GM Rednal's Legendary Planet AP (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal

Current Goal: Find the Opus Aeterna and learn how to repair Gates

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I actually decided to pass on the throwing weapon idea, mostly because the build would rely on the use of an item I wouldn't have access to for quite a while, if at all.

Instead I'm working on a character inspired by an older character and probably one of the characters I had most fun with. I'm looking at Occultist(the Paizo playtest one) on one end and not sure about the other as of yet.

The character would be a collector, maybe even a hoarder, who hunts for all kinds of paraphernalia to add to this collection. Basically the only thing she wouldn't do to add something to the collection is kill. Which doesn't mean she won't defend herself if attacked while procuring it in an other way, she just wouldn't set out to murder. It would be a character with a very strong drive to discover new things and push onward at all times.

Just like the 2nd class I'm not sure on race yet, but Halfling, Gnome and Sylph all seem to be great fits. Leaning towards Sylph as I really like them.

You could play a Soulknife (Soulbolt) and make your weapon a Thrown weapon so you can throw it and then re-form it as a Free action.

I THINK that works anyway.

Rynjin wrote:

You could play a Soulknife (Soulbolt) and make your weapon a Thrown weapon so you can throw it and then re-form it as a Free action.

I THINK that works anyway.

For a regular soulknife, you'd need the Multiple Throw bladeskill to make all iterative attacks, sadly requires level 14 for that skill.

Soulbolt, on the other hand, can make all available iterative attacks from the get-go.

I thought of that, but the character is focused on items and real stuff so manifesting a mindblade seems rather out of flavour. Mindblades also won't work with the Occultist class features.

If I'd end up going Psionic on the 2nd class I'll be looking at Marksman, Cryptic or a Nomad Psion.

I really like Marksman, it has full BAB so that is nice (not sure if Occultist does, but I assume no with a name like Occultist).

My favorite thing for Marksman is the Trick Shot power, add in a Returning Weapon and the feat Return Throw.

Kickstarter Update: The Kickstarter has passed $30,000 raised - 500% of the basic funding goal. This adds ten pages of bestiary content to the fourth adventure, helping vary the kinds of strange new creatures you'll be meeting. ^^

Penance Backstory Pt. 1:
Between the lands of Osiron and Katapesh lie the Brazen Peaks a treacherous mountain range separating the two nations and existing as a home for monsters, bandits, and others who wish to remain hidden. Along one of these passes is a jagged column of pure obsidian shaped by the elements into a sharp and jagged form.

This column marks one of the few safe passages through the Brazen Peaks and is a helpful landmark to caravans and nomads who traverse between the two nations bringing trade and information with them.

But the black stone comes with its own portentous and terrible shadow bringing misfortune and death to those who tarry beneath its shadow. The rumors and superstition surrounding the rock have existed for nearly 500 years. In that time no travelers have dared camped beneath it without suffering its curse.

Which has worked well for the cult of Norgorber hidden in a large cavern network a short distance away from the stone and the source of the misfortune which befalls those travelers.

Desert assassins, thieves, and spies this cult has existed for as long as the stone has been erect. And why wouldn't it? They were the ones who erected it from the start. As a lure, as a sign, and as a warning.

The cult has no name of its own for labels and attachments are against Norgorber's teachings. Instead they hire themselves out as one group or another taking on names and habits when the time suits them. They willfully steal and shamelessly take the names of other groups seeing their own reputation as unimportant in the Shadow Scorpion's grand schemes.

Into this den of lies, death, and shadow was born the boy that would become Penance. Tearing from his mothers womb the sickly looking baby bore a terrible vigor and was drawn to death like a carcass fly. Typically, such a child would be sent to an orphanage, or otherwise abandoned depending on the parents wishes as life under the Shadow Scorpion is poorly suited for young children.

Intrigued, the head priest sought communion with Norgorber about what to do with the child. To his delight a herald answered and announced that the boy was drawn from a lineage of terrible Daemons. More than that, his was a rare breed that had the ability to tear souls out directly from living things, and with the correct preparation and ritual, hand them directly to Norgorber himself.

Such a boy was seen as nothing less than a blessing to the unnamed cult. And as such he was raised to be chief among their assassins and through summoning and divinations taught by Daemons the secrets of soul stealing, of defying the will of the cosmos themselves and serving the very essence of his victims into the his lord's black claws.

In addition to these tests came constant tests of silence, secrecy, and loyalty. Poisoning his food, sudden attacks, faked attacks and interrogations by authorities Penance was the constant subject to a culture of paranoia, fear, and secrecy. Trust no one. Trust, love, and friendship are merely the more subtle tools of conquerors. Guard your secrets or die.

More to come just doing this bit by bit before I get it complete.

All right, who's ready to have their backgrounds reviewed? ^^

Finally came up with an idea. Planning on an Unchained Rogue/Arcanist(Elemental Master). Lots of skills and solid arcane capabilities. Capable of being a secondary melee character (sneak damage) and the primary arcane caster in the party.

Will try to get a background together this evening.

Maverick is all set.

I'm still working on it. The bar is set pretty high and the competition is fierce, so I'm taking extra time to make sure I put together something worthy of it.

I'll need another ten days or so to get everything together.

You have slightly more than 30. I see no problems here. ^^

I'm going to make a push to finish my back ground tonight and tomorrow. Decided to go Gnome Kineticist/Summoner/VMC Bard instead, 'cause Kineticist looks really cool.

In the meantime, here's an introduction to Professor Tikston Yarnspinner, Archaeologist Extraordinaire. Feedback is always welcome!

Background and Appearance:


Tikston Yarnspinner is short, even for a gnome. Perhaps it's his advancing age, or perhaps height is just one of those things Yarnspinners always seem short of, like marbles for instance. Despite his stature, his features are quintessentially gnomish (at least to him), with large eyes and mouth, a shock of unruly orange hair linked by sideburns to a beard ending in a sharp point at his chin, and a massive hooked nose that could only be described as a paragon of its kind. A small pair of reading glasses adorn his nose, their size juxtaposed against that of his proboscis. He prefers to wear fine, brightly colored clothing, clothing suited more for a noble than an explorer, and keeps a spare set just in case he needs to look his finest after an expedition (or during it).

Tikston is friendly, perhaps even boisterous, happy to greet new friends and happier still to greet new clients. He greatly enjoys jokes, and absolutely loves pulling one over on his clients, especially for a profit. Despite that, he is always true to his word, feeling that lies are fine in negotiation or pranks, but as a businessgnome, a contract's a contract. He deals with all manner of races and clients, taking jobs that range from pure archaeology to less than legal smuggling of artifacts.

His ever-present accomplice, Rockington, appears as a squat, human-sized mass of carved stone and rubble. The stones and rubble appear to have once belonged to some sort of ancient ruin or another, having sharp corners and other constructed features. Strange writing decorates many of their surfaces, remenants of some lost civilization. Semi-precious stones and crystals also adorn Rockington, protruding in various patterns that it changes to suit its whims. Where its "head" is, two large garnets float amidst the rubble, appearing to be the creature's eyes.


"Professor Tikston Yarnspinner, world-renowned archaeologist, spelunker, explorer, antiquities trader, merchant, etcetera, at your service!" the small red-headed gnome said cheerfully with a bow. "And this is my assistant Prof. Rockington Pebb..."

His introduction of the mass of carved stone and rubble standing behind him was interrupted by a rumbling voice. In passable common the elemental began to protest. "My name is Kszkr..." Before it could finish, however, the aging gnome returned the favor, cutting him off as well, "Yes, yes, Rocky. Look, no one can pronounce your name, so we're going with Professor Rockington Pebblesworth, Esquire. We've had this conversation a half-dozen times. You know I don't pay you to stand around complaining about a perfectly good name!"

"You don't pay me at all..." the elemental rumbled back, finishing with a pebbley harrumph.

"Details, Details! Anyway, you've totally interrupted my train of thought." The gnome rubbed his temples, trying to remember what he was doing. "What was I doing?" he thought aloud. Rockington tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the man standing just a few feet away from him. "What? Yes, there's a man there, stop bothering me while I'm thinking." Rockington tapped him again, this time rumbling "Client" as he did.

"Client? What? Don't be prepo... That's what I was doing! I was introducing myself to a client, it's a good thing I've got a memory like a steel trap or we'd never get anything done. My apologies for my assistant's poor manners. Used to be that elementals knew proper ettiquite, but now it's all interruptions and complaints about naming and not getting paid and being overworked and..."

Tikston coughed loudly and restarted the conversation where it should have been. "So you know of an Azlanti ruin, and you want something retrieved from it, yes? You'll find Rockington and I are the best there are. We've been through ruins all over the world and even under it. In exchange I just ask for a small amount of gold up front to cover the expenses associated with the expedition, and a finder's fee upon delivery. Additionally we split any additional artifacts or magic items we've found evenly between the three of us."

Tikston listened to his client's complaints in regards to the split before responding. "What? Not 50/50 good sir! We split it between the three of us: a third for you, a third for me and a third for Rockington, of course. It's not like he works for free. What do you take him for, some sort of bound elemental servant or something? Absolutely preposterous!" Tikston rolled his eyes and snorted disapprovingly.

"So do we have a deal?" Tikston said, extending his hand to shake on it. "Excellent, Rockington and I shall depart first thing tomorrow morning, we'll just need that gold now, and we'll be in contact with you again in the near future."

After taking the gold from the man, he and Rockington departed. Once he was sure the man was out of earshot, he burst into laughter. "Did you see the look on his face when I said you didn't work for free, Rocky? He was so confused! It's enough to make my week!" he said, delighted at successfully bluffing his way to a two-thirds share of the loot. He jingled the coin purse once for good measure before putting it safely in his pack.

The elemental emitted a high-pitched sound like two rocks grinding together, which functioned remarkably well as a sigh. "You still havent given me the gems you promised..."

"Yes, yes, Rocky, I'll get you gems! I've got an IOU right up here!" he said, tapping his pointer finger against his temple. "But first we've got an expedition to plan!"

I'm in no hurry given the time involved. Currently working on pt2. Probably going to be like 3 or 4 parts.

Rajni, parts 1 & 2:

"Not good enough." the Old Man simply said.

The voice startled him. No one was supposed to be here. Least of all himself. He began to form his weapon.

"That won't help you here." the Old Man said. Rajni's weapon, now fully formed, teleported to the Old Man's hand, then promptly disappeared.

"How did you know I'd be here?" Rajni asked of the Old Man.

Ignoring the question, the Old Man replied, "How did you know you'd find what you were looking for?"

Rajni thought for a moment. "I didn't. I knew there was something worth knowing in here, so I came. It wasn't difficult to see that this text was more valuable than the others," he said, indicating the parchment, "What happens now?"

"That depends on you. Here you stand, in a nexus of secret truths. A warrior, but I see you have some understanding of what you have seen," he said, indicating Rajnis hands, around which shifting patterns were materializing.

Rajni looked with a start, wide-eyed. "What is this?"

"You've seen one small piece of the pattern that links everything, and everyone. There is more, much more, to be seen... by one who looks."

Rajni looked at the man. Skin like the sole of a boot, hair white like milk. Piercing eyes ringed by cracks reminiscent of the great salt flats. "I'd look for more."

"Good. When you come again, wear these," said the man, throwing him a bundle of robes.

"Who are you?" Rajni asked of the Old Man.

"Parashurama," came the reply, "I grow tired. Return tomorrow." With that, the man turned away, and simply disappeared.

Rajni looked at the robes, put them on, and walked out the front door and into the night air.



In the practice arena, Rajni crouched in the long shadows punctuated by torchlight, intent on hearing any sign of Nagesh. Nagesh was the next-most skilled member of his class in the Monastery of Hungry Shadows. Nagesh hated Rajni for having bested him at their last duel. Nagesh had always had a superiority complex, bristling at every perceived slight as if he was too good for this place. Rajni, on the other hand, simply focused on his own training, which infuriated Nagesh even more.

"I see you, Raj," Nagesh's voice crooned, from everywhere and nowhere.

"Yet you keep your distance."

A sharp exhale in anger gave Nagesh away a second before the strike. a small blade whizzed past the blur where Rajni's head was a split-second prior. He ran, not quite quietly enough, towards one of the pools of light. The sound attracted Nagesh like a shark to blood in the water.

"You think to hide in the light?" Nagesh taunted.

"Better than hiding in the darkness," replied Rajni.

No sharp exhale this time, but he imagined the blow well-struck. He leapt from the darkness and into the light, as a diver would surface for air. The shark was on his tail, however. His tattoo glowed with warmth, covered by his clothing, and only he sensed it. His vision became sharper, but filled with shades of possibilities a heart's beat in the future.

One such shade grew more distinct, and he raised his blade to parry an incoming dagger, thrown from the pool of darkness at the light's edge.

"You do nothing but provide me with a target. Why don't you fight?"

"A target you have yet to hit, Nagesh," Another dagger whistled through the air, dissipating after biting deep into the wood behind Rajni. "Your anger blinds you."

"I'll not be goaded so easily. You cannot throw your ridiculous blade, and you cannot chase what you cannot find. You will bleed from a thousand cuts," came the voice from the darkness. Not moving, watching from around a corner. The outline became less muddy in the darkness beyond the flame's reach.

Another dagger came and went, then another.

"You cannot dodge forever, Raj. You tire."

Electing not to respond, Rajni focused on the darker shadow. It moved between three particular spots. The pattern had emerged, as Parashurama had taught that it would.

He closed his eyes, blocking out all but the trajectory of Nagesh's movement. He could see when the dagger would fly. Half a second before that moment, Rajni reached out his hand and a beam of black light leapt out at Nagesh. Though he had aimed at the body, it struck Nagesh in the leg and threw him off-balance, causing him to careen into the corner he had planned to hide behind.

"That was no blade, scum. I will have you expelled for this!" Nagesh screamed, sharply inhaling through his teeth as he attempted to rise. One of the instructors emerged from the shadows, pulling a brightly-glowing stone from his pocket to light the wound. The instructor silently placed a hand on Nagesh's head, and his eyelids closed peacefully as the instructor's other hand drew poultice from a small pot tied to his belt and smoothed it over the weeping wound on Nagesh's leg.

In focusing on the scene he had caused, he missed the instructor coming up from his own flank. Not that he would have noticed normally, anyway. The instructors were shadow incarnate.

"You have received outside instruction, I see. Your eyes show the Seer's touch. You think yourself so accomplished here that you may train elsewhere in your clearly over-abundant leisure time? You think yourself a champion for having bested the prattling son of a noble? You think the answers can be seen in others before they must be seen inside yourself?" The questions, though asked in an even tone, were deep-cutting accusations.

"No, Grandmaster. I thought to seek more knowledge. To know more than the art of the blade," Rajni responded with a mixture of deference and desire to stand his own ground.

"You seek more knowledge before you have absorbed what you have been given. Your reach exceeds your grasp. A fine trait, if tempered with wisdom and experience. Very well. You will take the next test early. Report to the cells." The instructor said, turning and disappearing around a corner.

Rajni's heart simultaneously sank and nearly burst from his chest. The test was simple, remain in a dark cell, devoid of outside stimuli, and search within oneself for the period of seven days, one's only bodily sustenance being bread and water. The maddening part, which caused the most students to fail, was the fact that they could walk out at any time. One had to make due, and dive deep into one's own mind, to pass their time with some semblance of peace. To Rajni, this was a chance to prove he was ready for the next tier of instruction.


This sounds like a marvelous campaign and I look forward to putting forth a character for your perusal in the near future. Knowing my tastes, and having read up a bit on the campaign, I will likely be putting forth a Varisian who has set out to not only explore the world, but see what destiny Mother Moon has laid out before him.

I've had my eye on this AP for awhile and planned to pick it up myself! Legendary games is one of my favorite 3pp with their plugins, rulership book and war book.

I have no idea on classes yet, but a concept yet forms.

A Kellid barbarian (no, not the class) with the touch of spirits on him. He is a descendant of the once rulers of Sarkonis, his family line expected to one day lead the battle to take back the Worldwound and restore the nation. After the horrid death of his brother and nephews, he became the last of his line. Rather than step into a position of leadership, he fled from the duties others sought to put upon his shoulders. They were not his duties, but the duties of long dead men from a long dead nation that would never rise from the ashes. Be seeks but one thing as he treks across the land--combat and glory. Glory is found in fighting the largest monsters he can find while he forms new, spiritual family bonds with any who choose to fight at his side.

He is no stereotypical wild man, but rather is calm and patient. No rage fuels his lust for battle and no anger spurs him easily. He is a spiritual man with a connection to the feywild, worshiping in the old ways with nearly dead traditions. A figure who seeks to form his own myths to replace those of the ancestors that haunt him.

I plan to definitely have at least one path of war class...I love maneuvers far too much. Then I'll likely combine it with some sort of spell casting for non-combat options. Possibly druid or a nature oracle for divinations. Ooh..maybe the tongues curse and he only speaks in ancient Hallit when spurred to combat.

If you plan to pick it up, I highly encourage funding the Kickstarter. It's less-expensive this way, and the more funding they get, the better the product will be. ^^

GM Rednal wrote:
If you plan to pick it up, I highly encourage funding the Kickstarter. It's less-expensive this way, and the more funding they get, the better the product will be. ^^

Sadly, that's money I'll need for Gen Con.

I think I've decided on class(es) I just need a good story to go with. Soulknife (Deadly Fist) plus Unchained Monk. I've wanted to try the Unchained Monk in play, and likewise the Soulknife, so two birds with one stone.

It's just kinda hard when details are so sparse. I like to mold my character around the adventure (and its starting location) in some way.

Though I may change that second one to Shaman. I like the idea of a character who relies on the ancestor spirits for everything, even providing his weaponry and armor to protect himself.

Maybe Ulfen or Shoanti? Though maybe not feasible given Holver's Ferry's location.

Dark Archive

Oh, what have we here?

I'm going to do a little reading and see what I can cook up. A character I'm really interested in playing is a Fiendbound Marauder Warder/Dread, who is designed to scare the pants off people, but I need to see if that's a reasonable concept for this. Maybe replacing Dread with Psion or Alchemist? Gestalt always gives a ton of options. :)

Here's what I have so far:

Cha'Tima Achak:

Cha’tima Achak (Tima to his friends) is, or was, an apprentice to one of the shamans of the Skoan-Qua. He was selected at a young age to commune with the spirits, and has been raised to revere his ancestors, and trained to call upon them for guidance when he is in need.
Tima, despite much of his time being taken up by spiritual education and meditation was also a natural warrior. Often, he would sneak out and watch the warriors of the clan train in combat, and he too wished to join in. It took him a long time to work up the courage to ask to be trained himself, and when he did the men were naturally reluctant, fearful of harming the shaman’s favored. But his natural charm eventually won them over, and he began to learn the art of war piecemeal.

He took to it like a fish to water, though his growth was stunted by his practice time being limited. Nevertheless, his natural talent made up for it, putting him only slightly behind the boys who were training to be warriors full time. He began to pray to the spirits “make me a warrior”.

They obliged, though perhaps not in the manner he would have liked.
In the night, goblins attacked where Tima’s clan had made camp for the night. He was awoken by the sound of a goblin splashing a vial of fire against the tent he and the shaman shared and cackling in mad glee. Tima rushed out, foolishly in hindsight, being neither armed nor armored into a dangerous situation.

Sure enough, he was quickly set upon by a pair of goblins, dogslicers gleaming wickedy in the fire light and their nasty teeth showing through their grins. Tima was convinced this was the end.
“Please, spirits.” he implored “Arm me so I can fight.”
And again, they obliged, a crude club of pure force materializing in his hands, much to the shock of both himself and the goblins facing him. Recovering quickly, he crushed the skull of one before it could react, and then turned to face the other. A mistake, as it turned out, as the crude knife bit into his face, taking one of his eyes and scarring his face.

He awoke several days later, slightly panicked at the darkness shrouding the world to the right of him.
“You’re a fool boy.” His master sighed as he applied more poultice, out of sight the way Tima’s head was turned “But at least you’re alive.”

He would later find out that the “battle” as he referred to it (little more than a raid from a dozen goblins, if that) had been repelled swiftly and mercilessly by the tribe’s warriors, the most grievous injury being to himself.

For a while after that, the clan warriors refused to train him further, feeling both guilty, and ashamed of him at the same time. If they hadn’t taught him to fight, would he have been so foolish as to rush into combat?

This left him with time for much meditation, and to continue his shamanly training. The encounter with the goblin had had one beneficial side effect. Whether because of an awakening of his spiritual powers, the trauma of his partial blinding, or both, Cha’Tima now had a much closer connection to the spirit world. He could see and manipulate the spirits much more freely than before, his eye blind to the natural world, but free to see the spirit world at all times. His master was pleased with his newfound rapid progress, and permitted him much more time to himself, since he required less time devoted to his studies (the hardest part of communing with the spirits is being able to train yourself to see and hear them, after all, and Tima had mastered that).

He began to “train” his martial abilities by himself, but it was little more than boyish flailing without guidance. Worse, the loss of his eye had thrown off his balance, and given him a weakness to compensate for, setting him back years of training.
After a while, the men took pity on him, feeling he had suffered long enough away from something he clearly had the dedication to pursue, and a grizzled one-eyed veteran of the group took over his training, teaching him to compensate for his weakness, and soon he was back on track.

More secretively, he honed his ability to conjure weapons from the air, though still has yet to progress beyond being able to draw it at will and determine whether it has a sharp point, a sharp edge, or a blunt one, the weapons being crude and appearing off balance (though having next to no weight, this was not really an issue).

[To Be Continued]

It's a bit rough, and I'm not sure where to take it from here, but I'm liking it so far. Before I get somebody coming at me for gratuitous use of apostrophe, the name is actually taken from a list of Native American baby names (Cha'Tima roughly translating to "the caller" and Achak being "spirit"). When i can't think of a good name I just go with something fairly literal (in this case, he calls spirits).

I'm not 100% sure what his second class is going to be, but the first one is definitely Soulknife (Warsoul). For the second I was leaning towards Battle Shaman (Speaker for the Past archetype) but I'm considering looking at the Occult Adventures stuff again and maybe going Medium or something.

Dark Archive

War Soul is really neat, Rynjin, but don't make the mistake I did of focusing entirely on Veiled Moon maneuvers. They're cool, but they're not very effective in practice, outside of the teleporting ones. :3

Anyway, I've been working on my character and I have most of the crunch nailed down. The general idea for his fluff is that he is possessed by some kind of creature that has given him dark powers, but he uses them for his own purposes. I'd be playing him CN leaning CG, a decent guy using the power of the Hells against themselves, or something like that.

It's still a rough concept, but I'm working on it. :)

Really? I made a Stalker focusing mostly on Broken Blade and Veiled Moon a while back (using Thrown weapons via Weapon Group Adaptation) and it was quite good. The teleportation ones especially, but stuff like Half-Gone and Ghostwalk were amazing as well.

Seranov wrote:

War Soul is really neat, Rynjin, but don't make the mistake I did of focusing entirely on Veiled Moon maneuvers. They're cool, but they're not very effective in practice, outside of the teleporting ones. :3

I found you're almost forced to early on since you lack a lot of feats on Stalker.

I think I lucked out on my choice of going tiefling rather than grippli since that gives me claws to work broken blade maneuvers from.

At the moment I'm considering ways to maximize the action economy on the vitalist soul thief stuff adn the stalker stuff.

TarkXT wrote:
At the moment I'm considering ways to maximize the action economy on the vitalist soul thief stuff adn the stalker stuff.

I play a Vitalist (Life Leech) in another game (Nnn'tkklik'l under my aliases if you are interested). I found taking one of the feats that grant a second psionic focus, and Psionic Meditation was pretty much necessary. Don't forget Ability Focus as well if Soul Thief has something that causes the enemy to have to make a save.

Seranov wrote:

Anyway, I've been working on my character and I have most of the crunch nailed down. The general idea for his fluff is that he is possessed by some kind of creature that has given him dark powers, but he uses them for his own purposes. I'd be playing him CN leaning CG, a decent guy using the power of the Hells against themselves, or something like that.

It's still a rough concept, but I'm working on it. :)

Hey man, that's pretty cool. I'm knee deep in a Fiendbound Marauder/Bloodrager myself, though with a starkly different mindset by the looks of it. I'm losing a lot of sleep over which disciplines I should go with.

I look forward to seeing what you end up with.

Dark Archive

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Seranov wrote:

Anyway, I've been working on my character and I have most of the crunch nailed down. The general idea for his fluff is that he is possessed by some kind of creature that has given him dark powers, but he uses them for his own purposes. I'd be playing him CN leaning CG, a decent guy using the power of the Hells against themselves, or something like that.

It's still a rough concept, but I'm working on it. :)

Hey man, that's pretty cool. I'm knee deep in a Fiendbound Marauder/Bloodrager myself, though with a starkly different mindset by the looks of it. I'm losing a lot of sleep over which disciplines I should go with.

I look forward to seeing what you end up with.

Kosmar is actually mostly finished, just lacking the ever-important backstory.

Now, I'm technically bending the rules a bit, but I'm going to have it that he received all his powers when he retrieved a psicrystal from an evil spellcaster who had been planning to become a lich (instead of creating it on his own, so it's technically a fragment of somebody else's personality, not his own). The Psicrystal, for whatever reason, decided Kosmar would serve as a decent vessel for him, and sunk its mental claws into the half-orc. Without a master, however, Kosmar was able to wrest control of the psicrystal and bend the power it controlled to his own will. Said powers are mostly about transforming himself and others into frightening creatures. How better to fight a 20 ft. tall demon than to turn into one yourself, y'know? :)

Mechanically, I'm probably going to go the Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting route, so that I can claw the heck out of things with both arms, do some grappling stuff, and mess around with the many neat maneuvers Warders have access to. I may drop Black Seraph if Rednal doesn't want anybody messing with stuff with the [Evil] descriptor (which is a reasonable thing if we've got Paladins or whatever running around) but I'm definitely going to make sure to play Kosmar as "fighting fire with fire."

Seranov wrote:
Johnnycat93 wrote:
Seranov wrote:

Anyway, I've been working on my character and I have most of the crunch nailed down. The general idea for his fluff is that he is possessed by some kind of creature that has given him dark powers, but he uses them for his own purposes. I'd be playing him CN leaning CG, a decent guy using the power of the Hells against themselves, or something like that.

It's still a rough concept, but I'm working on it. :)

Hey man, that's pretty cool. I'm knee deep in a Fiendbound Marauder/Bloodrager myself, though with a starkly different mindset by the looks of it. I'm losing a lot of sleep over which disciplines I should go with.

I look forward to seeing what you end up with.

Kosmar is actually mostly finished, just lacking the ever-important backstory.

Now, I'm technically bending the rules a bit, but I'm going to have it that he received all his powers when he retrieved a psicrystal from an evil spellcaster who had been planning to become a lich (instead of creating it on his own, so it's technically a fragment of somebody else's personality, not his own). The Psicrystal, for whatever reason, decided Kosmar would serve as a decent vessel for him, and sunk its mental claws into the half-orc. Without a master, however, Kosmar was able to wrest control of the psicrystal and bend the power it controlled to his own will. Said powers are mostly about transforming himself and others into frightening creatures. How better to fight a 20 ft. tall demon than to turn into one yourself, y'know? :)

Mechanically, I'm probably going to go the Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting route, so that I can claw the heck out of things with both arms, do some grappling stuff, and mess around with the many neat maneuvers Warders have access to. I may drop Black Seraph if Rednal doesn't want anybody messing with stuff with the [Evil] descriptor (which is a reasonable thing if we've got Paladins or whatever running around) but I'm...

I like it, especially since I'm going pretty much the opposite direction with my own. More of a "lesser of two evils" kind of deal. I don't want to give away much about my background until it's done but I will say that my characters entire motivating factor right now is to die the absolute most glorious death possible. So I'm down for going anywhere and doing anything as long as it leads to ever bigger fights (which is a guarantee given the nature of the game).

If you're doing TWF have you considered using one of the playtests traits to pick up Thrashing Dragon?

Dark Archive

Considering it, but I'm not sold on going TWF just yet. The other option would be go full Nightmare from Soul Calibur and use the other hand to carry around a shield or something, and fluff it as a big damn sword/hunk of metal I use to parry attacks.

If you really do want to go Nightmare I think Zweihander Sentinel and Fiendbound Marauder are compatible in the most recent doc. I mean, there's no actual mechanical benefit so it really depends on how far you want to go.

Dark Archive

Honestly, I have a ZS Warder already, and I'd like to do something different. The refluffed shield thing honestly is really speaking to me, now that I've brought it up.

Tenro wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
At the moment I'm considering ways to maximize the action economy on the vitalist soul thief stuff adn the stalker stuff.
I play a Vitalist (Life Leech) in another game (Nnn'tkklik'l under my aliases if you are interested). I found taking one of the feats that grant a second psionic focus, and Psionic Meditation was pretty much necessary. Don't forget Ability Focus as well if Soul Thief has something that causes the enemy to have to make a save.

Why the emphasis on the psionic focus?

I'm not super familiar with psionics, I grabbed up vitalist because it fits a lot of the imagery I have plus I sense some fun stuff I can do with touch powers and strike maneuvers.

Dark Archive

Expending Psionic Focus can give you a lot of different neat abilities, but it's a Full Round action to regain it without Psionic Meditation. Taking Psicrystal Affinity/Containment gives you a second Psionic Focus, which can be helpful for situations where you don't have time to regain your own.

There's also Deep Meditation or Deep Focus or something that gives you a second focus. It's in Ultimate Psionics but I don't think it's on the SRD.

Edit: Ah, yes, here it is:

Deep Focus (Psionic):

You have learned to focus your subconscious mind even while awake.

Prerequisites: Psionic Body, Autohypnosis 4 ranks.

Benefit: You can psionically focus your subconscious in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus normally. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. At any time when you need to maintain psionic focus for an effect, you can use your subconscious’s psionic focus instead. Psionically focusing your subconscious works just like focusing your conscious mind.

Special: You cannot benefit from both Psicrystal Containment and Deep Focus at the same time. If you have both feats, you may only have your psicrystal or your subconscious maintaining psionic focus at any given time.

Seranov wrote:
Expending Psionic Focus can give you a lot of different neat abilities, but it's a Full Round action to regain it without Psionic Meditation. Taking Psicrystal Affinity/Containment gives you a second Psionic Focus, which can be helpful for situations where you don't have time to regain your own.

I was kind of curious why Tenro did it specifically since a lot of vitalist abilties outside of manifesting don't really call for it. In any case I don't see Penance making much use of it for a good while since I have to get basic combat feats out of the way first. Weapon Finnesse-Deadly Agility-two weapon fighting won't finish for a while.

I may not even need two weapon fighitng though and I might go the natural attack route. Haven't really looked deeply at the vitalist powers yet.

Penance Backstory Pt. 2:
For fifteen years the boy that would become Penance turned into a young man. In those dark caves lost in hot desert mountains the young man would see the sun but rarely and death often.

Before he was 13 the young man had mastered the necessary rituals and powers necessary to tear a soul directly from a body barely clinging to life and send that soul into Norgorber's realm. By the time he was 15 he had learned almost countless ways to kill a man, leave them incapacitated, or injure them in ways that appeared accidental to the untrained eye.

As his training intensified so to did the loyalty tests, the attempts on his life, and the harsh interrogation sessions. When the boy was not killing, or being taught how to kill, he was tormented relentlessly.

On his fifteenth birthday this came to a bloody and terrible end.
In their most extreme test of loyalty Penance's handlers told him to murder one of the "lesser performing" members of their order. He did so and was immediately attacked as a traitor to the order.
The idea is that they would capture and interrogate him and attempt to pry the information about the orders from him to test the limits of his loyalty and his ability to keep secrets.

What they could not imagine was that he would succeed in slaying his would be captors and escaping the cave network into the mountains.

Incapable of trust and now unsure of his purpose he fled west deeper into the mountains and into regions where few if any humans dwell.

While there he stole, killed, and scavenged whatever he could while he constantly prayed and meditated for some form of answer from the Shadow Scorpion. But, Norgorber speaks rarely and guides never. For a full year this cycle passed until the day that the young man ran afoul of a mountain lion while taking game escaping only when he fell down a steep cliff breaking three of his limbs and putting him on the brink of death
He was rescued by a man named Abad, who never gave his last name, who took the broken young man to his mountain hideaway and nursed him slowly back to health.

While there the young man learned that Abad was once a wealthy man and fervent worshiper of Abadar. Yet, after years of enjoying the wealth and prosperity that his life brought him he found that he was unsatisfied with his life and that despite his fatih that his soul felt empty, his life pointless.
In a fit of revelation however Abad had given all his wealth over to the poor, the sick, and to the Church of Sarenrae, while to Sarenism and using what was left of his money to wander into the Brazen peaks to meditate on the meaning of life and what it means to be good.

The young man, naturally, found the man insane. The young man openly questioned his philosophies and choices in life. Why give anything to those whom you have nothing to gain from? Why spend so much time gaining in wealth and power only to throw it all away?

The man would merely smile, nod and answer with questions of his own. What was the point of self-indulgence at the expense of others? What is life as a person if you can do nothing but live as a paranoid animal atop a pile of wealth?

Such questions only served to infuriate him, and as soon as he was physically able he stole away into the night carrying as much food and belongings as he could carry into the darkness.

But other hunters were on the prowl, for gnolls ruled the Brazen Peaks, and such a group so accustomed to the trails and the scent of weak prey easily tracked the young man. Chasing him, hounding him, reveling in the way they do at the scent of weakness and fear.

Still, even they were surprised by the boys ferocity when cornered and decided to kill rather than enslave him. They nearly succeeded if Abad had not intervened before the killing blow was landed. But, only at the cost of Abad's left eye.

As the injured young man and Abad led one another back to their cave hideaway the young man asked Abad why he would go through the trouble of saving him knowing that he had taken things from him and might have easily killed him.

Sheepishly Abad had answered that he was concerned for the boy being not completely healed from the lion attack and, a bit more selfishly, the young man had stolen his favorite bowl.

The answer, and the emotions that followed, marked a direct turning point in the young mans life. Guilt, shame, and an overwhelming sense of empathy from Abad forced the young man to consider his place in the world.

Over the next few weeks as the young man and Abad recovered the young man shared much of his history. The training, the tests, the brutal murders and ritual sacrifices. Much of it he expect Abad to be sickened by, even disgusted and angry. But instead Abad would simply nod and say nothing. Sometimes he would question whether or not all of that was merely preparation for a greater purpose. After all, Abad would argue, in order to make a clean cut you had to know of anatomy. In order to make an effective poison you had to understand a body's reaction to it. Even in the case of getting close to a victim you had to learn the social graces and necessary flattery in order to get close. Perhaps he could turn those around. Maybe he could use the turn the lifestealing energies of his otherworldly powers in reverse?

Contemplating these questions himself the young man decided that he needed to find such answers himself, not as a hermit in the mountains, but living among people. On the second anniversary of his flight from the cult of Norgorber he left Abad in peace and headed for the ancient city of Ipeq to answer the question of turning the arts of death and deceit into those of life and compassion.

Yeah i just looked at Soulthief, looks like focus expenditure isnt as important for Soulthief as it was for Life Leech (archetype). I mistakenly thought Soulthief had a similar mechanic, but its only expenditure thing looks to be level 8.

Rednal! Why is it that whenever I check for new campaigns, it is always yours that catch my interest?

On the plus side, I'm back in the US (hopefully permanently) and have a fairly regular work schedule now. So I'd like to submit Jak Sykes.

I've got his ten minute background here, along with his crunch. I'm using HL, but I don't think it has the unchained background skills changes, so if anything does need to be changed, let me know.

Ten Minute Background:

Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!

Jak Sykes is the consummate traveler: he pays his respects the the Goddess of Travelers and Luck, and receives Her blessings in return. He tries to return home every few years to visit his family's graves, but something always manages to catch his attention and put it off. A good natured and helpful man, he finds his greatest joy in sleeping under the stars in anticipation of what the next morning will bring.

Jak was the only one of his family to want to leave the rustic little town of his birth. For better or worse, this also meant that he was the only one to survive the plague that swept through the area.

Jak has made his living most often by taking up jobs as a long distance messenger; travelling between cities alone and with groups. He also makes it a point to find a nice gambling den in whichever town he finds himself; he's always a fair bit of luck on his side and the extra coin is never unwelcome.

If he's being honest with himself, the only thing that would make him truly happy with his life is friends - and perhaps a woman by his side - who get the same joy from his various undertakings as he does.

He's had to make use of his longspear not a few times, and his minor first aid abilities more often still, but he would never call himself an "adventurer".

Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.

Jak has been bitten by the Wanderlust bug. His ultimate goal is to visit every plane of existence.

Depending on where the AP takes us, I'd like to have Jak be the first of any Earthly race to step foot on at least one planet or moon. Preferably uninhabited, but inhabitable. Military outpost, colonization effort, random exploration, whatever the reason.

Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!

At least one of Jak's siblings survived his hometown plague but was horribly transformed by it.

As a child, Jak stole an ancient heirloom from the family of another child who had bullied him. It was buried on the outskirts of town and hadn't been found as of the day that Jak left his home.

Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.

Jak is on "friendly enemy" terms with at least one gang leader. They met at a tavern over a game of Liar's Dice and meet up for a pint whenever Jak is in the vicinity. Jak knows about his professional dealings, but neither takes part in nor hinders them. In return, Jak is the only outsider (that the Boss will admit to) who is never even bothered about a "toll" when travelling into and out of the city. This is extended to any caravan that Jak may be travelling with.

There is a well known rare artifacts merchant named Ominifis Dran that always seems to be in the city that Jak is in. This has occurred so often, with ostensibly the same merchant, that Jak has begun to wonder if it is more of a franchise manned by clones than a single shop. Whatever the reason, Jak always goes to him first when he is in need of something or has something to sell.

Jak has been followed by one thug in particular: a noisy halfling who always wants to pick a fight and goes by the name of Artemis. His standard operating procedures are to wait until Jak is departing from a set of ruins or other potentially treasure-filled area, and then confront Jak in order to take said treasures for himself. It rarely works.

Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.

If Jak is moving on his own, he runs. He doesn't take a horse or wagon; he just runs. It's a favorite pasttime and expeditious mode of travel, though not as comfortable as a wagon or as fast as a horse. If he is with a group, he will conform to their preferred method of travel, though every other day - as long as the opportunity is available - he will go out and run for several miles.

This particular habit grew alongside his greatest memory. Growing up in a frontier town, kids made their own games and contests. One of the more common tests of physical endurance was a long distance run. When Jak was 11 he won his first race. The next year, he asked to be timed. When he was 16, he shattered the current record for a run to the next town.

Jak always has a deck of cards on hand. Surprisingly clumsy with small dextrous movements, he could never pass for a sleight of hand artist, but the thrill of card and dice games - especially those involving a large amount of luck - are always able to keep him entertained.

HeroLab crunch:

Jak Sykes Gestalt
Male human bard (voice of the wild) 1/cleric (varisian pilgrim) of Desna 1/gestalt 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +8
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee longspear +1 (1d8+1/×3) or
morningstar +1 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks bardic performance 7 rounds/day (distraction, fascinate [DC 13], inspire courage +1), caravan bond, channel positive energy 6/day (DC 13, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +5)
7/day—bit of luck
Bard (Voice of the Wild) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (2/day)—charm person (DC 14), cheetah's spirit
0 (at will)—ghost sound (DC 13), lullaby (DC 13), mage hand, spark[APG] (DC 13)
Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—endure elements, longstrider[D], read weather
0 (at will)—guidance, light, purify food and drink (DC 14)
D Domain spell; Domains Luck, Travel
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Endurance, Toughness
Traits Axe to Grind, Born Free, Starchild
Skills Craft (shoes) +4, Diplomacy +7, Heal +8, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +8, Perform (oratory) +7, Profession (gambler) +8, Survival +5 (+9 to avoid getting lost); Racial Modifiers starchild
Languages Common
SQ agile feet (7/day), loner, variant channeling (luck variant channeling)
Other Gear studded leather, longspear, morningstar, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Luck, 96 gp
Special Abilities
Agile Feet (7/day) (Su) For 1 rd, you ignore difficult terrain.
Axe to Grind +1 trait bonus on damage against foes who are threatened by only you.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 7 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bit of Luck (7/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
Born Free (1/day) Reroll a saving throw vs. a compulsion effect. Keep new roll even if worse.
Caravan Bond (5 companions) (Su) After a minute of group prayer, may use a domain-granted power on up to 5 travelling companions within 30 feet.
Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) Domain (Luck) Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) Domain (Travel) Granted Powers: You are an explorer and find enlightenment in the simple joy of travel, be it by foot or conveyance or magic. Increase your base speed by 10 feet.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (6/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Loner -1 to AC and attack when adjacent to ally or using aid another.
Luck Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred) Bonus to one roll/penalty on all rolls
Starchild +4 survival to avoid becoming lost. Automatically determine north.

As a side note, I have no idea how effective this character is going to be, if at all. I just took the concept and ran with it. I do have a question though: traits/drawback? I didn't see a yes or no about them, so they're included.

It does have Background Skills if you got the Unchained book. ^^

Aaaaaand as for the rest, maybe you're just naturally drawn to the kinds of games I like to run? XD

I definitely have the Unchained pack for HL. I've got every Pathfinder bundle. *Shrug* maybe it's there and I just don't recognize the difference because I've been offline for so long.

Figured it out.


Dark Archive

While you're here, Rednal, is a CN character who uses the Black Seraph discipline going to be something that is acceptable? He's very much NOT going to be the jerkface murderhobo that CN tends to get framed as, but he WILL be doing things mostly for his own benefit (which I will try to align with the rest of the party's benefit, too) and he's using distinctly NOT Good powers, in a very "ends justify the means" deal.

If it's not cool, I just need to swap out Black Seraph for a different discipline (probably more focus in Eternal Guardian).

-Alignment: Any non-evil. In addition, your character must be willing to cooperate with the rest of the party. You never know when you'll get stranded with no one else to help...
-Sourcebooks: All Paizo. Psionics, 1001 Spells, Deep Magic, and Path of War are all approved.

Survey says "yes". ^^

Dark Archive

Just wanted to make sure, as some of Black Seraph's maneuvers have the [Evil] descriptor, and therefore it's technically an Evil act to use them. I know you're not super strict about that kind of thing, but I wanted to get on the level about it, so that I don't end up doing dumb things that I thought were flavorful but end up getting me in trouble.

With your go-ahead, I'll start working on his background in earnest. :)

You can USE evil things without BEING evil.

...Though it's entirely true that some NPCs may notice and react accordingly. XD Just keep that in mind.

Dark Archive

Entirely the plan. :)

I hope to have a rough draft of his background ready tomorrow evening, at the latest.

Dark Archive

Okay, I am pretty confident in saying that Kosmar the Dark Champion is ready to go.

His background and various other parts of him are probably not 100% finished, but are close enough that I'm comfortable putting him up for review. :)

Exactly how lenient are you as far as re-fluffing things?

If I want my shamanic connection to the spirits to manifest as me being a Psion or Psychic Warrior and all the psionic powers I manifest being spirits helping me out, is that acceptable?

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