Tenro |

I should also probably note that there will be a new pantheon of deities to worship. They... probably won't release all the details on that until the books are passed out, but you'll get bonus points if you're willing to follow one of them instead of a Golarion-standard deity. XD
but, we would have to discover them first, right?

Penance |

The first of these revelations was the realization that cities operated under very different assumptions than that of the cult or the wilderness. The cult provided for his basic needs and taught him to steal, or kill for whatever else he may require in times of need.
The city required that the boy use his skills in ways he had never done before. Whether negotiating for work, stealing his daily bread, or otherwise turning his skills into different ways the boy's skills grew even as he was looking for ways to turn his life away from the path the Shadow Scorpion had set before him.
It was also the first time he ran into true prejudice against his appearance. The cult exalted him for his heritage. Abad didn't seem to notice or comment. But, those within the city that took notice of him shunned and feared him.
Sometimes he found this useful and would disguise his appearance to appear as some undead horror or another in order to fool the people he robbed into thinking he was a true monster. Most of the time however he found that it impeded his ultimate goal of turning his dark powers and skills into a positive force.
While in Osirian he also looked into the goddess Sarenrae. He found her teachings close to both his desires and his sense of often lethal pragmatism.Ultimately he turned to worshiping her in the hopes that the Dawnflower might counter the nightmare of his past in some form or another.
His chance for a life outside of the scavenging hole he was in came when a group of embalmers began seeking apprentices among the downtrodden of the city. The group had done well for themselves and as a matter of their faith in Abadar they believed in helping the poor by teaching them a skill always in demand in the crowded cities and tradition infatuated people of Osirian.
Inured from horror by their time with death the youth's appearance did not dissuade them from taking him on as an apprentice impressed as they were by his already encyclopedic knowledge of humanoid anatomy.
As an embalmer he was a natural and despite the low pay his exotic bloodline played into the superstitions of some clients who believe his presence might dissuade actual daemons from coming to despoil the bodies of their relatives. It also marked the first time the youth dealt with death from the viewpoint of the deceased's relatives.
He experienced a number of emotions as he carefully removed organs and wrapped the dead in their burial shrouds from those relatives; Grief, sorrow, disbelief, anger, and stoic calm. All of these had a dire effect on the youth as he remembered the numerous people he sacrificed in the name of the shadow scorpion and the many he consigned to that dark and terrible realm. He had down more than kill. A life might be weighed on that of many lives. But how can one repay the price of a lost soul? A dozen?
Unable to reconcile these feelings of guilt the youth decided that his path must lay in aiding the living through the living, not the care of the already dead.
He spoke with his then mentor Rahad Sati on this. Upset and confused that the boy would become so emotional while simultaneously being so skilled Rahad suggested that he take his skills to Rahadoum where the need for healing arts was great without the Dawnflowers servants spreading her healing grace. Perhaps he may find what he was looking for there?
Taking his advice the youth gathered his savings and traveled to the Kingdom of Man.
One more part to go.

Penance |

Enrolling into Azir University under their surgeon's program Penance at last turned his knowledge of the human body towards its repair rather its dismantlement.
Though forced to keep his worship of Sarenrae a secret he appreciated the way the Rahadoumi people continued to live their lives in a moral way despite their atheism and lack of real hope in the afterlife. In a way he found it somewhat inspiring as he continued his work.
As the years passed he performed well in his studies paying for his tuition in small ways all too happy that once in his life he never had to steal.
Still, he was frustrated.
He had long looked for a way to transform the life draining powers of his birthright into a positive force. Yet, all his research had indicated no such capability existed.
That is until the day he ran into an angel.
No meeting could have ever happened more by chance. The youth was walking home late at night when he simply bumped into the angel coming around the corner. The angel, for its part, was in headache inducing negotiations with Chelaxian representatives over the possession of the soul of a man who repented on his deathbed his worship of Asmodeus. Its mind elsewhere it did not see the young tiefling before it ran headlong into him.
Recognizing the youth for what he was immediately the angel's first impulse was to strike down the soul stealer immediately. But the shock, confusion, and sudden ray of hope in the pale youth's eyes stayed its hand.
Seeing the angel as a messenger of the Dawnflower the youth quickly stammered out his questions.
How do I turn this dark power to steal life and souls into a force for good?
How do I turn the arts of death and deception into those of life and glory?
How can one repent for not only murder but acts so heinous as to be impossible to perpetrate by mere mortals?
Without hesitation the angel answered.
To turn those powers into a force for good he had to turn them on himself. Reverse the process. Rather than reach into other and take. He must accept others into himself and give.
To turn the arts of death and deception into tools of good he must understand that like a sword they are merely a tool. Sarenrae understands that things that cannot be saved must be destroyed. For evil is a disease and as a disease the only way to stop its spread is their total annihilation.
As to repentance? That is on the mortal themselves to determine at what point they have repaid the cost of of their sins.
With that the angel left.
Not long after an investigator from the Pure Legion came calling. The results were unpleasant as the youth was forced to kill the investigator and his bodyguards.
Still, the man, having long forgotten his real name if he ever had one stole away on a ship and headed towards Varisia. From there he wandered from town to town, city to city, doling out healing, learning how to channel his powers into saving people, and occasionally using his darker skills to deal out necessary and often lethal justice.

Slyness |

GM, any chance you'd be amenable to Rite's Wise Witch archetype? The specific context would be gestalting a Cartomancer Wise Witch with either a psionic Marksman or a Gifted Blade Soulknife. No shenanigans intended, both just operate off Wisdom.
Wise Witch
"When given the choice, the wise witch takes a goddess as her patron.”
As a wise witch, you have the following class features:
Divine Magic (Ex): You gain Knowledge (religion) as an additional class skill. In addition, whenever you cast a witch spell, you may choose to have it count as a divine spell instead of an arcane spell. All of the normal rules for casting a divine spell (and none of the normal rules for casting an arcane spell) apply to a witch spell that counts as a divine spell.
Wise Witch (Ex): You use your Wisdom, rather than your Intelligence, to determine all class features and effects relating to your witch class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level you can cast, the save DCs of your spells, and the save DCs of your hexes. You cannot take any other archetype or class feature that changes the ability score on which your witch class features are based.

Penance |

Alrighty here is the completeed submission for Penance. Corrected some mistakes (thought daemon spawn was what I was looking for not Asura spawn. Makes little difference regardless since I got rid of a lot of racial abilities anyway.
I know you want it in a hero lab format but given I don't have it nor the money to get it can anyone post a template?
Penance is a thoughtful man prone to bits of philosophy, a habit picked up from his time in Rahadoum. His overall knowledge is narrow but his pride dictates that he never outwardly shows this.
As one can imagine he finds it incredibly difficult to trust anyone and tends to take numerous precautions against an inevitable betrayal but over the years he has learned to keep such distrust to himself and allow others the chance to prove his instincts wrong.
This column marks one of the few safe passages through the Brazen Peaks and is a helpful landmark to caravans and nomads who traverse between the two nations bringing trade and information with them.
But the black stone comes with its own portentous and terrible shadow bringing misfortune and death to those who tarry beneath its shadow. The rumors and superstition surrounding the rock have existed for nearly 500 years. In that time no travelers have dared camped beneath it without suffering its curse.
Which has worked well for the cult of Norgorber hidden in a large cavern network a short distance away from the stone and the source of the misfortune which befalls those travelers.
Desert assassins, thieves, and spies this cult has existed for as long as the stone has been erect. And why wouldn't it? They were the ones who erected it from the start. As a lure, as a sign, and as a warning.
The cult has no name of its own for labels and attachments are against Norgorber's teachings. Instead they hire themselves out as one group or another taking on names and habits when the time suits them. They willfully steal and shamelessly take the names of other groups seeing their own reputation as unimportant in the Shadow Scorpion's grand schemes.
Into this den of lies, death, and shadow was born the boy that would become Penance. Tearing from his mothers womb the sickly looking baby bore a terrible vigor and was drawn to death like a carcass fly. Typically, such a child would be sent to an orphanage, or otherwise abandoned depending on the parents wishes as life under the Shadow Scorpion is poorly suited for young children.
Intrigued, the head priest sought communion with Norgorber about what to do with the child. To his delight a herald answered and announced that the boy was drawn from a lineage of terrible Daemons. More than that, his was a rare breed that had the ability to tear souls out directly from living things, and with the correct preparation and ritual, hand them directly to Norgorber himself.
Such a boy was seen as nothing less than a blessing to the unnamed cult. And as such he was raised to be chief among their assassins and through summoning and divinations taught by Daemons the secrets of soul stealing, of defying the will of the cosmos themselves and serving the very essence of his victims into the his lord's black claws.
In addition to these tests came constant tests of silence, secrecy, and loyalty. Poisoning his food, sudden attacks, faked attacks and interrogations by authorities Penance was the constant subject to a culture of paranoia, fear, and secrecy. Trust no one. Trust, love, and friendship are merely the more subtle tools of conquerors. Guard your secrets or die.
For fifteen years the boy that would become Penance turned into a young man. In those dark caves lost in hot desert mountains the young man would see the sun but rarely and death often.
Before he was 13 the young man had mastered the necessary rituals and powers necessary to tear a soul directly from a body barely clinging to life and send that soul into Norgorber's realm. By the time he was 15 he had learned almost countless ways to kill a man, leave them incapacitated, or injure them in ways that appeared accidental to the untrained eye.
As his training intensified so to did the loyalty tests, the attempts on his life, and the harsh interrogation sessions. When the boy was not killing, or being taught how to kill, he was tormented relentlessly.
On his fifteenth birthday this came to a bloody and terrible end.
In their most extreme test of loyalty Penance's handlers told him to murder one of the "lesser performing" members of their order. He did so and was immediately attacked as a traitor to the order.
The idea is that they would capture and interrogate him and attempt to pry the information about the orders from him to test the limits of his loyalty and his ability to keep secrets.
What they could not imagine was that he would succeed in slaying his would be captors and escaping the cave network into the mountains.
Incapable of trust and now unsure of his purpose he fled west deeper into the mountains and into regions where few if any humans dwell.
While there he stole, killed, and scavenged whatever he could while he constantly prayed and meditated for some form of answer from the Shadow Scorpion. But, Norgorber speaks rarely and guides never. For a full year this cycle passed until the day that the young man ran afoul of a mountain lion while taking game escaping only when he fell down a steep cliff breaking three of his limbs and putting him on the brink of death
He was rescued by a man named Abad, who never gave his last name, who took the broken young man to his mountain hideaway and nursed him slowly back to health.
While there the young man learned that Abad was once a wealthy man and fervent worshiper of Abadar. Yet, after years of enjoying the wealth and prosperity that his life brought him he found that he was unsatisfied with his life and that despite his fatih that his soul felt empty, his life pointless.
In a fit of revelation however Abad had given all his wealth over to the poor, the sick, and to the Church of Sarenrae, while to Sarenism and using what was left of his money to wander into the Brazen peaks to meditate on the meaning of life and what it means to be good.
The young man, naturally, found the man insane. The young man openly questioned his philosophies and choices in life. Why give anything to those whom you have nothing to gain from? Why spend so much time gaining in wealth and power only to throw it all away?
The man would merely smile, nod and answer with questions of his own. What was the point of self-indulgence at the expense of others? What is life as a person if you can do nothing but live as a paranoid animal atop a pile of wealth?
Such questions only served to infuriate him, and as soon as he was physically able he stole away into the night carrying as much food and belongings as he could carry into the darkness.
But other hunters were on the prowl, for gnolls ruled the Brazen Peaks, and such a group so accustomed to the trails and the scent of weak prey easily tracked the young man. Chasing him, hounding him, reveling in the way they do at the scent of weakness and fear.
Still, even they were surprised by the boys ferocity when cornered and decided to kill rather than enslave him. They nearly succeeded if Abad had not intervened before the killing blow was landed. But, only at the cost of Abad's left eye.
As the injured young man and Abad led one another back to their cave hideaway the young man asked Abad why he would go through the trouble of saving him knowing that he had taken things from him and might have easily killed him.
Sheepishly Abad had answered that he was concerned for the boy being not completely healed from the lion attack and, a bit more selfishly, the young man had stolen his favorite bowl.
The answer, and the emotions that followed, marked a direct turning point in the young mans life. Guilt, shame, and an overwhelming sense of empathy from Abad forced the young man to consider his place in the world.
Over the next few weeks as the young man and Abad recovered the young man shared much of his history. The training, the tests, the brutal murders and ritual sacrifices. Much of it he expect Abad to be sickened by, even disgusted and angry. But instead Abad would simply nod and say nothing. Sometimes he would question whether or not all of that was merely preparation for a greater purpose. After all, Abad would argue, in order to make a clean cut you had to know of anatomy. In order to make an effective poison you had to understand a body's reaction to it. Even in the case of getting close to a victim you had to learn the social graces and necessary flattery in order to get close. Perhaps he could turn those around. Maybe he could use the turn the lifestealing energies of his otherworldly powers in reverse?
Contemplating these questions himself the young man decided that he needed to find such answers himself, not as a hermit in the mountains, but living among people. On the second anniversary of his flight from the cult of Norgorber he left Abad in peace and headed for the ancient city of Ipeq to answer the question of turning the arts of death and deceit into those of life and compassion.
Osirion marked many firsts in Penance's life.
The first of these revelations was the realization that cities operated under very different assumptions than that of the cult or the wilderness. The cult provided for his basic needs and taught him to steal, or kill for whatever else he may require in times of need.
The city required that the boy use his skills in ways he had never done before. Whether negotiating for work, stealing his daily bread, or otherwise turning his skills into different ways the boy's skills grew even as he was looking for ways to turn his life away from the path the Shadow Scorpion had set before him.
It was also the first time he ran into true prejudice against his appearance. The cult exalted him for his heritage. Abad didn't seem to notice or comment. But, those within the city that took notice of him shunned and feared him.
Sometimes he found this useful and would disguise his appearance to appear as some undead horror or another in order to fool the people he robbed into thinking he was a true monster. Most of the time however he found that it impeded his ultimate goal of turning his dark powers and skills into a positive force.
While in Osirian he also looked into the goddess Sarenrae. He found her teachings close to both his desires and his sense of often lethal pragmatism.Ultimately he turned to worshiping her in the hopes that the Dawnflower might counter the nightmare of his past in some form or another.
His chance for a life outside of the scavenging hole he was in came when a group of embalmers began seeking apprentices among the downtrodden of the city. The group had done well for themselves and as a matter of their faith in Abadar they believed in helping the poor by teaching them a skill always in demand in the crowded cities and tradition infatuated people of Osirian.
Inured from horror by their time with death the youth's appearance did not dissuade them from taking him on as an apprentice impressed as they were by his already encyclopedic knowledge of humanoid anatomy.
As an embalmer he was a natural and despite the low pay his exotic bloodline played into the superstitions of some clients who believe his presence might dissuade actual daemons from coming to despoil the bodies of their relatives. It also marked the first time the youth dealt with death from the viewpoint of the deceased's relatives.
He experienced a number of emotions as he carefully removed organs and wrapped the dead in their burial shrouds from those relatives; Grief, sorrow, disbelief, anger, and stoic calm. All of these had a dire effect on the youth as he remembered the numerous people he sacrificed in the name of the shadow scorpion and the many he consigned to that dark and terrible realm. He had down more than kill. A life might be weighed on that of many lives. But how can one repay the price of a lost soul? A dozen?
Unable to reconcile these feelings of guilt the youth decided that his path must lay in aiding the living through the living, not the care of the already dead.
He spoke with his then mentor Rahad Sati on this. Upset and confused that the boy would become so emotional while simultaneously being so skilled Rahad suggested that he take his skills to Rahadoum where the need for healing arts was great without the Dawnflowers servants spreading her healing grace. Perhaps he may find what he was looking for there?
Taking his advice the youth gathered his savings and traveled to the Kingdom of Man.
The youth was 18 by the time he arrived in the city of Rahadoum bearing a letter of recommendation and his life savings.
Enrolling into Azir University under their surgeon's program Penance at last turned his knowledge of the human body towards its repair rather its dismantlement.
Though forced to keep his worship of Sarenrae a secret he appreciated the way the Rahadoumi people continued to live their lives in a moral way despite their atheism and lack of real hope in the afterlife. In a way he found it somewhat inspiring as he continued his work.
As the years passed he performed well in his studies paying for his tuition in small ways all too happy that once in his life he never had to steal.
Still, he was frustrated.
He had long looked for a way to transform the life draining powers of his birthright into a positive force. Yet, all his research had indicated no such capability existed.
That is until the day he ran into an angel.
No meeting could have ever happened more by chance. The youth was walking home late at night when he simply bumped into the angel coming around the corner. The angel, for its part, was in headache inducing negotiations with Chelaxian representatives over the possession of the soul of a man who repented on his deathbed his worship of Asmodeus. Its mind elsewhere it did not see the young tiefling before it ran headlong into him.
Recognizing the youth for what he was immediately the angel's first impulse was to strike down the soul stealer immediately. But the shock, confusion, and sudden ray of hope in the pale youth's eyes stayed its hand.
Seeing the angel as a messenger of the Dawnflower the youth quickly stammered out his questions.
How do I turn this dark power to steal life and souls into a force for good?
How do I turn the arts of death and deception into those of life and glory?
How can one repent for not only murder but acts so heinous as to be impossible to perpetrate by mere mortals?
Without hesitation the angel answered.
To turn those powers into a force for good he had to turn them on himself. Reverse the process. Rather than reach into other and take. He must accept others into himself and give.
To turn the arts of death and deception into tools of good he must understand that like a sword they are merely a tool. Sarenrae understands that things that cannot be saved must be destroyed. For evil is a disease and as a disease the only way to stop its spread is their total annihilation.
As to repentance? That is on the mortal themselves to determine at what point they have repaid the cost of of their sins.
With that the angel left.
Not long after an investigator from the Pure Legion came calling. The results were unpleasant as the youth was forced to kill the investigator and his bodyguards.
Still, the man, having long forgotten his real name if he ever had one stole away on a ship and headed towards Varisia. From there he wandered from town to town, city to city, doling out healing, learning how to channel his powers into saving people, and occasionally using his darker skills to deal out necessary and often lethal justice.

![]() |

Most of the Witch's power is in their Hexes, anyway. It probably won't be a big deal. D:
Also, I think I've decided to go with the Grappler option for Kosmar. Something about being able to get big and pretend I'm half-orc Zangief (with huge monstrous arms and clad in a suit of heavy, spiked armor) sounds like it'll be super fun.

Rynjin |

Ah, so Myth-Weavers is a no-go? I'll start my WIP here then:
Male ?? Aasimar Soulknife (War Soul+Gifted Blade)/Oracle (Spirit Guide) 1
Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 18
Cha: 16
Soulknife Bonus: Power Attack
1.) ???
1.) Spirit Shield
Curse: Tongues
Alternate Racial Traits: Incorruptible, Truespeaker
Gear: ??

GM Rednal |
It's not a no-go if you want to use it for yourself. I just like having everything in aliases and the same format for my own reference - it requires the smallest amount of clicking and ensures that I always know where to look for a given piece of information. As a GM, I love everything that makes it faster and easier to check things and make posts.
Also, Myth-Weavers sheets generally don't have the rules text for special abilities. o_O Not that I've seen, anyway. As far as I'm concerned, listing the names of powers without including their effects defeats the purpose of having a character sheet in the first place.

GM Rednal |
Yes, I want to see the full text for everything (except weapon/armor proficiency, which are self-explanatory) - though there is a point where I'll accept putting the special abilities behind a spoiler tab. XD Basically, I don't want to have to look at something you said you did, guess which version of the power it is (when things have identical names, which DOES happen...), and then spend a minute or two browsing around to find it - longer, if I guessed wrong. For me, having everything collected in one spot is drastically easier.
For yourself, I don't care. ^^ If you want to use a Myth-Weavers sheet (or any other sheet) for personal reference during gameplay, that's absolutely no problem at all. I couldn't stop you from doing that even if I wanted to - so I'm not even going to try. XD It'd be pretty silly of me anyway. The aliases are for my use, and it really does make a positive difference for me when things are all organized the same way.

Fury of the Tempest |

So... still recruiting, right? If I remember correctly, someone brought up the Path of War Expanded Playtest, and it wasn't allowed, right? (Despite 'Occult Adventures playtest stuff is okay'). I admit, such a low-level is something I'm against rather firmly, but the premise really, really grabs my attention.
I... do have a question however... as I intend to make a rather... curious build that will likely take a while to start building up... but I need to ask. If I get the Path of War Buckler Bash ability... can I give it Shield Spikes? You see, I'm intending to play a Warlord Vanguard Commander/Swashbuckler, and I'm hoping to be allowed to use the Buckler with the Swashbuckler's Finesse... I want to play a probably Swashbuckler, one that uses a buckler instead of just a single sword.

GM Rednal |
*Points to the title of the thread*
I said that date, and I meant that date.
Occult Adventures is okay because the full book is going to be out, like, two days after the recruitment ends, and people can quickly rebuild before it will have a serious impact on the game. PoW:E has an unknown release date and likely needs lots of little edits. Besides, you won't be first-level for too long - the real adventure starts at Level 2, and the prologue is basically just an introduction to the style of the campaign.
As for Buckler Bash, Shield Spikes specifically note that they cannot be put on Bucklers, So, no. Not unless you can find another ability/effect that would allow it, anyway. ^^ There COULD be one somewhere.

Fury of the Tempest |

Just double checking about the Recruitment... and fair enough about Occult.
That being said however. I would like to debate about your ruling about Shield Spikes. They do specifically note that they cannot be put on Bucklers yes. However, that is because Paizo doesn't allow you to use the Buckler for shield bashing at all, and they didn't want people trying to argue that putting the spikes on will let them shield bash. However, because Path of War material is allowed, and this material allows includes the feat Buckler Bash, than Bucker's should be allowed to be given Shield Spikes. After all, it doesn't really make sense that you shouldn't be allowed to add Shield Spikes to a Buckler, especially when your already giving up a feat just to be allowed to Shield Bash with it.
Plus, its not exactly going to break the game either... its just going to let me play a Sword/Shield Swashbuckler without having to wait several levels to get decent accuracy with both my sword and my shield. I mean, the main weapon is still going to be my sword. I just... want to be able to hit stuff with the Shield as well as the Sword at level 1, and not have to spend an uneccesary feat to do so.

Fury of the Tempest |

Alright, if that's the ruling, that's the ruling. Pity, really don't like having to waste Weapon Finesse when I'm playing a Swashbuckler... I suppose I can start at 10 strength at least, and then get it at level 3, and TWFing at level 5...
As for Party Roles? Well, I'm going for a leader/skirmish type. Due to the fact I'm Warlord/Swashbuckler, I have strong Charisma focus, so playing as a face comes almost naturally to me. Then of course, Warlord has decent buffing abilites thanks to Tactical Presence, Warleader and Golden Lion, with Iron Tortiose giving me some pretty decent defence. Of course, I'll mostly be hurting people, what with the Swashbuckler's Pierce Strike, and the damage from manuvers such as Broken Blade, Scarlet Throne and Thrashing Dragon.
... Anything wrong with that?

GM Rednal |
I didn't say that was the ruling - I just asked about your intended party roles. Warlord/Swashbuckler sounded very... martial, and I'm specifically trying to encourage taking multiple distinct party roles instead of doing one thing particularly well. ^^
As for the shield spikes, I'm still thinking and trying to figure out how they'd interact with swashbuckler abilities.

Monkeygod |

I have finally gotten some inspiration for my concept. Just need to see what fits best.
Still planning on going Occultist(Binder) and probably Summoner, but maybe Sorcerer or even Oracle.
As for party role, I should be able to fill several thanks to the versatility of Spirits. Of course if I decide on one of the full casters that will only add to what roles I can take.

Fury of the Tempest |

Well yes, it is a rather martial focused character I do admit that. However, as I pointed out the high charisma focus also lends it to a face role rather strongly as well. Plus, whilst I don't have the 6+ skills of a full out skill monkey, I won't exactly be limited in that department either. With good dex, getting my stealth up for sneaking around won't be hard as well.
Way I see it, Shield Spikes make a shield a piercing weapon, so Swashbuckler Finesse works for it, and later on Swashbuckler Weapon Training. However, I don't think it works for anything else like Precise Strike. Admittedly there is no reason why it shouldn't... but that's just cheesy, I just want the Dex to attack, that's all.

Tirion Jörðhár |

I am still considering some form of a Rogue(unchained)/Arcanist. Have a while until the closing date. As for party role, well, with about 100 skill ranks per level, the character should be able to do most stuff - face, sneak, stab people in the back, and when necessary, blow them up.
Real roles would be:
Primary - Full Arcane, Skill Monkey extraordinaire, and stabbing people in the back (whoever changed the ability from "backstab" to "sneak damage" should be drawn and quartered, and then stabbed in the back)
Secondary - Melee, good ranged, UMD for healing

Fury of the Tempest |

Awesome thanks! And don't worry, Buckler Bash is going to be my very first feat! I was considering nabbing human so I can start with Slashing Grace, but I figure I might as well just use the Rapier and play a different species for once (I play too many humans)
Are the Variant Heritages allowed? Because I might like trying out a Azata-Blooded Aasimar, they look pretty good both from a mechanics and a fluff standpoint.

Rynjin |

Almost done with my sheet, after which I'll re-write the backstory a bit and add to it.
Just need a 1st level Feat. I have Power Attack as my Soulknife bonus.
At 1st level I'll be shit at fighting, unfortunately, but I can toss out Divine Favors and decent DC Murderous Commands at the enemy, and heal if need be.
After that I'll shift to more of a self-buff and beat down role, with utility spells thrown in. Kinda like an Inquisitor who gets up to 9th level spells eventually.
Any suggestions on Feats (or changes to spell list, if someone has better suggestion)?
I really can't think of a decent one for 1st level. If I can't think of one I'll default to Extra Revelation (since I'm trading a few in for the Spirit Guide archetype).

Rynjin |

MOST characters are pretty lousy at 1st level. XD Think about what you might like to have on the future - long-term value, not necessarily what might be helpful right now.
I am (or I wouldn't be going the Wis to everything route, I'd just be snagging Deadly Agility at 1st and going super Dex man), it's just so frustrating to have the fruit dangling juuuuuust out of your reach. =)
Oh, one (...more) question, do you allow rolling on the "Weird Aasimar junk" table (Variant Aasimar abilities, trading the SLA out)? If so, I'd waffle between that and Incorruptible for a bit. I'm not a fan of the basic Daylight SLA.

Rynjin |

Dexterity sneak attack-y stuff? I don't have Sneak Attack (and only a 14 Dex).
What I'm going for is Wisdom to attack/damage via Focused Offense (a mechanical representation of the spirits guiding Cha'Tima's hand). Should be fun, it's one of the cool unique things the Soulknife has access to.
And hmmmm. There's a lot of neat stuff to pick from on that table. Thanks for letting me pick and choose. Opens up some options. May just snag the +2 Int one so I can have the stats I picked out before realizing I was on a 27 PB. Can never have too many skills.
Ooh. Or the free Raise Dead thingy. That could be real handy. Would have to pick a deity though.

GM Rednal |
All Golarion deities are also available. I just think it's a little more fun to have a different deity if you're going somewhere else. XD That's just personal preference, though - no real impact on the game.
Oh, and the deities I've created, or ones from players in TFG, are available. XD Though that's sort of a special niche case.

Rynjin |

I like new deities. Golarion's deities are so-so at best. There's only a few I really like, and all but one share a common theme: They all used to be mortal (plus Pharasma).
Irori and Nethys don't eve have to do anything any more. You already know they're badass because they were awesome enough to ascend to godhood through sheer awesomeness.
Cayden Cailean is just fun.
And Norgorber works well as a god who, by all outward appearances, is a collossal prick just because he feels like being one ("I'm the god of secrets because...I like knowing stuff you don't and rubbing it in your face. Neener Neener.).
Having started playing Age of Worms last year, I think I like Greyhawk's gods better in general, so I look forward to what these guys come up with.
Oh, and the deities I've created, or ones from players in TFG, are available. XD Though that's sort of a special niche case.
Which ones are these?

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Hey, folks! Just dropping in to say it's exciting to see a game gearing up for the adventure path!
As author for one of the adventures, I was invited to run the special kickoff event at PaizoCon so I could get a taste and it was a blast. It was not easy and the players were great sports about the AWFUL AWFUL things I did to them, but it was a great time and set the stage for a fantastic adventure.
Please reach out if we can help you prepare for your game, and please go back us if you haven't already. In the next week or so the KS will start to pick up as time starts to run out, and about that time we'll be funding my adventure The Depths of Desperation.
...for which I want you all to know..it's truly nothing personal. : )

GM Rednal |
@Steven: It was hard to wait to open recruitment - and I'm hoping that this thread sends a few more backers towards the Kickstarter. XD Things that would be most useful...
1) Details about the setting of The Assimilation Strain. Holver's Ferry sounds like a convenient town far from civilization (to make it easier to fit into any setting, I suspect), but a few more details - such as general size, whether people there would likely be long-time residents of a small town, people passing through, or something else, etc. - might help players establish their backgrounds a bit more.
2) The deities! ...Which I think you've already planned to announce? I saw something about including the basic info in an update, so I'm mostly just waiting on that one - and I'm curious to see the kinds of concepts the team will be going for.
And... that's all, I think. XD This game looks like a lot of fun, and I'm eager to see how far we can take it.