Aster Cobblestone |

Didn't know any better :) or ignored it which is just as likely.

Rexandi Vatia |

Rexandi, you did an excellent job. I really enjoyed your detailed post. I'm a little sad that Kelimber is now officially a racist, but otherwise I'm quite pleased.
Kelimber may have had other reasons, who knows? Maybe he was suspicious because someone told him that spies from the Chelish citizens' commision were scoping out his store for "subversives" and "religious heretics" and so he thought someone looking to buy a healing item (which was probably seized from or sold off by a closed temple of a religion no longer allowed in Kintargo) could actually be a spy. Or maybe he didn't mean for it to be on the shelf and was saving it for someone else. Regardless, Rexandi just rubbed him the wrong way so he wasn't willing to deal, and barring detect thoughts, his motives may never be known to us.

DM Hell's Fox |

Hmmm I can work with something like that. Be careful, Rexandi. I think you've alienated 2 shopkeepers now. Soon someone is gonna have to buy stuff on your behalf.
I'm pausing extra long because I really want Vandomir to have his first post of the game. I'll probably bot in roughly 6 hours, unless I conveniently fall asleep.

DM Hell's Fox |

Hey Abbo, would you mind showing me the breakdown here describing how you manage to do 4d6 with a mug? I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm asking for my education.

Abbo Lyrio |

Sure thing - don't worry, I don't mind at all giving details. Hinyasi brawlers use their unarmed strike dice with improvised weapons (currently, 1d8). Each feat on the Shikigami Style chain increases the size by 1 (so, 3 sizes up; 1d8->2d6->3d6->4d6).
Improvisation Mastery (with Light Weapons) give an extra +2 to attack and damage with light improvised weapons. The mug isn't magical, so it doesn't do anything else special, but if it was, the third feat on the Shikigami chain (Manipulation) gives an extra enhancement bonus to the weapon of CL divided by 4 (minimum 1). In a normal fight, Abbo would be using his tools from the Traveler's Any Tool set, which means his regular "light shovel" is actually a "+2 light shovel" when he's using Shikigami Style (it's a swift action to enter a combat style).
That's what I meant when I said Abbo hits very hard and very fast (because he can flurry with light and one-handed improvised weapons). On Abbo's profile, I added a section of his sheet with the changes that happen when he's in Shikigami style.

DM Hell's Fox |

Oh, OHHH! So it's neither the size of the mug, nor damage dice progression that are increasing, you're dealing damage with your 'unarmed' strikes as if you were a gargantuan creature. Oh my god.
Personally, I don't think those two were "meant" to work this way, but I agree that rules as written it's accurate. Let's see how things go for a while, but I may have to ask you to make a change if balancing encounters becomes strained due to relative character power. That change would likely be something like size = progression dice, and therefore 4d8 -> 2d8. I understand if that change would break your build. You don't have to change it now, just laying it out there if it makes encounters too lopsided.
I see your tab for Shikigami style stats, thank you. And thank you for the breakdown. I've never run a game with an improvised weapon build.

Abbo Lyrio |

Sure. Yes, that’s the whole deal with the build. Notice that the unarmed strike damage dice will continue increasing, as well as the quantity of attacks, and there’s still stuff like monks robes to add to the mix. Let me know your thoughts - if allowed, I can always build something else. I want the game to be fun to everybody, including you, and if this character specialization makes him too strong, I don’t mind switching characters (if that’s the case, just please allow me some days as I like working on the background and story for a while). Cheers! :)

DM Hell's Fox |

I'll make sure to let you know, Abbo. For now, have fun.
Hi Vandomir, sorry for botting you on your first combat turn. Hopefully you can work with it.
I think the others will be arriving in the next round maybe two. So for you others, if you're not done shopping, now is the time.

DM Hell's Fox |

"Did anyone try to move around me with that Acrobatics check? Did the person provoke? If it's the case, feel free to do the AoO, GM. Also, my apologies to ask, but I assume these guys have Improved Unarmed Strike and also Improved Trip (INT 13+Combat Expertise), right? So their trip attempts don't provoke."
They did use acrobatics and they did provoke, however you missed with the AoO. During that same turn, they all made trip or grapple checks. They don't have improved feats, but since your immediate action was already used and you don't have combat reflexes, they did it anyways. Yes I do roll the AoO just to keep things flowing.
EDIT: They do have improved unarmed strike, but not improved trip or grapple

Aster Cobblestone |

Woohoo, beating the crap out of bad guys, always fun to watch.

Vandomir Jarvis |

Hi Vandomir, sorry for botting you on your first combat turn. Hopefully you can work with it.
It's no problem. I didn't have that spell memorized, so you cast it, not me, hahaha.

DM Hell's Fox |

Sure thing, Abbo. Thanks for the heads up

DM Hell's Fox |

Hey! I might actually have gotten a hit in this bout of fisticuffs!
You did!
This reminds me, would you mind putting up a header for your most important stats, Mr. Tincan?
DM Hell's Fox |

@Gnomesrule, did you happen to post with the wrong Gnome? Haha

Aster Cobblestone |

for a moment I thought you added a third new person :)

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

@Gnomesrule, did you happen to post with the wrong Gnome? Haha
Ummm yes sorry. Though if you ever need a heart of gold kender Bander is a great character. . . . but yes that should've been Bazzle.

DM Hell's Fox |

We've got Aster, so I think we're good =P

DM Hell's Fox |

Link to the map is up at the top of all the other links

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

So is anyone else in the mood for a nice bowl of Gault Onion Soup.
My first thought was tomato. But then I thought French onion. Gault is the French Revolution nation so I figured that they made soup too.

DM Hell's Fox |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Rexandi is correct.
I used to hate it as a child, but now it's okay. I'd rather eat cake.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Aster was passing messages via Bluff. When they noticed the enemies wouldn't let the old man I was trying to protect escape, they engaged our enemies and started helping. We should probably keep OOC to a minimum here in Gameplay (let's use Discussion if needed), as some GMs rightfully interpret it as possible attempts to fuzzy with the die roller (can't even tell you how many times I saw players doing it here in the forums, unfortunately - banned a couple from my games even).
I hope that is not how OOC is perceived. I use to ask questions LOL.

Vandomir Jarvis |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Aster was passing messages via Bluff. When they noticed the enemies wouldn't let the old man I was trying to protect escape, they engaged our enemies and started helping. We should probably keep OOC to a minimum here in Gameplay (let's use Discussion if needed), as some GMs rightfully interpret it as possible attempts to fuzzy with the die roller (can't even tell you how many times I saw players doing it here in the forums, unfortunately - banned a couple from my games even).
Yeah, but a random female making googly eyes at him from across a bar telling him to meet out in the alley isn't something Vandomir would usually pay attention to. That's the way to get rolled and robbed!

DM Hell's Fox |

ooc is fine as long as it isn't filling up the gameplay, and it's being used for game-related stuff rather than "how was your day?"
To be fair, Aster's message was "we need to get out of here" with urgency. Still, you guys can talk now since it's pretty apparent a fight is happening.

Abbo Lyrio |

Abbo Lyrio wrote:Aster was passing messages via Bluff. When they noticed the enemies wouldn't let the old man I was trying to protect escape, they engaged our enemies and started helping. We should probably keep OOC to a minimum here in Gameplay (let's use Discussion if needed), as some GMs rightfully interpret it as possible attempts to fuzzy with the die roller (can't even tell you how many times I saw players doing it here in the forums, unfortunately - banned a couple from my games even).Yeah, but a random female making googly eyes at him from across a bar telling him to meet out in the alley isn't something Vandomir would usually pay attention to. That's the way to get rolled and robbed!
@Bazzle: If you're asking questions but still rolling / doing your action, that's fine. The issue is when someone can take an action anyway, but keep delaying the post with "OOC Only" posts. To be honest, Paizo should fix it at some point, but you know how it goes.

Aster Cobblestone |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I didn't know that was a thing either. I never did understand the desire to cheat in rpgs though. The failures can be just as entertaining as the successes.
And Aster was making googly eyes at NO ONE :)

Abbo Lyrio |

Lol Aster, I know you were clearly trying to get us out of the bar to be mugged! :)
From the moment you guys start to react against our "enemies", however - and help us "defend" the old man - it became fairly obvious whose side you were on.
Yeah, failing in the dice is part of the entertainment and challenge. For instance, when I tried to stand down from prone (in the previous fight), all my rolls were terrible. I was expecting to be pounded to a pulp back to the floor! Luckily enough I succeeded, by I bet you it was for the skin of my teeth.

DM Hell's Fox |

I just go by an honour code with my players, and fortunately, I've cultivated groups that seem to play as fairly as possible.
I believe failure is a huge part of the game, not just in dice rolls, but in missions as well. This doesn't come up in Pathfinder very much, as when the players start feeling like they're loosing, emotions run wild. I think we're all used to allies and enemies both fighting to the death, and not examining the stakes. Plus, I want to have enemies that don't kill.
I remember rolling a lot of 4's and 7's when you stood up.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Bazzle, I interpret moving the table as a "pick up item", and therefore it takes a move action, then you have to use your standard action to actually move.
In a comical display, Bazzle uses his ingenuity to lift up the table and hobble between the two fighting group, giving himself cover in the process.
The imp, bolstered by its master's will, resists Rexandi's hex.
Vandomir's turn.[dice=Imp Will]1d20+7
Yeah I knew if they let me it would be a full round. I offered the spoilers incase they didn't want the gnome to just move the table around.

Abbo Lyrio |

I risked, right? To be honest, if I stayed in the floor I wouldn't last long. My AC isn't that high to survive the prone thing for long, and my attacks would be missing most of the time.
Abbo was fighting with nonlethal all this time until this last attack - when he saw the guy was pulling a very lethal crossbow against one of his "supposed" allies.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Also tables are terribly handy in real life tactical situations.
I used to work in a program for teens who had been arrested.
In our lunch room we had large round tables. One girl started yelling at another. Both girls stood up and got ready to fight. I could never get to them in time to break up the fight.
Instead I ran to the table that was between them. I just moved the table around so they would have to keep orbiting it. Finally one was in a corner and the other was near me. So they gave up on the fight. The other girls at the table were just laughing and cursing me out for moving their lunch table away. . . . good times.

Abbo Lyrio |

Man, I bet I can use the table as an improvised weapon as well! I need to get Throw Anything at some point. Can you imagine kicking a chair in someone's face?

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Man, I bet I can use the table as an improvised weapon as well! I need to get Throw Anything at some point. Can you imagine kicking a chair in someone's face?

DM Hell's Fox |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Bazzle they couldn't react, due to not having acted in combat yet and not having combat reflexes. The black robes should have reacted, oh well. That sounds intense, Bazzle. Good thinking.
@Abbo yeah of course you provoked when standing up, but definitely worth the risk in this circumstance. They put you on the floor because that was their only option to possibly win. The fact that the grapple attempt failed at the end was their largest downfall.
My original conception of your character was all about picking up whatever object was available in the terrain, and using it as your weapon. Rocks, chairs, tables, forks, cloaks, etc.

Vandomir Jarvis |

And Aster was making googly eyes at NO ONE :)
Aster tries to catch either of their new member's eyes, allowing hers to widen considerably when she gets their attention
Aster's eyes frown deeply, though she keeps it from her mouth.
Call it what you like, but there were eyes involved and Vandomir thought it was googly eyes and "come out into the alley to get mugged, or worse!"

Vandomir Jarvis |

My original conception of your character was all about picking up whatever object was available in the terrain, and using it as your weapon. Rocks, chairs, tables, forks, cloaks, etc.
Abbo would rock a pillow fight!

Abbo Lyrio |

Yeah that's kind of the concept I have in mind too! But with the need for magical weapons, I have to use magical equipment (like my sets of Traveler's Any Tool) and Shikigami Manipulation in order to stay useful in more serious fights. Yet, we can still find the moments to play, like the current one, where he's literally fighting with the clay mug he was drinking his cheap ale :)

DM Hell's Fox |

It's too bad you can't get something like what monks have, that treat your improvised weapons as magic, etc.
@Vandomir, we're waiting on you bro

Rexandi Vatia |

You miiiight rule that ascetic form lets you use a class feature of "striking as if using a magical weapon."
Of course then you'd have to go into dual style using weapon style mastery. Since Ascetic Form (and its prerequisite, Ascetic Style) requires Weapon Focus, it should qualify.
I hate, hate, hate having long strings of bad rolls, probably because it happens to me so frequently. It really kills the sense that my character is in any way competent or has special abilities. It also basically makes me feel like I'm not playing the game because I'm just losing my turns.
This happens to me constantly. Over on a Kingmaker game on the boards just the other day I rolled nothing above 12 on 7 d20 rolls, so my character is effectively just standing around doing nothing for the first three rounds of combat. I frequently find myself in the position of "tell me when the encounter is over, team, because the dice roller has decided that I don't get to play today."

Aster Cobblestone |

Bazzle, if you'd like Aster could shift up for you this round, while you shift right. Next round you could get into flanking with our brawler.

Abbo Lyrio |

Let me try to get my attack with flank before moving Aster, please :)
GM, does any of the enemy actions (spells, movement, drawing weapons, etc.) provoke? It’s possible it doesn’t, but just making sure. Thanks!

DM Hell's Fox |

None of their actions provoked.
- Channel energy
- Copycat (trickery domain)
- 5ft step, 5ft "flutter" (I give 5ft steps in the air to anything that has perfect maneuverability)
- Drawing weapons never provokes
EDIT: Bazzle, feigning harmlessness is a full-round action. You could feint, but that's still a standard action. If I were you, I'd go for a stealth check. The table grants you cover, though your enemies adjacent do gain some partial cover from you.

Aster Cobblestone |

Looked up our init rolls, and Abbo beat Aster in turn order so I think it would work out like that. I think I will wait until the next round to move though since I don't want the thugs to take advantage and flank rexi.