GM Tarondor's Fangwood Keep (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Bring Pavo Vos to justice and reclaim Fangwood Keep!

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Well done!

I'm excited to take a look, Dien!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Thanks guys! Tarondor-- you shouldn't look at Zero Hour, actually, haha. I stupidly forgot that it has lots of spoilers for our current adventure. ;) (If you already looked, no harm, no foul).

So tired... will get back to it tomorrow.

I don't necessarily disagree with you on reach attacks, cover and AoO's Alice, but that is the rule and we're using PFS rules here and so hewing to the RAW as much as possible. I note that you could still ready an action to attack the mage you hypothesize. You just couldn't take an AoO.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I know. Again, not trying to convince you to do otherwise - I went and read the RAW and it is how you said, technically - I just think that's utterly stupid.

Happy Thanksgiving, folks!

And Happy Hanukkah! You know, if you're having one.

Liberty's Edge

Enjoy the turkey y'all. :)

I experienced Thanksgiving while I lived in Canada, and my partner's family treated us to SO much food. It was pretty awesome, hell yeah.

Folks - I'm not feeling the interest from you. Shall we continue or call it a day?

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

I'm interested, I'm just really busy at the moment, Tarondor! Sorry! I've been struggling to get in posts everywhere. December, etc.

Grand Lodge

I'm around...simply bit off a bit more than I could chew PbP wise for a while there. I'm not sure how far into this one we are but I'm willing to keep going if everyone else is...though I agree with Saki in that this game spans a few major holidays and my availability has been limited.

I'd say we're approximately halfway.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

I'm definitely still invested and want to keep playing, but it would help if we had more regular posting from all of us-- not to pick on you, Tal (I've been slow to post too!), but when I play party scout I try and stay on top of my posts since often I'm the only one who knows info that the rest of the party needs to proceed.

I don't like stepping on toes and assuming, IC-ly, that Tal shares info-- as I did in my recent post-- but if you'd prefer I do that rather than wait if you can't tag, it might let me speed up my posts a bit.

Grand Lodge

If something is in spoilers directed at one particular PC I'd obviously want to RP revealing it to the party...but if information is posted publicly I just assume that it's been communicated to everyone. But if you'd rather have me paraphrase that sort of thing IC I guess I can do that...

Tal is not a leader...he needs to be told what to do. He may gripe at what you ask of him, but he will do it.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

That's a matter of our clashing play styles then, I think-- I generally try not to assume characters have shared that stuff unless they have made a point to do so. Which is fine, your way is probably a lot more pragmatic, it just means that it's something I should have asked about sooner in order to make sure we were on the same page. I'll assume from here on out that Tal shares his intel. :)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

I'll be out of town for the next four days or so. I should be able to get Wi-Fi in the hotel, but can't promise anything. Please move me along if I'm holding anything up.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

Sorry for my extended absence. I got sick while I was out of town and I was basically bedridden over the weekend, blah!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

And to you...and everyone else as well!

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

Merry Christmas :)

Silver Crusade

Male Human Scribe/0

Merry Christmas

Please forgive my absence. First I was sick and now my wife and baby are sick and I'm taking care of them. Posting may be slow for a short while.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Hey, sickness happens. Glad you're feeling better, hope your family recovers quickly.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

What dien said.

Clearly you and your family love each other so much you'll share everything with each other... :P

Grand Lodge

It seems to me that we're fairly close to done at this point…I was kind of hoping that Vos was the BBEG but it appears as though we have a bit more to go. I do, however, sense some frustration that we're still at this (it has been 5 months since we started) so if everyone else wants to pack it in I'm OK with that; but I'm all for continuing as well if that's the general consensus.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Scribe/0

I'm ready to blast this Elf b~~!% back to what ever world the elves fled to.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

I want to finish as we've come this far already! Haha. It has been a long trek. Very grindy module.

Markon - AC 18/20 | HP 1/21 | Per +5 | F+7 R+7 W+5 Sparrow - AC 14 | HP 15/15 | Per +6 | F+4 R+4 W+6

I also want to finish, yes. It seems we're very close to the end. And yeah, this has been a little bit of a slow one, but that's also the nature of PBP in my experience.

And yeah, my 'plan' idea isn't terribly complex-- we keep going down in the keep until we find signs of Elessia. If necessary, maybe Tal doing some invis scouting a little ahead of the group? I'll look back through the descriptions of the keep layout to see if we need to have something more elaborate going forward, but from my spotty memories it seems a straightforward DESCENT TO FIGHT EVIL!

I do think it's just in the nature of PBP. Modules are longer than PFS scenarios. Then again, I'm used to running multi-year PBP campaigns. My Savage Tide AP is in its fourth year and we're only 30% done. My Red Hand of Doom game took two years. My Kingmaker game is 7 months old an we're about halfway into the first of six books.

Everything's relative.

You're about 2/3rds finished with Fangwood Keep, for what it's worth.

Markon - AC 18/20 | HP 1/21 | Per +5 | F+7 R+7 W+5 Sparrow - AC 14 | HP 15/15 | Per +6 | F+4 R+4 W+6

Okay, may be slow for a bit. Laptop adapter abruptly gave up the ghost and I'm on my last two hours of battery power at the moment. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon. GMPC as needed.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

PbP Game Day #2 coming up in April!

Looking for ideas of what to run. Is anyone here hankering for any scenarios in particular?

Grand Lodge

I plan on running at least once session of The Confirmation. I'm sure I won't be the only one. I've got characters all over the place pretty much any Season 5 scenario except Glass River & the Stolen Heir are fair game for me.

I'd love to run one. I ran two last time. But my second son will be born right in the middle of that (mid-June). With two babies in the house, I think I may sit this one out.

Silver Crusade

Male Human Scribe/0

We ran into that with the Realm of the Fellnight Queen, remember Tarondor, Modules sometimes slow down for a bit. As we close in on the end, we'll find ourselves pressing to post and then poof, its over.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

I'm running The Glass River Rescue and Library of the Lion as part of the PbP Game Day, if anyone is interested in playing.


Tarondor, considering my protestations of changing my actions, would you be able to clarify which damage I took, whether I'm poisoned still, etc.? I'm sorry to stuff everything up, but yeah... the nature of PbP makes dealing with those weird things like "the ooze grabs you and stops the rest of your actions from even working" difficult.

I'd like to play Library of the Lion, but my one character in that level range is still going to be in Thornkeep by then.


Saki - No problem. You escaped and no poison.

I misread what you wrote as the level range for LotL. I'll be applying.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Alas, I've played both of those! But have fun for those who will play them.

Is there a listing of all the Game Day 2 stuff somewhere? I'm looking for a game for my 7th level cavalier and maybe my 11th level ranger.

My spreadsheet - I mean, I'm biased, but I think it's more up-to-date than the official list.

Thanks! Very useful!

Okay,that's a wrap, folks!

Please post your:
1) Real Name
2) The name of the character to which you want to apply the chronicle, and
3) The PFS Number of the character to which you want to apply the chronicle
4) Day Job rolls if you have them.

I'll try to get the chronicles out within a day of receiving this information from everyone.

Thanks, everyone!

Grand Lodge

Thanks...'twas a long road but I'm glad we made the journey!

Deane Beman
No day job

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer 4 (none) - HP 18/27/-1 Con 11/12 - AC: 15 (19) /T: 14 /FF: 13 (17) - Perception +3 F: +2 / R:+3 / W: +5 - CMB +2 - CMD 16 - Speed 30 ft - Init.+2

Perry Littrell
Calas Duval
No day job.

Markon - AC 18/20 | HP 1/21 | Per +5 | F+7 R+7 W+5 Sparrow - AC 14 | HP 15/15 | Per +6 | F+4 R+4 W+6

*high-fives all around*

Dana Huber
Skipper Daytripper, Andoran

Can't recall if you get day job when playing a pre-gen or not. If yes:

Craft Shoes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

But I'm not terribly bothered about it either way, so unless someone knows for sure, don't bother looking it up, I will assume no.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

1) Hailey Martin
2) Saki Kanazawa
3) #10321-1
4) Day Job - Perform (dance): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

All of the chronicles have been sent, PM'd to the accounts you used for this character.

This is me, signing off. Thanks for playing and I hope to see you around!

Scott / Tarondor

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Paladin 5
HP: 44/44 || AC: 22, touch: 12, flat-footed: 21; Snake Style || CMD: 20 || Fort: +9, Ref: +5, Will: +8 || Init: +1 || Perception: +1 || Immune: disease, fear; aura of courage 10 ft.

Thanks, Tarondor!

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