her life with no name, bound in chains, and watching the world through bars. Her first memories were of that caravan of Zhentarim smugglers and slavers running the routes from the Dalelands and the Moonsea to Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate on the Sword Coast. How she wound up being a slave to the Zhentarim and what became of her parents were things she never learned, though if the slavemaster was to be believed, her parents had sold her to them to pay off their debts. She was small, and her fingers nimble, so the caravan put her to use breaking locks, though they were careful to never let her keep the picks after she was done. How she survived those years, half-starved and constantly battered and bruised, she doesn't know. Divine providence is her only guess.

One night, near Waterdeep, the caravan was attacked. The attackers were no bandits nor orcs, but Harpers and their allies. They slew the Zhentarim and freed their captives, including Kiley. A couple in their middle years, their children already mostly grown, took her in. They adopted her and named her Kiley when they learned that she had no name. It took a long time for the couple to gain Kiley's trust, but as they showed her love and compassion, Kiley began to love them and trust them.

The couple, Analee and Fionn Sherrow, were successful adventurers in their younger years, and lived on a small estate in one of Waterdeep's more well-to-do districts. As Kiley opened up to them, they taught her how to speak, read, and write both the common trading tongue used in the northern reaches of Toril and the elven tongue when Kiley expressed an interest in it after seeing some elven writing on Analee's desk. They taught her kindness, compassion, and selflessness. As she grew older, she told them of her desire to learn of their faith in Selune, and her father began teaching her the tenets of the faith. Her mother taught her to sing, to dance, and to play music. When Kiley met the artist they hired to paint her portrait, she became so enamored with the process that she asked if he could teach her, so she learned to draw and paint as well. Knowledge and love were the gifts her parents gave her, and Kiley did her best to return their love and take their lessons to heart.

But not all of the lessons were pleasant ones. When the full moon rose on her thirteenth birthday, the thirteenth moon of the thirteenth year, she started screaming in terror and agony. She babbled in a tongue she didn't know, but somehow understood. Pain wracked her body as it changed. She grew a long tail covered in auburn and black fur from the base of her spine. Her ears became pointed and furred, like those of a cat. her canines grew into sharp, if still small, fangs. Red markings glowed on her skin and in the fur of her new tail and ears. When her parents burst into her room, she begged them for help, begged them to stop the pain, begged them to not hate her.

She sobbed as her parents held her once the ordeal was over. The markings on her skin were no longer visible, so long as she didn't step into the moonlight where they glowed white. The markins on her ears and tail remained black and easily hidden, though they too glowed under the light of the moon. While they did not know what had happened to Kiley, it had become clear to her parents that she wasn't human. Analee, Kiley's mother, was a wizard, and she studied tome after tome and consulted with her colleagues skilled in divination and contacting beings from other planes until she found the answers they sought. Meanwhile, Fionn, Kiley's father, knew that her appearance would cause others to judge her and possibly attack her to either capture her or kill her. The next day, he began to teach her all he knew about fighting so she could defend herself. Months passed and Kiley learned how to use a blade and bow well under her father's tutelage. One night, after they had supper, her mother and father sat her down to tell her what her mother had learned.

In the past, someone from her birth mother's or father's line dallied with or made a deal with a powerful succubus, Chaan'ke Khoonalhe, The Bloodied Fangs of the Moon. That act tainted the line with her essence, and now it manifested strongly in Kiley. Depictions of Chaan'ke Khoonalhe often portrayed her with the ears and tail of a cat and markings similar to the ones that appeared on Kiley's skin when under moonlight. Kiley wasn't human, but a tiefling. The revelation rocked Kiley, but her parents loved her no less, though they were more cautious about who knew of Kiley and had a friend from their adventuring days, a half-elf known as Pandora McGee, or Aunt Dora as Kiley called her, come in and teach Kiley how to hide her ears and tail. As a year passed, then two, Kiley became more easy going and relaxed, even if the her youngest sisters sometimes teased her about her tail and ears.

Sadly, the Zhentarim had not forgotten the black-eye they'd received the night Kiley had been freed. Ten years after she'd been adopted, they were finally able to learn a few of the names of the people who raided their caravan. One was out of their reach, a powerful sorcerer that had gone on to claim his family's titles, but Analee and Fionn Sherrow were much easier prey. They came in night armed to the teeth and seeking blood to repay blood. They slew some of the servants and guards hired to help protect the house and a vile necromancer raised them as foul undead monsters. Kiley woke to screams of fear and pain as flesh was torn and bones were cracked. Her mother and father fought valiantly to protect their household and their adopted daughter, but valor would not be enough this night.

One by one the Zhentarim hunted down the servants and the Sherrows, though they paid dearly for it with their own blood. Kiley watched in horror as a pack of zombies overwhelmed her mother and tore her to pieces. Her father followed moments later, a trio of spears in his belly. He fell under tooth and claw, screaming for her to run. She ran, looking for a way out, but she was the last survivor, and the Zhentarim had her cornered. She saw her doom closing in as she stood on the landing overlooking the entrance hall to the only home she'd known in her life. It seemed she would die there when the clouds parted and bathed the house in moonlight, and revealed Kiley for something other than human. The leader of the raid called off the others, telling them not to kill this one. This one would sell well.

The next two years were a nightmare manifest for Kiley. Memories of before she had been adopted came flooding back, and she never seemed to stop shaking when in a cage or bound. Worse, the necromancer was always there, tormenting her with his undead toys. He would have them bash themselves against the bars of her cell or snap and snarl as he lead her past whenever he was bored or in a foul mood. He would wax poetic about how he'd turned everyone else in the household and set them on her parents. He gloated and boasted and taunted, showing off the silver holy symbol her mother had given her and he had taken, a trophy of his victory, and a reminder that Kiley was his prize.

It was a shame that Kiley didn't get to see him wet himself when the Zhentarim were transporting her to a client on the coast of the Moonsea and they were attacked by Bedine raiders and a gnoll named Shaggar. The wagon holding her broke open when panicked horses toppled it, and Kiley was able to squeeze out. Half out of her mind, she grabbed a sword from a fallen Zhentarim caravaneer and started tearing through any of the Zhentarim she found. Fate did smile on her, though, she got to see the necromancer's look of utter terror as she launched herself at him with the tip of a longsword leading. He died screaming on the sands as she drove the point home again and again until Shaggar pulled her off the corpse.

It took weeks for Kiley to trust the the Bedine and Shaggar, though freeing the other slaves and not turning her out for how she looked did a lot to help. Slowly, she became more like herself from when her parents were still alive. She found herself curious about the Bedine, Elah, their goddess, who seemed a lot like Selune, but especially about Shaggar. What she knew of gnolls did not paint a flattering picture, and Shaggar fit almost none of it. He was polite, well-spoken, and thoughtful, if a bit blunt. Despite her skepticism, she found herself liking him and slowly opened up to him about what had happened, how she was nameless for the first dozen years of her life, her adoption, the happy times with her parents, and when the nightmares started, the two years of hell she endured. She tired to get him to open up as well, but Shaggar proved to be a tougher nut to crack than that.

Some months ago, the shaman of the tribe told of something dark growing in the west. Others of the faith were in trouble, and Shaggar volunteered to help. Kiley wasn't about to let him go out there alone and told the others she'd go too, to be Shaggar's guide in the western lands and the Sword Coast. The matter settled, the two of them set off the next day, heading to the horizon where the sun sets.


Height: 4'9" | Weight: 100 lbs. | Hair: Auburn | Eyes: Sapphire Blue

Kiley is a short, petite young woman with long, auburn hair. Her eyes are like sapphires, almost glittering in the light and glow a pale blue when she is using her ability to see in the dark. Her fair skin is dusted with freckles on the bridge of her nose, her cheeks, and her shoulders. Her cat-like ears and tail are covered in auburn fur with complex black markings that are sharp with elegant and graceful curves. She spends some time each day hiding her inhumane features. Her tail is hidden under sashes, scarves, and skirts while her ears are kept under a scarf used to help pull her hair back.

When she's exposed to moonlight, the markings on her ears and tail glow a soft white as do the ones that appear on her face, shoulders, arms, back, sides, and legs.

Outfits and Accessories
- Silver Holy Symbol of Selune
This holy symbol was a gift from Kiley's parents on her eighteenth birthday. The necromancer who tormented her for years after the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow Estate constantly taunted Kiley with it. Kiley recovered it after killing him.

- blue scarf with golden yellow embroidery and trim
- red scarf with golden yellow embroidery and trim
- forest green scarf with golden yellow trim
- white scarf with blue embroidery and trim
- black scarf with scarlet embroidery and trim
- white and green patterned keffiyah

Explorer's Outfit #1
A mishmash of clothing gifted by the Bedine that rescued Kiley and pieces scavenged from the Zhentarim caravan, this outfit isn't Kiley's first choice of dress, but it is rugged enough to handle traveling from Anauroch to the Sword Coast.
- cream shirt that has a patch on the left side just below Kiley's bustline. It's obviously too big on her with rolled up sleeves and the tail ending just above her knees.
- brown pants that are, again, too large for her. The legs are rolled up and bound using winnegas
- black winnegas
- undyed wool socks
- brown leather boots
- green bisht, gifted to her by the Bedine that rescued her from the Zhentarim.
- white and green patterned keffiyeh, gifted to her by the Bedine.
- black scarf with scarlet embroidery and trim around her waist.
- brown leather belt for her smaller blades.

Artisan's Outfit #1
This simple shirt and dress was the first outfit that Kiley acquired after leaving Anauroch with Shaggar. She never did tell Shaggar she stole it after knocking out the young woman that was trying to extort more coin from her while she was taking a bath in a town they were passing through.
- white shirt with green trim
- green dress with white trim
- black stockings
- black wool sash

Artisan's Outfit #2
This outfit was gifted to Kiley after she and Shaggar fell into a river and were both soaked through.
- green shirt
- brown pants
- green wool socks


Kiley is a kindhearted person, but finds trust hard. She'll always keep a weapon at hand, and unless pressured into it, will wait outside of places she has to give up all of her blades and her bow. She has a soft spot for children, and will happily tell stories or play with them whenever there are some around. She loves wordplay and has a whimsical sense of humor. She hates slavers, assassins, and tyrants, but most of all the Zhentarim and those that enable their operations. She does not like porcelain dolls, often keeping a wary eye on them whenever she sees them.


Analee and Fionn Sherrow (Deceased)
Analee and Fionn adopted Kiley after rescuing her from Zhentarim slavers fourteen years ago. They were killed two years ago when the Zhentarim learned they were part of that attack and raided their home, a small estate in Waterdeep. They slaughtered the Sherrow's servants and raised many of them as undead that tore them apart.

Calen Sherrow
Calen is the eldest of Analee's and Fionn's children. He studied magic under his mother after showing a talent for it, but took the path of a magus instead of that of a full wizard. He has only visited his parents a couple of times after Kiley was adopted, the visits usually ending with an argument about responsibility and duty. He doesn't know that Kiley is a tiefling, nor is he likely to recognize her since his last visit was over eight years ago. His heroics as he roams the Sword Coast and the Northlands have earned him a reputation as a dashing and more than a few invitations to young women's beds. Several of them wound up bearing a child after the experience. His lack of commitment and sense of responsibility mean he is never in one place long and he avoids places he learns he's fathered a child in.

Melodi Sherrow
Melodi is the second eldest of Analee's and Fionn's children. She became a priestess of Selune shortly before Kiley was adopted. She knows of Kiley's true heritage and has kept her word to keep the secret. Despite liking Kiley, her busy schedule and her infrequent visits have made it hard for her to be more than aloof. It's something she wanted to change, but found it harder and harder to come out of her shell around Kiley each time she visited.

Thames Sherrow
Thames is the third eldest of Analee's and Fionn's children. He is a scribe with two loves, knowledge and books. He is an aloof, if not cold, man that visited his parents rarely. He works in the Great Library in Waterdeep. While he has never cared much for Kiley, she sees him as her brother and would still like to make sure he is okay. He doesn't know about Kiley's true heritage.

Blake Sherrow
Blake is the middle child of the Sherrow siblings. She married a merchant's son several years ago and have had several young children since then. She started tutoring the children of Waterdhavian nobles about a year and a half before the Zhentarim raided the Sherrow estate. She visited her parents often and loves Kiley very much, though she doesn't know about her adopted sister's true heritage. She's a bright, welcoming person who was hit hard when she learned of her parent's death and the torching of their estate. She believes that Kiley is dead.

Zachery Sherrow
Zachery, Zac for short, is the second youngest of the Sherrow siblings after the twins Estella and Luna. He ran away from home shortly before Kiley was adopted and didn't meet her until a few months before the Zhentarim raid on the Sherrow Estate. He came back to Waterdeep and reconciled with his parents after a close call in Calimport when a job went south in a very bad way nearly cost him his life. He visited often, seeking advice and trying to sort though his emotions. During those visits he started sparring with Kiley and teaching her some of the tricks he learned. The death of his parents and the apparent death of Kiley hit him hard and made his soul searching the more desperate. He works as a bouncer in a Waterdhavian tavern while he gets himself sorted out. He doesn't know about Kiley's true heritage.

Estella and Luna Sherrow
Estella and Luna are the youngest of Analee's and Fionn's children, and were a bit of a surprise when Analee found she was pregnant. They were only four years old when Kiley was adopted, and see her as their sister more than their older siblings do. The adventurous pair were often getting themselves and Kiley into trouble as they grew up. A favorite past time of theirs when they couldn't go out because of the weather was to have punning competitions. They were visiting their aunt and uncle, Sara Anne and Zekiel Doughtery, in Baldur's Gate when the Sherrow Estate was raided by the Zhentarim. The news nearly broke them and they spend much less time exploring and finding new places. They know of Kiley's true heritage, but have kept their promise to not let anyone else know after having it impressed upon them how dangerous it could be for Kiley if other found out.

Zekiel and Sara Anne Doughtery
Zekiel and Sara Anne are the closest family the Sherrow siblings have after their parents' deaths two years ago. Sara Anne was Analee's younger sister and kept in close contact even when her older sister was busy adventuring. They took in Estella and Luna after the Zhentarim raid on the Sherrow Estate. They loved Kiley and the news that she'd likely died with her parents was particularly hard on Sara Anne. They do not know of Kiley's true heritage.

Pandora McGee (Aunt Dora to Kiley, Estella, and Luna)
Pandora was one of Analee's and Fionn's adventuring companions when they were younger. Being a half-elf, she is still young even when compared to the eldest of her friends' children. She has kept up with as many of the Sherrow siblings as she is able, though Calen is nearly impossible to nail down and Thames has made his opinions of her brutally clear. She had a grudge against the Zhentarim even before they raided the Sherrow Estate, and that has only grown in the two years since. She favors deception and humiliation to trick Zhentarim agents and their benefactors into exposing themselves, sometimes literally. She knows about Kiley's true heritage having been the messenger for Analee and Fionn after the night Kiley's changes took place.

Marked by the Moon Mechanics:

A character that has been marked by the moon has markings that glow under moonlight all over their body. These markings make Stealth Checks more difficult and can be very hard to hide. Characters wishing to hide the markings must make a Disguise Check to cover them up. The phase of the moon determines the base DC of the Disguise Check. The type of clothing a character is wearing and the material it is made of can provide bonuses or penalties to Disguise Checks made to hide the markings.

In this context, weeks are defined as the three nights before a particular phase of the moon, the night of that phase, and the three nights after that phase.

Week of the New Moon - No Disguise check needed.
Week of the First Quarter - The moon is waxing, growing brighter and fuller in the sky. DC 15 Disguise Check to hide the glowing markings whenever the marked character is exposed to moonlight. If the markings are visible, the character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth Checks against sight-based Perception Checks.
Week of the Full Moon - The moon is at its fullest and brightest. DC 20 Disguise Checks to hide the brightly glowing markings whenever the marked character is exposed to moonlight. If the markings are visible, the character takes a -5 penalty to Stealth Checks against sight-based Perception Checks.
Week of the Last Quarter - The moon is waning, growing dimmer and less full in the sky. DC 15 Disguise Check to hide the glowing markings whenever the marked character is exposed to moonlight. If the markings are visible, the character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth Checks against sight-based Perception Checks.

Disguise Check Modifiers
Thick cloth, a large cloak, outfits with full body coverage grant a +2 bonus to the Disguise Check.

Normal cloth and outfits that cover most of the body grant or impose no bonuses nor penalties to the Disguise Check.

Thin cloth (it's opaque, but thin enough to let light through or be translucent/transparent when wet) and outfits that leave some skin exposed (the forearms and the head for example) impose a -2 penalty to the Disguise Check.

Sheer cloth (translucent to transparent) and revealing outfits (sleeveless outfits, outfits that expose decolletage or midriffs, skirts or dresses that leave most of one or both legs exposed) impose a -5 penalty to the Disguise Check.