Abbo Lyrio |

I didn't have any NPC in mind... I don't know the AP at all! I'm open for suggestions. If it's one that has good Charisma and a profile for it, I could take it. If the NPC is designed to be somewhat capable in melee (so I can design to fill Abbo's role as well) even better.

Vandomir Jarvis |

My, you guys post a LOT!! Which is fine, and I’ll get a post or two in per day, just not at the fever pitch you all are hitting it!
As previously stated, Vandomir is fine filling whatever role is needed in the resistance.
I’m sorry to see Ed go. Always hate to lost a player.
Does the loss of Ed leave any gaps I can fill? Knowledge skills were mentioned, but Warpriests simply aren’t gifted with skill points.

Aster Cobblestone |

Noticed 15 posts and was excited. Unfortunately, the first one was rather disappointing. All I can say is that I hope you find the game you are looking for Ed.
Vacation ends tomorrow and I'll do what I can to catch up. Sorry for any delays.

DM Hell's Fox |

Haha we're only posting so much because everything is going crazy. We do have our slow days as well. I have been running this game for 5+ years. Although I'm doing a lot better than before, don't get the idea that we speedrun this stuff.
Ederion's 'role' kind of boiled down to knowledge/alchemy/dexmelee. Bazzle has the possibility of base alchemy, and the NPC Nisha can do potions and the like. Warpriests don't get skills. I don't think we really need you to convert into a melee person. Between Abbo and Aster, I think we'll do well. It's nice to see that you're not a glass cannon though.
I do wish Ederion well, and I'm sad to see him go.

Abbo Lyrio |

I guess we're golden then! I also like the idea of an introductory scene. As for the NPC thing, GM, it was mostly an idea - I read on some of the NPCs of the module but I didn't want to spoil myself so I kept it to the list of the ones we "already know". It's a possibility, but your call. I really like Abbo to be honest ;)

DM Hell's Fox |

Let's keep Abbo. We'll figure it out.
So to reiterate from Monday, we need people to fill officer roles. Abbo is very easy to put into Partisan, so let's do that.
I nominate Aster for Demagogue
I nominate Bazzle for either Sentinel or Team Advisor (Street Performers)
I think I'm going to alter the Strategist ability to incorporate Intelligence.
As Written: Strategist: The officer grants the Silver Ravens a bonus rebellion action during the Activity phase. Any Organization check made to resolve the effects of this bonus action gain a +2 bonus on the check.
New: Strategist: The officer grants the Silver Ravens a bonus rebellion action during the Activity phase. Any Organization check made to resolve the effects of this bonus action gains a bonus on the check equal to the Strategist's Intelligence modifier.
In so doing, I nominate Rexandi for Spymaster or Strategist.
I nominate Vandomir for Spymaster or Team Advisor (Salty Labourers)
When we hire crafters, we could have Rexandi be Team Advisor for them instead, if she wants.

Aster Cobblestone |

Demagogue is what Aster would choose. As long as it is okay with everyone. Social skills are her best trait.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

I think Bazzle will go Sentinel if that is cool.
He will also be actively hanging with the street performers. As part of his support.
Is there a snack that Vendelfek likes. You know like Scooby sncaks.
Bazzle is going to start practicing with Vendelfek assuming he is game. Performing a number of hilarious satirical skits.
1- Ser Bowndlez Aego and the Dragon- a sketch about a rather Barney Fife like Hellknight and his adventures against a dragon. (Bazzle will play the Knight Vendelfek can play the dragon). We are going for more funny than scandalous though all comedy is based on some truth right.
2- A second skit about two ridiculous lessor devil lawyers. Nothing that would overtly challenge the Church of Asmodeous but a subtle mocking of litigious legal systems and lots of lawyer jokes.
3- Also lots of juggling, acrobatics and fey dragon shenanigans.
If he is game.

DM Hell's Fox |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The DC is -5. Bazzle has been promoted to most interesting person.
If you're interested, Bazzle, I'd be interested in having the street performers actually named. They're a group of 6, and I don't have a name for a leader, nor a name for their group as a whole.

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

I assumed that Vendelfek was the leader he was the Advisor to the team.
Lazy 8's (There are 8 with Bazzle and Vendelfek)
The Peacock Dragon Horde (Our mascot is a butterfly dragon)
The Dandies Dubious
Downright Dubious Dandies (The Triple D)

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

LOL who am I kidding.
All those names.
Officially we would be the Peacock Dragon Horde.
When announced we would likely have several monikers such as, the Lazy 8 and Downright Dubious Dandies.

Aster Cobblestone |

Okay Treasure how would you like us to proceed?
I believe we have decided our next main task is the prison break.
Side projects
Bazzle wants to work with the awesomely named Peacock Dragon Horde.
Rexi to clean up the lucky bones
Aster wants to coordinate with the ratfolk, mermaids, and dwarves.
And we need to meet our new people of course!

DM Hell's Fox |

From what I understand, you guys are waiting 4 days for the Skritt to scout the Holding House.
But before that, I want to know exactly where Rexandi and Vandomir end up in the rebellion. Then I'll place NPCs to fill in any extraneous roles.

Aster Cobblestone |

Should have read here before posting :) Yes, Aster would like to help the Skritt while we have time. She can do that by herself if other people have tasks, since she's concentrating on leading them to the Bones instead of fighting.
Next questions. Loot. Ed had wanted a lot of things left out of the loot list as well as purchasing consumables. Is it okay to undo those requests and give out the previous total?
Bazzle since Ed was the one contesting you having the bag of holding, it is YOURS! :)
Rexi would you like the Handy Specimen Bottle?
Treasure, continue with the 4 way split on the loot? Or could we keep it the way it is but keep the bottles of air to give to the rebellion full time, as a way of smuggling people in and out of the city, like Rexi I believe suggested.

Rexandi Vatia |

I'm fine with taking on the Spymaster position. Rexandi will make judicious use of her alter self spell from time to time to appear as different people, types, or genders, so that she can listen to rumors, drop into shops unrecognized, and carry messages as needed. Her main concerns now are:
1. Gather intel about our next job, whatever we ultimately decide that is - is it the rescue attempt of the lictor?
2. Continue to try to influence the Redroof district so that the gangs wind up at war with the dottari and the Chelish citizen's commission. Make it too dangerous for the dottari to police that part of the city.
3. Oversee reconstruction of the Lucky Bones.
Anyone else have requests for things that the spy should be doing?
Aster, sure, I guess I can hand onto the specimen bottle.

DM Hell's Fox |

Yes there are Skritt troubles
It's okay to undo the requests
Handy Specimen Bottle is a tough one. It's technically Ederion's loot, and therefore stays with him. However, if someone else is interested in raising a dragon, we can keep it.
4way split. I'm otherwise not concerned about how you divide loot. I'm 99% sure that I gave far more wealth per level than recommended, so I don't want that amplified further.
Okay so that leaves Vandomir. I recommend an Advisor, but Strategist is still open, or another recruiter.

DM Hell's Fox |

I'm okay with that
Side Note: Aster, is this the first time you've transformed in the Wasp Nest?

Aster Cobblestone |

Nope... well wait, I can't remember if she transformed or just announced what she was. But the wererat thing is not a secret in the Ravens. I believe you said 50% of them were accepting of it.
Let me look up...

Aster Cobblestone |

That took a while to find oddly...

DM Hell's Fox |

Strategist: Responsible for managing teams and their actions throughout the week.
Basically, your job is to figure out what the rebellion does for the week. They have a number of actions, and you fill those slots. You also provide one extra slot, which gets your Intelligence mod as a bonus on any check they make. The position grants the most power in decision making, but doesn't provide much in the way of buffs to the rebellion as a whole.
For example, for the upcoming week, we've selected the following actions:
1. Send Skritt Squad to scout the Holding House for 4 days, on the 5th day, investigate the Shrine of Saint Sanex. Rest the other 2 days.
2. Hire a team of crafters
3. Move into the Lucky Bones (top level) (PS: We still want the Wasp Nest to be our HQ, correct?)
Information about them can be found in the Player's Guide. I altered it ever so slightly so that it uses intelligence mod rather than a flat +2.

Aster Cobblestone |

I would like to buy for Aster
Headband of alluring charisma +2
Spectacles of thought-seeing
sell her armor, shield, and mace
+1 silver morningstar
+1 mithral agile breastplate
+1 heavy steel shield
Is all that acceptable?

DM Hell's Fox |

You'll have to roll 1d2 for the +1 mithral agile breastplate, as the cost is over 4,400gp. On a 2, it is available for purchase.
Never played with scaling items. Looks okay so far.
Just let me know in-game when you do that. I'm supposed to tell you who the merchant is.

Aster Cobblestone |

1d2: 1d2 ⇒ 2 :)
She'll go shopping after the end of the Skritt discussion. If there is nothing else she'll approach the others, ask, and then go get geared up.

Aster Cobblestone |

Sorry about posting the wrong place yesterday.
I'd vote on shopping first, then pick up our new people, since they already have all their stuff. Unless you think the shopping trip will take multiple posts and take time away?

DM Hell's Fox |

I think I'm not going to get into conversation between PCs and shopkeepers. I think the book is just trying to put names and faces to these merchants, and to help show their potential struggles. I do see a lot of opportunities to recruit or at least make alliances with some of the shopkeepers, who might give discounts to some of their items.
So go ahead and do your shopping, and we'll have you arrive at The Pits once Abbo and Vandomir finish business.
Choose a shop from the following to visit, so I can write things out appropriately:
- The War Cage, Yolubilis District. Specializes in arms and armour.
- The Newt Market, Villegre District. Specializes in potions and alchemy.
- Temples (Shelyn, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon), Temple Hill District. Specialize in divine spellcasting, divine scrolls, holy water, healing potions. The Temple of Asmodeus sells for 10% off.
- Kelimber's Dry Goods and Supplies, Redroof District. Specializes in adventuring gear, camping supplies, and general store goods.
- The Devil's Threads, Redroof District. Specializes in clothing and magical wonderous items.
- Olmer's Smithy, Old Kintargo District. Specializes in metal arms, armour, and rings.
- Crissali's Fine Tomes, Jarvis End District. Specializes in arcane scrolls and wizardly equipment.

Aster Cobblestone |

Aster will need to go to the war cage and the devil's threads, please.

Aster Cobblestone |

I think it was Aster that pissed off the last one. The scroll lady hates her. :(

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Yes, 15226.53 is the amount you get. I'll sell the water breathing wand when I get back to see how many charges I have left in it. That amount from it can be used to a group fund to get the consumables Ed is suggesting.
If you want to throw it all into headband of intelligence let me know, Aster has little left from hers to get you to the 16000 you need.
So we each have 15,226.53 to spend? or that is the total before split.

Aster Cobblestone |

That was the total before undoing the things Ed wanted to keep. So it will be a little higher for each of us. I just need to figure out where to get that from.

Aster Cobblestone |

I'll need to gather up all the prices for those items though and get you the new amount.

Aster Cobblestone |

Looking over, Rexi might be able to use these, since they augment spell casting (and none of them are worth much).
- Brain Mold Spores could be sold for 2.5gp each. They're an augment material for casting charm or compulsion spells.
- Raw cold iron can be sold for 0.5gp each. They're an augment material for casting abjuration spells or making dispel checks.
- Magnesium can be sold for 0.5gp each. They're an augment material for casting transmutation spells.
- Urea can be sold for 0.25gp each. They're an augment material for casting cold spells.
3 doses of Myrrh (augment dispel)
Also, I think the rope of climbing would be nice to keep since Aster is utter swill at climbing. And lastly the 3 vials of silversheen for Bazzle for when we have to fight things with DR.
if there are no disagreements the new total is 63083.13 / 4 = 15770.78 each

Bazzle Blast-hazard |

Bazzle shopping ideas
Burglar's Bracers 1,000
Sleeves of Many Garments 200
+2 Dex Belt 4,000
Slippers of Spider Climbing 4,800 Availability: 1d2 ⇒ 2
+1 Ring of Protection 2,000
If the GM thinks it would be wise to get rid of the water breathing Cloak of the Manta Ray. That's an additional 3,600 to split (or spend if we don't want to split it).
Though keeping something like the Cloak of the Manta Ray does make ideas like sabotage of ships a real possibility especially in conjunction with bombs.

Aster Cobblestone |

Up to Treasure. Aster's seafoam cloak was put into the loot, divided 4 ways. If you do the same it also will get split with the portion for Ed.

DM Hell's Fox |

Look at all that money!
For real, I don't recall any more underwater stuff. If you want to look into keeping things because you have plans for the river or sabotaging ships, that's cool, but as far as prewritten adventure, no more underwater stuff.
I think next time I run a game, I might play around with the scaling bonuses variant rule. It's night to play around with items that aren't your usual ring of protection or cloak of resistance, but they're too important to forgo in a normal game.

Aster Cobblestone |

3600 divided by 4 gives us 900 extra. Which will give Aster enough for a cloak of resistance +2! Which will help her crap fortitude save.

DM Hell's Fox |

Rexandi, you did an excellent job. I really enjoyed your detailed post. I'm a little sad that Kelimber is now officially a racist, but otherwise I'm quite pleased.

DM Hell's Fox |

Not yet. Aster kind of jumped the gun