DM Hell's Fox |

Also everyone else is using lethal

DM Hell's Fox |

If you lightning bolt one who isn't already really hurt, you won't kill them, probably.

DM Hell's Fox |

No worries, Tasha, these guys are all meant to be really easy. The only real contender is the Warden, and even she isn't meant to be enough to take on all of you.
Though I may want to consider countermeasures for disarms if it's becoming a thing!

DM Hell's Fox |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello peoples, I'm here and I'll get a post up shortly. Thank you for your extreme patience

Tasha Valenti |

The dice have failed me! Also I should've probably started with trying to disarm the Warden, or something.
On the bright side, I get to be rescued again!

Aster Cobblestone |

Aster will come heal you! With her DR she can trigger all the aoo's without much worry.

DM Hell's Fox |

Despite being a very strong character, Tasha, she has too many options for 1v1 combat. If you were fully armed (and a bit luckier), it would have gone better. Alas, I think it'll be okay nonetheless.

DM Hell's Fox |

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Yep, the "terrorists" are your supporters that were captured.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

I am still not really understanding the Crack of Lightening. If there is a penalty for using ranged when I am within melee range I just did that. Because as far as I can tell that's how I get the actual lightening property. Once we have down time I probably just need to sell it and find an alternative weapon that I can finesse and use reliably.
I am using it here because I have one magic dagger and the crack is my only other magic thing. Bazzle is just assuming I need all kinds of magic to hit that thing. I got lucky either because I hit hard or Kyton's are vulnerable to lightening (I don't know).

DM Hell's Fox |

The way I envisioned it was that it was a normal +1 shocking shortspear (so it dealt an additional 1d6 lightning damage), but you could speak a command word for a special ability. The special ability was that you could throw the shortspear and it would transform into a lightning bolt, dealing pure lightning damage before reappearing in the user's hand (like a returning weapon). The way the mechanics were meant to work for this special ability would be that you'd throw it just like throwing a shortspear would normally function, and instead of dealing the normal damage for a +1 shocking shortspear (1d6+1+Str+1d6), it would instead deal 1d12+1 lightning damage. I decided to call it a spear for small sized creatures, because I didn't want to penalise you for using a medium weapon.
Using a command word is actually a standard action (something I didn't realize at the time), and writing "once per round" was unfortunately bad game design. If I were to rewrite the instructions, it would look more like this.
This +1 shocking shortspear is made entirely out of impure copper, which has been beaten and sharpened into shape within an underwater thermal vent. It occasionally zaps small insects or parasites as its carried around, and sometimes flashes symbols in Druidic.
As a standard action, the wielder can target a creature within 50 feet to zap with the Crack of Lightning. The wielder makes a thrown weapon ranged attack, which transforms the shortspear into a bolt of lightning aimed at the target. Instead of regular damage, the bolt of lightning deals 1d12+1 electricity damage and crits on a 20x3. At the end of the wielder's turn, the Crack of Lightning returns to their hand in shortspear form, just like a returning weapon.
The Crack of Lightning can be held in two hands in order to gain the brace property. If the wielder is struck by an electricity attack while bracing, they reduce the damage taken by 1d6+1.
Small sized creatures can use this weapon without size penalty, but must treat it as a two-handed weapon.
This +1 shocking shortspear is made entirely out of impure copper, beaten and sharpened into shape. It occasionally zaps small insects or parasites as it's carried around, and sometimes flashes symbols in druidic.
Once per round, the wielder can target a creature within 50 feet to zap with the Crack of Lightning. The wielder makes a ranged attack as if throwing the spear, only for the spear to animate into a bolt of lightning and strike the target. It then appears in the hand of the wielder again. Such an attack deals 1d12+1 electricity damage and crits on a 20 x3.
This shortspear has the brace property when used two-handed. If the wielder is struck by an electricity attack while bracing, they reduce the damage taken by 1d6+1, to a minimum of 0.
Small sized creatures can wield the Crack of Lightning as a small sized spear.
I also envisioned it getting upgraded over time by visiting druids around Kintargo and aiding them with their problems. Such things included upgrading the +1 to +2or3, improving shocking to shocking burst, improving the command feature to function either like Witch Bolt or like Lightning Bolt, improving the brace ability to give passive resistance or an absorb elements sort of feature, and even adding additional abilities like it was becoming a staff. The person would need to choose which direction they'd want to take with the Crack of Lightning, as it couldn't get all of these. They would need to specialize.

DM Hell's Fox |

Also I can't answer Kyton questions due to low Planes knowledge, but I do try to give the hint if something is vulnerable or resistant.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

That makes sense. I was thinking it was a shortspear which I thought could be used one handed.
At the end of the day it has been handy to have just not the ideal for Bazzle. That sounds like either Bazzle needs to just go dagger dagger or full crack at least in this fight. Given that you have suggested the lightening is hurting the creature lets assume that Bazzle is using the crack exclusively.

DM Hell's Fox |

Hi, you're waiting for me. I've been terribly distracted and overwhelmed. I'm currently getting my other game (Rise of the Runelords) up to speed, but I'm coming for you guys next. I think there's going to be some changes on my end regarding simplification. Most of my time for this game is spent making monster stats, and I think I'm going to play much looser. I think I'll do something where an enemy only rolls one die for an ability, regardless of targets. That will cut down on my post-making time. I absolutely adore making monsters, items, NPCs, all that stuff, but I complicate my life far too much and I get overwhelmed.
And to Bazzle, yeah, she's vulnerable to lightning (at the moment, there's an ability where she loses that vulnerability). It's not a big deal to me if you stop using the Crack. I do have plans for a great place to get more magic items, but I'm not sure how to get you there. It's in Vyre (a nearby island city-state filled with wealth). Vyre does have story significance, but since you guys are (normally) so far underground, I've made sure NPCs can't just find you and make offers (which the books assume all the time, and it bugs me. Like Barzillai normally knows you guys are part of the Silver Ravens and hang out at the Coffeehouse by about the end of Book 1, and a bunch of NPCs (both good and bad) start sending you offers because they know where you frequent. To me that's absurd for a group specializing in secrecy. Maybe I could improve the abilities of the Spymaster to search for people who're trying to contact the Silver Ravens.)
Anyways, I hope you're all well. We'll talk soon.
- Hell's Fox

Vandomir Jarvis |

So, there I was, at Scout Camp. I get a text from another adult telling me that a third adult had tested Covid positive today. Yesterday I had spent more than an hour sitting around chatting with that very guy.
I do the right thing, report the exposure, and long story short, I am home from Scout Camp. There were tears, from my son, and some of the other Scouts, and maybe, just maybe, from me.
Hopefully a false alarm, and an abundance of caution, but I'm sleeping in the basement tonight, the wife is upstairs with the dog.
Ahh well.

Aster Cobblestone |

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and them. :)

DM Hell's Fox |

Hello friends. I am here to finally admit defeat. The DM is dead.
I just don't have my heart in any of these forum games anymore, and I've been trying to find that spark against for a good while. I figured if I made it easier on myself, maybe I'd like it again. So far that's just not the case.
If I find that spark again, I'd love to invite each and any of you to such a game. I won't take such a situation lightly. I'd probably run something quite short, no more than a module. No plans on that any time soon. Who knows, if I finally let go, will it come back to me?
I've had an amazing time playing with each of you. Have fun out there
I'll be around to answer questions about the plot, things I did in the game,etc etc before I eventually mark the game inactive.
It's been a great pleasure,
- Hell's Fox
And sorry about your sudden return home, Vandomir. That sounds really frustrating. I hope you'll find other ways to enjoy your very different timetable

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Thank you for several years of a great game!
Thank you for being bold enough to tell us you can't do it anymore. Take some time get some rest. Enjoy what you have going.

Aster Cobblestone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Already said goodbye in the other game to Fox, so to Rexi, Van, and Bazzle (and Tasha if you are still out there) Thank You for some rather lovely moments and for accepting Aster into your fold.