GM Rednal's Legendary Planet AP (Inactive)

Game Master Rednal

Current Goal: Find the Opus Aeterna and learn how to repair Gates

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Are you ready to travel to distant worlds, meet strange creatures, and kill them embark on an adventure that's truly epic in scope?

Then you're in the right place. Welcome to my recruitment thread for what's quickly shaping up to be one of the most outstanding adventures published for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game - a mythic journey across strange new worlds.

What is the Legendary Planet Adventure Path?

The Legendary Planet Adventure Path is a new science-fantasy campaign coming to us from the great team at Legendary Games - in fact, the Kickstarter campaign backing this is going on during this recruitment (and is accessible right here), and they've signaled that the first parts of this adventure - the prologue module and the first real book - will be available immediately following the conclusion of the campaign. If you're a GM yourself - and especially if you're a bit hesitant to play the stuff in Cheliax over the next year - I strongly encourage checking out this campaign. I think you (and your players) will like what you'll see.

As for Legendary Games themselves? If you haven't looked into them yet, you should know that many of them have been contributing authors to official Paizo material. These aren't just some guys writing an adventure - they're some of the best men and women in the business, and they know what it takes to create a fantastic product. Furthermore, Legendary Planet is intended to be the introduction to the "Legendary Worlds" Campaign Setting, a new place to set Pathfinder games and adventures, and they're going all-out in an effort to create a place you'll want to play in. Of course, you can still be from Golarion, so you don't have to worry about fluff being invalidated.

Since the books for this campaign aren't out yet, this recruitment will be a little different than most of mine - and will continue on until the campaign is finished (July 27th) and I actually have the books on my machine. I literally can't start this game until then. XD

Story Overview

Prologue: The Assimilation Strain

A strange sickness afflicts the frontier settlement of Holver's Ferry, threatening to overwhelm its citizens with an alien madness. Already the town has nearly torn itself apart, and the local sheriff is missing. When the PCs brave the surrounding wilderness as the village's latest newcomers, the beleaguered townsfolk desperately turn to them for assistance. But can these erstwhile heroes trace the diseased carrier to its source and solve the mystery before they, too, succumb to The Assimilation Strain?

Chapter One: To Worlds Unknown

Fire. And a choking haze of smoke blurring the luminous glow of strange lights on the walls and floor. Shouts. And an ever-present ringing in your ears, piercing your brain with the sharp trauma of an urgent alarm. You stumble from a bed you don't recognize, and into the path of strangers you don't know--some disturbingly alien, yet all fleeing an unknown catastrophe. Where are you? How did you get here? What is happening? There are no easy answers to these questions. But your opportunity to discover them starts now. And they're destined to take you To Worlds Unknown.

And from there? Well, you'll just have to find out...

Submission Guidelines

I want this campaign to succeed. Let's face it - Third-Party APs always face a hurdle that official ones don't, even when - as in the case of Way of the Wicked and Zeitgeist - they've turned out to be pretty darn good campaigns.

Accordingly, I'm keeping my standards pretty high for this.

The main thing I care about is your character's background.

Anybody can write up a character sheet, and I'm not going to be judging you by your ability to make a first-level character. I want to know how you'll play in this campaign, and I'll be taking a close look at the following parts of your submission:

-Literacy: I highly value this. Proper spelling and good grammar are your friends.

-Creativity: I'm not looking for Fighter #12 or Classic Wizard #9. Try to make me believe that your characters are actual people, with unique quirks that set them apart. I'm probably going to pick apart your biography and ask a number of questions. This isn't meant to wreck your idea - instead, I'll be trying to get you to think about your character more deeply. If you need a place to start, try making a 10 Minute Background (Google it) or looking at each of your character's powers and asking how they've used those and how it's affected their lives.
--Longer, well-written profiles have a much higher chance of being selected.

-Presence: Players who have a history here on the Paizo boards will be valued slightly more. This isn't an absolute requirement, but I expect to be running this game for a few years, given the place of PbP games. Being a long-time member of these boards is one way of convincing me that you'll continue to stick around.

-Sense: I'm not looking for the most outlandish character ideas you can come up with. I don't want an Awakened Dire Weasel Kineticist/Bard - while funny, that's not quite appropriate for this game. Sticking with the preferred races is far more likely to get you selected.
--Also, you're from Golarion. Write with that in mind.

-Munchkining: You'll be plenty powerful - don't try to break the system. Think about building for two distinct party roles, not supercharging a single role to do one thing game-breakingly well. The more obvious you make the distinction - and you can include that in your background - the better your chances.

-Willingness to Edit: I literally don't have the books yet, and there may be expected components (like campaign traits!) that will need to be edited in. Being willing to edit if needed is good.

Rules We'll Be Using

-Sourcebooks: All Paizo. Psionics, 1001 Spells, Deep Magic, and Path of War are all approved. Mythic Mania's books will be legal sources, and if you don't have them, I can pull things out for you. Other 3PP material is available on a case-by-case basis. Occult Adventures playtest stuff is okay - you'll have to rebuild when the full book is out, but you probably expected that. XD

-25 Point Buy. No scores lower than 8 or above 18 (after racial changes).

-Races: Core/Aasimar/Tiefling/Elemental-blooded preferred. A REALLY GOOD idea for something else might be accepted - quality is the big deciding factor.

-Classes: Any from legal sourcebooks.

-Alignment: Any non-evil. In addition, your character must be willing to cooperate with the rest of the party. You never know when you'll get stranded with no one else to help...

-Level 1, Gestalt Rules. The campaign officially begins at level 2, but we're doing the prologue module, so we're starting at the very start.

-Max HP per Hit Dice

-Background Skills (PF Unchained)

-2 Bonus Skill Points per Level. One of these must be put into a Profession, the other into a Craft.

-Innate Item Bonuses (PF Unchained)

-Stamina (PF Unchained - Free Bonus Feat for Fighters/Hybrid classes with a Fighter component, available to everyone else as a feat)

I will be selecting three characters for this game. If there's a particularly high number of quality submissions, I may run two tables.

Have questions?

Ask! I'll answer as best I can.

While unfamiliar with this upcoming AP, I'd be a fool to turn down a chance to game with Rednal. And "Distant Worlds"-esque campaigns are awesome. Sign me up! :-)

No ideas for a character as of yet, but I'm really flexible and will build around other prospective PCs.

I already have a character idea. So, I'm interested!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The nice thing about an AP that is written by a 3PP is that they are way more likely to include 3PP material (for instance Psionics will be featured in at least one of the books, according to the KS). I will consider whether I want to submit a character or if I'm going to be either to busy or too eager to read the mods to participate.

Scarab Sages

Will you be including the Stamina system from Unchained? I've been thinking about an arcane caster in armor, but without the Arcane Armor Training stamina ability (free action instead of swift), it makes it pretty rough.

Yes, the Stamina system can be used - as a bonus feat at 1st Level for Fighters (and Hybrid classes with a Fighter component), and available as a regular feat for other classes.

Scarab Sages

Cool. Now to fiddle with all the different pieces for days.

Just so you all know, the KS is pretty much already funded, after being live for about an hour. It has 42 days left.


Also, will definitely be working up a submission for this :)


Hmm. I'll see if I can put together a character concept I like.

I need a different core idea, so to speak, otherwise they just come out as stereotypes. I've found that I empathise easier with intelligent characters, so that will probably end up being an influence.

Perhaps something centered around the investigator archetype and class? That runs into the sherlock syndrome quite easily - maybe I'd best avoid it altogether.

Ah well. I'll be mulling this over at least. It looks like a really interesting game.

Edit: Huh. Investigator//Warder is all sorts of awesome, from a mechanical standpoint. Perhaps with the Dervish Defender archetype, although there's a certain charm to the image of a plate-clad investigator.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm thinking about a Vudrani Monk(Unchained)/Psion. I think monk and psion are perfect for a Vudrani and I've yet to explore that culture very much. "MAD" as all get out, but with 25 point buy 14s are easy enough to come by and that's all you really need for most things.

Submission under construction.

I have a question in regards to the Innate Item Bonus rules: How would you treat the items from Ultimate Equipment that give an effect and a stat bonus? Things like the Belts of Mighty Hurling(link)?
As per written they would not be available but that would in turn make the extra effect also entirely unavailable. Would you just drop the stat bonus from them and leave them with just the extra effect?
I'm curious as several of these items could take up very prominent places in a character build and I actually have an idea that would involve such an item.

It does technically remove -all- items that grant enhancement bonuses to ability scores. I'd accept remaking the item (according to the magical item creation rules) to find a price for the basic hurling ability, then adding the enhancement/cost of the innate bonus afterwards. That should give an equivalent and appropriate price under the rules we'll be using. ^^

I to would like to throw my hat in the ring, by declaring that both parties are nucking futz!

Oh, wait. Wrong ring. :p

Given all of the options that are available, I'll have to give it a little thought, although I have an idea for a a fighter/oracle combo that might be worth it's weight. I'll work on an initial submission here in the course of the next day or so. It sounds like we have some time to iron out the kinks before anything happens.

May the best people win!


Are the +2 skills for profession/craft in addition to the +2 for Background Skills?

Also, the innate item bonus rules confuse the heck out of me, so I hope if I get selected you'll give me an assist with them, once they come into play.

I'll post what I sent of my concept to the GM.

My character's story begins at a repository of knowledge in Cheliax, a sprawling complex filled with tomes and items. An ancient order studied there, protected by a stalwart group of guardians. The guardians are born and raised within to promote steadfast loyalty. The Hellknights held a grudge against the order and unwilling to risk facing the terrible magicks containted within instead decided to slowly cut off supplies and people heading to the compound; a silent siege. Over many years the members of the order and their guardians died out or left. Often those who left were cut down by Hellknights in their attempt. One boy and his master, guardian apprentice and guardian were all that was left. And then once his master passed on it was just the boy, the final member of the guardians, even the Hellknights had stopped paying much attention. (first class being taught by the guardians) The guardians were forbidden from reading the tomes inside the compound, but after a decade of guarding the place that he was born in the boy's curiousity took the better of him. He began to study. (This is where his second class comes in) When the Hellknights finally came to realize how well their plans had paid off they raided the compound and burned or destroyed everything they didn't take for themselves. The boy managed to escape, finding himself out in the world with no purpose and no place to go.

I am thinking Warder for the guardian half. Not sure on the mystical half.

Yes, the bonus points being put into Craft/Profession are in addition to all the changes of Background skills.

Basically, I don't think your character has sat around doing absolutely nothing with their life until this point. XD These two skills are meant to be a reflection of your interests and what you've done prior to the start of the campaign.

There seems to be a lot of planet hopping here but it's a bit unclear whether our characters will have a more traditional background or can be star farers right from the get go. I've got a background written up for a character that was born on a spaceship.

The prequel adventure seems to assume being born on a simple fantasy world like Golarion.

--Also, you're from Golarion. Write with that in mind.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Literacy. Heh.

Challenge Accepted?

In other news, the Kickstarter is 1-2 backers shy of unlocking the second adventure in this series.

(They plan to release seven in total, with the last adventure bringing you to 20th level with enough time left over to USE your capstones.)

Book two unlocked.

Any starting gold?

150 GP to start with.

Woo! As both a Mythic Mania backer and a Legendary Planet backer, I'm definitely interested!

Lemme just go through your opening post, and ask questions as I go...

Are you ready to travel to distant worlds, meet strange creatures, and kill them embark on an adventure that's truly epic in scope?



Submission Guidelines

--Also, you're from Golarion. Write with that in mind.

Okay, that's the part most likely to trip me up, given my lack of familiarity with Golarion. Fortunately, there are 42 days left for me to read up on patfinderwiki.

Is there a specific area of Golarion we should be starting from? If so, where?


-Sourcebooks: All Paizo. Psionics, 1001 Spells, Deep Magic, and Path of War are all approved. Mythic Mania's books will be legal sources, and if you don't have them, I can pull things out for you. Other 3PP material is available on a case-by-case basis. Occult Adventures playtest stuff is okay - you'll have to rebuild when the full book is out, but you probably expected that. XD

-25 Point Buy. No scores lower than 8 or above 18 (after racial changes).

-Races: Core/Aasimar/Tiefling/Elemental-blooded preferred. A REALLY GOOD idea for something else might be accepted - quality is the big deciding factor.

Psionic classes but no psionic races? That seems a bit unusual, but I assume you have a good reason for it. I wasn't even planning on playing a psionic character, I am just curious:)

-Level 1, Gestalt Rules. The campaign officially begins at level 2, but we're doing the prologue module, so we're starting at the very start.

Confession: I have never played or run gestalt before. I've run an epic campaign in 3.5, and played with mythic rules almost since they were released, but I have never done gestalt.

No question here...


I already have a rough story and personality for my character. I wrote the character without any setting references since I wasn't sure what campaign world we'd be using until I read this post. I'll be making adjustments to fit a Golarion origin over the next several days.

I haven't started to build my character yet, though. I have my eye on the witchknight archetype (Flaming Crab Games). Would that be acceptable? If not, I can do without it. Since it's gestalt, I could also just combine the witch class another class...
the patron theme fits with the story I have for my character, and the hex mechanic is something I want to try playing with, but I think wisdom fits slightly better than intelligence, and I don't really need all nine spell levels. There might also be a witch archetype that just swaps out the casting stat, but I'll think about that more after I've finished Golarion-izing the backstory.
EDIT: Of course there is a wisdom archetype for witches, conveniently called the Wise Witch, from Rite's 101 Simple Archetypes. It also makes Wise Witch spells count as divine, although it's not entirely clear what it trades out.

Anyhow, I'll think about the crunch after I've finished Golarionizing everything else.

I don't know much about the way this AP is meant to go, but if I were to make a Gunslinger, would it be a good idea to use the Techslinger archetype? If there won't be any Numerian-style technology, it would probably be a waste.

Hmm, having a tough time deciding what magical class would go well with a Warder for my character concept. I've also been considering doing Ranger (Witchguard for that guardian flavour), Monk, Cavalier or Paladin (all three of which can have the right motif) for the martial side though. Which magic class screams secret order to you guys?

Silver Crusade

Yep I'm game

Live psionics, thinking psionic gunslinger
Probably human. A marksmen may be fun

Boo. My girl will wait for another space RPG. Have fun guys.

@Newbonomicon: Officially, Legendary Planet is a 'Science Fantasy' campaign. There's almost certainly going to be some technology, but it is emphatically not an Iron Gods-style sci-fi campaign.

@Ben: Everyone's a first-time player once. Gestalt rules are available on, and it sounds like you're experienced enough to have little or no trouble with it. XD As for the Witchknight... why do you want them to go on this adventure? The characters have basically no idea where they're going, much less any specific reason to go there - and inquisitor types are usually very job-focused. They have every reason to stay and very little cause to go exploring - how are you going to work with that? (<- This is me asking questions of your concept, as I said I would in the first post. ^^)

I have a question exactly where is the game starting point? maybe I missed it so I will also go back and re-read.

but I am looking for the town and mostly geographical location. I try to make character stories blend or be a part of the starting location so it feels more natural that they would be there.


Hello MG

Hello Johnny (man that sounds like the tonight show intro)

the frontier settlement of Holver's Ferry

As for the exact starting nation - which you won't be seeing much of - I haven't really decided. Probably the Taldor/Andoran region, but try to be flexible on that point. XD Remember, I literally do not have any of the materials for this game yet, and a lot depends on how the adventures are actually written.

Helpful information contained here, if you don't mind reading a bit:

Putting together an Aasimar (Azata-blooded) Sorceror (Starsoul)/Bard for an Arcane/Skilled/Support combo.

Off hand question, is Astronomy an appropriate lore?

ill dot and see what I can think up...I don't know much{really anything =_=} about the pathfinder lore ill read up on it and see what I can get inspiration for

Well, you may not recognize all of the stars you'll see, but it probably wouldn't hurt... XD

GM Rednal wrote:
Well, you may not recognize all of the stars you'll see, but it probably wouldn't hurt... XD

Heh, I assumed as much... I like taking things that can grow organically throughout the AP. Heck, it's reason enough to go off planet on it's own for the character I'm putting together.

Lord Manticore here. I'm submitting Elincia for initial review and her 10-Minute Background is in her profile. I have to say that I had not heard of the 10 minute background, but I definitely plan to use it in the future to build up my characters.

Anyway, I currently see Elincia as a paladin (squire/hospitaler)/oracle (wind), although I've not done much with her profile in HeroLab yet. I get the impression that we need to focus on character first, and stats later. That being said, feel free to ask questions about her; I left some areas open on purpose to see what someone might think, and I am sure that there are areas that I haven't thought of yet that I can add-in.

Super rough draft profile

I'm assuming with the extra long recruitment time I will be able to work on this extensively, but I thought I would post this so you knew where I was going with the character. (And so nobody ninjas my idea...)

I'm mulling options, but something modeled on Aristarchus seems appealing at the moment. I'll probably lean divine caster as one side, and either skill or martial for the other side. More the math side than the astronomy side to avoid conflicts with herman now that I see his posts.

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I am thinking of a brawler/gunslinger gestalt (pistolero) (or something like that.)

I am following Dave Herman's idea of dotting an initial concept before it gets stolen.

Edward Sobel wrote:

I am thinking of a brawler/gunslinger gestalt (pistolero) (or something like that.)

I am following Dave Herman's idea of dotting an initial concept before it gets stolen.

Though with a month and a half of recruitment time, I'm sure we'll see some duplication no matter what. At least on the crunch side. I doubt I'll be the only one thinking 'hmmm, Starsoul bloodline makes so much sense for this! Probably going to be more than a few Oracles/Shamans with Dark Tapestry and Heavens mysteries too.

Another reason why personality and background will make a huge difference.

Scarab Sages

I sketched out an Arcanist/Slayer last night. Most of the mechanics are there, but needs some more fleshing out, and the backstory is still in the works.

Profession Astronomer and Craft Clockworks are in, since making his own clockwork telescopes sounds pretty cool.

I'm considering a Gunslinger//Alchemist build, someone who would go on this adventure purely out of scientific curiosity. Would you be the sort of GM who allows Alchemists to qualify for item creation feats? I ask because, is so, I might go with an "inventor" theme.

As far as crafting for alchemists goes, Master Craftsman is a thing. I also allow Retraining rules, so it would be entirely possible to change some of your early feats into Wondrous Item/Arms and Armor and start heavy-duty crafting as early as Level 5.

(Or keep them in place and just wait until Level 7 to really get into gear. o_O Gunslingers do need a certain basic set of feats to be truly effective. Also, I can't guarantee you'll always have the ability to buy raw materials for ammo - stock up early and often.)

Kickstarter Update: The campaign has passed $18,000, which is all of the content for the second adventure. The next goal, at $20,000, is the third book of this AP.


GM Rednal wrote:

As far as crafting for alchemists goes, Master Craftsman is a thing. I also allow Retraining rules, so it would be entirely possible to change some of your early feats into Wondrous Item/Arms and Armor and start heavy-duty crafting as early as Level 5.

(Or keep them in place and just wait until Level 7 to really get into gear. o_O Gunslingers do need a certain basic set of feats to be truly effective. Also, I can't guarantee you'll always have the ability to buy raw materials for ammo - stock up early and often.)

Could you point me in the direction of the Retraining rules; either which book (which I likely have) or a link? I've heard of this, but don't remember actually reading them, as I previously had a house rule for retraining.

I believe the original is in Ultimate Campaign, but d20pfsrd has them on a page, too.

Short Version: If you're unhappy with your selections, you can fix them.

Just read the 10 minute background. Very cool!!

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