oyzar |

I think I'll just make a wizard//alchemist with the mindchemist archtype instead of the lore oracle idea. I won't get to use the cool relevations, but it fits my idea of the character I want to play much better. The mindchemist's perfect recall with have to make up from the missing skill bonuses from investigator. Maybe I'll switch out the wizard with arcanist or psion, we'll see as I delve further into the character.

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Can we submit 2 options? I have a ideas for an elven Slayer/Arcanist (Archer) that wants to explore the origins of his people and an Oread Monk/Sorcerer that wanders across planes and planets looking for his path to self perfection. I feel like both ideas would be fun to play, and I would be happy to bring whichever one compliments the party the best.

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Yup, both character concepts are both fully from Golarion.
The elf is interested in finding out more about Sovyrian, where his people had spent many years prior to the coming of Treerazor. He grew up fascinated by the stories of his family, and the legends of the first elves to step through a portal to another world.
The oread studied for many long years under the tutelage of his master, high in the mountains. He was never allowed to leave the monastery, and had been brought there when he was a baby so he had no memories of the outside world. Eventually, his training came to a close and he was given a final task: leave the mountain, and search. His goal is to see, experience and understand life. And so he's been wandering Golarion for years, each day bringing him to a new city, a new forest, a new sea.

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Not going to submit, but as excited as I am about this campaign I will definitely be following along. Best of luck to all!
Same here. I also wanted to personally thank you for posting this Recruitment, so that I could back the project. I invariably discover Kickstarter projects two days after they close.

Arachnofiend |

Interestingly, I dreamed up a concept I really like for a gestalt Shaman/Oracle last night, and then today I find this.
Question: Will our character know about the potential for space travel before the game actually starts? Like, not as a pipe dream that will inevitably become reality but as something entirely feasible in the very near future.

GM Rednal |
In the interest of honesty, I opened the recruitment now specifically to help other GMs learn about the project and decide whether or not to join in. XD So I feel quite accomplished now. Speaking of...
Kickstarter Update: The campaign has passed the $24,000 mark, and has gained another 10-page gazetteer to help flesh out the world you'll be visiting - in this case, a world with a blasted surface and endless catacombs. The next goal adds another 12 pages of bonus material, and after that is the fourth adventure, which will take you to the abandoned mining colonies of a shattered world. ^^

Tenro |

I am interested in this, it sounds like a great time! Though I am wary of gestalt games these days, I know Rednal wont disappear like many others.
I have a lot of ideas swirling around in my head, I am thinking Cryptic mixed with Alchemist, or Monk, or who knows, something else.
Someone with their feet on the ground but eyes to the stars.

JonGarrett |

Do you allow the Half Giant Powerful Build to stack with the Titan Fighter's Giant Weapon Wielder ability?

GM Rednal |
No, those particular abilities do not stack - both offer effectively the same benefit, but the Powerful Build does not change the Half-Giant's size for the purpose of class abilities, so there's no particular benefit there. Of course, you could make a character with that race/class combo anyway - the Titan Fighter's power would just be an unused extra.

Sotharal |

Okay, I am recycling an unused alias. Unfortunately, the name 'Sotharal' does not sound particularly dwarven...if needed I can change it, though I don't want to make a new alias until/unless I am actually accepted into the game, to avoid more unused aliases piling up.
As for the Witchknight... why do you want them to go on this adventure? The characters have basically no idea where they're going, much less any specific reason to go there - and inquisitor types are usually very job-focused. They have every reason to stay and very little cause to go exploring - how are you going to work with that? (<- This is me asking questions of your concept, as I said I would in the first post. ^^)
I initially thought this character would have a greater focus on wisdom than intelligence, which was the primary reason behind requesting an inquisitor archetype. However, upon revising my character's story, I realized I was mistaken, and that intelligence is more likely her focus. Hence, I retract my request for the witchknight archetype, and am using only pre-approved content.
Obviously, there is a fair amount left for me to do (in addition to the mechanics, which I can do pretty fast). I can add more to her goals and motivations, or detail 'background' NPCs she has met prior to the adventure starting. If there are any significant holes or issues in her backstory as it stands now, though, please let me know!
I sort of implied that her patron has some idea of what is coming in the AP, even though my character doesn't.

Tenro |

In the spoiler below is a ten minute background, although a lot of the elements of that seem to hinge upon the characters being in the same general area for most of the campaign, whereas i get the idea that we will not be. Hopefully, this will give you the needed insight into the character and how he will behave. If not, I am happy to answer any questions!
he will be Lawful Neutral, monk-like, sage-like, and his reason for travel (if such is needed, given that we will be captured i think) would be curiosity, desire for knowledge, and could perhaps be duty (self-imposed or otherwise).
Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged!
1) He is a mercenary and a scholar. He takes pride in his physical prowess, but is likewise determined to be seen as more than just another street tough.
2) He is often severe and intimidating. He has endured a great many trials in pursuit of perfection. He projects his high standards onto others as well, and is less accepting of shortcomings in others. He can occasionally be cheerful and charismatic, in rare instances that his Vudrani nature shines through.
3) He studied in the Monastery of Hungry Shadow, one of the Irorian schools eclipsed in reknown by that of the Houses of Perfection in Jalmeray. One of the core tenets is that one is never more than the sum of his abilities in the dark and without food. To gain acceptance into the school, he endured seven days in a perfectly dark cell with only one chunk of bread and a bowl of water.
4) He has a number of tattoos, psionic and otherwise. His psionic tattoos change from time to time with use, and his mundane tattoos mark milestones in his life and core beliefs bearing constant reminder. The Blade, the Tome, the Eye, and the Hand for the four pillars of combat; the Bowl and the Bread to mark the dark meditation he endured; and the samsaran wheel of rebirth, ever turning toward the future.
5) He has attained a small mastery of the blade of the mind, the embodiment of purpose given form. Though he has taken only the first steps toward mastery, his natural ability allows him to shine above that of his contemporaries. What sets him apart, however, is the fact he is similarly as accomplished in the art of the Seers. He was a favorite acolyte (though showered with no praise for it) for his ability to attain victory by analyzing an opponent before striking, thereby minimizing effort and exposure and displaying a more pure form of combat.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) The character would like nothing more than to discover, by his own discovery or by careful observation of another, new techniques that he could incorporate into his combat style and then take this knowledge back to his monastery for official inclusion into the curriculum.
2) I would like for the character to develop from someone who hangs back to observe before striking into someone who can observe on the fly and still have considerable damage output (while his out-of-combat observations become more and more useful to the party).
Step 3: List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I will also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect some surprises!
1) Though his dual expertise in both the blade and the vision is believed to have come naturally to him, he actually snuck into a Vault of Knowledge to discover the Seer's art. Though he was skilled enough to learn it, it was still a violation of multiple laws. Though he would lose no small amount of face if this were discovered, he would still defend his actions to acquire necessary knowledge.
2) There is an individual in the Monastery of Hungry Darkness who despises my character for having easily bested him in combat towards the end of their instruction together as classmates. My character would see this as no big deal, as it was "safe" sparring in an academic environment, but this nemesis is an extremely petty noble scion (though low on the list of inheritors) accustomed to always succeeding easily. Though my character will be away for some time, this nemesis is still back at the monastery. Now that his main obstacle to success is removed (though still a bitter memory), he would rise up to higher ranks within the monastery. If my character ever returns, this character would be furious and immediately scheme to denigrate my character's successes and insights. He would also seek to immediately remove my character, perhaps permanently.
Step 4: Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) My character's instructor in the Monastery of Hungry Shadow. The Instructor sees my character as an uppity prodigy who thinks more of his own talent than one ought to and maybe even seeks to move above his caste in this life. He treats the character in a detatched manner, though he is interested in the character's success and potential future usefulness to the monastery.
2) There is an Old Man in the Vault of Knowledge that knows my character snuck in. Fortunately for my character, the Old Man saw something of himself in the young man, and agreed not to raise the alarm if my character would submit to training in the art. The Old Man simply wanted to make sure the art was not misused, but can also provide information or leads to the character. When not in the Vault, he lives in a small home on the edge of the city, tending animals.
3) (See "Secret #2" above)
Step 5: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) My character remembers every waking second of his seven-day trial. What began (he thought) as an exercise in endurance slowly became a lesson in awareness, both of the physical self and of the mind.
2) My character remembers the first vision of the Eye in the Tome of the Vault of Knowledge. The patterns in the iris playing over one another, individually distinct yet combined to become a more important whole.
3) My character remembers a particular sparring match with a fellow young acolyte who became visibly irate after he lost to my character, which was a stark contrast to the cold and emotionless regard that even acolytes of his low level were to wear. He later learned that Monastery of Untwisting Iron was that acolyte's first choice, but the acolyte's father (a noble) had no influence there, and he was sent here where his name held some sway. My character found the notion of such influence distasteful, but hoped that it would be taken care of by those with more clout than he.

Maverick Silidar |

"Hello? Can you hear me? I don't think the audioscope is working Nim. No, I can't hear anything coming back. Yes, they looked like people in the telescope, but for all I know, the audioscope is working just fine, but they just can't understand me. I assumed they could speak elven, or at least common, but there's still no response. Perhaps the range amplifier is misaligned with the astral transceiver..."
This is my arcanist/slayer archer. Full details are in my profile, but the short version is that he's an elf from Kyonin that is trying to separate fact from legend in his people's past. Crunch-wise, he's basically an arcane archer, without the special prestige class bits. He can summon monstrous allies to help keep the minions of Treerazor at bay, while he peppers his enemies from afar with his longbow (once he can afford one). He'll generally cast a buff or control spell on the first round of combat before unleashing a rain of arrows.
Roles: ranged/melee damage, utility arcane spellcasting, knowledges, trap/lock handling.

Sotharal |

There's an occultist in Occult Adventures, the upcoming book from Paizo. There's also the one in Pact Magic, which is a VERY different class, full of general weirdness.
(That's not a bad thing - I backed for the physical copy of the full Pact Magic book.)
How were you planning to play them?
I suspect the confusion is that monkeygod is asking about the beta version of the revised pact magic occultist, as opposed to the original pact magic occultist, and wasn't thinking at all about the occult adventures occultist:)

GM Rednal |
Kickstarter Update: The campaign has surpassed $28,000, which means we've unlocked the fourth part of the main adventure, Confederates of the Shattered Zone. We are officially more than halfway through the adventure itself, and almost halfway through all of the initial set of stretch goals. ^^ And the more we unlock, the more content you'll be able to enjoy...

Sotharal |

Okay, the crunch for Sotharal is mostly done--at least all the choices are there, though I haven't actually written down the calculation of AC/CMB/CMD.
The outline of Sotharal's backstory and goals are done, but there is a substantial amount of room left to expand. I plan on working how she got each extra language into her backstory (I already know how, I just haven't written it up yet) sometime this week. Subsequently, I will probably expand on her mentality and personality.
GM Rednal, what do you think so far (you didn't respond to my previous post)?

El Ronza |

GM, it looks as though some of the Akashic content from Dreamscarred Press has made it onto d20pfsrd, specifically the class I'm most interested in. Would you consider it under those circumstances?

Tenro |

Oh, and do I have some ideas. I skimmed most of the comments, but I still may have missed it. Is this a tech heavy AP in the sense that me mulling over being a technomancer isn't a waste of time?
*Shakes Magic 8-Ball*
Answer Unclear.
(But no, seriously, it's Science-Fantasy instead of Science-Fiction. Expect SOME tech, but probably with more of a mystic component. Judging by the art, there WILL be guns, but you're world-hopping to places that probably have widely varying tech levels. The best way to think of it is that different parts of the game will have different gun levels, and I have exactly no idea how easy it will be to go back to previous places. XD)

Tenro |

Rajni Vedbhushan, Tenro's submission.
Crunch: Complete
Backstory: forthcoming, will update profile.
Ten Minute Background

GM Rednal |
@KarlBob: What bugs were you seeing? In my experience, it's been pretty much bug-free.
@ScaffoldKane: The Technology Guide? Probably not, except maybe for a few odd bits and pieces of gear. See the earlier answer of mine Tenro just quoted.
@Xanya: The 10 Minute Background is meant to be a way of helping you start to flesh out your character. I plan to focus on reviewing the full background.
@El Ronza: I have looked, and I think I'd prefer to stick with the classes already cited as available.

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@GM Rednal: Here is the current list of known issues, according to ShadowChemosh on April 3, 2015. The one that seems most serious to me is Issue #1:
Skill points are not adding correct for some combinations of classes.
In example
1st Fighter/Monk
2nd Monk/ClericSkill points are also incorrect when a person has a Int score higher than 12.
I'm not too worried about the first portion of that bug report, since I would probably keep the same two classes gestalted all the way through a character's career. The second portion could be a problem, though. A lot of characters have Intelligence scores above 12.
Issue #8 could also be a problem:
And the Caster Level of a gestalt character is factoring in a similar way. My level 15 gestalted sorcerer/ninja is listing a CL of 30 and a Concentration that is calculated as a lvl 30.
Maybe these issues have been fixed recently, but if so, their bug tags haven't been removed yet.

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If issues do seem to be occurring - as in, you've tested and confirmed it - the easiest solution is using the Adjustments tab and changing the number of skill points you get per-level to get the correct amount. That should take, oh, thirty seconds to do.
I haven't tested and confirmed any bugs. It's true that they should be relatively easy to fix, if we're aware of them. I'll give it a try, and double check any of the listed issues that show up in my character.